Date: November 28th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.


UPDATE: We are waiting for a final stable release of the new version of mailing list management software that we use. The software is currently in a final alpha testing phase and should be entering beta testing shortly. Once the new version is released we hope to install it and we hope that it fixes the problems that we have been experiences.


I am VERY sorry for the inconsistency of our mailings!

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Would Somebody Please Bell Dick Cheney?


Can we please embed a real news reported with Dick Cheney? Do any of your friends have a rude obnoxious child? You know the kind and I talking about…he gets to do or say whatever he wants and his parents stand there and just let him continue to offend all around him. They don’t even stop him when he is in your home and he is touching things, breaking things and gives himself run of the house; all the while his parents sit there with a goofy smile (smirk) on their face. Cheney is that child only his behavior is treacherous for all!


Shooting people in the face aside, this guy is leaving a trail of lies, blood and suffering across the planet. Did anyone notice that the moment he gets back from a visit to Saudi Arabia the Saudis decide to cut oil production resulting in a new spike in oil prices? Can the oil companies get any richer? The answer to that question is YES a long as Cheney has something to do with it.


Cheney is clearly the ground zero of crime and corruption in our government today. He is behind the effort to isolate the executive branch from oversight and accountability and he has created what has been a virtual dictatorship built on legal loopholes and scare tactic politics. One good poke into his secret energy policy meetings may just shed light on why we really went to war with Iraq and what actually happened on 9/11. But thanks to those shredding machines that were parked in front of his residence we may never know the truth! This nation does not have a real news media (don’t let anyone tell you different and don’t fall for that distracting argument about media bias…the problem is deception not bias), so for the sake of the world would someone please bell this guy so we can keep track of him!   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·   Anbar Picture Grows Clearer, and Bleaker - The U.S. military is no longer able to defeat a bloody insurgency in western Iraq or counter al-Qaeda's rising popularity there, according to newly disclosed details from a classified Marine Corps intelligence report that set off debate in recent months about the military's mission in Anbar province.

·  Bush pleads for more NATO troops for Afghanistan - President Bush appealed to NATO allies on Tuesday to provide more troops with fewer national restrictions for the alliance's most dangerous mission in Afghanistan, hours before a summit of allied leaders.

·  They lied their way into Iraq. Now they are trying to lie their way out - Bush and Blair will blame anyone but themselves for the consequences of their disastrous war - even its victims

·  Iraq has no proof to link Iran with Qaeda: Official - A top Iraqi official has said Baghdad has no evidence to link Iran with aiding the Al-Qaeda operations in his country though Tehran may be assisting extremist groups to fuel problems there.

·  U.S. Air Force jet carrying 1 pilot crashes in Iraq - Mohammed Al-Obeidi, an Iraqi who lives in the nearby town of Karmah, said he saw the jet flying up and down erratically before it nose-dived and exploded in a farm field.





·    Would Somebody Please Bell Dick Cheney? - Did anyone notice that the moment he gets back from a visit to Saudi Arabia the Saudis decide to cut oil production resulting in a new spike in oil prices?

·  Impeachment Hearings for Bush & Co.? How about War Crimes Tribunals - In other words, the Pentagon links "judicial processes" with "terrorism," and sees "judicial processes" as weakening the US "nation state." What kind of nonsense is that?

·  President Bush's Bad Reputation - Around The World, People See The President As An Extension Of America's Arrogance





·  Oil prices climb as Saudi Arabia hints at OPEC cut - World crude prices rose after oil kingpin Saudi Arabia suggested that OPEC might need to cut output further at its next meeting in December, analysts said.
TVNL Comment: This happened right after Dick Cheney paid the Saudis a visit. What a surprise.

·  US car sales to fall to decade low - AFTER a string of strong years, US car sales are slowing and an increasing number of forecasts say sales could fall next year to their lowest in nearly a decade, the Wall Street Journal reported overnight.



9/11 News :













·   ACLU: Denver ordinance bans free speech - The Denver City Council will decide tonight whether to prohibit people from displaying banners and signs to motorists from overpasses.

·  Gingrich raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for freedom of speech - Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.










·  U.S. Embassy Asks Bush Twins to Leave Country - According to sources, the U.S. embassy encouraged the two girls to cut their stay short because the added attention was making their security very difficult. But to the dismay and anger of some U.S. embassy and security staff, the girls stayed on.

·  'Spend more on defence', Bush urges Europe - Facing rising violence in Iraq and Afghanistan, US President George Bush is pressing European allies for more help in a rush of high-stakes diplomacy amid growing public impatience with the war.
TVNL Comment: George W. Bush is the global sales executive for the military industrial complex.










·   In The GOP We Trust - When it comes to finances, we are told to trust in God. When it comes to relationships, we are told to trust in God. When it comes to occupational concerns, we are told to trust in God. Ditto for family matters, heath concerns, anxiety, church, etc. However, when it comes to governmental concerns, we are instructed to trust the GOP.





·  Court rejects N.Y. Times on leak probe - The Supreme Court ruled against The New York Times on Monday, refusing to block the government from reviewing telephone records of two Times reporters in a leak investigation concerning a terrorism-funding probe.

·  NBC to use 'civil war' to describe Iraq - The Times was the first major news organization to formally adopt the description when it began to refer to the hostilities as a civil war in October, without public fanfare. No other major media outlet has made the phrase a matter of policy, although it has cropped up in various news reports.

·  ASSAULT ON PRESS FREEDOM - In a nation that preaches the virtues of democracy, the United States government has consistently eroded the media's ability to report and, by extension, undermines the ideals it professes to uphold





·  Supreme Court Sides With Philip Morris - The case involved 1.1 million people who bought "light" cigarettes in Illinois. They claimed Philip Morris knew when it introduced such cigarettes in 1971 that they were no healthier than regular cigarettes, but hid that information and the fact that light cigarettes actually had a more toxic form of tar.





·   MEPs to shame 11 EU states in final CIA report - Italy, the UK, Germany, Sweden and Austria saw terrorism suspects snatched on their territory the report by Italian socialist MEP Claudio Fava will say, while the UK, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Romania and Poland hosted hundreds of secret CIA flights.





·   Nuclear plant info available to public - How long would it take terrorists to penetrate security barriers outside nuclear facilities? What are the most vulnerable parts of a nuclear plant to attack in order to inflict maximum damage? The answers to all those questions, and many more, are available to the public, as NBC News discovered in a recent hidden-camera investigation.




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