Date: November 25th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Have You Read This Mr. Bush? - Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War


Read this line by line. You will be absolutely stunned at how many provisions of this Geneva Convention have been totally violated by George W. Bush and his war party. Everyone down to the field commanders are clearly guilty of war crimes based on this one convention. As you read you will be hard pressed top find even a single clause in which the Bush administration’s cabal has been compliant. It is simply stunning. And what will become clear to you by the time you finish reading this is that our criminal corporate media have been complicit in these crimes in that they have ignored them even though it is their responsibility to hold our administration accountable to the people of this nation and to the laws of the land!


After watching George W. Bush conduct his affairs and speak in public for the past six years or so I am not so sure he can actually read. Well, let’s just say I am not sure about how goodly he understands things like words and stuff. But I think no matter how difficult it may be Mr. Bush may want read this…or at least ask his lawyer to read it. But then again this career criminal has nothing to worry about as long as we have a corporately owned Congress and media who have no interest in running a legal and legitimate government…otherwise Bush would have been arrested many times…for election fraud…conspiracy to commit mass murder on 9/11…etc. Anyway…just read this Mr. Bush. It is one of the no-brainers when it comes to shining a light on the crimes that you have committed:


The document is to long for me to include in this piece so please click here and read the entire documents. I am sure you will be absolutely stunned at the level of violations you will be able to identify.


Perhaps because I did not grow up in Nazi Germany or communist Russia I can not imagine a more criminal and corrupt government than the current U.S. administration. Then again it may just be because there has actually never been a more criminal administration.    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·   Have You Read This Mr. Bush? - Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War - You will be absolutely stunned at how many provisions of this Geneva Convention have been totally violated by George W. Bush and his war party. Everyone down to the field commanders are clearly guilty of war crimes based on this one convention. As you read you will be hard pressed top find even a single clause in which the Bush administration’s cabal has been compliant. It is simply stunning.

·  Gunmen massacre Shi'ite family in Iraq village - Iraqi police found the bodies of 21 men and boys from an extended Shi'ite family on Saturday hours after they were abducted from a mainly Sunni Arab village northeast of Baghdad, security sources said.
TVNL Comment: But this is not "civil war!"

·  Iraqi coalition on brink of collapse as country descends towards civil war - The broader question, growing more urgent each day, is whether anyone can now control the cycle of violence.

·  1,000 Iraqis a Day Flee Violence, U.N. Group Finds - This increasing movement of Iraqi families, caused by the lack of security and by the growth of armed local militias and criminal gangs, is adding to the already chaotic governmental situation in Baghdad, according to U.N., U.S. and non-governmental reports released over the past weeks.

·  US helicopter fires on Iraqi funeral party-ministry - A U.S. helicopter fired on a funeral party in Baghdad, one of dozens taking place after Thursday's devastating bombings in Sadr City, in response to ritual shooting, the Iraqi Interior Ministry said.

·  Shiites burn six Sunni worshippers alive - Shiite militiamen grabbed six Sunnis as they left Friday worship services, doused them with kerosene and burned them alive near Iraqi soldiers who did not intervene, police Capt. Jamil Hussein said.





·    Gates Advocated Air Strikes on Nicaragua - In 1984, Robert Gates, then the No. 2 CIA official, advocated U.S. airstrikes against Nicaragua's pro-Cuban government to reverse what he described as an ineffective U.S. strategy to deal with communist advances in Central America, previously classified documents say.

· Launches ImpeachForChange Mobilization for Impeachment - and our progressive allies launched a nationwide grassroots mobilization for impeachment in Philadelphia near Independence Hall, where the Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787. The mobilization is called ImpeachForChange.

·  Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs' - Not that George W. Bush needs much encouragement, but Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales a new target for the administration’s domestic operations -- Fifth Columnists, supposedly disloyal Americans who sympathize and collaborate with the enemy.








9/11 News :


·    Ex-employee says FAA warned before 9/11 - The team repeatedly warned the FAA of the potential for security breaches and hijackings but was told to cover up its findings, Dzakovic says.






