Date: January 17th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  We Don’t Need to Reform the Media; We Need to REPLACE the Media!


Here is a quick note for all the good people who are working so hard to enact some kind of media reform” we don’t need media reform, we need media replacement! This nation needs at least one single major media outlet that is not part of the information control mechanism that is clearly in place (those who have seen my presentation know ho to easily spot this.) We need a media outlet that has a policy against infiltration by members of politically powerful organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations. And we need a media outlet that does not draw the nation’s attention to stories and issues that affect less than one millionth of the American population, like missing children, murdered spouses or trapped minors. We need a media outlet that reports the same kind of news items that you get every single day when you read my news letter!


So reform away, but you really need to replace!  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  13 dead after suicide bombing in Baghdad slum - Meantime, truck bomb in Kirkuk targets police station, killing at least 10

·  Top Iraqi condemns US over Iran - One of Iraq's most powerful Shia politicians has condemned the arrest of Iranians by US forces in Iraq as an attack on the country's sovereignty.

·  Soldier's Wife Talks To Iraq War Architect Richard Perle: "Why Did You Think We Had To Go Into Iraq?".. - The Huffington Post has obtained a clip from the upcoming film about former assistant secretary of defense, Richard Perle, in the America at a Crossroad series scheduled to air on PBS beginning on April 15.

·  Iran shoots down U.S. spy drone amid growing military pressure - The aircraft was brought down when it was trying to cross the borders "during the last few days," Seyed Nezam Mola Hoveizeh, a member of the parliament, was quoted by the local Fars News Agency as saying.
TVNL Comment: Here we go!

·  Saddam Execution Rushed to Hide Information — Russian Ex-PM - Saddam was executed in an “unexpected” way so “he could not have the last word” and reveal compromising information on the relationship between the United States and his former regime, the PTI news agency quoted Primakov as saying in a televised interview on Sunday.

·  Four U.S. soldiers killed by bomb in northern Iraq - Four U.S. soldiers were killed by a bomb in northern Iraq on Monday, the military said in a statement on Tuesday.

·  Iraqis will never accept this sellout to the oil corporations - The US-controlled Iraqi government is preparing to remove the country's most precious resource from national control

·  U.S. Bringing Second Carrier to Mideast - The deployment of the USS John C. Stennis to the Middle East will put two U.S. aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf region for the first time since the 2003 Iraq invasion, in a clear response to Iran's aggressive posture in the region.

·  U.S. Says Attacks Are Surging in Afghanistan - Senior American officials said Tuesday that they had seen a threefold surge in insurgent attacks in Afghanistan in recent months, caused by militants coming across the border with Pakistan, and they vowed to hold new talks with Pakistani officials on curbing the influx.
TVNL Comment: Where is Bush's speech to the nation warning
Pakistan about their border with Afghanistan; or is Iran the only nation that is not allowed to support our "enemies?"

·  Fifty active duty officers to deliver Iraq pullout petition to Congress - According to Liam Madden, spokesman for the affiliated group Iraq Veterans against the war, the petition will be received on behalf of the "out of Iraq caucus" by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a 2008 presidential candidate, however "all appeals are getting faxed to the representatives of the districts of the signatories."

·  Bomb blasts in Baghdad leave 109 dead - An explosion outside a Baghdad university as students were heading home for the day killed at least 65 people on Tuesday, in the deadliest of several attacks on predominantly Shiite areas. The attack came on a day the United Nations said more than 34,000 Iraqi civilians died last year in sectarian violence.





·   Popular vote movement makes headway - A movement to essentially junk the Electoral College and award the presidency to the winner of the nationwide popular vote is making some headway in states large and small — including, somewhat improbably, North Dakota.

·  Not Only the Worst President, but the Worst Possible President - At any rate, what I think happened is that when the Bush/Scowcroft/Baker faction decided to use Little George as their presidential poster boy to expand their Middle-East-based wealth and power, they didn't reckon with Cheney and Rumsfeld. They thought their boy would be personable and easy to control. The key moment was when Cheney went looking for a vice-presidential candidate and found himself.
TVNL Comment: This article nails it!

·  WH Moved Swiftly to Replace US Attorneys - The administration is replacing U.S. Attorneys throughout the country. How'd they get that power? It was an obscure provision in the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act, and it didn't take them very long to use it.

