Date: January 29th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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SPECIAL NOTE:  I just got back from the travel portion of my first real vacation since starting I will be on vacation until next Monday but I have resumed updates to the news page. It may take me a few days to catch up with some of the important links that I have missed but I have already started the process. I should be all caught up in a few days. Thank you for your continued readership and support.


TVNL Editor's Comments:  Marching and Protesting to Nowhere


How old were you the last time that protests by American citizens had an impact on anything? Were you even born?


Communicating has never been easier for Americans. Aside from the old reliable postal mail service we have overnight mail, telephones, IP phones, instant messengers, e-mail, fax machines, blogs, graffiti, you name it, we got it! If people have to get on buses in order to tell our representatives to represent us the purpose of the bus trip should be to remove those leaders from office and replace them with people who will actually represent us.


It is time to stop marching and starting taking back our nation fro real!    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  Former U.N. envoy Bolton says U.S. has 'no strategic interest' in united Iraq - Bolton suggested in the interview that the United States shouldn't necessarily keep Iraq from splitting up. The Bush administration and the Iraqi government have said they don't want Iraq divided.

·  Contractor deaths in Iraq nearing 800 - Toll has surged in past months, but civilians still line up for the jobs

·  U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq Hit 3,084 - The British military has reported 130 deaths; Italy, 33; Ukraine, 18; Poland, 18; Bulgaria, 13; Spain, 11; Denmark, six; El Salvador, five; Slovakia, four; Latvia, three; Estonia, Netherlands, Thailand, two each; and Australia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Romania, one death each.

·  1,500 Policemen Fired in Iraqi Province - Al-Qureyshi said the 1,500 policemen were fired because they fled rather than fight when insurgents attacked in Baqouba in November.

·  U.S. helicopter shot down in Iraq - A U.S. helicopter was shot down early Sunday afternoon near the provincial capital Najaf during a pitched battle with fighters described as religious fanatics.

·  US sends in its Taliban tamers - “It’s bittersweet,” said a senior British officer. “We’d been pleading for one all year and now an American general is taking command, they send one.”

·  U.S. intel sparks Iraqi shift on militia - Saturday's U.S. death toll climbed significantly to 25 after the military reported Sunday that six more troops had died in the deadliest day in two years for American forces.

·  Pentagon sees U.S. war cost in Iraq rising - The steadily rising Iraq war price tag will reach about $8.4 billion a month this year, Pentagon spokesmen said on Thursday, as heavy replacement costs for lost, destroyed and aging equipment mount.

·  Roadside bomb kills British soldier in Iraq - A roadside bomb killed a British soldier and wounded four more on Sunday north of Basra in southern Iraq, the British military said.

·  13 killed in U.S. copter crash in Iraq, 5 in militia attack - Also on Saturday, the military announced that two U.S. soldiers and a Marine were killed in separate incidents in Iraq.





·   Cheney Responds to Hagel's Criticism - "Let's say I believe firmly in Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican," Cheney said. "But it's very hard sometimes to adhere to that where Chuck Hagel is involved."

·  Bush defiant in face of anti-war demonstrations - White House increasingly isolated as even the Republicans join condemnation of 'surge'

·  Even GOP cringes at Cheney: Veep’s credibility a lost cause - Vice President Dick Cheney has re-emerged from the shadows, causing a new ripple of speculation about whether his pit-bull attitude serves the president well, whether he’s the one dictating Iraq policy, whether he’s even thinking clearly.

·  Libby May be on Trial for Perjury, But Bush and Cheney Should be on Trial for Treason - But the White House did the damage, which makes them something more than cunning. It makes them dangerous to the national security interests of the people of the United States of America.





·  IMF gold trading rule changes set to boost the gold price - The International Monetary Fund is in the process of revising the laws that govern the trading of gold by the world's central banks which will radically change the ability of central bankers to suppress the gold price, a major factor depressing the price of the yellow metal that has been an open secret for years.



9/11 News :


·   Fake Terror: Jose Padilla, not so dirty after all - Updated - It is interesting how every now and then, the unwitting masses are blasted by a media wave of fearmongering, with announcements of impending doom and terror being made to remind us of our mortality, just to have that same media quietly admit that there was nothing to justify the hysteria.

·  Bill would honor sick Sept. 11 workers - The museum planned for ground zero should include a memorial to workers who died after becoming ill during recovery and cleanup of World Trade Center debris, two state lawmakers said Sunday.
TVNL Comment: How about honoring them by providing them with health care!

·  Follow The Money To The 911 Players - The master planners stood to gain TRILLIONS in profits, (although paid in blood money), for their skillful concept carried out like the climax of a suspenseful Hollywood movie. And so five years later, that masterful crime, what I call The Greatest Unsolved Crime of The Century, remains a magician's trick worthy of Satan himself.