·    Senate Democrats Revive Demand for Classified Data - Seeking information about detention of terrorism suspects, abuse of detainees and government secrecy, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are reviving dozens of demands for classified documents that until now have been rebuffed or ignored by the Justice Department and other agencies.





·   Northrop Grumman Engineer Could Get Death Penalty For Selling Classified Info - A federal grand jury has indicted Noshir Gowadia, a Northrop Grumman engineer, for allegedly transferring classified military information to China, Israel, Germany, and Switzerland.

·  Judge to rule on landmark Internet porn law - The law is so imprecisely written it would restrict most adult Internet users to material that is only suitable for children, lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union and other plaintiffs said in closing arguments of a four-week trial.





·   Energy Firms Come to Terms With Climate Change - While the political debate over global warming continues, top executives at many of the nation's largest energy companies have accepted the scientific consensus about climate change and see federal regulation to cut greenhouse gas emissions as inevitable.

·  Ban on 'brutal' fishing blocked - United Nations negotiations on fisheries have ended without a global ban on trawling methods which destroy coral reefs and fish nurseries.

·  Pace of Global Warming Causes Alarm - 'Very different and frightening world' coming faster than expected, scientists warn





·  Tens of Thousands Rally in South Korea - Tens of thousands of South Korean workers rallied Saturday against a free-trade agreement with the United States, calling for the proposed deal to be scrapped.

·  US interference 'allowed terror gang to escape' - A team of suspected terrorists involved in an alleged UK plot to blow up trans-atlantic airliners escaped capture because of interference by the United States, The Independent has been told by counter-terrorism sources.

·  Putin's new secret weapon - Ownership of 30% of the world's gas supply and being the second-biggest oil producer has given him a new and powerful economic bargaining counter.

·  China Bought Stealth Bomber Secrets - A Hawaii-based spy ring sold secret U.S. stealth bomber technology to China.

·  Ex-Russian spy poisoned by radiation, risk to others being assessed - Former spy Alexander Litvinenko was probably poisoned by radioactive polonium 210, health officials have said, adding they were studying the risk to dozens of people who came into contact with him.

·  Cocaine, heroin cheaper than ever in Europe: report - The steep fall in heroin prices in 1999-2004 came as drug production in Afghanistan surged so much after the fall of the Taliban that supply could now be exceeding global demand for heroin, threatening to spur more drug use.
TVNL Comment: Cheap heroine; another Bush legacy.

·  Ecuador's Leftist Candidate Slams Bush - Leftist economist Rafael Correa, in a tight race to win Sunday's presidential runoff, criticized President Bush Thursday for the Iraq invasion and claimed his policies led to the Republicans' congressional defeat.





·   Teens Frustrate Military Recruiter's ASVAB Scam - On a Friday afternoon the 17th of November, 17-year-old high school seniors Robert Day and Samuel Parker decided to act after Day overheard some teachers at Pepperell High School saying that first thing Monday morning the school's juniors would be made to take the ASVAB military aptitude test.










· New York Times turns to Supreme Court - The New York Times asked the Supreme Court on Friday to block the government from reviewing the phone records of two reporters in a leak investigation about a terrorism-funding probe.





·    Panel Calls for Big Changes in Medicaid - A federal advisory panel says that long-term care for aging baby boomers threatens to bankrupt Medicaid, and it recommends sweeping changes to rein in costs, including greater use of managed care for the sickest Medicaid recipients.





·   S.Africa should try apartheid era torturers-UN body - While welcoming the work of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which probed apartheid era crimes, the U.N. Committee against Torture said "de facto impunity" persisted for those responsible for acts of torture.





·   POPULATION EXTERMINATION - HOW WILL IT BE DONE? - The idea is that there are just too many people for the planet to sustain. Indeed, the Communist UN is hawking a program called Agenda 21, which includes a scam called “sustainable development.” It means total, totalitarian control of the environment and is presently being implemented here in these united States.

·  America - Does America suck?




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