·  Job performance said to be behind White House firing - The Bush administration has quietly asked San Diego U.S. Attorney Carol Lam, best known for her high-profile prosecutions of politicians and corporate executives, to resign her post, a law enforcement official said.

·  Former Reagan Navy Secretary to deliver Democratic response to Bush's SOTU - "Congressional Democratic leaders are expected to announce that freshman Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) will deliver the official response to President Bush's State of the Union address next Tuesday," Erin P. Billings reports for Roll Call.

·  Dick Cheney's "Stomach for War" - Nothing like getting lectured about guts from a guy whose idea of hunting is to go to a private club and shoot cage-raised birds. And yet that's what we got Sunday, when Dick Cheney was brought above ground, re-animated and rolled into Fox News, to tell America we need to have the "stomach to finish the task in Iraq."





·  The Triple Deficit Paralyzes Policy Vision - The U.S. has a powerful, growing economy, yet we pro-ject the "wrong path" image of an aging society drowning in debt and burdening the world with risk. This gloomy fiction distorts our domestic and international economic policymaking. We should reject it and launch a more energetic vision of global prosperity built on economic freedom and dynamism.

·  What $1 Million Buys In Homes Around The World - "One million dollars doesn't buy very much in the most desirable global property locations,"



9/11 News :


·   9/11 Investigation Initiative - A truly independent investigation must be of the people, by the people and for the people. It must be conducted in the full light of day, with nothing hidden, and nothing held back. Secrets are for those who have something to hide!
TVNL Comment: Volunteer!






·  Sen. Feinstein on U.S. Attorney Appointments - Learn about our dictatorship!

·  Teamsters Say Minimum Wage Hike Not Enough To Make Congress Pro-Labor - They must come through on a variety of pro working family legislation including the Employee Free Choice Act to make it easier to join unions without employer anti-union intimidation.

·  Democratic anti-corruption bill may impact 'large list' of lawmakers - New legislation that will appear shortly before the Senate Judiciary Committee will make it significantly more difficult for public officials to escape indictment or conviction for corruption.





·  Oil Lease Chief Knew of Error, Report Asserts - A top Interior Department official was told nearly three years ago about a legal blunder that allowed drilling companies to avoid billions of dollars in payments for oil and gas pumped from publicly owned waters, a report by the department’s chief independent investigator has found.

·  113 US Universities, VA Hospitals Mum About BioWar Resear - The costliest, most grandiose research scheme ever attempted having germ warfare capability is going forward under President Bush and in apparent defiance of international treaties such as the Geneva Convention of 1925 that bans biological agents.

·  Protesters Found in Database - A Defense Department database devoted to gathering information on potential threats to military facilities and personnel, known as Talon, had 13,000 entries as of a year ago -- including 2,821 reports involving American citizens, according to an internal Pentagon memo to be released today by the American Civil Liberties Union.

·  Wrong Winner Chosen Twice by Same Voting Machine - These voting machines produced very similar levels of counting errors. The errors cost both Democrats thousands of votes. Ultimately, both Democratic candidates were denied a victory by less than 400 votes.





·   Science and faith join forces - Some leading scientists and evangelical Christian leaders have agreed to put aside their fierce differences over the origin of life and work together to fight global warming.





·  Russia completes air defense system deliveries to Iran - Russia undertook to supply 29 Tor-M1 missiles to Iran under a $700 million contract signed at the end of 2005.

·  Blair warns against Scottish independence - Blair's warning Tuesday came as the Scottish National Party (SNP) used the anniversary of their union to launch a fresh drive for independence, while some opinion polls suggested a majority of Scots and English want to separate.

·  Israeli Army Chief of Staff Resigns - Halutz has been under pressure to step down ever since the end of the 34-day war, which failed in its goals of defeating the anti-Israel militant group Hezbollah and bringing home two captured soldiers.

·  Israeli, Syrian representatives reach secret understandings - In a series of secret meetings in Europe between September 2004 and July 2006, Syrians and Israelis formulated understandings for a peace agreement between Israel and Syria.





