Date: December 9th 2006 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  American Values – How Low Can You Go? MSNBC, Cialis & Pedophilia Happy Together


This is not the first time that I pointed this out but it is still going on…so I wanted to point that out! MSNBC runs specials where they catch Internet predators who are trying to arrange for sex with minors. This is a pretty serious subject that should disturb any mentally healthy individual. It is also a subject that may excite people who have unhealthy sexual attractions towards minors. Some of these people fall under the category of pedophiles.


I think it is kind of sick if you watch these specials and have sexual thoughts but our vile drug companies think just the opposite. The majority of the ads aired during last nights episode was for Cialis; you know the erection pill! These are the ads that tell you that having a four hour erection could be a problem and they are advertising during a program on sexual predators that target kids.


Call me crazy but I think that airing ads designed to enhance your sexual experience during a program about sex crimes against kids is just as vile as the crimes against the kids! I keep hearing how great our nation is but greed and disregard for everything from non-human species to homosexuals seep to be the predominant values of this nation. I have a little feeling that unless this nation gets a real news agency and informs the people of what is really going on I will never again see an America in which I can show pride.  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Kurds brand report 'unrealistic' - The leader of Iraq's Kurdish region says the US Iraq Study Group report is "unrealistic and inappropriate".

·  Sunnis condemn U.S. military attack - Iraq's influential Association of Muslim Scholars and the country's largest Sunni Arab political party on Saturday condemned a deadly U.S. military attack they say killed civilians. Separately, a suicide car bomb struck near a Shiite shrine, killing eight people.

·  Iraqis Near Deal on Distribution of Oil Revenues - Iraqi officials are near agreement on a national oil law that would give the central government the power to distribute current and future oil revenues to the provinces or regions, based on their population, Iraqi and American officials say.
TVNL Comment: Let the oficiall theft begin.

·  Soldier Killed As Fiancee Gets His Ring - A soldier's fiancee received a package in the mail with an engagement ring - just hours after learning that her love had been killed in Iraq, his family said.

·  Iraq insurgents’ bombmaking gets more lethal - Advanced explosives outpace military’s efforts to boost troop, vehicle armor

·  A Turning Point for a Panel: 4 Harrowing Days in Iraq - For some members of the Iraq Study Group, the turning point came during four days in Baghdad in September. They found the trip so harrowing, they said, that they wondered if they could afford to wait to speak out about the disaster in Iraq.





·  Bush Reaction to Report Worries Father's Aides - "We have a classic case of circling the wagons," says a former adviser to Bush the elder. "If President Bush changes his policy in Iraq in a fundamental way, it undermines the whole premise of his presidency. I just don't believe he will ever do that."








9/11 News :








·  GOP pushes tax bill through Congress - In its last hours of GOP control, Congress passed a raft of bills big and small, most significantly a sweeping bill reviving expired tax breaks, extending trade benefits for developing countries and protecting doctors from a big cut in Medicare payments.

·  McKinney Introduces Bill to Impeach Bush - Washington - In what was likely her final legislative act in Congress, outgoing Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney announced a bill Friday to impeach President Bush.

·  Senate to hold closed joint caucus - The first thing the new, Democratic-led Senate will do next year is meet in a closed "bipartisan caucus" to help set a more pleasant tone than the relentless backbiting of the Congress now heading home, party leaders said Friday.

·  Top Democrat questions Blackwater deals in Iraq - N.C. California Representative Henry Waxman wants answers from the military about why North Carolina-based Blackwater was paid so much for work in Iraq at taxpayers' expense.





·   NY Times: End seen to use of 'paperless' evoting machines - Governmental changes and upcoming legislation from the new Congress may bring an end to "paperless" electronic voting, The New York Times reports in its Friday edition.





·  SENATOR INHOFE ANNOUNCES PUBLIC RELEASE OF “SKEPTIC’S GUIDE TO DEBUNKING GLOBAL WARMING” - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), the outgoing Chairman of Environment & Public Works Committee, is pleased to announce the public release of the Senate Committee published booklet entitled “A Skeptic’s Guide to Debunking Global Warming Alarmism. Hot & Cold Media Spin Cycle: A Challenge To Journalists who Cover Global Warming.”

·  Plastics 'poisoning world's seas' - They report that small plastic pellets called "mermaids' tears", which are the result of industry and domestic waste, have spread across the world's seas.










·  A Young Marine Speaks Out - When I joined I took an oath. In that oath I swore to protect the Constitution of the United States. I didn't swear to build democracies in countries on the other side of the world under the guise of "national security." I didn't join the military to be part of an Orwellian ("1984") war machine that is in an obligatory war against whoever the state deems the enemy to be so that the populace can be controlled and riled up in a pro-nationalistic frenzy to support any new and oppressive law that will be the key to destroying the enemy.

·  Billions Later, Plan to Remake the Coast Guard Fleet Stumbles - Four years after the Coast Guard began an effort to replace nearly its entire fleet of ships, planes and helicopters, the modernization program heralded as a model of government innovation is foundering.










·  American Values – How Low Can You Go? MSNBC, Cialis & Pedophilia Happy Together - Call me crazy but I think that airing ads designed to enhance your sexual experience during a program about sex crimes against kids is just as vile as the crimes against the kids!





·  Renowned cancer scientist was paid by chemical firm for 20 years - A world-famous British scientist failed to disclose that he held a paid consultancy with a chemical company for more than 20 years while investigating cancer risks in the industry, the Guardian can reveal.





·  U.S. Denies Liability in Torture Case - The Bush administration asserted in federal court yesterday that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and three former military officials cannot be held liable for the alleged torture of nine Afghans and Iraqis in U.S. military detention camps because the detainees have no standing to sue in U.S. courts.





·  Sins of the Father - How Bush's family life opposes his rhetoric. - But no amount of eloquence can overcome the bald contrast between that rhetoric and how his own family lives. His daughters are over 21, and he can't control them, but that doesn't let them off the hook.




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