Date: December 8th 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Unlimited American Hypocrisy


There are cities in this nation that want to make it law that every home owner must keep a firearm in their home. They claim that if everyone is armed it will reduce crime because the criminals will think twice about invading homes. These are the same people that supported invading Iraq because they might have weapons. They are also the same people who think we should stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. It seems that these people see the sense in arming themselves but that sense does not extend to others. Can you say “hypocrisy personified?”  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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· Powell on Iraq: 'It looks like, smells like and ... is a civil war' - On the same day that the Iraq Study Group offered its assessment on the deteriorating conditions in the Middle East, former Secretary of State Colin Powell called the conflict a civil war, joining a growing chorus of those who eschew the more benign-sounding "sectarian violence" terminology preferred by the Bush administration.
TVNL Comment: He should know...he made it possible!

·  Kurdish leader blasts Iraq group's report - The president of the Kurdistan region of Iraq issued a stinging rejection of the Iraq Study Group's recommendations, saying Kurds "are in no way abiding by this report."

·  Saudis Reportedly Funding Iraqi Sunnis - Private Saudi citizens are giving millions of dollars to Sunni insurgents in Iraq and much of the money is used to buy weapons, including shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles, according to key Iraqi officials and others familiar with the flow of cash.
TVNL Comment: So, Bush's pals are funding the insurgency? What a surprise!

·  Warning over spiralling Iraq refugee crisis - The surging violence in Iraq has created what is becoming the biggest refugee crisis in the world, a humanitarian group said today.





·  Dueling Views on Diplomacy Pit Baker Against Rice - At a midday meeting with reporters on Thursday, Mr. Baker insisted that the study group had “rejected looking backward.” But he then proceeded to make a passionate argument for a course of action he believed Condoleezza Rice, the current secretary of state, should be pursuing — while carefully never mentioning Ms. Rice by name.





·   Productivity slows as factory orders drop - Growth in worker productivity slowed sharply in the summer while wages and benefits rose at a rate that was far below a previous estimate, a development likely to ease inflation worries at the Federal Reserve.

·  U.S. construction activity plunges - Construction activity in October plunged by the largest amount since the recession in 2001 as home building fell for a record seventh consecutive month.

·  Consumer borrowing plunged in October - Decline was biggest in 14 years as auto loans fell sharply

·  House prices plunge: All Hub gains since March ’04 vanish - That drops prices back to May 2004 levels. It’s also the sharpest 12-month pullback since 1993.

·  Bank Of America Outsources Benefits Administration - Under the five-year deal, ExcellerateHRO will provide Bank of America operations in those countries with benefits plan services for a total of about 10,000 employees. The contract extends an existing deal between Bank of America and ExcellerateHRO.

·  U.S. Criminal Probe Rattles $2 Trillion Municipal Bond Market - U.S. Justice Department prosecutors subpoenaed more than a dozen banks and insurers three weeks ago, seizing documents from three brokers in a search for evidence of bid rigging. Lawyers say it's the biggest criminal investigation of the almost 200- year-old market, where municipalities have more than $2 trillion of debt outstanding.

·  Forget shopping, this could turn into a crash - As the dollar's fall continues, the US must decide between growth or curbing inflation



9/11 News :


·  Rare TV NEWS report about WTC bombing FBI Foreknowledge - Can you say LIHOP? (Let It Happen On Purpose)

·  R.I.P. NYC - A Post 911 Requiem - "An estimated 1 million tons of dust rained down on the city and the 16-acre disaster zone, showering the area with asbestos,"






·  GOP senator criticizes Iraq war in emotional speech - In an emotional speech on the Senate floor Thursday night, Sen Gordon Smith, a moderate Republican from Oregon who has been a supporter of the war in Iraq, said the U.S. military's "tactics have failed" and he "cannot support that anymore."

·  Democrats Will Try to Block Pay Raise -  Members of Congress are in line for a $3,300 pay raise effective Jan. 1 unless they block it, and Democrats said Thursday they intend to try.

