Date: January 9th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  The Fascist Mission Accomplished in Iraq


While we hear buzzwords like “freedom” and “democracy” tossed around by the criminal corporate media and the lying bastards known as politicians, the reality is that fascism is what is at play. Look around the world for any leader of a nation who dares to disturb the fascist financial leaders of the world by using the recourses of their nation to benefit the citizens instead of the small group of fascist global imperial elite and that person will rise to the top of the most wanted list. They will be demonized in every way imaginable. Their crime: providing for the people without allowing greedy fascist to exploit people for profit.


Hugo Chaves is the most recent anti-fascist leader to be demonized by the propaganda arm of the global fascist elite: the US corporate media. His crime: he is providing for his people at the expense of multi-national corporations.


Saddam was the last person to pay the price for doing a similar thing. One can argue that Saddam signed his own death warrant when he kicked out the international oil companies and nationalized the industry. He strengthened his nation with this oil money. Thanks to the lying bastards in the US media most Americans do not know that the Iraqi oil money was used for things other than the government buildings, deceptively emphasizes by the corporate media as palaces. That oil money paid for FREE HEALTH CARE FOR IRAQIS and FREE EDUCATION, THROUGH COLLEGE, FOR IRAQIS (including women!)


Now, the new Iraqi government is set to hand that oil back to the people who are arguably the most horrible ruthless evil people ever to live; the western oil companies and those who represent them. These are the people who think nothing of starting wars, lying to the world about pollution and global warming (things that will kill millions of people), and preventing other technologies from entering the public realm.


Now these greedy dangerous oil companies have what they wanted, Iraq’s oil. The Iraqi people will no longer have free education or health care. The health care issue is even worse than you think because thanks to the nuclear waste that we littered their nation with in the form of depleted uranium the health problems in Iraq may become the worst of any nation in the history of the world; and just in because the American mission in Iraq is concluding with the elimination of the money to pay for that health care.


Iraq is now shaping into the fascist model that so many people mistake for democracy. Make no mistake, as it is in America freedom now exists in Iraq. But the freedom is for those who own our lives to own more of our lives. Freedom exists, but only for the few in charge. Nobody has the courage to point this out however. So with this latest decision to turn the Iraqi oil rights over to western nations you can pretty much feel safe to finally say “mission accomplished.”     Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  The Fascist Mission Accomplished in Iraq - So with this latest decision to turn the Iraqi oil rights over to western nations you can pretty much feel safe to finally say “mission accomplished.”

·  The "Surge" to screw Iraq out of its oil - It took an article from the distant New Zealand Herald (via a reader) to tell me Oil giants to profit from law change. That is, the third largest reserves in the world are about to be fed to the Western oil lions under another sell-out law that the Iraqi Parliament will vote on in days.

·  US air strike kills more than 20 in Somalia-elder - The attack appeared to be a second strike after a U.S. warplane on Monday attacked the village of Hayo in a hunt for al Qaeda suspects.

·  Dummies 'guard' Iraq garrison - British troops are manning watchtowers with dummies at the Army's main garrison in southern Iraq, it was disclosed last night.

·  Iraq to give Western companies control of oil: report - The Iraqi government plans to introduce a law that will give control of the country's huge oil reserves to Western oil companies, a British newspaper says.
TVNL Comment: There are no words strong enough to describe the magnatude of this criminal action. This is fascism personified. The oil had been used to provide free helath care and education for the
Iraq people. The theft of these services is a crime against humanity.

·  Blair refuses to match US troop 'surge' in Iraq - Tony Blair will make clear this week that Britain is not going to send more troops to Iraq even if the US pushes ahead with a "surge" of 20,000 extra soldiers.





·   The Imperial Presidency 2.0 - The administration’s assault on some of the nation’s founding principles continues unabated. If the Democrats were to shirk their responsibility to stop it, that would make them no better than the Republicans who formed and enabled these policies in the first place.

·  Photo shows Bush with disgraced lobbyist - The photo posted Monday to the Web site of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington reportedly shows President Bush with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff at a fundraiser in 2003.

·  Reagan Lawyer Ready to Return to White House - Mr. Fielding forged his skills in politically charged episodes like Watergate and the air traffic controllers’ strike in 1981.
TVNL Comment: Bring back the professional criminals.





·  Job growth under Bush slower than under Clinton, Reagan - Democrats, who took control of Congress last Thursday for the first time in a dozen years, say Bush's trade and other economic policies have contributed to the loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs and to the slower job creation.

·  Sprint reports subscriber losses, job cuts - Sprint Nextel Corp. reported Monday that its cell phone business suffered a net loss of 300,000 monthly subscribers in the fourth quarter and that the struggling wireless company will cut 5,000 jobs.

·  Global Markets Face `Severe Correction,' Faber Says - Marc Faber, who predicted the U.S. stock market crash in 1987, said global assets are poised for a ``severe correction'' and it's time to sell.



9/11 News :


·   9/11 probe question will pass to voters - Burlington voters on Town Meeting Day will be the first in the country to vote 'yes' or 'no' on reopening the investigation into what happened Sept. 11, 2001.






