Date: December 26th 2006 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Politically Correct or Factually Correct About 9/11


I have decided on a New Year resolution. I am going to stop beating around the bush (no pun intended) when it comes to the events of 9/11. I have seen enough to know for a fact that the official explanation about 9/11 is a crock and that most of the evidence indicates that it was an inside job.


In the past I have refrained from openly discussing this in some circles because I wanted to avoid getting into uncomfortable social situations. But I have now decided that I am the one who is made to feel uncomfortable when 9/11 is referred to as defined by the official story.


I have learned many things about the event. I have also learned that when I tell people about some of these facts more often than not they listen. I have learned that information is more powerful than personal opinion and I am armed with a lethal amount of information where it comes to 9/11.


From now on, regardless of the venue, when the issue is raised I am going to speak my mind. I am going to do so politely, calmly and with the attitude that encourages people not to believe me but to research the official body of evidence. This surreal experience has to end once and for all…and I am going to do my part to end it. Either I am going to show all around me that 9/11 was an inside job or someone is going to set me straight by showing me information that I do not have. But none of this will happen unless we start talking; and that is exactly what I am going to do! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   9 Americans Killed in Iraq Over Christmas Weekend - A violent weekend for American soldiers in Iraq is continuing into Christmas Day.

·  Dozens killed by Baghdad blasts - More than 30 people have been killed and scores hurt in a wave of car blasts in Baghdad, Iraqi officials say.

·  U.S. Deaths in Iraq Exceed 9-11 Count - The U.S. military death toll in Iraq has reached 2,974, one more than the number of deaths in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States, according to an Associated Press count on Tuesday.

·  UK raid angers Basra politicians - Basra City Council has withdrawn co-operation from UK forces in southern Iraq after the police's serious crimes unit was disbanded by troops.

·  Ten killed in Baghdad car blast - Ten civilians have been killed in a car bombing in a shopping area in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

·  TVNL REPLAY: Misjudgments Marred U.S. Plans for Iraqi Police - Bernard B. Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner sent to Iraq in 2003 to lead the police mission, said Pentagon officials gave him just 10 days notice and little guidance. "Looking back, I really don't know what their plan was," Mr. Kerik said. With no experience in Iraq, and little time to get ready, he said he prepared for his job in part by watching A&E Network documentaries on Saddam Hussein.

·  British troops storm 'execution prison' - Calling the city’s police station a centre of "criminal enterprise", British military spokesman Capt Tane Dunlop said the building had been demolished with explosives after the pre-dawn assault by about 1,000 troops.
TVNL Comment: Would that be the criminal police who were trained by the former NYC police chief?

·  A Christmas Reminder from the Mother of an Iraq War Veteran: While Bush "Decides" (Again and Again and Again), Soldiers Die - While President Bush was talking about taking his time Tuesday, Cpl. Joshua D. Pickard age 20, of Merced CA was killed in Iraq. While Gates was in Iraq Wednesday, discussing options with local military commanders there, three more soldiers were killed and six more were wounded.

·  Spokesman: U.S. troops detain 2 Iranians - U.S. troops detained two Iranians who were in Iraq at the invitation of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, a presidential spokesman said Monday.

·  Iraqi police deaths 'hit 12,000' - Some 12,000 police officers in Iraq have died in the line of duty since the US-led invasion in 2003, Interior Minister Jawad Bolani said.
TVNL Comment: Nice going Bush!

·  Explosions kill 4 U.S. soldiers in Iraq - With their deaths, at least 2,969 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.

·  Suicide bomber kills 7 police in Iraq - A suicide bomber killed at least seven policemen and wounded 30 others at a police station northeast of Baghdad on Sunday, police said.

·  Two US soldiers killed in Iraq - The latest deaths bring the number of US fatalities in Iraq since the March 2003 invasion to 2,962, according to an AFP count based on Pentagon figures. In December alone, at least 79 have died.

