Date: November 18th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


TVNL Editor's Comments:  There Is So Much to Say


(This message is for the deep thinkers out there!)


I have been absent from the blogosphere for the past few days due to a health scare (not me…that of my wonderful better half). Sleep was not an option for me however so I was not coherent enough to prepare a newsletter; even though I did update the news page. I had a tough couple of days so instead of preparing my usual newsletter I would share my silly side with you all. I am human you know!


The issue at hand was a heart attack, or what was diagnosed as a heart attack (turned out to be more of a heart event than a damaging attack…thankfully.) But I wanted to share this with you…because in a way it reflects on what is taking place in this nation. As is usually the case when serious issues are at hand I am the one to take charge. When I am in a position where I do not have to take total charge, like when qualified doctors are helping someone who is having a “heart event”, I assume the role of mood controler. I keep things calm and I usually try to keep people laughing when appropriate.


So when it became apparent that our situation was not life threatening and was much less serious than first thought I morphed back into my silly self and I cracked a joke about the entire situation. BUT…this joke was made possible only by the current geo-political environment that the  readers of this newsletter are so used to; so I thought you may enjoy the little joke, I mean silly comment…so here it goes.…when I was looking at the heart monitor where the heart beat and rhythm are monitored along with blood oxygen and respiration I thought out loud that if the heart monitor machine was manufactured by Diebold, the company that makes our insecure election stealing voting machines, we may actually be witnessing someone else’s heart attack! Now that’s funny!


Ok…more silliness…as I am getting ready to prepare today’s newsletter our heart patient looked at me and asked me if I had a topic for the commentary. I replied by saying that there is so much going on that I always have material for a commentary. Most of my readers know how I feel about Dick Cheney so you will understand the rest of my response. I told her that I could simply write “Cheney is a Dick” and that would be a publishable newsletter. And that’s when my own came back to bite me…her reply to me was “think about it!”    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Military may ask $127B for wars - The Bush administration is preparing its largest spending request yet for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a proposal that could make the conflict the most expensive since World War II.
TVNL Comment: Who needs things like healthcare or new renewable energy technology when we have brown people that need to be killed?

·  Iraq is a 'disaster' admits Blair - Tony Blair admitted that British intervention in Iraq has been a disaster last night - sending shockwaves through Westminster.

·  Iraq police kill American, Briton wounded - Iraqi police said they killed an American in civilian clothes and wounded another on Friday near the southern town of Zubayr in a clash that a British military spokesman said wounded a British civilian.

·  U.S. Airstrikes Climb Sharply in Afghanistan - The 2,095 attacks by American aircraft since June is many times greater than the number of airstrikes in Iraq, where the terrain and nature of the conflict are less susceptible to bombing campaigns.

·  Bush: Vietnam war offered lessons for Iraq - President Bush said Friday the United States' unsuccessful war in Vietnam three decades ago offered lessons for the American-led struggle in Iraq. "We'll succeed unless we quit,"
TVNL Comment: The lesson of the
Vietnam was was not that we should not quit, it is that we should have not started a war!





·   President Bush to appoint abstinence-only activist to oversee reproductive services - Dr. Keroack is a Board Certified OB/GYN who is pro-life, opposes birth control, and favors abstinence-only education.
TVNL Comment: When are we going to stat using the word "radical" to describe George W. Bush?

·  The President's Decision to Resubmit Five Highly Controversial Judicial Nominees: Why It's a Mistake, and How to Fix the Broken Confirmation Process - Bush has decided to continue his deliberately divisive ways, notwithstanding the election results. Apparently he believes that what helped the GOP lose in 2006, will somehow help them win in 2008.

·  Public to get a look at Libby documents - Judge orders redacted versions of evidence be available by next month





·   Who Will Pay for Iraq and When? - In all the heated words about the Iraq war, we've heard little or nothing about paying for it. Regardless of how you feel about the war, you must concede that it is going to cost us all dearly.

·  Banks told to predict effects of a 40% crash in house prices -  BANKS in the UK have been ordered by financial regulators to assess how they would cope in the event of house prices crashing by 40 per cent.

·  Housing construction plummets in October - Housing construction plunged to the lowest level in more than six years in October as the nation's once-booming housing market slowed further.

·  Banks warned of 'end to the good times' -  The City regulator issued a warning to the high street banks yesterday that the "clouds were already darkening" and urged them to prepare for the impact of rising unemployment and the knock-on effect on bad debts.



