Date: January 4th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  How About Term Limits for the Entire Executive Branch?


I’ll tell you what I am sick of: seeing faces from prior administrations pop up in job after job in our government for forty years, especially faces that have been or should have been in prison! Cheney, Rumsfeld, Negroponte, Pearle, Wolfowitz, these guys would have been out of our hair and a lot of the problems the word faces could have been avoided had term limits been established for executive branch employees.


I also want to see job requirements for the executive branch positions. I want anyone associated with a “think tank” or secret society disqualified for employment with our government and that includes the secret societies known as the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Enterprise Institute!


We need citizens running our government, not career power mongers!  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·   Sources: Bush likely to send up to 40,000 troops to Iraq - The president has not yet signed off on any changes, including a possible increase of U.S. troops, according to the sources. But he is "driving toward a conclusion" and a plan is "taking shape" and "getting more detailed" as the president puts "on the finer points," they said.

·  Survey indicates Iraqis in despair - More than 90 per cent of Iraqis believe the country is worse off now than before the war in 2003, according to new research obtained by Al Jazeera.

·  Hussein Guard Is Arrested, Officials Say - The Iraqi prime minister’s office gave its first public defense today of the way the government carried out the execution of Saddam Hussein, and said that a guard who they believe recorded the moment in a macabre unauthorized video had been arrested.

·  Mission Accomplished - The War Party meant to destroy Iraq – and so they did

·  How the CIA found and groomed Saddam Hussein - While many have thought that Saddam Hussein became involved with US intelligence agencies from the 1980 Iran-Iraq war, his first contacts date back to 1959 when he was part of a CIA-authorized six-man squad tasked with assassinating then Iraqi prime minister General Abd al-Karim Qasim.





·  How About Term Limits for the Entire Executive Branch? - I also want to see job requirements for the executive branch positions. I want anyone associated with a “think tank” or secret society disqualified for employment with our government and that includes the secret societies known as the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Enterprise Institute!

·  Do-It-Yourself Impeachment... - Impeach for Peace, a Minnesota-based impeachment group, has researched a method for impeaching the president using a little known and rarely used part of the Rules of the House of Representatives ("Jefferson’s Manual"). This document actually empowers individual citizens to initiate the impeachment process themselves.

·  Old guard back on Iraq policy - But now, a small but increasingly influential group of neocons are again helping steer Iraq policy. - This group — which includes William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard magazine, and Frederick W. Kagan, a military analyst at a prominent think tank, the American Enterprise Institute — was expressing concerns about the administration's blueprint for Iraq even before the invasion almost four years ago.

·  Angry Nixon vowed to 'ruin' diplomatic corps - The former president's darker side was further revealed on Wednesday by newly released FBI files which show the agency ran criminal background checks on Senate witnesses critical of William Rehnquist's nomination to the Supreme Court in 1971 at the request of the Nixon administration.

·  Negroponte to Quit Spy Job to Be State Dept. Deputy - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has persuaded John D. Negroponte to leave his post as director of national intelligence and come to the State Department as her deputy, government officials said last night.

·  The Nixon pardon, another preemptive strike against the Kennedys - Practically the first thing President William Jefferson Clinton did on entering the White House was in effect to shut off congressional investigation into the Reagan-Bush scandal of Iran-Contra. Practically the last thing Clinton did on leaving the White House was to pardon fugitive billionaire financier Marc Rich, heavily involved in Iran-Contra. If Senator Clinton is indeed serious about running for the White House – by no means a given – it will be important to ask her why her spouse prevented investigation into Iran-Contra. But in any case, when Mr. Clinton dies, I shall be surprised if any neo-con or other right-winger refers to either of these Clinton actions as “healing.”





·   Mortgage Lenders Network stops loans, sets layoffs - Mortgage Lenders Network USA, a large U.S. subprime lender, said it has stopped funding loans and accepting applications for loans, citing deteriorating conditions in the mortgage market, and has temporarily laid off about 80 percent of its 1,800 employees.

·  US carmakers losing out to rivals - Most US carmakers have suffered from the decline in demand for so-called "gas-guzzling" Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) and trucks.



9/11 News :








·  'Assassination' schedule announced for Congress - A radio talk-show entertainer whose earlier statements that he "may" have to assassinate members of Congress if the wrong people were elected Nov. 7 now has set a timetable for those killings.
TVNL Comment: How fast would he have been picked up and dissapeared had hemade his threat against Republican leadership?

·  Pensions for convicted lawmakers draw watchdogs' ire - Led by the conservative National Taxpayers Union, two dozen watchdog groups of all political stripes say it's time to stop making taxpayers pay the pensions of lawmakers who are convicted of or plead guilty to crimes committed while in office.
TVNL Comment: How embarrassing is it for
America that this is even an issue?

·  But It's Thomas Jefferson's Koran! - Rep.-elect Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, found himself under attack last month when he announced he'd take his oath of office on the Koran -- especially from Virginia Rep. Virgil Goode, who called it a threat to American values. Yet the holy book at tomorrow's ceremony has an unassailably all-American provenance. We've learned that the new congressman -- in a savvy bit of political symbolism -- will hold the personal copy once owned by Thomas Jefferson.