·  Will Iraq's Oil Blessing Become a Curse? - The Iraqi government is considering a new oil law that could give private oil companies greater control over its vast reserves. In light of rampant violence and shaky democratic institutions, many fear the law is being pushed through hastily by special interests behind closed doors.





·   An Executive Branch Assault on the Constitution - The Bush Administration's Department of Defense is examining whether it has the power to break a strike at tire plants that supply the military. The Constitution affords the executive branch no such authority.

·  Wolfowitz owes us an explanation - Remember Wolfowitz, best known to readers of this and other newspapers as the "chief architect of the Iraq war"? Before the war, he was hailed by many as one of the great foreign policy intellectuals of our time.

·  Behind the Scenes, Rove Influence Hasn't Waned - He's not doing much in public, but behind the scenes, White House political guru Karl Rove is as aggressive as ever in making policy arguments within the administration–and his influence is still pervasive, White House insiders tell U.S. News.





·   Maytag workers say goodbyes - The final day on the job for 200 Maytag factory workers ended with punch and cookies, tears and hugs - and goodbyes.



9/11 News :


·   Politically Correct or Factually Correct About 9/11 - In the past I have refrained from openly discussing this in some circles because I wanted to avoid getting into uncomfortable social situations. But I have now decided that I am the one who is made to feel uncomfortable when 9/11 is referred to as defined by the official story.

·  Alarming 9/11 claim is baseless, panel says - Rejecting one of the most disturbing claims about the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes, the Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded as untrue a congressman's contention that a team of military analysts identified Mohamed Atta or other hijackers before the attacks, according to a summary of the panel's investigation obtained by The Times.

·  Man Speaks Out After Sept. 11 Acquittal - The 21-year-old community college student, one of hundreds of Muslim men picked up in the frenzied dragnet following the attacks, was whisked to New York to testify as a material witness before a grand jury.

·  Olmert's Connection to 9/11 - I would like to bring to attention his two newest works building on his research of evidence of Israeli involvement in the 911 attacks:






·   Congress rebukes Okla. City probe - The FBI failed to fully investigate information suggesting other suspects may have helped Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols with the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, allowing questions to linger more than a decade after the deadly attack, a congressional inquiry concludes.

·  New House speaker may not seat certified winner in disputed race - The House is currently investigating, and Jennings has pressed on with a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the touch-screen voting machines that she insists malfunctioned during the election.

·  Probes of Bush policies in works - Massachusetts lawmakers are set to launch a blizzard of investigations in the new Congress, probing issues such as wartime contracting, post-Katrina housing assistance, and the Bush administration's relationship with Cuba and other countries in Latin America.





·  Justice Dept. Database Stirs Privacy Fears - But civil-liberties and privacy advocates say the scale and contents of such a database raise immediate privacy and civil rights concerns, in part because tens of thousands of local police officers could gain access to personal details about people who have not been arrested or charged with crimes.

·  Afghan heroin's surge poses danger in U.S. - Heroin-related deaths in Los Angeles County soared from 137 in 2002 to 239 in 2005, a jump of nearly 75% in three years, a period when other factors contributing to overdose deaths remained unchanged, experts said.

·  Katrina Fraud Likely to Balloon Past $1B - Already at $1 billion, the tally for Hurricane Katrina waste will balloon next year as investigators shift their attention from fraudulent aid to the lucrative government contracts awarded with little competition.
TVNL Comment: The Bush administration has exposed the ugliest people in our nation and has tarnished our image virtually beyond repair.

·  U.S. Sued Over Dropping of Benefits for Disabled - Class-Action Case Filed on Behalf of Physically Handicapped People Granted Asylum and Awaiting U.S. Citizenship





·  Cities, towns step up global warming fight - Frustrated with the federal response to global warming, hundreds of cities, suburbs, and rural communities across the United States are taking bold steps to slash their energy consumption and reduce emissions of the pollutants that cause climate change.

·  Americans Chide Bush's Environmental Record - Adults in the United States are dissatisfied with the way their president has dealt with environmental issues, according to a poll by Rasmussen Reports. 67 per cent of respondents rate George W. Bush’s handling of this topic as fair or poor.
TVNL Comment: It is actually not good, fair or poor; it is criminal and genocidal.





