Date: December 22nd 2006 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  When 62 Million People Die Remember This


All of a sudden scientists are warning us that a flu pandemic can kill as many as 62 million people. They are talking about a scenario if a flu similar to that of the Spanish Flu hits big.


So if and when 62 million people drop dead please keep this in mind…the Bush administration took it upon themselves to resurrect the Spanish flu. Why? Good question. Maybe we are just now finding out.


Also remember the silly crazy people like me who warned you about the issues surrounding secret world governments and secret agendas like population reduction. Then again…maybe you won’t be around to remember anything!  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   Robin Hayes says we will win in Iraq by "spreading the message of Jesus Christ" there. - Robin Hayes has the solution to the Iraq war: have our soldiers convert all Muslims to Christianity.
TVNL Comment: And God Said Let There Be Shock and Awe!

·  Iraqi Fugitive Donated to Bush Campaigns - IraqSlogger has learned that the ex-Iraqi government minister who is the subject of a nationwide manhunt in Iraq contributed to George W. Bush's presidential campaigns before and after being appointed by U.S. authorities as Iraq's minister of electricity.

·  Rice calls Iraq worth the investment and says U.S. can win - In an Associated Press interview, Rice was asked whether an additional $100 billion (€75.8 billion) the Pentagon wants for the Iraq and Afghan wars might amount to throwing good money after bad in Iraq.

·  3 more U.S. soldiers die in Iraq; December now among deadliest months of year - The surge in U.S. combat deaths comes as Washington searches for a new strategy to contain the flood of violence and U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates was in Baghdad talking to soldiers and Iraqi officials about the possibility of bolstering U.S. troop strength in Iraq.

·  The $2 Trillion Dollar War - That includes the government's past and future spending for the war itself ($725 billion), health care and disability benefits for veterans ($127 billion), and hidden increases in defense spending ($160 billion). It also includes losses the economy will suffer from injured vets ($355 billion) and higher oil prices ($450 billion).





·  Put on the Spot, Our Punk President Lies Yet Again - According to Professor Tsurumi, Bush "showed pathological lying habits and was in denial when challenged on his prejudices and biases. He would even deny saying something he just said 30 seconds ago. He was famous for that.

·  President issues 16 pardons, commutes sentence of man convicted on drug charges - A few days after acknowledging that the U.S. could be losing the war in Iraq, President Bush did something else unusual: He issued 16 pardons and commuted the sentence of one prisoner.





·   Largest Indian Outsourcing Deal Ever: Tech Mahindra Wins $1 Billion Pact From BT - India's Tech Mahindra has received the largest outsourcing contract awarded to a single offshore services company to date, securing a five-year, $1 billion deal to provide tech support to British Telecom and its business customers.

·  USA Today Adds Foreclosure Listings To Real Estate Web Site - USA Today is offering the service as foreclosures rise throughout the United States as a result of a deflating real estate market.



9/11 News :


·  London Braces for Attack; 'Miracle' If There Isn't One - British intelligence and law enforcement officials have passed on a grim assessment to their U.S. counterparts, "It will be a miracle if there isn't a terror attack over the holidays in London," a senior American law enforcement official tells
TVNL Comment: They should know!






·  Will the Democrats Save our Civil Liberties? - There is little reason for optimism that the Democrats will follow through on this supposed mandate, and deliver us from the evil of the growing police state of warrantless searches, indefinite detentions, sweeping surveillance, and other attacks on civil liberties.





·  Recount Overturns Vermont Auditor Race - A judge overturned the state auditor's election Thursday after a recount showed the Democratic challenger had actually beaten the Republican incumbent by 102 votes.





· Indian islands disappear under rising seas - Scientists believe it is more evidence of the impact of rising sea levels caused by global warming.





·  Iran's President Says Bush 'Most Hated' - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called President Bush "the most hated person" in the world on Thursday, keeping up his tirades against the West despite elections that showed Iranians want him to focus on the country's domestic problems.

