Date: January 15th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Media Reform; Missing the Point


The media reform movement is missing the point. Most people think the problems with our news media are ownership consolidation and bias. The real problem is far worse and much bigger, it is control of information and the infiltration of the news industry by political and government operatives.


Say what you want but one good look will show you that regardless of the bias of a particular news outlet they are all reporting the same stories, focusing on the same priorities and omitting the same vital information. All the while the incestuous relationship between members of the media and politically powerful and secretive organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and AIPAC go unmentioned by most media critics and reformists.


We don’t need to reform our news media industry, we need to create one because what passes for a news media today is simply a controlled information delivery system designed to control the focus and perceptions of the American people. It’s about time we come to terms with this painfully obvious reality and it is time that we stop supporting the media critics and watchdogs who refuse to address the reality of the situation. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  Group: U.S. GIs fighting in Philippines - U.S. troops, in possible violation of the Philippines' constitution, have taken part in combat operations against guerrillas linked to al-Qaida, an activist group said in a report Monday.

·  2 soldiers killed by roadside bomb in Baghdad - The names of the soldiers were withheld pending notification of next of kin.

·  Roadside bomb kills 3 cops in Baghdad - At least 78 people were reported killed or found dead in Iraq on Sunday, including 41 bullet-riddled bodies discovered in Baghdad.

·  U.S. and Iraqis Are Wrangling Over War Plans - Just days after President Bush unveiled a new war plan calling for more than 20,000 additional American troops in Iraq, the heart of the effort — a major push to secure the capital — faces some of its fiercest resistance from the very people it depends on for success: Iraqi government officials.

·  Iraq's Sunnis angry over hanging and decapitation - Iraqi Shiites, oppressed by Saddam Hussein, welcomed the hanging of two of his aides on Monday, though some joined Sunni Arabs in expressing shock that his half-brother's head was ripped off by the noose.

·  Botched hanging in Iraq arouses Arab suspicions - The botched hanging of Saddam Hussein's half-brother Barzan on Monday aroused Arab suspicions of foul play and malice, deepening the divide between the Iraqi government and Arabs in other countries.

·  Why the US Is Not Leaving Iraq: The Booming Business of War Profiteers - The military-industrial-complex [would] cause military spending to be driven not by national security needs but by a network of weapons makers, lobbyists and elected officials. — Dwight D. Eisenhower

·  US Secretary of State: Kurds have no authority over oil in their region - On the issue of the ownership of oil Reuters stated, “Ethnic Kurds whose region includes the country's northern oil fields including the giant Kirkuk field have signed some contracts with foreign oil companies, spurring confusion over who has the authority to ink contracts.”

·  Baghdad morgue took 16,000 bodies in 2006 - About 1,350 bodies were received in December, the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the Iraqi government has banned officials from releasing data on casualty rates.

·  U.S. soldier commits suicide in Iraq - "The soldier uttered words saying he was sad and miserable," the source said.
TVNL Comment: How many more stories like this have been kept from us?

·  Administration leaving out important details on Iraq President Bush and his aides, explaining their reasons for sending more American troops to Iraq, are offering an incomplete, oversimplified and possibly untrue version of events there that raises new questions about the accuracy of the administration's statements about Iraq.

·  New U.S. Embassy in Iraq cloaked in mystery - The fortress-like compound rising beside the Tigris River here will be the largest of its kind in the world, the size of Vatican City, with the population of a small town, its own defense force, self-contained power and water, and a precarious perch at the heart of Iraq’s turbulent future.

·  War costs are hitting historic proportions - The price tag for the Iraq conflict and overall effort against terrorism is expected to surpass Vietnam's next year.

·  Row over Iranians strains U.S.-Iraqi relations - The row over the five tested the Iraqi government's ties with Washington as President Jalal Talabani left for Syria, another foe of President Bush who this week vowed to stop the support for insurgents from both Syria and Iran.

