Date: December 28th 2006 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  More on Ford


There are a few other lovely things about Gerald Ford that I forgot to mention yesterday. First off you can thank him for making the sinister Dick Cheney and the vile Donald Rumsfeld national figures. These men rose to prominence under Ford’s guidance. Other criminal 9/11 conspirators like Paul Wolfowitz and Richard (New Pearl Harbor) Perle also rose out of the ashes of the Nixon White House under Ford’s guidance. So regarding the mess we are in now, with a government that seized control via election coup and then brought us 9/11, we cant let Ford go without al least some of the credit. This is one funeral that should not bring any tears to our eyes.   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  UK serviceman dies in Afghanistan - One British serviceman has been killed and three others were injured in an explosion in southern Afghanistan.

·  British Iraq commander says Army needs more money -  The commander of British troops in southern Iraq today claimed underfunding and weak public support was damaging the Army.

·  Bombs kill 23 civilians in Baghdad - Three bombs killed 23 Iraqis in Baghdad on Thursday, and the U.S. military announced the deaths of three American soldiers.

·  4 kidnapped contractors still held - The U.S. Embassy said Thursday it believes four American security contractors and an Austrian remain in captivity after their kidnapping in southern Iraq six weeks ago.

·  U.S. soldiers divided over Saddam’s execution - On patrol in Baghdad, some cheer, some worry about insurgent backlash

·  Jonathan Chait: Bring back Saddam Hussein - Yes, I know. Hussein is a psychotic mass murderer. Under his rule, Iraqis were shot, tortured and lived in constant fear. Bringing the dictator back would sound cruel if it weren't for the fact that all those things are also happening now, probably on a wider scale.

·  Will Bush Explain Why War Continues? - President George W. Bush has alerted the American people that the war in Iraq will go on for a long time -- easily into the next presidency.

·  Rumsfeld denies making claims Iraq had WMDs - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld tried to rewrite history last week when he denied making prewar claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

·  Choose the wrong car in Baghdad and you die - There are two choices for foreign drivers: an armoured vehicle or an anonymous old wreck. Either way it’s dodgy

·  Their Christmas At War - Thanks to a military blogger who calls himself "Blackfive" ("The Paratrooper of Love"), we have a snapshot of what Christmas looks like this year at Camp Taji, 20 miles north of Baghdad.





·   A Look Back and Ahead In an Age of Neocon Rule - At the end of the sixth horrific year under the reign of the Bush modern-day extremist Jacobin-neocons, we can now look ahead, but to what. We have an administration in charge for another two years one longtime analyst characterizes as "a bunch of crooks, incompetents and perverts" with the president's approval rating plunging as low as 28% in some independent polls and a growing number of people in the country demanding his impeachment and removal from office.

·  FBI Says Files In Leak Cases Are ‘Missing' - The FBI is missing nearly a quarter of its files relating to investigations of recent leaks of classified information, according to a court filing the bureau made last week.

·  Ford Disagreed With Bush About Invading Iraq - In a four-hour conversation at his house in Beaver Creek, Colo., Ford "very strongly" disagreed with the current president's justifications for invading Iraq and said he would have pushed alternatives, such as sanctions, much more vigorously. In the tape-recorded interview, Ford was critical not only of Bush but also of Vice President Cheney -- Ford's White House chief of staff -- and then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who served as Ford's chief of staff and then his Pentagon chief.

·  Ford administration blooded Bush stalwarts - The administration of former US president Gerald Ford will be remembered as a breeding ground for officials who went on to become linchpins of George W. Bush's government a generation later.

·  Bush is bracing for new scrutiny - President Bush is bracing for what could be an onslaught of investigations by the new Democratic-led Congress by hiring lawyers to fill key White House posts and preparing to play defense on countless document requests and possible subpoenas.

·  An Executive Branch Assault on the Constitution - The Bush Administration's Department of Defense is examining whether it has the power to break a strike at tire plants that supply the military. The Constitution affords the executive branch no such authority.





