Date: January 1st 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  One World Government; A Reality


While it is quite apparent that a small group of very powerful, unelected people who operate outside the formal government institutional apparatus yield a great deal of control over global events, the official one world government is forming just out of the view of the citizens of the world. People like George W. Bush are making secret deals with other nations that will slowly but surely end the existence of the United States as a sovereign nation.  Bush and others are doing this without the approval of Congress or the American people. As a matter of fact Congress and the American people are not even being told that this is happening and the criminal corporate media are letting it happen without letting you know about it.

The latest PROOF of this comes in the forms of documents kept secret by the Bush administration but made public thanks to some dedicated citizens. These documents show how the Social Security reserve will be shared with illegal aliens from
Mexico. The proposed North American Union is being formed without consent from the American people and the U.S. government, a so called democracy, has excluded the American people from discussions on the topic and has used every legal loophole to keep this information hidden from the American people.


Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to live in the United States of America and you truly believe in a representative form of government you might want to start listening to the crazy conspiracy theorists for those theorists are usually the ones to eventually say “I told you so”; and that usually happens when it is too late.  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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· THE ARCHITECTS OF WAR: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? - President Bush has not fired any of the architects of the Iraq war. In fact, a review of the key planners of the conflict reveals that they have been rewarded — not blamed — for their incompetence.
TVNL Comment: It was not incompetence. It was participation.

·  2006: year of bloodshed in Afghanistan - Those killed included about 1000 civilians. More than 115 suicide attacks accounted for 270 Afghan civilians and 17 international soldiers killed. 180 NATO soldiers have been killed in action against the Taliban, this year.

·  Silencing Saddam - It is a very frightening precedent that the United States can invade a country on false pretenses, depose its leader and summarily execute him without an international trial or appeals process.

·  Dismay among Kurds that genocide case unanswered - Saddam had taken many secrets to his grave, he said, including vital knowledge about "the foreign companies and countries that supplied the parts and expertise to make chemical weapons."

·  Americans Want a Rapid Exit from Iraq but Elected Leaders Aren’t Even Considering It - Ending the occupation will reduce violence, immediately save more than $100 billion and respect the wishes of the American people. Why is Washington, DC ignoring the obvious?

·  Former Saddam judge says execution violates Iraqi law - The first chief judge who presided over Saddam Hussein's trial for crimes against humanity has said that the late dictator's execution by the Iraqi government was illegal.

·  Rush to Hang Hussein Was Questioned - Like the helicopter trip, just about everything in the 24 hours that began with Mr. Hussein’s being taken to his execution from his cell in an American military detention center in the postmidnight chill of Saturday had a surreal and even cinematic quality.

·  Saddam was a hero! America is evil!!! - VIDEO
TVNL Comment: Americans will pay dearly for what has taken place in
Iraq. Many people around the world feel the same way that the person who made this video feels.

·  In Iraq, the losses Americans don't see - We focus so much on the deaths of our troops that we don't understand the suffering of Iraqis

·  US will be defeated in Afghanistan: former CIA hand - A former senior CIA operative who tracked Osama bin Laden for 10 long years foresees "an apparent American defeat in Afghanistan".

·  U.S. Death Toll in Iraq Reaches 3,000 - The death of a Texas soldier, announced Sunday by the Pentagon, raised the number of U.S. military deaths in Iraq to at least 3,000 since the war began, according to an Associated Press count.

·  'Higher levels of fighting' upcoming in Afghanistan, top U.S. general says - Lt. Gen. Karl Eikenberry also said the recent killing of a high-level Taliban commander shows that fugitives like Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar will one day slip up, and that the U.S. will strike.





·  Bush Silences a Dangerous Witness - Like a blue-blood version of a Mob family with global reach, the Bushes have eliminated one more key witness to the important historical events that led the U.S. military into a bloody stalemate in Iraq and pushed the Middle East to the brink of calamity.

·  The President's praise of fair trials and the rule of law - resident Bush today hailed the critical importance of fair trials and the rule of law . . . . in Iraq: - That is why it is so reprehensible and inexpressibly tragic that the Bush administration continues to claim -- and aggressively exercise -- the power to imprison and punish people without even a pretense or fraction of the due process that Saddam Hussein enjoyed.

·  While You Were at War . . . - And with the nation involved in a messy war spiraling toward a bad conclusion, the key deputies and Cabinet members and advisers are all focusing on one issue, at the expense of all others: Iraq.





·  Rug Pulled Out From Underneath” Colorado Market - That means the buyer from three years ago who’s in trouble now can’t get out of their house,’ he said. ‘If you’ve got less than 5 percent equity in your house and prices aren’t appreciating, you can’t afford to sell your house



9/11 News :













·  Dems to rally against lawmaker's 'treason' - "Caltagirone sold out to Perzel and the House Republicans," Mr. Rooney said. "He now has two options: He should remain in the Democratic fold, or resign his seat immediately and switch his political affiliation to Republican -- which he in essence has done with this decision -- and run for the seat during a special election."





·   World faces hottest year ever, as El Niño combines with global warming - A combination of global warming and the El Niño weather system is set to make 2007 the warmest year on record with far-reaching consequences for the planet, one of Britain's leading climate experts has warned.





·    Social Security Agreement With Mexico Released After 3 1/2 Year Freedom of Information Act Battle - The Totalization Agreement could allow millions of illegal Mexican workers to draw billions of dollars from the U.S. Social Security Trust Fund.
TVNL Comment: This confirms those crazy conspiracy theorists who keep warning you about a one world government. It is in motion and it is taking place without your approval and without even telling you. Are you still foolish enough to believe that
America has democracy?

·  Romania and Bulgaria join the EU -  Their accession means the EU now has 27 members and half a billion people, and stretches as far east as the Black Sea.

·  US 'licence to snoop' on British air travellers - Britons flying to America could have their credit card and email accounts inspected by the United States authorities following a deal struck by Brussels and Washington.

·  Oil find off Cuba stokes fears in U.S. - Experts say the exact size of Cuba's offshore oil deposits is still in question, but the potential is impressive. A U.S. Geological Survey study estimates that a curving belt of ocean floor north of Cuba may contain at least 4.5 billion barrels of oil and nearly 10 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.










·  One World Government; A Reality - The latest PROOF of this comes in the forms of documents kept secret by the Bush administration but made public thanks to some dedicated citizens.





·   2006 deadliest year for reporters - The year 2006 was the deadliest for journalists and media workers worldwide, with at least 155 murders and unexplained deaths, the International Federation of Journalists announced Sunday.

·  From the White House's mouth to CNN's ... mouth? - CNN's adoption of the phrase "listening mode" to describe President Bush's reaction to the Iraq Study Group report is just the latest example of CNN journalists' repeating White House phrases without challenge and reporting Bush administration talking points as fact.

·  'NY Times' Only Major Paper to Show Dead Saddam on Front Page - It's a rare day when the august New York Times tops the New York Post -- and every other major paper in the U.S. -- in grisly or sensationalistic front page coverage, but it did so on Sunday.










·   'Gruesome.' 'Barbaric.' 'Politicized.' 'Farcical.' - "The killing of the guilty party is not the way to reconstruct justice and reconcile society. On the contrary, there is a risk that it will feed a spirit of vendetta and sow new violence."





·  France: UFO sightings are no X-Files - The French space agency plans to publish its archive of UFO sightings and other phenomena online but keep the names of those who reported them off the site to protect them from the pestering of space fanatics.




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