Date: January 3rd 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Don’t Confuse “Brutal” With “Evil!” Saddam Was Not Evil. The U.S. Is.


I am getting tired of hearing this phrase: “granted, Saddam was evil.” This phrase is used mostly by people who fold to the argument that “taking Saddam out” was a good thing but the way it was done was not. Well let me clear something up right now…there is a big difference between being evil and using brutal inhumane tactics against one’s enemies. Saddam was a brutal leader and he had no limits as to how he dealt with those who tried to harm him or his people. Yes, Saddam protected his people. The problem is that many of the people living in Iraq were not his people and the feeling was mutual.


The people who Saddam brutalizes were those who he felt threatened him. This is EXACTLY what the Bush administration is doing. The only difference is that the Bush administration came up with a title for those who they want to brutalize: enemy combatants. Saddam did not randomly pick people off the street in order to hurt them for fun; he was keeping dissidents in line. That is exactly what the Bush administration has done.


Evil is when the richest most powerful nation in the world allows or supports atrocities around the world because trying to help is “not in their interest” (code speak for “there is no money in it!”) Evil is when the richest most powerful people in the world endanger the health and future of humans, animal life and plant life because not doing so may interfere with profit margins. Evil is not treating ill people with every single available resource because they can not afford to pay you enough. Evil is creating and using all means to end life in war while making it illegal to mercifully end life for those who suffer terribly from terminal illness (how does one justify the deaths of innocent people in “collateral damage” and oppose euthanasia?). Evil is when a journalist looks you in the face and knowingly omits information from a news report so that you don’t know what the truth is. Evil is earning multi million dollar bonuses while you are laying off employees. Evil is claiming so "support the troops" while supporting the very people who allow veterans to become homeless and destitute. Evil is lying to people by telling them that you are supporting and protecting “democracy” when in fact you are clearly destroying democracy to protect unregulated “capitalism”, where just like in the game of Monopoly everyone loses except the sole owner of everything. Evil is greed, corporations are greed personified and the United States stands for nothing but corporate greed; so do the math…the United States is an evil nation led by evil people with evil greed running through their veins. Evil is the U.S. news media, most U.S. politicians and just about every CEO on earth who on this third day of 2007 has already made more money than many of his employees will make for the rest of the year. Evil is men with money and power who value nothing else but money and power and will to anything to anyone to satisfy their addiction to money and power.


And unlike the United States Saddam did not rely on false flag operations that resulted in the horrible deaths of his own people in order to get support for him to go after his real enemies. That would be evil, and that is what the Unites States has done for generations. All you have to do is take a real close look at 9/11 and the mountain of evidence that indicates U.S. complicity and you will understand what evil really is!    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   Iraq premier Maliki says wants no second term - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said he has no interest in a second term and wished he could be done before the end of his current term, in which rampant sectarian violence has defied hopes for unity.

·  Iraq War Lie Detector Test - Unfortunately, supporters of the war continue to use deception to advance their agenda. The latest lie is that Congress doesn't have the ability to end the war, because if they cut off funding they would jeopardize the safety of our troops.





·  Olbermann to Bush: ‘You Do Not Own This Country’ - “First we sent Americans to their deaths for your lie, Mr. Bush, now we are sending them to their deaths for your ego.”

·  Don’t Confuse “Brutal” With “Evil!” Saddam Was Not Evil. The U.S. Is. - I am getting tired of hearing this phrase: “granted, Saddam was evil.” This phrase is used mostly by people who fold to the argument that “taking Saddam out” was a good thing but the way it was done was not. Well let me clear something up right now…there is a big difference between being evil and using brutal inhumane tactics against one’s enemies.

·  Pardoning Nixon Saved the GOP, Not the USA - The nation had not undergone a long nightmare with Nixon’s resignation; Nixon had.

·  Giuliani's Game Plan for 2008 Found - The paper said an anonymous source obtained the document after it was left behind on a campaign trip in 2006, though Giuliani spokeswoman Sunny Mindel told the paper the "suspicious activity" was a dirty campaign trick.





·  CEOs have already made a mint this year - The new year is only two days old, but that's all the time it took for the country’s highest-paid CEOs to earn the annual salary of the average Canadian.

·  Washington raises minimum wage, Idaho border towns feel squeeze - That's because Washington's minimum wage is more than $2 higher than Idaho's $5.15. And it just went up again Monday, from $7.63 to $7.93.

·  Central Banks Tiptoeing Away From the Dollar - Countries with large holdings of dollars in their foreign-exchange reserves are showing a new willingness to dump the dollar in favor of the rising euro.

·  The Three Hundred And Fifty Billion Dollar Lynch Mob - And to add insult to injury, thanks to Bush the dollar has slid so far since 2000 that if you want to leave the USA and travel or live somewhere else, your net worth is basically half what it was six or seven years back. So not only have they stolen from you, they've also done their best to land lock you in Naziland and force you to spend your money domestically, because most Americans can no longer afford to leave the country.



9/11 News :


·   The View's "911 Conspiracy Theorist" Reaired - Caught on Tape: James Brolin Touts 9/11 Conspiracy Website on 'The View'

·  911 WTC Links To Russian-Jewish Mafia Revealed - The Italian media is reporting on transcripts of phone conversations between Scaramella and two former U.S. intelligence officers. One conversation, reported in La Repubblica, is a January 25, 2006 conversation between Scaramella and a mysterious ex-CIA agent from California who uses the name "Perry."






