Date: January 16th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Bush on 60 Minutes; What the Hell Was That About?


Somebody please tell me the point of the 60 Minutes interview of George W. Bush.  What was the message? What was the information? What were we supposed to learn?


Was this simply a PR piece designed to show us how honest Bush is about his motives and sincerity regarding his decisions related to the debacle in Iraq? Was CBS trying to make us believe that George W. Bush reads books? Did the people at 60 Minutes ask Bush about PNAC’s complete control over foreign policy? Did they ask him about the Downing Street memos? Did they point out that Saddam was one of the few leaders in the region that was considered an enemy of al Qaeda and Islamic radicals and that the people who were brutalized by Saddam are the very people that Bush keeps calling the enemy?


It sure seems that the entire segment was one of those fake news reports called VNRs or Video News Releases. Then again almost every segment on every corporate news program is fake news!


Well, I am waiting for the day that this country explodes in rage against the media. I just hope they televise the hangings…of the members of the U.S. corporate media! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  At least 55 Iraqis die in attacks or found dead - At least 55 people were killed in bombings and shootings or were found dead yesterday, and most of the attacks were outside Baghdad. The violence came as Iraqi and American forces prepared a new military offensive to pacify the Iraqi capital by cleansing it of militiamen and other sectarian killers that threaten to divide the country.

·  Damn the Neoconservatives to HELL - Did they really say that?

·  The Price of Hubris - We have an irrational and very likely psychotic man at the helm of a very powerful war machine. He will do anything to send more of America's youth to participate in this slaughter for the sake of incomprehensible greed and arrogence. There is only one force in the world that can stop him and the profiteers who support him, and that is "we the people".

·  IRAQ: Disease alert after sewage system collapses - "As the sewage system has collapsed, all residents are threatened with gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, cholera, diarrhoea and hepatitis. In some of Baghdad's poor neighbourhoods, people drink water which is mixed with sewage," Ali said.

·  'Time is Running Out' In Iraq - In an exclusive interview with ABC News, Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno, the top commander of U.S. ground forces in Iraq, says the current surge of 21,500 troops is not "open-ended" and warned that "time is running out" for the United States to turn things around in Iraq.

·  Kuwait media: U.S. military strike on Iran seen by April - The report, written by Arab Times' Editor-in-chief Ahmed al-Jarallah citing a reliable source, said that the attack would be launched from the sea, while Patriot missiles would guard all Arab countries in the Gulf.

·  Presidential Candidate Fears "Gulf Of Tonkin" To Provoke Iran War - Republican Congressman and 2008 Presidential candidate Ron Paul fears a staged Gulf of Tonkin style incident may be used to provoke air strikes on Iran as numerous factors collide to heighten expectations that America may soon be embroiled in its third war in six years.

·  Last-ditch Baghdad plan has 6 months-Iraqi sources - A major U.S.-backed operation to curb militia violence in Baghdad will take at least six months and is probably the final chance for the increasingly shaky government, senior Iraqi political sources said.





·   Turn Over The Logs, Mr. Bush - All the forced secrecy surrounding the White House visitors log raises an inevitable question: What is the Bush administration hiding and why?





·  Euro displaces dollar in bond markets - The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world’s pre-eminent currency in international bond markets, having outstripped the dollar-denominated market for the second year in a row.

·  US comptroller says US taxes would have to double to pay for Bush budget in 2040 - In an overlooked hearing last Thursday, the head of a government watchdog agency warned of looming disaster for America's economy if an effort isn't made to control spending



9/11 News :








·  Sen. Allard won't seek 3rd term - The decision sets up a wide-open race. Allard's seat was once considered safe for the GOP, but Colorado voters have shown a penchant lately for replacing Republicans with Democrats.





·  Judge rules agent can sue CIA - A fired CIA employee, who collected prewar intelligence that Iraq was not developing weapons of mass destruction, can continue with a lawsuit challenging his dismissal, a federal judge has ruled.