·  Rep. Kingston admits to Slacker Congress.” We came up here and some weeks we just twiddled our thumbs.” - Rep. Kingston goes on FOX and tries to defend his idiotic statements about Hoyer's call for a 5 day work week and actually admits the Republicans were slackers. It's really bad for the GOP when John Gibson starts giving them a hard time.

·  Senate Armed Services Committee Plays Taps For The Constitution - On the surface, the ceremony was about confirming Robert Gates to be secretary of defense. But at a deeper level, it was quite a sorry spectacle, as pretentious heads and patrician manners once trumped courage, and vitiated the prerogative carefully honed by the framers of our Constitution for the Senate to advise and consent.





·   Former GOP Official Faces Felony Charges - Prosecutors have filed fraud charges against the former executive director of the Allen County Republican Party, who acknowledged that he forged the signatures of eleven township candidates on official forms.

·  New Orleans to Raze Public Housing - Public housing officials decided Thursday to proceed with the demolition of more than 4,500 government apartments here, brushing aside an outcry from residents displaced by Hurricane Katrina who said the move was intended to reduce the ability of poor black people to repopulate the city.

·  With Victories, City Challenges More Gun Sales - Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said yesterday that the city had reached agreements with six out-of-state gun dealers, who agreed to let court officials monitor their operations to prevent illegal gun sales. He said that New York had sued 12 additional gun stores to demand similar oversight.





·  Exxon Spends Millions to Cast Doubt on Warming - Data collated by a Brussels-based watchdog reveals that ExxonMobil has put money into projects that criticise the Kyoto treaty and question the findings of scientific groups. Environmental campaigners say Texas-based Exxon is trying to influence opinion-makers in Brussels because Europe - rather than the US - is the driving force for action on climate change.

·  EPA: Leaded gas may return, along with lower standards - The Bush administration is considering doing away with health standards that cut lead from gasoline, widely regarded as one of the nation's biggest clean-air accomplishments.





·   No problem seen in Indonesia atomic plans: ElBaradei - Indonesia should not face any problem in its plan to develop civilian nuclear energy because it has met its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the chief of the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Friday.

·  European Socialists eager to work with U.S. Democrats - Socialist leaders attending a meeting of the European Socialist Party pledged that with the Democrats on the rise, strong ties could be renewed with the United States after years of cool relations with Republican President George W. Bush.

·  Israelis piqued by Gates nuclear "confirmation" - however, to hear Gates mention with equal frankness what U.S. administrations have long avoided uttering in public -- that the Jewish state has the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal.





· Dual missile test fails off Hawaii - The latest test of the U-S missile-defense system has been deemed a failure.





·   They Told You So - I’d like to offer some praise to those who correctly predicted the folly of the Iraq war.





·  Setting the limits of invasion journalism - In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger reports an unprecedented study by three UK universities which found that, contrary to myth, 80 per cent of the media followed "the government line" on Iraq and only 12 per cent challenged it. He analyses the subtleties and insidious nature of censorship in free societies and asks why this is neglected by many media colleges.

·  One Third Of Jailed Journalists Are Bloggers - Increasing authoritarian trends as governments target Internet for regulation, censorship, control





·  High Protein Diets May Boost Cancer Risk - The results of this preliminary study show that lean people on a long-term, low-protein, low-calorie diet or who participate in regular endurance exercise training have lower levels of plasma growth factors and certain hormones such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). These substances have been linked to an increased cancer risk, especially premenopausal breast cancer, prostate cancer and certain types of colon cancer.





·  Rumsfeld wants torture case dismissed - Outgoing Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is asking a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit that would hold him personally responsible for allegations of torture in oversees military prisons.

·  U.S.: Padilla's Time in Brig Irrelevant - When he was originally arrested in 2002, Bush administration officials claimed Padilla was on an al-Qaida mission to detonate a radioactive ``dirty bomb'' in a major U.S. city, but the Miami indictment does not mention those allegations.

·  UN urges freedoms for Arab women - Discrimination against women is holding back economic and social development across the Arab World, a report by the UN's development agency says.









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