9/11 News :








·  House OKs bill aimed at animal activists - Animal rights advocates who threaten scientists conducting animal research or companies funding or affiliated with it could be fined and imprisoned under a bill the House passed Monday and sent to President Bush.

·  House Judiciary Chairman Blocks Bill Against Animal Fighting - As Congress returned for its lame-duck session this week, it found one piece of legislation that had overwhelming support. The Senate had already passed it unanimously. And it had 324 co-sponsors in the House, 155 Republicans and 169 Democrats. That was almost 75 percent of the House already on record in support of it. But the bill stood virtually no chance of becoming law. The reason? One powerful committee chairman blocked it.

·  Bush Resubmits Six U.S. Appellate Court Nominees to Senate - ``The president is choosing partisanship over progress and division over unity,'' Leahy said in a statement. ``The signal the president is sending by renominating these controversial candidates is regrettable.''

·  Abramoff Reports to Prison; Officials Focus on Reid, Others - As convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff reported to federal prison today, a source close to the investigation surrounding his activities told ABC News that Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was one of the members of Congress Abramoff had allegedly implicated in his cooperation with federal prosecutors.

·  Murtha Calls Ethics Bill ‘Total Crap’ - Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) told a group of Democratic moderates on Tuesday that an ethics and lobbying reform bill being pushed by party leaders was “total crap,” but said that he would work to enact the legislation because Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) supports it.
TVNL Comment: He thinks it is crap but he will support it anyway. Is that ethical? Is that the action of a real representative of the people? Wek up Democrats...we need to replace our leaders...ALL OF THEM!





·  "Report: Group Says Exit Polls Show 'Landslide Denied' Democrats In Last Week's Election!" - According to EDA, the Edison-Mitofsky National Exit Poll, conducted by a consortium of news organizations, showed at 7 p.m. on Election Night an 11.5% vote margin in favor of Dems nationwide. But by 1:00 p.m. on the following day, according to EDA, "[T]he Edison-Mitofsky poll had been adjusted, by a process known as 'forcing,' to match the reported vote totals for the election." The adjusted exit polls showed "a 7.6 percent margin exactly mirroring the reported vote totals."

·  Electronic voting: the silent catastrophe - After the election, as many of use feared and expected, election officials and e-voting vendors rushed to assure the public that everything had gone smoothly, and that any reports of problems were either "conspiracy theory," "urban legend," or user error. For the most part, the media has bought this narrative.

·  "Here's your f*cking Patriot Act!!!" - student tasered at UCLA - And of course, the student has brown skin and he's Muslim.

·  Man arrested with $78,000, nuclear info - Court records say suspect was carrying cash, data about nukes and cyanide

·  Number of U.S. hungry falls, first drop in 6 years - Government analysts also stopped using the word "hunger," a change that some criticized.

·  Counting the Vote, Badly - The problems with elections go well beyond electronic voting. Partisan secretaries of state continue to skew the rules to favor their parties and political allies. States are adopting harsh standards for voter registration drives to make it harder for people to register, as well as draconian voter identification laws to make casting a ballot harder for poor people, racial minorities, the elderly and students. Some states have adopted an indefensible rule that provisional ballots cast at the wrong table of the correct polling place must be thrown out.

·  Defeated Sheriff Accuses Reps Of Stuffing Polls - A Democratic sheriff is refusing to acknowledge a 21-vote defeat to his deputy, saying he has evidence Republicans stuffed registration rolls with nonresidents to tip the election.

·  Call for paper trail, new election - Citing the battle under way over the results of last week's congressional election in Sarasota County, two Democratic lawmakers on Wednesday called on Congress to require that voting machines produce a paper trail.





·   Dozens testify on controversial coal-fired power plants - The hearing turned into an hourslong debate, and another session is planned for this evening. Those who spoke against the plan said it would contribute to global warming, increase mercury emissions, deplete water resources and hinder the opportunity for Kansas to look toward wind-generated energy.





·  S. Korea Won't Back Bush on Inspections - President Bush, trying to stiffen global resolve to confront North Korea, failed to win South Korea's support Saturday for a tough inspection program to intercept ships suspected of carrying supplies for Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and missiles.

·  Israel dismisses new peace plan - An Israeli official said parts of the plan were being discussed, but it was not being taken seriously as it was not co-ordinated with the EU or Israel.

·  No one is guilty in Israel - The blame rests directly on people who hold official positions, flesh-and-blood human beings, and they must pay the price of their criminal responsibility for needless killing.