·   Jobless claims post a small increase - The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits edged up slightly last week but remained at a level indicating the job market is holding up well in spite of the slowing economy.



9/11 News :


·   RUDY'S ANGELS OF 9/11 - Supporters of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani have started discussions with relatives of 9/11 victims about backing him if he runs for president in 2008, some family members told The Post.











·  Ex-Interior Secretary Norton to join Shell as counsel - The move comes amid rising scrutiny on Capitol Hill of Norton's former agency's dealings with the oil industry.

·  The National Institute on Drug Abuse says the Drug Czar’s ads may actually cause more teen drug use. - Monitoring the Future’s data seems to support this conclusion.

·  Contractor's Handguns Missing From Homeland Security Vault - The Department of Homeland Security said yesterday that it is investigating how four handguns recently went missing from its headquarters in Northwest Washington.
TVNL Comment: Is this criminal or pathetic?

·  In New Orleans, Ex-Tenants Fight for Projects - The heritage of suspicion and misery separating this city’s poorest residents from its comfortable classes is playing out in a fierce battle over the future of the public housing projects here, a fight in which the shelter of as many as 20,000 people is at stake.










·  African Union demands Ethiopia withdraws from Somalia - The African Union and the Arab League have issued a joint demand that all foreign troops leave Somalia. That includes the Ethiopians, who are the main supporters of Somalia's interim government in its fight against the Union of Islamic Courts.

·  We're the incredible shrinking party, says Labour contender - Disillusion with Labour is now so great that the party is losing a member every 20 minutes, a candidate for the Labour deputy leadership has claimed.





·   Uncle Sam wants US Muslims to serve - The Pentagon builds Islamic prayer rooms and hires imams to make military life more appealing.
TVNL Comment: They don't want the gay Muslims however. Then again Muslims don't want gay Muslims either.










·   Most Outrageous Right Wing Comments of 2006 - How extreme were conservative commentators in their remarks this year?

·  Goldman Sachs Says 'Star Tribune' Sale a Troubling Signal for Industry - Early Wednesday, Goldman Sachs became one of the first newspaper industry analyst firms to analyze the shocking announcement of the pending sale of the Star Tribune of Minneapolis by McClatchy Co. to a private equity firm. In its heading, Goldman stated it plainly: "Minneapolis valuation a Bearish signal for newspaper industry."

·  New York Times finally speaks out on assault against reporting team in Pakistan - The statement came almost a week after a variety of other media outlets had reported on the incident, but the New York Times has finally spoken out about the December 19th assault on journalists in its employ in Pakistan.





·   FDA set to OK food from cloned animals - The government has decided that food from cloned animals is safe to eat and does not require special labeling.
TVNL Comment: Our government does not ask us what they can do to us and then the won't tell us what they are doing to us!

·  Heartburn drugs raise risk of hip fractures: study - Long-term use of popular anti-heartburn drugs that block stomach acid production increases the risk of hip fractures in adults over 50, perhaps because the drugs inhibit calcium absorption, researchers said on Tuesday.

·  Science Meets Ignorance - Thanks to the actions of George Bush we will no longer have to fear an excessively informed public that may fall prey to the importunings of scientists who believe themselves able to educate the rest of us and, more daunting still, George Bush.





·  A VIEW TO A KILL ON U.S.-MADE GALLOWS - A bit of good old American craftsmanship will bring about Saddam Hussein's end - a specially constructed gallows that might as well be stamped "Made in the U.S.A."

·  Bush's support for death penalty opens rift with UK - Human rights groups, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, said Saddam should not be hanged for crimes against humanity because his trial had been flawed and was marred by political interference by the Iraqi government.

·  Killing children is no longer a big deal - More than 30 Palestinian children were killed in the first two weeks of Operation Days of Penitence in the Gaza Strip. It's no wonder that many people term such wholesale killing of children "terror."









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