Date: December 15th 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Mysterious Object Found: White House Evacuated


A mysterious object was found at the White House this morning leading to the complete evacuation of all occupants. Nobody in the White House including George W. Bush & Dick Cheney could identify the item but they both felt that it was a grave threat to their administration and they had the D.C. bomb squad dispose of it. The new Democratic leadership in Congress refused to examine the item before its disposal but several well meaning members of Congress from both sided of the isle led by Robert Byrd & Ron Paul were among the few people in D.C. to be able to identify the object. It turns out that the mysterious object that poses a threat to the Bush administration is the U.S. Constitution. Last we heard the object has been removed from the White House.    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Diplomat's suppressed document lays bare the lies behind Iraq war - A devastating attack on Mr Blair's justification for military action by Carne Ross, Britain's key negotiator at the UN, has been kept under wraps until now because he was threatened with being charged with breaching the Official Secrets Act.

·  Iraqis flee war, run into hostility - As their numbers grow, refugees find that prejudice is growing and compassion is fading.





·  A presidency unrelated to reality - It's no wonder Mr. Bush doesn't read newspapers. After all, what's reality ever done for him?

·  Bush urged to break US oil dependence - The report poured cold water on the Bush administration’s goal of reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil, rather than on oil in general. It urged Mr Bush and the new Democrat-controlled Congress to set up a plan to halve the American economy’s oil-intensity by 2030.
TVNL Comment: Some more expert opinions and alarms that George W. Bush can ignore at our peril!

·  Fitzgerald mum on Cheney in leak case - Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said Thursday that he does not expect any government officials to refuse to testify in the CIA leak trial, but he did not specifically say whether Vice President Dick Cheney or other top White House officials were on his witness list.

·  W.House defends Bush use of Iraqi body counts - During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military publicized Vietnam body counts as a way to show progress, but it led to inflated numbers which damaged the Pentagon's credibility.





·  The Economy: Not Looking Like Christmas - The GDP, even revised up, is still down. Inventories have grown. And data like truck-freight stats are nothing you'd want under the tree



9/11 News :


·  Boston Air Traffic Controller Says 9/11 An Inside Job - A former Boston Center air traffic controller has gone public on his assertion that 9/11 was an inside job and that Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon tracked three of the four flights from the point of their hijacking to hitting their targets. In an astounding telephone interview, Robin Hordon claims air traffic controllers have been ignored or silenced to protect the true perpetrators of 9/11.

·  'Zoom climb' scenario falling apart - Slowly but surely, retired United Airline Capt. Ray Lahr and attorney John Clarke are prying open the can of worms known as the TWA Flight 800 investigation, and sooner or later the major media will have to take notice.






·  Senate Control Should NEVER Change Hands by a Governor Disregarding The Will Of His People - The rule: if something happens to a Senator who for whatever reason leaves office, and is replaced by the Governor of the state, the Governor should appoint a successor from the same political party. Period.

·  Leahy threatens to subpoena Bush officials - The incoming chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Wednesday that he would subpoena Bush administration officials if they refused requests for documents and testimony, including two long-sought memos detailing its detention and treatment of terrorism suspects overseas.





·   More Americans hungry, homeless in 2006: mayors - More Americans went homeless and hungry in 2006 than the year before and children made up almost a quarter of those in emergency shelters, said a report released on Thursday by the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

·  Denied licenses, legal immigrants sue state Registry - Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles employees are routinely and unlawfully denying driver's licenses to immigrants who are here legally, according to a class-action law suit filed yesterday.





· Global Warming Trend Continues in 2006, Climate Agencies Say - But the last 50 years of warming, many climate scientists say, is pressing beyond natural peaks of the last 11,000 years. They say the changes cannot be explained without including a substantial, and growing, push from billions of tons of annual emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases known to trap heat in the air.

·  Groups push probe of mining mercury emissions, Nev. fisheries - The nation's largest gold producing state has been asked to investigate whether mercury emissions from the mines are contaminating area fisheries.