·  NY Governor Rewards Judge Who Jailed Union Leader - New York Governor Elliot Spitzer has rewarded the judge who slammed New York City’s transit union with a huge fine and the jailing of its leader for striking to defend their pensions.

·  Adultery could mean life, court finds - In a ruling sure to make philandering spouses squirm, Michigan's second-highest court says that anyone involved in an extramarital fling can be prosecuted for first-degree criminal sexual conduct, a felony punishable by up to life in prison.

·  N. Dakota Man Aims to Be 1st Hemp Farmer - The sturdy, fibrous plant is used to make an assortment of products, ranging from paper, rope and lotions to car panels, carpet backing and animal bedding.





·   Cutbacks Impede Climate Studies - The government's ability to understand and predict hurricanes, drought and climate changes of all kinds is in danger because of deep cuts facing many Earth satellite programs and major delays in launching some of its most important new instruments, a panel of experts has concluded.

·  The Warming of Greenland - All over Greenland and the Arctic, rising temperatures are not simply melting ice; they are changing the very geography of coastlines.

·  Cold snap destroys most Calif. citrus - Three nights of freezing temperatures have destroyed up to three-quarters of California's $1 billion citrus crop, according to an estimate issued Monday as forecasters warned the weather could continue. - Other crops, including avocados and strawberries, also have suffered damage in the cold snap, agricultural officials said.





·  Iran gets army gear in Pentagon sale - The U.S. military has sold forbidden equipment at least a half-dozen times to middlemen for countries — including Iran and China — who exploited security flaws in the Defense Department's surplus auctions. The sales include fighter jet parts and missile components.

·  Ecuador's leftist Correa promptly begins reforms - After his swearing-in, Correa signed a document calling for a popular vote on March 18 to set up an assembly to change the constitution and accelerate his "citizens' revolution".

·  Leftist Assumes Presidency of Ecuador - Nationalist Rafael Correa denounced Ecuador's political system as ``perverse'' as he was sworn in as president on Monday, and then raised a sword given to him by Venezuela's Hugo Chavez amid applause from a growing club of leftist Latin American leaders.





·   Attorneys for Marine Ask for Leak Probe - Attorneys for a Marine charged in the killing of Iraqi civilians in Haditha want the U.S. military to look into the leak of an investigative report to the news media.










·  Google contributes thousands to conservatives - Under pressure in Washington, Google (GOOG) has given thousands in political contributions to some of the most conservative members of Congress, tempering its image as a bastion of liberal campaign money.

·  Kucinich: Congress To Take On FCC - In addition to media ownership, the committee is expected to focus its attention on issues such as net neutrality and major telecommunications mergers. Also in consideration is the "Fairness Doctrine," which required broadcasters to present controversial topics in a fair and honest manner. It was enforced until it was eliminated in 1987.

·  Bush on 60 Minutes; What the Hell Was That About? - It sure seems that the entire segment was one of those fake news reports called VNRs or Video News Releases. Then again almost every segment on every corporate news program is fake news!

·  Journalists fined over Islam joke - A court in Casablanca has given two Moroccan journalists suspended sentences of three years for defaming Islam and breaching public morality.
TVNL Comment: Religion has turned into tyranny.





·  Engineered chickens make cancer drugs - A team at the institute that cloned Dolly the sheep have made a genetically engineered chicken that produces cancer drugs in its eggs.

·  Rural hospitals, nursing homes hard hit by Bush plan - Many rural hospitals and nursing homes would get fewer federal dollars under a proposal to save Medicaid almost $4 billion over the next five years -- a change that would have "a significant economic impact on a substantial number" of health care providers, the Bush administration acknowledges.
TVNL Comment: Another legacy of the Bush tsunami.










·  James Files confesses killing John F. Kennedy - The killer of President John F. Kennedy?

·  JFK Assassination - Contains rare film footage and information only found one other place.

·  JFK assassination confession - TVNL Comment: Watch the entire video.




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