·  Nigerian pipeline explodes, killing 200 - A ruptured gasoline pipeline burst into flames Tuesday as scavengers collected the fuel in Nigeria's largest city, killing at least 200 people. The death toll was expected to rise as rescue workers tried to document more charred corpses.

·  Ethiopia attacks Somalia airports - Ethiopian jets have bombed two airports in Somalia in a widening operation against an Islamic militia group.

·  India's full and active participation in efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring weapons of mass destruction a major condition for the Nuclear Deal - Attacking US President George W Bush, senior Democratic lawmakers have described as "outrageous" and "shameless" his statement that he considered certain provisions in the new law Indo-US civil nuclear deal as mere "advisory".

·  George Orwell Was Right: Spy Cameras See Britons' Every Move - Almost 70 years after George Orwell created the all-seeing dictator Big Brother in the novel ``1984,'' Britons are being watched as never before. About 4.2 million spy cameras film each citizen 300 times a day, and police have built the world's largest DNA database.

·  U.S. says U.N. Iran resolution not enough - Earlier in the day, Undersecretary Nicholas Burns said the Bush administration will try to persuade Russia, China, Japan and the European Union to take more vigorous action, including cutting off lending to Iran.

·  On the trail of the Taliban's support - Confidential documents obtained by The Times show that for at least two years, U.S. military intelligence agencies have warned American commanders that Taliban militants were arming and training in Pakistan, then slipping into Afghanistan with the help of Pakistani border control officers.

·  Ethiopian planes bomb Somali areas - witnesses - Ethiopian planes dropped bombs and fired missiles on two locations in Somalia on Sunday, witnesses said, as fighting between Somali Islamists and their Ethiopian-allied rivals raged for a sixth day.

·  No 10 'in panic' as Yard extends 'cash for honours' inquiry - The UK's elections watchdog is to decide whether Labour has broken the law over cash for honours, and will advise police on whether a case should go to court.

·  Disappearing world: Global warming claims tropical island - Rising seas, caused by global warming, have for the first time washed an inhabited island off the face of the Earth.
TVNL Comment: Merry Christmas.





·   Larger military a costly proposal - Increase in standing force could lower standards, add expenses in billions

·  Many choose family over military service - More reservists, Guard troops are deciding against re-enlistment

·  Interior, Pentagon Faulted In Audits - Effort to Speed Defense Contracts Wasted Millions

·  Ex-Paratrooper Finishes AWOL Sentence - A former paratrooper who admitted abandoning his post because he disagreed with the U.S. mission in Iraq was freed from a military prison Saturday, stopping in Raleigh to greet supporters before he headed home to Washington state.

·  Iraq massacre: US Marines 'will point the finger of blame at senior officers' - Responding to the charges against his client, Mr McDermott said the top brass was well aware of what had happened, but condemned it only after it became glaringly public.





·   When Resolve Turns Reckless - There's something much worse than being accused of "flip-flopping": refusing to flip when it's obvious that your course of action is a flop.

·  All I Want For Christmas is...the Truth - This is the time of year when many of us take time out to count our blessings and, perhaps, say a few prayers for peace on earth. Of course, I want peace on earth, too. But what I want first is the truth.





·   Misinformer of the Year: ABC - On September 10 and 11, ABC aired The Path to 9/11, a miniseries the network initially claimed was based primarily on the 9-11 Commission report but which many Democrats and even several conservatives criticized as "inaccurate" and even "defamatory."

·  The US is in deep doo doo - and it's all your fault - The following clip was produced thirty years ago but offers advice that is still pertinent today and that in hindsight could have saved us from many of the catastrophes our nation faces now.

·  What We Wanted to Tell You About Iran - HERE is the redacted version of a draft Op-Ed article we wrote for The Times, as blacked out by the Central Intelligence Agency’s Publication Review Board after the White House intervened in the normal prepublication review process and demanded substantial deletions. Agency officials told us that they had concluded on their own that the original draft included no classified material, but that they had to bow to the White House.

