Date: December 12th 2006 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  No Free Speech Zones in Iran! Just Free Speech


A lot of attention has been made to the heckling that Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad received while giving a speech. What our media did not point out is that for George W. Bush’s entire reign as president via electoral coup he has been shielded by all would be hecklers by unconstitutional no-free-speech zones around him and that Iran now has more freedom than Ameria. They also neglected to point out that Bush, not Ahmadinejad has been the most protested person in history; in his own country and around the world. How about a little perspective from the media for a change...but we all know that is impossible!  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Better body armour might have saved soldiers, inquests are told - Inquests into the deaths of two servicemen have raised fresh questions about the standard of equipment for British soldiers in the Iraq conflict.

·  Aust won't embed troops with Iraqis - Mr Downer and Defence Minister Brendan Nelson are in the United States for talks with the Bush administration on a range of issues, including the war in Iraq.

·  Sixty killed in Baghdad suicide truck bombing - The attack occurred a day after the U.S. military announced that four American soldiers were killed and three were wounded by two roadside bombs Sunday in Baghdad.

·  Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) on Humanitarian Situation in Iraq - TVNL Comment: From C-SPAN - Must See

·  4 British Soldiers Admit Iraq Gun Plot - Four British soldiers admitted involvement Monday in a plot to smuggle pistols out of Iraq to sell them for cash to other British troops.





·  Elizabeth Holtzman Calls for Americans to Put Impeachment Where It Belongs -- Back On the Table -  President Bush should be impeached because he has committed high crimes and misdemeanors, as set forth in our Constitution, and because his abuses of power are so serious, and so subvert our democracy and so threaten it, that action has to be taken to preserve our democracy and hand it down to future generations intact.

·  John Judge on Impeachment - John Judge, a member of Rep. Cynthia McKinney's (D-GA) staff, discusses the politics of impeachment at a program held on Human Rights and Impeachment Day





·   U.S. losing legal work to overseas firms - The legal offshoring industry is estimated to be about $60 million to $80 million today -- tiny in comparison with the estimated $225 billion U.S. legal industry -- but it has the potential to grow up to $4.7 billion by 2011-12 in India alone, according to a report by Crisil Research and Information Services.

·  TOP-LEVEL INSIDERS SELLING THEIR STOCK - America's corporate chiefs are unloading their own stocks at one of the boldest paces in 20 years.



9/11 News :








·  House intelligence chair calls al Qaeda Shi'ite - Asked to describe the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Congressional Quarterly said Reyes responded: "Hezbollah. Uh, Hezbollah," and then said, "Why do you ask me these questions at five o'clock?"
TVNL Comment: Another unqualified idiot running our world!





·   Unions oppose ‘draft’ of federal workers to Iraq - The Iraq Study Group’s recommendation that the Bush administration consider ordering government civilians to Iraq has drawn outrage from federal employees’ unions.

·  Skilling won't have to report to prison - A U.S. appeals court will allow ex-Enron Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling to stay out of prison while it considers granting him bail, according to a report published on the Wall Street Journal's Web site on Monday.

·  Bill would allow legally blind Texans to hunt - Rep. Edmund Kuempel, a Seguin Republican, has filed a bill for the 2007 legislative session that would allow legally blind hunters to use a laser sight, or lighted pointing instrument. The devices are forbidden for sighted hunters.
TVNL Comment: Even blind Americans enjoy murdering nice innocent animals! What a beautiful country. Maybe Cheney can find a new hunting partner!





· Small nuclear war could lead to cooldown - Some of the scientists who first advanced the controversial "nuclear winter" theory more than two decades ago have come up with another bleak forecast: Even a regional nuclear war would devastate the environment.

·  Ancient global warming suggests high sensitivity to carbon dioxide - Scientific studies show that a massive release of carbon into the atmosphere caused the ancient global warming event known as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) that began about 55 million years ago.

·  Reality check: Fuel economy estimates falling - EPA tightens testing criteria; ratings could drop 30 percent on some cars

·  Arctic Ice Melting Faster Than Expected - New studies project that the Arctic Ocean could be mostly open water in summer by 2040 — several decades earlier than previously expected — partly as a result of global warming caused by emissions of greenhouse gases.





·   Saudi Ambassador Abruptly Resigns, Leaves Washington - The abrupt departure is particularly striking because his predecessor, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, spent 22 years on the job. The Saudi ambassador is one of the most influential diplomatic positions in Washington and is arguably the most important overseas post for the oil-rich desert kingdom.

·  China rejects U.S. trade complaints - Qin rejected a U.S. government report released Monday that said China has failed to live up to WTO pledges and warned that Washington would not hesitate to pursue sanctions.

·  Algeria bombing kills one, wounds American - A bomb exploded beside a bus carrying foreign oil workers in an upscale Algiers suburb on Sunday, killing the Algerian driver and wounding nine people, including four Britons and an American, authorities said.

·  Swiss Spy in a War of Words - An ex-informant who became a Muslim says his handlers wanted him to frame an Islamic scholar.

·  PM puts Israel on nuclear list for first time - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert appeared to list his country for the first time among states which have the nuclear bomb, before his official spokeswoman issued a denial.





·  Inquiry Sought Over Evangelical Video - A military watchdog group is asking the Defense Department to investigate whether seven Army and Air Force officers violated regulations by appearing in uniform in a promotional video for an evangelical Christian organization.

·  AWOL Soldier Pleads Guilty in Deal - A soldier who said she was sexually harassed by other officers, prompting her to leave her post and refuse to return to Iraq, has agreed to plead guilty in exchange for a reduced punishment, the Army said Monday.





·   No Free Speech Zones in Iran! Just Free Speech - What our media did not point out is that for George W. Bush’s entire reign as president via electoral coup he has been shielded by all would be hecklers by unconstitutional no-free-speech zones around him and that Iran now has more freedom than America!

·  The Psychopath's Truth - This chaos manifests in our world, too. All around us, words and actions do not match. Our leaders tell us one thing through their servants in the media, while the facts on the ground offer a widely contrasting counterpoint.





·  AP cameraman killed by Iraq insurgents - Insurgents spotted him filming, approached him and shot him to death, Khalaf said, citing an initial report. Lutfallah had not reported any prior threats against him.

·  Nashville Musicians Decry Media Consolidation - ``Dumbed-down news is not helping our democracy any more than homogenized music and national play-lists are giving us entertainment truly reflective of the creative genius of this diverse nation,''





·  The Aloha State Is Now Less Welcoming to Smokers - In mid-November, Hawaii enacted one of the strictest antismoking laws in the country, outlawing smoking in bars, restaurants and most hotel rooms, as well as forbidding it within 20 feet of those establishments’ doorways, windows or ventilation intakes.

·  Renowned cancer scientist was paid by chemical firm for 20 years - A world-famous British scientist failed to disclose that he held a paid consultancy with a chemical company for more than 20 years while investigating cancer risks in the industry, the Guardian can reveal.





·  Routine and systematic torture is at the heart of America's war on terror - In the fight against cruelty, barbarism and extremism, America has embraced the very evils it claims to confront









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