Date: January 18th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Franken to Seek Senate Seat as I Predicted: Are You Listening to Me Yet?


Whenever I step over the line of pre-approved official reality the unsubscribe messages pour into my e-mail box; but here I go again! Many people have asked me about my opinion of Air America Radio and their liberal hosts. Most of the questions relate to Al Franken or Randi Rhodes. I have answered questions about both of these people many times, in e-mail, in person, on stage and on the air…on the record; and my assessment of Franken seems to be playing out just as I described many times.


I described Al Franken as a good man who sold his soul. It is my personal opinion that he was approached by the people who run our government and control our information flow from behind the scenes. From what I see I felt that Franken was told that he can keep his place in public life if he prescribed to pre-approved reality; the same pre-approved reality that we see depicted by the corporate media. I specifically said that I felt Franken would be allowed to hold public office, specifically a Senatorial seat, as long as he did not cross the line and publicly discuss any issues that were not approved by the people who have complete control over our political system.


This assessment is the only one I could come up with to explain why Franken refuses to discuss the mountains of evidence proving that elections in this nation are no longer in the hands of the voters and that Bush, and most of Congress, are in office because the people who predetermine the political landscape for us wanted it that way. The media simply works to build an environment of believability for the eventuality of those decisions made behind the scenes. It also explains why Franken pretends to not notice that there is a ton of very valid undisputed evidence that contradicts the official explanation of the events of 9/11. And last but not least it explains why Franken almost exclusively invites members of “think tanks” to be guests on his program.


Well, did you ever look into what think tanks are? Did you ever wonder who pays to create and run think tanks? Think tanks are the most visible and nefarious elephant in the room when it comes to the secretive powers that control our government. Everyone talks about them, but nobody ever explains them. We accept them as part of the political landscape but we never look into what they are, what they do, the power the yield and who is behind them.


Al Franken went from a politically vocal comedy writer to a possible Senatorial candidate; all the while he addressed only the topics and issues that were embraced for public scrutiny by the corporate media and worked very hard to discredit those who simply wanted to question tangible evidence that contradicted officially approved reality. And all the while his pre-approved reality was carefully groomed and observed by his regular committee of think tank representatives. Do you think there is a connection here?


I forgot one vital aspect of Franken’s ticket to stardom; he has faithfully prescribed to the blank check for Israel policy. There is no criticism of Israel worthy of discussion in Franken’s world and any facts that reflect poorly on Israel indicate nothing but anti-Semitism; no matter how true they may be!


Don’t let Al Franken’s little feud with Bill O’Reilly fool you they are one in the same. FOX, CNN, ABC, Air America (post Mike Malloy), are all the same. They try their best to get you to believe that bias is the main problem with the media when in reality the problem is not bias, it is deception and most of this deception comes in the form of omission of information. It’s not what they say, it is what they don’t say, and Franken don’t say what isn’t approved by the people behind the scenes and that’s a fact!   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  Give us guns – and troops can go, says Iraqi leader - America’s refusal to give Baghdad’s security forces sufficient guns and equipment has cost a great number of lives, the Iraqi Prime Minister said yesterday.

·  1,000 U.S. troops urge Iraq pull-out - More than 1,000 active-duty U.S. military personnel are said to have signed a petition calling for a full U.S. withdrawal from Iraq.

·  How US is deferring war costs - But to pay for the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US has used its credit card, counting on the Chinese and other foreign buyers of its debt to pay the bills.

·  Iraq refugee crisis exploding 40% of middle class believed to have fled crumbling nation - Iraq is in the throes of the largest refugee crisis in the Middle East since the Palestinian exodus from Israel in 1948, a mass flight out of and within the country that is ravaging basic services and commerce, swamping neighboring nations with nearly 2 million refugees and building intense pressure for emigration to Europe and the United States, according to the United Nations and refugee experts.

·  Losing Iraq, One Truckload at a Time - The greatest amount of corruption in the Iraq military and police forces occurs when payrolls are handed out at the unit level.





·    CIA leak case figures reject Cheney immunity - As jury selection began Tuesday in the criminal trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, former ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame, claim that the vice president cannot assert immunity from their complaint.

·  Attacking Iran - What's In It For Bush? - Bush can bury his defeat in Iraq with a “victory” in Iran.





·  Citrus freeze leaves thousands jobless - The deep freeze that has destroyed some $1 billion worth of California citrus could also mean months of unemployment for thousands of farmworkers, packers and truck drivers during what is already a lean season for those who work in agriculture, industry officials say.

·  More and more medical bills paid on credit - Practice good for banking industry, not so good for consumers



9/11 News :


·   Professors Question 9/11 - Many well known and respected professors have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Several even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11.

·  'London bomb plot was just a hoax' - He is said to have told officers after his arrest he and his co-accused had been making a political point and the devices they carried were never meant to explode.






·  House passes student loan interest bill - The House legislation, passed 356-71, would slice rates on the subsidized loans from 6.8 percent to 3.4 percent in stages over five years at a cost to taxpayers of $6 billion. About 5.5 million students get the loans each year. - The Bush administration opposes the bill and Senate Democrats plan to bring up a more comprehensive bill that could complicate its prospects.

·  Bipartisan Senate Measure Confronts Bush Over Iraq - A bipartisan group of senators announced a formal resolution of opposition yesterday to President Bush's buildup of troops in Iraq, calling for more diplomacy, international cooperation and an "appropriately expedited" transfer of military responsibilities to Iraqi security forces.