·   Rice Rejects Overture To Iran And Syria - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice yesterday rejected a bipartisan panel's recommendation that the United States seek the help of Syria and Iran in Iraq, saying the "compensation" required by any deal might be too high. She argued that neither country should need incentives to foster stability in Iraq.

·  Arabs want action on Israel nukes - IRAN and Arab states today seized on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's statement implying that Israel has nuclear weapons, calling it proof of a regional threat and demanding UN action.

·  Blair bows to pressure to hold Iraq debate in parliament - Prime Minister Tony Blair's government will hold a parliamentary debate on Britain's role in Iraq by the end of January, a cabinet member has said amid mounting pressure from war critics.

·  Quebec party seeks to topple Canada's Conservatives - It said the Bloc, which seeks independence for the French-speaking province of Quebec, would introduce a no-confidence motion in Parliament over the government's handling of its mission in Afghanistan, where more than 40 Canadian troops have died so far.

·  Scandal rocks Colombia's leadership - The Colombian government, the recipient of billions of dollars in US aid to fight drugs and a leftist insurgency, is under siege as evidence mounts of links between right-wing death squads and dozens of officials loyal to President Álvaro Uribe.





·  Top general: Army 'will break' without more troops - As President Bush weighs new strategies for Iraq, the Army's top general warned Thursday that his force "will break" without thousands more active duty troops and greater use of the reserves.

·  Army chief seeks more forces, reserves - Noting the strain put on the force by operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and the global war on terrorism, Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker said he wants to grow his half-million-member Army beyond the 30,000 troops already added in recent years.

·  Gates unlikely to rein in Pentagon on intelligence - Robert Gates is unlikely to rein in the Pentagon's controversial post-September 11 expansion into intelligence, despite concerns the U.S. military is ill-suited for espionage outside the battlefield, experts say.





·   Mysterious Object Found: White House Evacuated - The new Democratic leadership in Congress refused to examine the item before its disposal but several well meaning members of Congress from both sided of the isle led by Robert Byrd & Ron Paul were among the few people in D.C. to be able to identify the object.

·  Beyond Orwell and Kafka - Now imagine Augusto Pinochet visiting the United States while he was carrying out torture and mass murdering in Chile. Imagine the "largest coalition of peace and justice organizations in the U.S." welcoming the ruthless murderer, "it is our pleasure to welcome you in the United States".

·  REPUBLICRATS TO VOTERS: “THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN! NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!” - The Republicrats have a stranglehold on this system and we’re not going to change anything unless we hit them where it hurts—in their wallets.

·  Bakker, Brown: What the hell happened to Christianity? - What the hell happened? Where did we go wrong? How was Christianity co-opted by a political party? Why are Christians supporting laws that force others to live by their standards? The answers to these questions are integral to the survival of Christianity.





·  Laura Bush Hits Media 'Drum Beat' on Iraq - Appearing on MSNBC this morning with Norah O’Donnell, Laura Bush blamed the media, when asked why only 21% of Americans, in a recent NBC poll, said they approved of her husband's Iraq policy.
TVNL Comment: She is correct to blame the media for her husband's 21% approval rating because if the media did their job his approval rating would be at about 3% and he would be awaiting trial for any of a hundred or so high crimes!










·  N.J. Assembly Approves Civil Union Bill - Under pressure from New Jersey's highest court to offer marriage or its equivalent to gay couples, the state Assembly approved a bill Thursday to create civil unions.





·  Inquest hears astrophysicist may have been poisoned - New Zealand police commenced an investigation into the case four years ago, but have been unable to get cooperation from the necessary US authorities.

·  Fall in love only with Jews - Arab citizens have to marry among themselves, or emigrate from Israel. Any possibility of marrying an Arab from a different state or the territories will be blocked by the citizenship law or the law on illegal aliens.




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