·  Clinton concedes role in authorizing war - New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton blamed President Bush on Saturday for misusing authority given him by Congress to act in Iraq, but conceded "I take responsibility" for her role in allowing that to happen.

·  Leading Senator Assails Bush Over Iran Stance - The new chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Friday sharply criticized the Bush administration’s increasingly combative stance toward Iran, saying that White House efforts to portray it as a growing threat are uncomfortably reminiscent of rhetoric about Iraq before the American invasion of 2003.

·  Convicted lawmakers may lose pensions - The Senate on Friday voted 87-0 to strip away the pensions of members of Congress convicted of white-collar crimes such as bribery, perjury and fraud. That could result in benefit losses of more than $100,000 a year.





·  US attempts to shed unfriendly image - THE US Government and private sector are launching a massive effort to reshape America's image for foreign visitors amid concerns that tightened security measures have made the country inhospitable.

·  National Security Whistle Blowers: The ‘Undead’? - You’d think a guy who helped bring down a corrupt congressman would get the thanks of a grateful government. But you, of course, would be wrong.

·  Tens of thousands march against Iraq war - Celebrities, a half-dozen lawmakers and protesters from distant states rallied in the capital under a sunny sky, seizing an opportunity to press their cause with a Congress restive on the war and a country that has turned against the conflict.

·  Pa. Man's Letter Brings Secret Service - An elderly man who wrote in a letter to the editor about Saddam Hussein's execution that ''they hanged the wrong man'' got a visit from Secret Service agents concerned he was threatening President Bush.

·  Brown: Politics Played Role in Katrina - ''Unbeknownst to me, certain people in the White House were thinking, 'We had to federalize Louisiana because she's a white, female Democratic governor, and we have a chance to rub her nose in it,''' he said, without naming names. '''We can't do it to Haley (Barbour) because Haley's a white male Republican governor. And we can't do a thing to him. So we're just gonna federalize Louisiana.'''

·  NY court: FBI might have violated First Amendment in efforts to take down conspiracy film - An effort by the FBI and federal prosecutors to remove a short fictional film about a military takeover of New York City from the Internet may have violated the First Amendment, a federal appeals court said Friday.





·   Experts: New climate report sugarcoated - Those calculations don't include the recent, and dramatic, melt-off of big ice sheets in two crucial locations:

·  Vessel leaks 200 tonnes of fuel - Some 200 tonnes of oil have leaked from a fuel tank on the stricken cargo ship MSC Napoli, beached off the Devon coast, coastguards have confirmed.

·  Alaska to get British-style temperatures - A draft report by 2,500 scientists of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sees world temperatures rising 2.0-4.5 C (3.6-8.1 F) by 2100 unless greenhouse gas emissions from factories, cars and power plants are cut radically, informed sources told Reuters on Friday.

·  Pelosi seeks global warming committee - Pelosi, D-Calif., said the committee would hold hearings and recommend legislation on how to reduce greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide generated by fossil fuels, that most scientists blame for a gradual warming of the earth's climate.





·  Israel may have broken US arms export laws - The White House will inform Congress that Israel may have violated US arms export agreements by using US-supplied cluster bombs in south Lebanon last year, a newspaper reported.

·  Blair likely to quit if aides charged in loans inquiry - Tony Blair is likely to stand down early if charges are brought in the cash-for-honours affair against any of his key aides, including Ruth Turner, arrested on Friday on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.

·  Somali journalist says U.S. troops seen in south - A freelance journalist said on Sunday he had seen U.S. troops on the ground in south Somalia working with Ethiopian forces hunting fugitive Islamists.

·  Burma 'orders Christians to be wiped out' - The military regime in Burma is intent on wiping out Christianity in the country, according to claims in a secret document believed to have been leaked from a government ministry. Entitled "Programme to destroy the Christian religion in Burma", the incendiary memo contains point by point instructions on how to drive Christians out of the state.

·  Pyongyang: 'CIA is Printing Supernotes; America Blames Us' - Is it the Central Intelligence Agency rather that the Kim Jong-il regime, that is counterfeiting American currency? According to this commentary from North Korea's tightly controlled Korean Central News Agency, a recent article from one of Germany's leading newspapers proves Pyongyang's innocence, and shows that the United States is the one doing most of the world's counterfeiting.

·  Study: Little Jewish property returned - Only one-fifth of the property that was stolen from Europe's Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators has ever been returned, leaving at least $115 billion in assets still missing, according to a new study obtained Friday by The Associated Press.
TVNL Comment: How much of the land stolen from Native Americans has been returned?

·  Bush Orders More CIA Activity in Venezuela - During a briefing before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Intelligence, current CIA chief General Michael V. Hayden revealed President George W. Bush had requested his agency “pay more attention” to the activities of President Hugo Chávez and his government in Venezuela.