·  Iran gives UN key enrichment plant records-diplomats - Iran has given U.N. nuclear inspectors operational records for its Natanz uranium enrichment plant, after months of refusing, in a move diplomats said appeared aimed at undermining Western calls for sanctions.





·   Agency to Test Military Draft Machinery - The agency is not gearing up for a draft, an agency official said Thursday. The test itself would not likely occur until 2009.

·  U.S. military charges 8 Marines in Haditha deaths - U.S. military prosecutors charged four U.S. Marines on Thursday with murder and four others on related charges in the November 2005 deaths of 24 unarmed civilians in the western Iraq town of Haditha, according to charging documents.

·  Marine faces murder charges in Haditha killings - A Marine sergeant has been charged with 13 counts of murder in the killings of unarmed civilians in Haditha, Iraq, one of his defense lawyers said on Thursday.





·  Bush Is A One Word Oxymoron - George W. Bush proved on December 19, 2006 that he is the biggest idiot we have ever had in the Oval Office. More troops to Iraq is his interpretation of the November 2006 elections and against the advice of the Iraq Study Group and most US generals past and presently serving. This moron is too dangerous to serve on any school board in America, much less be sitting in the Oval Office.





·   Beware the Fake Media Watchdog - This is an open letter from the editor of to Rory O’Connor in response to his interview with the CBS News Chief Sean McManus.

·  A Shockingly Pathetic Interview - CBS News Chief Sean McManus discusses the future's newsroom, citizen media, and the failure of pre-Iraq media.
TVNL Comment: this guy interviews the head of CBS news and these are the questions he asks? What about asking why CBS has not informed the nation about who PNAC is or they CBS did not tell the nation that 7 of the 19 so called 9/11 hijackers ARE STILL ALIVE? Why didn't he take the opportunity to spin in the face of one of the great enemies of democracy, the people who deceive us with every breath we take; the corporate media?

·  Napoleon Bonehead and America's Stellar Press - I guess America's stellar "news" media is still pretending that the Iraq War wasn't started under false pretenses and constructed on something like a hundred lies. Amazingly, the reporters continue to go along with the President's delusional notion that the war isn't all ready long ago lost.

·  O'Reilly denies allegations of White House/FOX symbiosis in one segment, thanks CIA-linked private airline for lift to Iraq in another - O'Reilly was adamant that there is no such relationship, yet earlier in his Talking Points Memo he had thanked Evergreen International Aviation for the fine service on O'Reilly's trip to Iraq last week.

·  Bush puts conservative on public broadcast board - President George W. Bush on Wednesday installed self-described conservative writer and producer Warren Bell on the board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which supports U.S. public television and radio.





·  When 62 Million People Die Remember This - So if and when 62 million people drop dead please keep this in mind…the Bush administration took it upon themselves to resurrect the Spanish flu. Why? Good question. Maybe we are just now finding out.

·  Resurrecting 1918 Flu Virus Took Many Turns - It took a lot of digging to bring back to life the Spanish influenza virus of 1918. Some was done with invisible molecular primers in a PCR machine in Rockville. Some was done with pick and shovel in the frozen ground of Alaska. Either way, it was a huge amount of work on a project whose chance of success at the start seemed very, very slim. Now, it will go down as one of the most astonishing technical feats in the history of science -- the viral equivalent of bringing dinosaurs back in the fictional "Jurassic Park."
TVNL Comment: When 62 million people die, remember this!

·  Global flu pandemic would probably kill 62m, study says - Around 62 million people in the world are likely to die if there is a flu pandemic and more than 70,000 of those deaths will be in the UK, according to a statistical analysis published today.










· So was David Icke right? - He still spouts his pet rants: that we are ruled by a sinister elite called the Illuminati whose bodies are inhabited by shape-shifting reptiles. The difference is that, apparently, more people now agree with him.

·  There's Profit in Alleging a 'War on Christmas' - In a Wednesday post, RWW wrote: "Basic math says the Liberty Counsel has pulled in an estimated $300,000-plus, the Alliance Defense Fund an estimated $500,000-plus, and the American Family Association an estimated $600,000-plus from selling their 'War on Christmas' wares."




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