·  Guard's loss of hardware in war causes dire situation - Dozens of tractor-trailers, Humvees and other equipment the Nevada Guard needs to do its job have been left in Iraq, contributing to a nationwide depletion of resources that is creating what the Guard's commander in Washington has called a dire situation.

·  Spain Reorders Arrest of 3 U.S. Soldiers - A judge on Tuesday reissued an international arrest warrant for three U.S. soldiers whose tank fired on a Baghdad hotel during the Iraq war, killing a Spanish journalist, a court spokesman said.

·  Troops Uncertain About Iraq's Future - But the debate in the U.S. over the legitimacy of the Iraq conflict has trickled down to the soldiers patrolling this dangerous area.

·  Commander Wants Afghan Tours Extended - The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said Tuesday he wants to extend the combat tours of 1,200 soldiers amid rising violence, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates said he was "strongly inclined" to recommend a troop increase to President Bush if commanders believe it is needed.

·  Did AP cover same Bush speech as major papers? - In its article on President Bush's visit to Fort Benning to promote his plan to increase troops in Iraq, the Associated Press claimed that Bush was "surrounded ... by cheering soldiers." Other media outlets, such as The Washington Post, however, reported that soldiers "saluted smartly and applauded politely" -- "hardly the boisterous, rock-star reception Bush typically gets at military bases."





·   When "The System" Fails! - The role of Commander-in-Chief is a sub-text for the office of the presidency of the United States ­ during a time of war. It cannot be isolated to serve as the licensing authority for a Dictator who no longer answers to the Congress or to the people that the congress supposedly represents.

·  Of Savage Imperialism, Pigskin Monopolists, And Intellectual Emasculation - What could better reflect the collective psychosis of the American Empire than our mass obsession with the NFL? Born through violent revolution, expanded by genocide, enriched by slavery, and elevated to hegemony through imperialism, militarism, and economic tyranny, the United States, like NFL football, embodies avaricious savagery masked by a fastidiously maintained illusion of benevolent civility.





·  We Don’t Need to Reform the Media; We Need to REPLACE the Media! - his nation needs at least one single major media outlet that is not part of the information control mechanism that is clearly in place (those who have seen my presentation know how to easily spot this.)

·  Zyprexa Judge Decides Which Journalists Have First Amendment Rights - The judge issuing injunctions in the Eli Lilly-Zyprexa-Documents case has decided that reporters at the New York Times enjoy the full protection of the First Amendment but that other reporters and media outlets do not.

·  Did AP cover same Bush speech as major papers? - In its article on President Bush's visit to Fort Benning to promote his plan to increase troops in Iraq, the Associated Press claimed that Bush was "surrounded ... by cheering soldiers." Other media outlets, such as The Washington Post, however, reported that soldiers "saluted smartly and applauded politely" -- "hardly the boisterous, rock-star reception Bush typically gets at military bases."





·  1.2 million Canadians suffer from unexplained illnesses - The highest percentage of people suffering from the mysterious symptoms of conditions including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivity was among the middle aged group with 6.9 per cent of Canadians between ages 45 and 64 afflicted, the report stated.

·  Wal-Mart pharmacist denies couple morning-after pill - Tashina Byrd, 23, of Springfield, said the pharmacist "shook his head and laughed" when a pharmacy attendant asked this month about giving the woman and her boyfriend Plan B. The hormone pills can help prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex.





·  Immigrants Mistreated, Report Says - U.S. authorities mistreated suspected illegal immigrants at five prisons and jails nationwide, violating federal standards meant to ensure safe and humane custody, according to a government report released yesterday.

·  UN warns of looming crisis in Kirkuk - In its bi-monthly human rights report on Iraq, the UN voiced concerns at reports of mistreatment of ethnic Turkmen and Arabs by the Kurdish majority.





·  Church Pedophilia Cover-Up Alleged - A 33-year-old man sued the Diocese of Peoria on Tuesday, alleging a purposeful cover-up of pedophile priests and seeking more than $800,000 in damages.

·  Former CIA Man Latest To Connect LBJ To JFK Assassination - A former CIA agent has gone public with his conviction that former President Lyndon Baines Johnson was directly connected to the JFK assassination and its cover-up, echoing the claims of others close to LBJ at the time who have also blown the whistle on Johnson's complicity in the murder.




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