·  Anti-American sentiment up sharply in Greece-survey - Anti-American sentiment, rooted in Greece since Washington backed a military dictatorship there almost 40 years ago, has risen sharply in the past two years, an international survey showed on Thursday.

·  Ayalon: We'll build Bush institute in Israel - Outgoing Israeli ambassador to US says in private Oval Office farewell he will establish institute named after US president in Israel in appreciation for Bush's contribution to Israel's security

·  Spain unveils Mid-East peace plan -  "Peace between Israel and the Palestinians means to a large extent peace on the international scene," Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said.





·   Conduct Unbecoming an Officer: General Abizaid Misleads Senate - At his appearance before the Senate Committee, Abizaid lied to congress and the American people. It appears now, that General Abizaid has taken it upon himself to takeover where Rumsfeld ended.

·  Head of Military Commissions Quits - As the Bush administration gears up for another try at prosecuting suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, it’ll have to proceed without the retired Army major general who’s run the effort since 2004.

·  U.S. Announces Troop Deployments to Iraq - The Pentagon announced Friday that 57,000 U.S. troops, including five combat brigades, have been told to deploy to Iraq early next year - a move that will maintain current force levels there.

·  Pentagon Alters Homosexuality Guidelines - Pentagon guidelines that classified homosexuality as a mental disorder now put it among a list of conditions or "circumstances" that range from bed-wetting to fear of flying.

·  Soldier Gets 90 Years in Iraq Rape Case - Spc. James P. Barker, one of four Fort Campbell soldiers accused in the March 12 rape and killings, pleaded guilty Wednesday and agreed to testify against the others to avoid the death penalty.

·  Pentagon money-saving travel site - doesn't - The Pentagon that gave taxpayers a $434 hammer and a $600 toilet seat cover now has a half-billion-dollar travel booking system that is bypassed by more than eight in 10 users.





·   German academics: Stop treating Israel as special - Germany has paid enough for implementing the Holocaust, and Israel has been given enough special treatment by that country in reparation, say 25 German academics.





·  The FOX NEWS Memo explored - Heads should roll, but they won't. FOX has a function to fill for the administration and fill it they will. The sad fact is that Conservatives will probably watch FOX even more now. Root, root, root for the home team

·  The Daily Show: Drown Syndrome - Rick Sanchez is back on The Daily Show as Jon shows some of his greatest moments in TV history.

·  Countdown sifts through the mud: Our Liberal Media bias on Pelosi - Funny, how when Trent Lott defeated Lamar Alexander by one vote for the Senate minority leadership yesterday, it was characterized in the media as a remarkable comeback story, with the random kidding reference to that ironical word “minority.” But when Steny Hoyer and Jack Murtha both stood for the House majority leadership today, that was characterized in the media as Democratic infighting, with frequent implications that the Dems were already coming apart at the seams.

·  The New Media Offensive Against Withdrawal - In the latest media assault, right-wing outfits like Fox News and the Wall Street Journal editorial page are secondary. The heaviest firepower is now coming from the most valuable square inches of media real estate in the USA – the front page of the New York Times.

·  Pentagon boosts 'media war' unit - The US defence department has set up a new unit to better promote its message across 24-hour rolling news outlets, and particularly on the internet.





·  Heart Valves Grown From Womb Fluid Cells - Scientists for the first time have grown human heart valves using stem cells from the fluid that cushions babies in the womb _ offering a revolutionary approach that may be used to repair defective hearts in the future.

·  Hospital Infections Kill More Than Cars, AIDS, Breast Cancer - "It's time that hospitals, patients and those who pay the bill know how many patients develop hospital-acquired infections, the type of infections they develop and the quality and cost implications," Volavka said. "The more information that becomes available, the better the focus will be on preventing these infections."





·   US army 'seized Iraqi homes' - Al-Alwan has accused the US army of seizing the whole neighbourhood of al-Soufiya in the centre of al-Ramadi and using the houses for military purposes.

·  AP Gets Shocking New Report on Gitmo - The U.S. military called no witnesses, withheld evidence from detainees and usually reached a decision within a day as it determined that hundreds of men detained at Guantanamo Bay were "enemy combatants," according to a new report.

·  Dem judiciary leader seeks torture documents - In a letter addressed to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, soon to be chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has requested the release of documents that outline the Bush Administration's interrogation policies.





·  Police chief- Lockerbie evidence was faked - The retired officer - of assistant chief constable rank or higher - has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.




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