·  Congress to open 2nd stem cell showdown - At stake is whether cells that scientists consider the most promising will be the ones most used in the race to develop cures for dozens of diseases.





·  Ex-Official Sentenced for Abramoff Gifts - A former Interior Department employee was sentenced to two years probation and fined $1,000 Tuesday for failing to report gifts he received from influence-peddler Jack Abramoff.

·  Privacy Rights Advocates Wary of Justice Department’s Online Surveillance Plans - According to a report from McClatchy News, the U.S. Justice Department is currently in negotiations with large Internet service providers (ISPs) in the hopes of improving their ability to monitor online traffic.





·   N.J. eyed as source of stench over NYC - The gas-like odor that hung over Manhattan's streets was gone Tuesday, but city officials were still trying to pinpoint its source — and eyeing New Jersey.





·  The correct map - The Knesset Education Committee has decided by a majority vote that the pre-Six-Day-War border, or the Green Line, no longer exists. The decision reminded me of Abba Eban's famous observation that if the Arab countries were to propose canceling the law of gravity in the United Nations, they would have a guaranteed 50 votes in favor of the proposal.
TVNL Comment: Screw the world,
Israel makes the rules.

·  Nigerian Terror Threat: $6 a Gallon Gasoline - The secretive leader of a Nigerian terror group is threatening "a more ruthless" set of attacks on U.S. and European oil facilities, including burning workers alive on offshore oil rigs.

·  Italian Lawyer in CIA Case Withdraws - A lawyer for a CIA agent accused in the 2003 kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric in Milan withdrew from the case shortly after a court opened hearings Tuesday on whether to indict him and 25 other Americans.

·  Russians turn off Europe's oil supply - Moscow abruptly halted millions of barrels of oil destined for the EU via Belarus in an increasingly hostile wrangle with its neighbour.

·  U.S. sub collides with Japan ship - The USS Newport News was surfacing in the Arabian Sea south of the Straits of Hormuz when it hit the Japanese ship, the official said.

·  Drug mafia, CIA blamed for sacking of Afghan governor - In a country flooded with narcotics traffickers and corrupt government officials, one of Afghanistan's few remaining 'clean' governors, Mohammed Daud, has been removed from his position, and many are blaming the drug mafia and the CIA for his abrupt dismissal.

·  Chavez nationalizes utilities, calls OAS chief 'idiot' - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced plans Monday to nationalize Venezuela's electrical and telecommunications companies, pledging to create a socialist state in a bold move with echoes of Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution.
TVNL Comment: Consider Chavez a dead man. He committed the ultimate crime against the world's elite; he is using the natural recourses of his nation to benefit the people of the nation as opposed to making a small group of powerful people wealthy beyond imagination.





·   Soldier's lost data used in fake video - A Fort Campbell soldier who lost a digital memory card used to make an anti-war propaganda film that aired on Iraqi TV will not be disciplined, officials said Monday. - Army officials are investigating how information on the "flash drive" ended up in enemy hands, according to a report by ABC News.

·  U.S. Selecting Hybrid Design for Warheads - It also raises the question of whether the United States will ultimately be forced to end its moratorium on underground nuclear testing to make sure the new design works.

·  A New Commander, in Step With the White House on Iraq - As a supporter of increased forces in Iraq, General Petraeus is expected to back a rapid five-brigade expansion, in sharp contrast to his predecessor, Gen. George W. Casey Jr., who has been openly skeptical that additional troops would help stabilize the country.
TVNL Comment: Yet another military leader who betrays his troops!










·  Deconstructing the media manipulation that infects America's core - What we need desperately today is to teach every middle schooler how to recognize and deconstruct media manipulation.

·  Selective Amnesia - The pundits who sold the Iraq War change their tune and bury their records.










·  Five years on, no end to the horror that is Guantanamo - Five years later none of these "worst of the worst" have been brought to trial. Just 10 have been formally charged while hundreds of others have been returned to their own countries and released. Meanwhile, three have committed suicide, at least 40 others have tried to do so and there are concerns about the mental health of most of the 400 or so remaining prisoners.

·  IDF soldiers say ordered to 'shoot to kill' at Gaza post where Palestinian girl died - Soldiers and officers at the Girit outpost in the Gaza Strip, where a 13-year-old Palestinian girl was killed two years ago, claimed to have received orders to always shoot and kill when opening fire at night.

·  Yes, There is Apartheid in Israel - Indeed Apartheid does exist here. And our army is not "the most moral army in the world" as we are told by its commanders.





·  Who paid for that study? Source affects outcome - If a study was industry-funded, it was far more likely to have a positive finding than if it was paid for by the government or an independent group, the researchers found.

·  Bush Senior Early CIA Ties Revealed - Newly released internal CIA documents assert that former president George Herbert Walker Bush's oil company emerged from a 1950's collaboration with a covert CIA officer. Bush has long denied allegations that he had connections to the intelligence community prior to 1976, when he became Central Intelligence Agency director under President Gerald Ford.




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