·  Choices dwindle if Iraq war plan fails - If the revamped Iraq war plan fails, it will be time to withdraw most U.S. troops. Or send more in. The United States is seen as having a limited number of options, all grim, if President Bush's "new way forward" hits a wall.

·  Five Flaws in the President's Plan - The speech reflects a profound misunderstanding of our era. America is acting like a colonial power in Iraq. But the age of colonialism is over. Waging a colonial war in the post-colonial age is self-defeating. That is the fatal flaw of Bush's policy.





·   Shock and oil: Iraq's billions & the White House connection - The American company appointed to advise the US government on the economic reconstruction of Iraq has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars into Republican Party coffers and has admitted that its own finances are in chaos because of accounting errors and bad management.

·  At Libby Trial, Power Players Face Uncomfortable Spotlight - When Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff goes on trial Tuesday on charges of lying about the disclosure of a CIA officer's identity, members of Washington's government and media elite will be answering some embarrassing questions as well.








9/11 News :








·  Webb Does More For Troops in One Day Than Allen Did In Years - Keeping a promise he made on the campaign trail in 2006, Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) did more for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan on his first day in the Senate than the man he ousted, George Felix Allen, did in the entire previous Congress.





·  Is the United States a military dictatorship? - The United States has been a military dictatorship since November 22, 1963, but a lot of the niceties hiding this fact are falling away all of a sudden.

·  Americans - Chaser boy Julian Morrow, discovers how smart Americans actually are.

·  Pretext For The North American Union - This presentation is an important, detailed and timely look at forming of the North America Union (NAU). This is information is most helpful to those who knows little about the NAU or the CFR.

·  Pentagon Viewing Americans' Bank Records - The Pentagon and to a lesser extent the CIA have been using a little-known power to look at the banking and credit records of hundreds of Americans and others suspected of terrorism or espionage within the United States, officials said Saturday.





·   U.S., Canada weigh Great Lakes cleanup - The U.S. and Canadian governments are considering whether to update and strengthen the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, which hasn't been significantly revised since 1987. It commits the two countries to "restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity" of the world's biggest surface freshwater system — a mission that many see as only partly accomplished.

·  U.S. Denies British Rumors on Bush Climate Change - A U.S. official on Sunday denied a British newspaper report that President George W. Bush was preparing to announce a dramatic policy shift on global warming in his State of the Union speech this month.





·  Big Brother: What it really means in Britain today - Moves to share people's personal details across Whitehall have provoked a civil liberties uproar and accusations that the Government has taken another step towards "a Big Brother state".

·  Iran and Venezuela plan anti-U.S. fund - "It will permit us to underpin investments ... above all in those countries whose governments are making efforts to liberate themselves from the (U.S.) imperialist yoke," Chavez said.

·  NGOs to sue US over WMD claims - SOME 30 non-governmental organisations in Niger said overnight they are going to sue the United States for nearly two billion dollars for "unfairly accusing" Niger of selling uranium to the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

·  China to Sign $3.6b Deal for Iranian Gas Field Investment - A second Chinese oil company is close to signing a memorandum of understanding to invest $3.6 billion in an Iranian gas field amid US pressure for Beijing to scrap another similar deal.

·  Criticism of U.S. swells in Israel - After years of supporting the Bush administration's policy in the Middle East, a growing number of Israelis are openly criticizing the United States for creating more, not less, danger for Israel.





·   Stryker brigade to skip test run - The 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division will skip a previously scheduled trip to the Army’s National Training Center in Southern California and instead conduct its last pre-deployment rehearsals at Fort Lewis, a brigade official said Thursday.

·  Depleted Uranium Death Toll among US War Veterans Tops 11,000 - The death toll from the highly toxic weapons component known as depleted uranium (DU) has reached 11,000 soldiers and the growing scandal may be the reason behind Anthony Principi’s departure as secretary of the Veterans Affairs Department.