· South rated low on ladder to success - Babies born in the Deep South, including Georgia, are less likely to be successful in school and in life than those in other states, according to new research.

·  W pushes envelope on U.S. spying - President Bush has quietly claimed sweeping new powers to open Americans' mail without a judge's warrant, the Daily News has learned.

·  FEMA: Calif. Levees Worse Than Thought - A fast-growing region near the state capital is at greater risk of a potentially catastrophic flood than originally believed, and insurance rates could double for some residents, the government said Wednesday.

·  U.S. Bars Lab From Testing Electronic Voting - A laboratory that has tested most of the nation’s electronic voting systems has been temporarily barred from approving new machines after federal officials found that it was not following its quality-control procedures and could not document that it was conducting all the required tests.

·  Bush to Seek Renewal of Education Law - President Bush plans to meet with lawmakers next week to boost efforts to renew the No Child Left Behind education law, according to a Democratic congressional aide.
TVNL Comment: Funded by Saudi money Bush's brother Neil is making a fortune on this program.

·  Spence: $2M settlement underscores loss of freedom - Jackson attorney battles FBI, big government, Patriot Act.





·   Scientists' Report Documents ExxonMobil’s Tobacco-like Disinformation Campaign on Global Warming Science - ExxonMobil-funded organizations consist of an overlapping collection of individuals serving as staff, board members, and scientific advisors that publish and re-publish the works of a small group of climate change contrarians.

·  ExxonMobil cultivates global warming doubt: report - Energy giant ExxonMobil borrowed tactics from the tobacco industry to raise doubt about climate change, spending $16 million on groups that question global warming, a science watchdog group said on Wednesday.

·  A World Without Waste - Advocates of zero waste believe in life after trashcans

·  The Alternative-fuel Vehicle Directory - This directory includes links to alternative fuel Web sites. There are EV conversions, the electrochemistry of batteries and fuel cells, U.S. Government research sites, university hybrid projects, regional EV associations and international automobile manufacturers, among others.

·  How Many Windmills Would $87 Billion Buy? - At the costs projected by Alpine Power Co, $87 billion would buy 192,904 windmills. The total resulting electricity production, again assuming each windmill can run one third of the time, would come to more than 1,015 billion kilowatt-hours per year. This amounts to about more than a quarter of all U.S. electricity consumption in 2000.
TVNL Comment: This is an old article. For what has been spent on the
Iraq war so far the U.S. could have just about completely converted to wind power.





·    Israeli Experts Say Middle East Was Safer With Saddam in Iraq - Although few tears were shed in Israel over Saddam Hussein’s death last week, a small but growing chorus — including government officials, academics and Iraqi émigrés — is warning that Israel could find itself in more danger with him gone, and that it might even regret having welcomed his toppling.

·  New UN chief – Israel at the heart of the problem - This does not necessarily mean Ban believes Israel per se is to blame– Israelis have expressed the hope that he would be friendly towards their country.

·  Israeli 'traitor' vilified in press freed after two years in jail - An Israeli woman whose attempts to better understand Palestinians led to a campaign of vilification and charges of treason was released yesterday after serving more than two years in jail.

·  Book: Israel, Lobby Pushing Iran War - A former United Nations weapons inspector and leading Iraq War opponent has written a new book alleging that Jerusalem is pushing the Bush administration into war with Iran, and accusing the pro-Israel lobby of dual loyalty and “outright espionage.”





·   Second U.S. carrier group to deploy to Gulf: sources - The Pentagon will send a second aircraft carrier and its escort ships to the Gulf, defense officials said on Wednesday, as a warning to Syria and Iran and to give commanders more flexibility in the region.










·   Eschewing its own reporting, ABC News relied solely on Drudge to report alleged NY Times Clinton story - A January 3 article* on cited the website of Internet gossip Matt Drudge in reporting that "Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton [D-NY] believes Sen. Barack Obama [D-IL] is her biggest obstacle to winning the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 but believes that his threat will diminish."

·  Presidential Funerals: Enough Already - I liked Gerald Ford and thought his accidental presidency was a happy accident for the country. He deserved praise and homage in death. But public ceremonies spanning six days with all events carried live day after day by the television and cable networks just seemed too much.

·  Journalist Receives Death Threat for Talking About Israel - What happens when an American freelance journalist learns the facts about Israel and starts to inform fellow Americans? She gets her life threatened.





·   Stem cells regenerate teeth in pigs, study says - Using stem cells harvested from the extracted wisdom teeth of young adults, researchers have successfully generated tooth root and supporting tooth ligaments to support a crown restoration in experiments using miniature pigs.

·  Source of Funding and Results of Studies of Health Effects of Mobile Phone Use - The interpretation of results from studies of health effects of radiofrequency radiation should take sponsorship into account.





·   FBI Reports Duct-Taping, 'Baptizing' at Guantanamo - More than two dozen incidents were reported, including some that the government had revealed in earlier document releases.





· Teenager hangs herself over Saddam's execution - A 15-year-old girl from Kharda district hanged herself in response to the execution of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on Thursday.




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