Date: December 23rd 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Tis the Season?


I will be attending some holiday events over the next few days. I have no doubt that I will be among cheery people who think all is fine in their little world. I am sure that at one point I will be in a room full of people where some of the people are very aware of the facts that 9/11 was an inside job, we have stolen elections in this country and that global human extinction is being expedited by the people who make decisions about war, our food chain, our health and our environment, yet they will party like all is fine. I may be the only one in the room daydreaming about homeless veterans gathering together to kill every white shirt war profiteer and politician who sent them to go murder people and then tossed them aside like a used tissue. I may be the only person among the festive crowds wondering how the hell the term “homeless people” is still applicable in a world in which the hottest selling “game” costs $600!!! I will no doubt be the only one in the room saying to myself “what the hell are we celebrating?”  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq Hit 2,963 - The AP count is six higher than the Defense Department's tally, last updated Friday at 10 a.m. EST.

·  Haditha Residents on Charged Marines: Let Us Have Them - Here are excerpts from interviews with residents of Haditha, Iraq, and two adjacent towns about the announcement of charges against four American marines in connection with the killings of two dozen Iraqi civilians there last year.

·  Gunmen slay Iraqi intelligence officer - An Iraqi military intelligence officer was slain in a drive-by shooting on Saturday south of Baghdad, police said.

·  U.S. commanders in Iraq recommend a 'surge' - The approval of a troop increase plan by top Iraq commanders, including Gen. George W. Casey Jr. and Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, comes days before Bush unveils a new course for the troubled U.S. involvement in Iraq.

·  Did an American fire on Iraqis unprovoked? - U.S. security contractors allege their supervisor was ‘out of control’

·  Insurgents offer U.S. 30-day truce to get out of Iraq - The leader of an umbrella organization for Iraqi insurgent groups is offering the United States a one-month truce to withdraw all U.S. forces from Iraq and turn over its military bases "to the mujahedeen of the Islamic state."

·  Troop Levels Unknown - Despite all the talk about just what kind of troop levels the U.S. should maintain, it's not clear anyone knows the size of the Iraqi force, Rep. Christopher Shays said today in his report to the White House and Pentagon on findings from his trip to Iraq.

·  5 U.S. troops die west of Baghdad - This month, 76 American troops have died in Iraq, the same number that were killed in April.





·   George W. Bush: a sadistic, torture-loving sociopath - Apparently, nothing focuses this man like failure. He seemed energized by the gigantic mess he's made, and eager to make the mess worse.

·  Source says 'outsider' Gates prepped for confirmation by Cheney's office - Newly confirmed Secretary of Defense Robert Gates may not be as independent from the Bush administration when it comes to matters of defense as some have suggested, considering that one well-placed source tells RAW STORY Gates was briefed for his Senate confirmation hearings by the Office of the Vice President (OVP).

·  Stop the Presses: Press Ignores the Generals' - Needless to say, while they continued to ignore the Generals' mutiny, America's fine press was all over the comments made by fifteen fresh-out-of-boot camp Privates.

·  Stephen Colbert, George W Bush's Words - One of the best segments Colbert ever did on The Daily Show

·  Bush versus Bush - President George W. Bush and Texas Governor George W. Bush respond to the same questions about US foreign policy, war in Iraq, etc. Very funny and very sad.





·   The Moneychangers And The TRF (Tax Retirement Fund) - Their only concern the moneychangers have is how productive the populace is, as they take the majority of the value of that productivity to enhance their empires.



9/11 News :


·  WTC hero wins health coverage - Crippled 9/11 hero Vito Valenti's lungs were terminally scarred at Ground Zero, but the injury couldn't stop him from seeing justice finally done this week.

·  The Bush Administration's 9/11 Story is a Conspiracy Theory - The story that the Bush Administration wants the world to believe about 9/11, namely that it was planned and orchestrated entirely by Osama bin Laden from the Bat Cave, is the most ridiculous conspiracy theory on the Internet.






·   Pelosi says no to C-SPAN request on floor proceedings - The public service network has provided gavel-to-gavel television coverage of House proceedings since 1979. But the House leader has kept control of the cameras, with coverage generally limited to tight shots of the speaker or the podium.

·  Jennings to Congress: Vote machines `malfunctioned' - Christine Jennings filed a request for Congress to investigate Sarasota County's recent election.





·  State cuts social services contract - Under the restructured contract, the Bermuda-based company will be largely relegated to data entry, leaving judgments about whether Texans qualify for food stamps, Medicaid and other welfare programs to state workers.

·  Records detail missing TSA badges, uniforms - More than 3,700 identification badges and uniform items have been reported lost or stolen from Transportation Security Administration employees since 2003, according to documents obtained by a San Antonio television station.
TVNL Comment: Feel safer?

·  Homeland Security Admits Violating Privacy - The Homeland Security Department admitted Friday it violated the Privacy Act two years ago by obtaining more commercial data about U.S. airline passengers than it had announced it would.
TVNL Comment: Admitting lies and nobody will be held accountable; not by the justice system and not by the media.

·  Hevesi Resigns - State Comptroller Alan Hevesi nearly 40 years in politics came to a stunning end today with an admission of guilt on felony charges.

·  When the president talks to God - If I offend you... thats not my intent, but I will not apologize for it.

·  Dear Mr. President - This is a must see!