·  New Law Could Subject Civilians to Military Trial - Private contractors and other civilians serving with U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan could be subject for the first time to military courts-martial under a new federal provision that legal scholars say is almost certain to spark constitutional challenges.

·  Sergeant in trouble for Playboy spread - An Air Force staff sergeant who posed nude for Playboy magazine has been relieved of her duties while the military investigates, officials said Thursday.
TVNL Comment: Don't go AWOL; go naked!

·  Military Expands Intelligence Role in U.S. - The Pentagon has been using a little-known power to obtain banking and credit records of hundreds of Americans and others suspected of terrorism or espionage inside the United States, part of an aggressive expansion by the military into domestic intelligence gathering.





·  Of Savage Imperialism, Pigskin Monopolists, And Intellectual Emasculation - What could better reflect the collective psychosis of the American Empire than our mass obsession with the NFL? Born through violent revolution, expanded by genocide, enriched by slavery, and elevated to hegemony through imperialism, militarism, and economic tyranny, the United States, like NFL football, embodies avaricious savagery masked by a fastidiously maintained illusion of benevolent civility.





·  Media Reform; Missing the Point - It’s about time we come to terms with this painfully obvious reality and it is time that we stop supporting the media critics and watchdogs who refuse to address the reality of the situation.

·  Insurgent TV channel turns into Iraq's newest cult hit - This is al-Zawraa TV, a 24-hour satellite station that lionises Iraq's insurgency to the drumbeat of Saddam-era martial music. It is a crude and dizzying mix of images and videos harvested from jihadi websites - and a cult hit. There are grainy loops of car bombs and mortar attacks interspersed with images of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib and bloodied children. "Mujahideen" are seen training. Clips of Michael Moore's film, Fahrenheit 9/11 are thrown in for good measure. Its chief targets are the US-led forces and "collaborators".

·  Copps Unveils New America Media Contract - Copps then urged Free Press and the other activists and organizers present at the event to “shift from the defense to the offense” and mobilize millions of Americans to make corporate media sign on to the Contract:
TVNL Comment: This misses the entire point of the problems with the media. The problem is that the news is controlled from a single source. This is clear and provable. That is the problem.

·  Egypt seizes al-Jazeera reporter - A journalist working for Arabic TV news channel al-Jazeera has been arrested in Egypt for allegedly fabricating videos of police torturing suspects.

·  Analyzing O’Reilly - The ongoing feud between Bill O'Reilly and NBC (and Joe Scarborough in particular) is a riot. Bill carried his obsession to a new level the other night, contacting a body language expert to analyze the movements of NBC commentators and concluding, in a broad, sweeping generalization, that the entire network has a deep-seated Bush hatred. Joe responds with an expert of his own to analyze O'Reilly's mannerisms.

·  Danny Schechter: Beyond the Call to Surge, The Need to Purge Our Media - The media WILL report on Bush's posture, tone of voice, tie color, and attitude. The trivial will be made into the gargantuan. The important will be slipped in sideways, quietly, in the form of an unstated assumption that the "surge" is already underway and out of Congress's hands to stop -- an action that would be indecent anyway.





·  Big Pharma's War On Supplements Continues - Senate Bill 3546 blurs the lines between drug damage and harm from supplements. It allows for nutrients to be blamed for injuries caused by drugs.











·  CIA orchestrated Dr. Zhivago's Nobel Prize to embarrass the Kremlin - Nearly 50 years after Russian novelist Boris Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize for his epic 'Doctor Zhivago', it has emerged that British intelligence and the CIA secretly facilitated the accolade to embarrass the Kremlin, which had banned the novel.

·  Dinosaurs, humans coexist in U.S. creation museum - A crush of media attention and packed preview sessions have convinced Ham that nearly half a million people a year will come to Kentucky to see his Biblically correct version of history.
TVNL Comment: $27 million indoctrination center. The Christian Taliban's




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