Date: January 7th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  It is not a “Surge”; it is an “Escalation”


The criminal American corporate media has been the commercial for the advertisement firm of Bush & Company over the year. The Bush administration has been the world’s most prolific word smiths over this period of time. They have come up with the most deceptive words, phrases and descriptions over this time and the criminal corporate media do the dirty work of brainwashing the public into accepting these new Orwellian double talk.


The latest in a long line of inaccurate tags, complicity accepted by the criminal corporate media for a national brainwashing campaign, is the term “surge” when used to describe a “escalation” of the war in Iraq.


Grab a dictionary and look up the word “surge!” Then look up the word “escalation.” Then ask yourself which term more accurately describes the plan to add as many as 40,000 troops to an ongoing military operation. Then ask yourself if the members of the media speak English or if they are complicit in the deceptive propaganda campaign by the criminals who lied to the world in order to start a war.


When will this nation realize that the US corporate media are our enemies and they must be treated as such. They lie to us with every word they utter and their campaign of deception is the sole reason why the American people are not aware of the crimes being committed against them.      Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·   It is not a “Surge”; it is an “Escalation” - The Bush administration has been the world’s most prolific word smiths over this period of time. They have come up with the most deceptive words, phrases and descriptions over this time and the criminal corporate media do the dirty work of brainwashing the public into accepting these new Orwellian double talk.

·  Bush surrounds himself with war supporters - President Bush yesterday began an overhaul of his top military and diplomatic teams as he prepared to announce a highly controversial increase of 20,000 US troops in Iraq.

·  More troops for Iraq 'too little, too late': former NATO commander - The former commander of NATO forces in Kosovo, General Wesley Clark, has said that sending more US troops to Iraq would be "too little, too late", and could worsen the situation for coalition forces.

·  Future of Iraq: The spoils of war - Iraq's massive oil reserves, the third-largest in the world, are about to be thrown open for large-scale exploitation by Western oil companies under a controversial law which is expected to come before the Iraqi parliament within days. The US government has been involved in drawing up the law, a draft of which has been seen by The Independent on Sunday.

·  3 U.S. airmen die in Baghdad car bombing - Three U.S. airmen died Sunday in a car bombing in Baghdad - among at least 17 people killed in violence across Iraq as Iraqi troops launched a fresh battle to oust militias and pacify the capital.





·   Neo-conservative nonsense - Rather than having any role in salvaging the disaster they helped create, neo-conservatives should be hounded from the public square, their security clearances canceled for life. William Kristol, a leading neo-conservative and editor of The Weekly Standard, the flagship neo-conservative magazine, is reported to be helping the White House formulate strategy behind the president's plan for a "surge" of tens of thousands of additional American troops into Iraq. Kristol was also chairman of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which in the late 1990s proposed that the United States remain "the world's preeminent shape a new century favorable to American principles and interests."





·   Raytheon Replacing Striking Workers - A union spokesman called the hires "an insult to existing employees."



9/11 News :








·  What'd you do to my mail bill, Mr. Prez? - The Republican sponsor of a postal reform bill called on President Bush yesterday to explain why he used it to claim he can open domestic mail without a search warrant.

·  House Adopts Pay-as-You-Go Rules -  Under the new provisions, the House will for the first time in years be required to pay for any proposal to cut taxes or increase spending on the most expensive federal programs by raising taxes or cutting spending elsewhere.

·  Senate Regrets the Vote to Enter Iraq - Senate Regrets the Vote to Enter Iraq
TVNL Comment: Why didn't they know it? We did! You did! Everyone did!

·  Rice to testify on Iraq before Senate committee Thursday - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will go to Capitol Hill next Thursday to discuss the Bush administration's new strategy for Iraq with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

·  Dems Prepare Slew of Oversight Hearings - From the war to environmental policy and secret surveillance, the Democrats who now control both the House and Senate are armed with subpoena power and ready to summon panels of witnesses.

·  Webb Introduces Sweeping Expansion of Veterans Education Benefits - Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) launched his career in the United States Senate Thursday by introducing a sweeping expansion of the education and training benefits currently available to the nation’s 2.4 million active duty and reserve members of the armed forces.










·   Bill would permanently bar drilling in Alaskan refuge - Legislation introduced in the House on Friday would make the oil-rich 1.2 million-acre coastal strip of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge a permanently protected wilderness and end repeated efforts to open the area east of the Prudhoe oil field to energy companies.





·   Taxman to get bugging and phone-tap powers - TAX inspectors are to be given new powers allowing them to tap taxpayers’ telephones and plant bugs inside their homes and offices.
TVNL Comment: Is it time for a new set of global revolutions?

·  Tijuana police return -- without their weapons - The military operation in Tijuana and a similar incursion in the southern state of Michoacan, some political analysts say, have been a political boon to President Felipe Calderon, who took office in December, allowing him to project an image of strength and decisiveness.

·  Britons to be scanned for FBI database - Millions of Britons who visit the United States are to have their fingerprints stored on the FBI database alongside those of criminals, in a move that has outraged civil rights groups.

·  Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran - ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons.





·   U.S. Selecting Hybrid Design for Warheads - It also raises the question of whether the United States will ultimately be forced to end its moratorium on underground nuclear testing to make sure the new design works.





·  Helping Victims Of Intellectual Stupidity Syndrome - Hitler used this same constant, repetitious Gestalt-like programming of his people to force them to mentally submit to his dictatorship.





·  AP Staffer Killed In Iraq -- Was Missing For Six Days - The circumstances of Naji's death were unclear. Dozens of Iraqis are found slain almost every day in Baghdad, many believed victims of sectarian death squads.

·  FCC Releases, Withholds Ownership Documents - The FCC's Media Bureau has released a number of documents and audio transcripts related to its media ownership proceeding, but has withheld some 1,400 pages of documents, including two draft reports, citing various privilege exemptions.





·   Banning Aspartame - A Common Sense Precaution - It is worth taking a moment here to review the history of how a true poison like this might be passed on to us as "food" over the protests of the scientists who tried to say "No!" but who were, and who continue to be, subverted by corporate money spent to influence politicians.














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