·  In Shirt-Sleeve Holiday Season, Overcoats Linger on the Racks - Balmy temperatures on the East Coast, with average highs this holiday season 15 degrees warmer than last year, have been disastrous for sales of all kinds of cold-weather clothing, from cashmere caps to wool scarves.

·  Court strikes down 2004 EPA smog rules - Smog-reduction regulations proposed by the Bush administration in 2004 are too weak, a U.S. court ruled on Friday, sending the rules back to the Environmental Protection Agency for reworking.

·  Court cuts Exxon Valdez judgment in half - A federal appeals court on Friday cut in half a $5 billion jury award for punitive damages against Exxon Mobil Corp. in the 1989 Valdez oil spill that smeared black goo across roughly 1,500 miles of Alaskan coastline.
TVNL Comment: Even though Exxon has had the largest profits in human history and their spill in
Alaska is still an environmental disaster!





·  Royal Intrigue, Unpaid Bills Preceded Saudi Ambassador's Exit - The debts by one of the world's wealthiest countries -- owed to the very lobbyists, advisers and event organizers hired to promote the kingdom -- have left a trail that weaves together bitter princely rivalries, diplomatic subterfuge and a policy clash over one of the thorniest issues of the day: what to do about Iran.

·  Police hunt launched after uranium stolen in India - Khoda said the uranium was stolen nearly three weeks ago after being moved to a research site at the densely-populated town of Rajrappa from a federal atomic facility near Mumbai. The United States and India this month signed a landmark atomic energy deal to give India access to western technology and nuclear fuel, despite warnings from critics that demand tighter security measures to prevent proliferation.

·  Iran defies United Nations with pledge of 'going nuclear within weeks' - "Some so-called superpowers... think that they can control the whole world," he said. "I'm telling them: Open your eyes, today, the world no longer thinks your decisions have any value."

·  Venezuela Blasts U.S. Senate's Criticism - Venezuela took issue Friday with a U.S. Senate report criticizing its stance toward nongovernment organizations, saying such groups are treated fairly and that Washington should mind its own business.
TVNL Comment: What this deceptive article and headline do not make clear is that Iran intends on becoming a nation with a nuclear electrical power plant, not nuclear bombs. Quite misleading article.

·  ISRAEL'S NUCLEAR WEAPONS MUST BE ON THE TABLE - 'If we want to stop the arms race in the Middle East, Israel must open its nuclear weapons program to inspection.... .'





·   3 Dead in Army Helicopter Crash in Wash. - An Army Blackhawk helicopter crashed on a mountain southeast of Seattle during a training mission, killing all three people aboard, military officials said Friday.

·  Gates Disses the Troops, and the American People - I don't normally pick on the mainstream media -- The Washington Post after all is the mainstream media -- but the Pentagon memo today in The New York Times is a particularly egregious example of fluff and filler, a gigantic valentine to power that misses the story.





·  Tis the Season? - I will no doubt be the only one in the room saying to myself “what the hell are we celebrating?”





·   Still more ideological diversity at Time: Kristol and Kinsley signed up - Time magazine has reportedly hired William Kristol, who has advanced misleading attacks on Democrats and opponents of the Bush administration's policies, as a "part-time columnist" and Michael Kinsley, who has used his columns to dismiss evidence that the administration manipulated intelligence to support its case for war, as a biweekly columnist.

·  The Paper Of (Mostly On The) Record: NYT Runs "Classified" Op-Ed Covered With Blacked-Out Redactions - The censored essay — titled "Redacted Version of Original Op-Ed" in case you missed the chunks of blacked-out text throughout — is what remains of an essay criticizing Bush's policies toward Iran.

·  Chavez wins "Person of the Year" poll ... Time magazine ignores result - This is significant, as Chavez had been the number 1 in the poll for several weeks and was clearly set to win the award.





·  Water bottles leak chemical - A study of bottled water has found concentrations of potentially harmful antimony increase the longer water is stored in a certain plastic. - Antimony is a white metallic element that in small doses can cause nausea, dizziness and depression. In large doses, it can be fatal.

·  SKorea says traces of toxic chemical found in US beef - South Korean officials, who have blocked three US beef shipments since officially lifting a ban on imports, said they found traces of dioxin in one of the shipments.

·  Olive oil 'can cut cancer risk' - Adding plenty of olive oil to a diet could help protect against cell damage that can lead to cancer, experts say.





·  Israel barrier saddens Archbishop - The Israeli-built West Bank security barrier is a symbol of what is "deeply wrong in the human heart", the Archbishop of Canterbury has said.

·  U.N. adopts treaty banning countries from secretly abducting perceived enemies - The United States, accused of transferring terrorism suspects to secret jails in other countries, did not address the assembly, but rights experts said they did not expect Washington to ratify the pact.





·  UFO hunters closer to the 'X files' truth - THE truth is out there, and it could be closer than ever. A UFO enthusiast plans to use the Freedom of Information Act to access previously secret government documents to uncover the truth behind unexplained sightings of flying objects around Peterborough.

·  Ex-agent reveals KGB mind control techniques - The general stated emphatically that he and his colleagues had never manipulated the minds of the then president, Boris Yeltsin, or of economic reformer Yegor Gaidar but claimed to have used mind-reading to save Russia's first president and the country from a war with China.




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