·  Bush declares war on Democratic Congress - The Wall Street Journal prints a long letter from George Bush to Congress this morning - where he is as defiant as ever.

·  House GOP: Don't Hurt Us -- Please - They don't mention their party's own strongarm tactics -- which is striking, given that since 2002 Cantor himself was a member of the House GOP leadership, which was known for ruthlessly engineering legislative victories. "[R]eveling in the power they have, [Republicans] are using techniques to jam bills through even when they don't have to . . . simply because they can," is how congressional expert Norman Ornstein characterized the GOP's screw-the-minority tactics from 1994 to the present, according to a 2004 Washington Post article.

·  Lobbyists Hired to Align With Congress - In a job swapping cycle unseen for some time, Democratic congressional aides and former members are leaping to lucrative lobbying posts, Democratic lobbyists are grabbing for influential jobs in Congress and advocacy groups are waging bidding wars for the best talent around.





· Storm victims wary of request for mobile home titles - "I am not giving them my title," Castro said after the meeting. "It is the only proof I have that I owned the home and the proof I need to show FEMA if they decide to help us."

·  Why Paper Ballots Are Not Good Enough - To make a long story short, the proposed improvements to H.R. 550 do address some of the worst features of the electronic voting machines and call upon Congress to adopt paper ballots as the official ballots of record.

·  Only four big U.S. cities ready for crisis: report - More than five years after the September 11 attacks, only four big U.S. cities have emergency communications allowing police, fire and medical officials to coordinate fully during a crisis, a federal report said.

·  Missouri: Police Roadblock Harassment Caught on Tape - "I'm scared to drive for fear of being stopped at another checkpoint and arrested while doing nothing illegal," Darrow told TheNewspaper. "We're now guilty until we prove ourselves innocent to these checkpoint officers."




·   Coldest December in more than 60 years - It will come as no surprise to those who shivered their way through Christmas shopping, the festive season and New Year's Eve that the country had one of the coldest Decembers in the last 60 years.

·  'If we fail to act, we will end up with a different planet' - One of the world's leading experts on climate change has warned that the Earth is being turned into a "different planet" because of the continuing increase in man-made emissions of greenhouse gases.





·    'Tony Blair is a liar', says dead soldier's fiancee - The grief-stricken fiancee of a soldier killed in Iraq angrily accused Tony Blair of lying about the bloody conflict.

·  Olmert's secretary under investigation - Prime minister's secretary Shula Zaken suspected of involvement in civil service appointments and attempting to grant tax benefits to her cronies





·   Bush considers firing senior US commander in Iraq - New York Times reports Bush plans to fire General Casey, commander of American forces in Iraq, whose plan to transfer security responsibility to Iraqis failed. American Generals agree: Bush doesn’t want withdraw, he wants victory

·  Army attempts to redefine free speech - When does political speech become a crime punishable by imprisonment? When the Army doesn't like what it hears.

·  Soldiers and Imperial Presidents - Marketing militarism and war to society at large is no different than selling potato chips laced with trans-fats or carcinogenic chemicals, without regard to public health and its attendant social costs. It is all about managing public perception and providing widening profit margins to the corporations that are running the government.

·  DOD hires airline to transport war dead - The U.S. Air Force has contracted charter flights to transport the remains of troops killed overseas to their homes.

·  Former General Backs Gay Policy Change - The Army general who was Joint Chiefs chairman when the Pentagon adopted its ``don't ask, don't tell'' policy on gays says he no longer opposes allowing them to serve openly.





·  An all-consuming 'war on terror' - How did the war on terror take on a life of its own and trap the entire political class, and most Americans, into public beliefs about the need to fight a global war on terror as our first priority, even when there's little or no evidence of an enemy present in the United States? What accounts for $650 billion worth of expenditures, along with baseless cycles of "sleeper cell" hysteria and McCarthyist policies of surveillance and "pre-emptive prosecution" not seen in this country since the early 1950s?





·   Philadelphia Inquirer to lay off 68 - The Philadelphia Inquirer, grappling with sharp declines in circulation and ad revenue, said Tuesday it expected to lay off 68 newsroom employees, about 16 percent of its editorial staff.





·   Fluoride Accumulates in Pineal Gland - Fluoride is a poison, yet we add it to our water and toothpaste and even call it a supplement, although it has no nutritional value.

·  The Spine as Profit Center - But there have been serious questions about how much the surgery actually helps patients with back pain and whether surgeons’ generous fees might motivate them to overuse the procedure.





·   Hussein -- terrorist or terrorized? - SOMEONE has to say it: The hanging of Saddam Hussein was an act of barbarism that makes a mockery of President Bush's claim it was "an important milestone on Iraq's course to becoming a democracy."

·  UN staff accused of raping children in Sudan - The abuse allegedly began two years ago when the UN mission in southern Sudan (UNMIS) moved in to help rebuild the region after a 23-year civil war.

·  Italy urges global execution ban - The leader of the current centre-left coalition has said no crime can justify one person killing another.

·  FBI: Workers saw prisoner abuse at Guantanamo - he FBI on Tuesday released documents showing at least 26 of the agency's employees witnessed aggressive mistreatment and harsh interrogation techniques of prisoners by other government agencies or outside contractors at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.





· Bush's Photo Op Snubbed by Ford Family - The children of late President Gerald Ford spent every hour of public viewing in the United States Capitol to greet tens of thousands of everyday Americans who came to pay tribute to their father. When President George W. Bush showed up, the Ford children were nowhere to be seen.




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