·  Franken to Seek Senate Seat as I Predicted: Are You Listening to Me Yet? - I specifically said that I felt Franken would be allowed to hold public office, specifically a Senatorial seat, as long as he did not cross the line and publicly discuss any issues that were not approved by the people who have complete control over our political system.

·  Franken seeks advice for possible bid - Comedian Al Franken has reached out to Democratic lawmakers from Minnesota in recent days, seeking advice on a possible Senate run against Republican Sen. Norm Coleman (news, bio, voting record) next year.

·  'Total Bull' That Congress Can't Stop Bush Iraq Escalation Plan Says John Edwards Campaign - In a harshly worded fund raising letter sent to members of John Edwards' 2008 presidential campaign e-mail list late this afternoon, his new Campaign Manager, former Congressman David Bonior (D-MI) holds little back in his sharp criticism of both George W. Bush and Democratic members of Congress for their Iraq War policies and politics.
TVNL Comment: The pre-selected next president speaks.

·  GOP faces tough vote on Bush's war plan - President Bush summoned Republicans skeptical of the war to the White House on Wednesday as Democrats won support from a GOP senator for a resolution expressing opposition to a 21,500 troop buildup in Iraq.










·  Sex-changing chemicals found in Potomac River - An investigation into fish that had both male and female characteristics turned up a range of chemicals including pesticides, flame retardants, and personal-care products, the USGS said.

·  Weather Channel Climate Expert Calls for Decertifying Global Warming Skeptics - The Weather Channel’s most prominent climatologist is advocating that broadcast meteorologists be stripped of their scientific certification if they express skepticism about predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming. This latest call to silence skeptics follows a year (2006) in which skeptics were compared to "Holocaust Deniers" and Nuremberg-style war crimes trials were advocated by several climate alarmists.

·  Hawking warns: We must recognize the catastrophic dangers of climate change - Climate change stands alongside the use of nuclear weapons as one of the greatest threats posed to the future of the world, the Cambridge cosmologist Stephen Hawking has said.
TVNL Comment: Who are you going to believe; Hawking or the sage George W. Bush.

·  Warm Spell in Russia Wakes Up the Bears - Much of the European part of Russia has been gripped by an uncharacteristic warm spell this winter, with temperatures generally well above freezing and little if any snow..





·  Reputed major Israeli trafficker pleads guilty - An Israeli described as one of the world's biggest drug traffickers pleaded guilty Tuesday to conspiring to import thousands of ecstasy tablets into the United States and was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

·  Washington 'snubbed Iran offer' - Offers, including making its nuclear programme more transparent, were conditional on the US ending hostility. But Vice-President Dick Cheney's office rejected the plan, the official said.

·  The denial / Assassination of a peace initiative - When official Jerusalem turns such meetings into a joke, Syria won't be able to lag far behind. Does anyone expect that when Olmert says he has nothing to do with this document, Assad will adopt it and announce he has given up any desire to dip his feet into Lake Kinneret?

·  Pressure mounts on Olmert to resign - The sudden departure of Israel's top military official, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, delivered another setback to the prime minister, whose popularity has plummeted following last summer's war and a string of political scandals. On Tuesday, Israel's attorney general opened a criminal probe into Olmert's role in a 2005 bank privatization.





·  U.S. Navy Decoms Trenton, Transfers to Indian Navy - The event marks the first time a U.S. Navy vessel has been transferred to the Indian navy.





·   Time to leave the illusions behind - Since returning from Iraq two years ago, I've read voraciously on the subject of this war and its politics. While the president cites the Study Group report, I find troubling consistency between his administration's policies and the recommendation of a much earlier paper, namely, "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm."





·  Spocko, Glenn Beck, and ABC - LINK - President George W. Bush's popularity has fallen to new lows, Democrats have been swept into office, and a strong majority of Americans now opposes the war in Iraq, but ABC has decided the time is right to beef up with more conservative pundits on staff and to strike out against a liberal online critic who raised questions about the network's policy of broadcasting hate radio.





·  The Medicalization of Everyday Life - The biggest threat to the health of most Americans is the health-care system itself. More and more people are being drawn into treatment as a result of an astonishing increase in diagnoses, and ever-expanding definitions of what constitutes a disease.

·  Nicotine boost was deliberate, study says - Data supplied by tobacco companies strongly suggest that in recent years manufacturers deliberately boosted nicotine levels in cigarettes to more effectively hook smokers,

·  Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers - Evangelos Michelakis of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and his colleagues tested DCA on human cells cultured outside the body and found that it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but not healthy cells. Tumours in rats deliberately infected with human cancer also shrank drastically when they were fed DCA-laced water for several weeks.

·  Australian cancer organization warns breast cancer patients to avoid soy - The Cancer Council of New South Wales recently announced that it will change its position on consumption of soy products in response to growing public debate over their safety, according to The Age.

·  Wal-Mart accused of 'organic fraud' - Advocacy group claims retailer is misleading its customers by labeling non-organic foods as 'organic.'





·  Report says freedom is not growing - Overall, the Freedom in the World 2007 survey said the percentage of countries designated as free has failed to increase for almost a decade, suggesting "freedom stagnation."

·  U.S. Official Apologizes for Guantanamo Remarks - A Pentagon official who criticized large U.S. law firms for representing terrorism suspects at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has apologized for his comments, saying that his discussion on a local radio program does not reflect his "core beliefs."









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