·  The opinionated Fox News Channel is giving ground to increasingly noisy competitors -  Virtually all the competitors are slashing at the Fox ratings lead by offering their own versions of noisy and opinionated news.
TVNL Comment: American journalism: who can sink the lowest?

·  Deal Done by Murdoch and Malone - The News Corporation, where Mr. Murdoch is chief executive, sealed a deal with John C. Malone’s Liberty Media yesterday, trading the News Corporation’s 38 percent stake in DirecTV and some other assets for Liberty’s large shareholding in Mr. Murdoch’s company.

·  U.N. issues plea to protect journalists in war zones - The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted on Saturday a resolution urging all armies and insurgent groups to protect journalists working in war zones.

·  Once Again, "Loophole" Allows Government To Violate Propaganda Laws - But in two recent examples, the government has found "loopholes" in the law, allowing it to allow propaganda to inadvertently reach U.S. audiences.

·  Keith Olbermann's Ratings on the Rise; Fox News Drops Out of the Top Ten Most Watched Cable Channels - Just in case you haven't been paying attention-and poll numbers suggest that a frighteningly large number of Americans still aren't-Keith Olbermann's show on MSNBC at 8:00 PM Eastern underwent a tremendous shift right around the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. That night Keith Olbermann delivered not only the speech of the year but the speech of the millennium.

·  CIA Instructions to Media Assets - Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report - This document caused quite a stir when it was discovered in 1977. Dated 4/1/67, and marked "DESTROY WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED", this document is a stunning testimony to how concerned the CIA was over investigations into the Kennedy assassination.

·  Mainstream journalist defends western bias - Reuters' UN correspondent Evelyn Leopold defended her and other mainstream journalists' western bias by saying she and her colleagues are from the west. She also criticized some journalists that she said had different biases and an agenda.





·  Poor record-keeping plagues Bush AIDS effort - President Bush’s ambitious AIDS-fighting program in poor countries has pushed so hard for fast results that basic record keeping and accountability often went by the wayside, making it hard to judge the true success, according to government audits and officials.
TVNL Comment: The Bush administration does not rely on facts or records, they simply make claims. Then the media simply repeats those claims. Then the public simply believe those claims because the media said them. This is how deception works.





· Independent Appeal: 'What would happen if the Virgin Mary came to Bethlehem today?' - Earlier this year, conditions for pregnant women on the West Bank - already poor - fell off a cliff.





·  The Most Dangerous Game - MKUltra mind control film

·  Was Libya framed by US and Britain for Lockerbie to make Libya toe the line ? - The main stream media has been avoiding any mention of the new evidence showing there was a miscarriage of justice at the "Lockerbie trial" where an innocent Libyan was sent to jail in Scotland (United Kingdom) and remains there to this day, where he will probably die in Jail. There has been reports from ex-Scottish policemen about CIA manipulation of the evidence, including planting of the key circuit board allegedly used in the plot [similar to the alleged hijacker's passport found miraculously at the foot of the WTC towers after 911]. There is also conclusive evidence that the British prosecution service withheld evidence from the defence at the trial.

·  Posthumous Pinochet note justifies coup - Gen. Augusto Pinochet said he wished he hadn't had to stage the bloody 1973 coup that put him in power, and called the abuses under his long regime inevitable.

·  Jewish terrorist commits suicide in jail - Asher Weisgan, the Jewish terrorist sentenced to four life terms plus an additional 12 years for murdering four Palestinian laborers, committed suicide in his prison cell on Friday afternoon.

·  Population shifts, changing habits put U.S. Roman Catholic churches up for sale - Population shifts, declining Mass attendance and a shortage of priests in many areas have forced Roman Catholic leaders to consolidate parishes and sell off churches.

·  Religion does more harm than good - poll - 82% say faith causes tension in country where two thirds are not religious




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