·  Ukraine PM's top aide shot dead in hunting 'accident' - Police in Ukraine are investigating the death of one of the country's most powerful and controversial politicians in what is said to have been a hunting accident.

·  Globalization meet opens in Kenya on weekend - Tens of thousands of antiglobalization activists are expected to descend on Nairobi this weekend for the World Social Forum, billed by organizers as a chance to express mass opposition to a world dominated by capital.





·  High-Tech Army Rehab Center Opening - The center was funded by private donations to the Intrepid Foundation, a charity that has built dozens of houses to shelter families of wounded soldiers while they undergo treatment.

·  Thousands may be involuntarily called for tours - Hundreds of thou sands of National Guard and Reserve members previously mobilized for tours in Iraq and Afghanistan are exposed anew to involuntary call-up under a policy change unveiled with President Bush's plan to "surge" forces into Baghdad.

·  Waste, Fraud, and Abuse: Another Day at the Pentagon - The last 100 years has seen this criminal phenomenon grow exponentially. The overcharging and stealing is often done more professionally than in the past, but the price paid by our government is larger than ever. But, that said, nothing could have prepared any of us for the kleptomaniacal bonanza that has followed on the heels of September 11th and the Iraq invasion.

·  Military Giveaways Continue - In my research into the rise and overuse of SWAT teams, I found that the single biggest motivating factor behind the surge has been a Pentagon program in place since about 1990 that offers up surplus military equipment to local police departments free of charge.

·  Military Aims to Cut Back on 'Stop Loss' - Gates has ordered that the practice - known as ``stop loss'' - must ``be minimized.'' At the same time, he is looking for ways to decrease the hardship for troops and their families, recruit more people for a larger military and reassess how the active duty and reserves are used.

·  Army Probes War Contractor Fraud - From high-dollar fraud to conspiracy to bribery and bid rigging, Army investigators have opened up to 50 criminal probes involving battlefield contractors in the war in Iraq and the U.S. fight against terrorism

·  Czechs give go-ahead for US 'son of star wars' base - The Czech government has announced that it wants to host a large US military site for the Pentagon's much-criticised missile shield system, confirming for the first time that Washington had asked Prague for permission to build a radar site for the national missile defence programme.

·  Marine Corps will ask thousands to come back - The Marine Corps plans to ask up to 100,000 former Marines released from the ranks since September 2001 whether they would like to come back.

·  U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne quick-reaction force faces possible problem: Full deployment - "What's happened here is the Army's force posture has become totally absorbed in Iraq and Afghanistan with virtually no slack to deal with emergencies that arise," said Loren Thompson, a military analyst at the Lexington Institute in the Washington area.





·   Marching and Protesting to Nowhere - How old were you the last time that protests by American citizens had an impact on anything? Were you even born?

·  Show Us The Intelligence - Neither President George W. Bush nor Vice President Dick Cheney have cited any U.S. intelligence assessments to support their fateful decision to send 21,500 more troops to referee the civil war in Iraq. This is a far cry from October 2002, when a formal National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) was rushed through in order to trick Congress into giving its nihil obstat for the attack on Iraq.

·  Sorry...There Is Little Hope For America - I estimate it is going to take 30 to 40 years to fix America and that is only if we come up with a way to educate the population to a much higher level than they are now and we have leadership committed to fixing what ails our nation.

·  An Impartial Interrogation of George W. Bush - Well, Mr. Bush, Jr. I have some impertinent questions for you.





·  Behind the 'Madrassa Hoax' - What a bogus report on Barack Obama reveals about the media food chain.

·  Killing Free Speech - Fair Use Video Removed by YouTube

·  Feeding Frenzy for a Big Story, Even if It’s False - Mr. Kuhner’s ability to ignite a news media brush fire nonetheless illustrates how easily dubious and politically charged information can spread through the constant chatter of cable news commentary, talk radio programs and political Web sites.

·  Ex-Cheney aide details media tactics - No one served up spicier morsels than Cheney's former top press assistant. Cathie Martin described the craft of media manipulation — under oath and in blunter terms than politicians like to hear in public.

·  Mike Stark on Reliable Sources - These right-wingers are so desperate to play the victim it's pathetic. Since they can't defend their eliminationist, hate-filled, irresponsible rhetoric, they obfuscate the issue with accusations of censorship. Spocko wasn't trying to silence anyone; he was simply informing the advertisers of what they're associating their products with.

·  With Rich Little, Press Corps Is Assured a Nice Impression - As for Little's being hired this year by the White House Correspondents' Association, Black said: "It's like going from Jackson Pollock to paint-by-numbers. God love Rich Little, but he's not in this decade. He's in no position to pose any threat to anyone. He makes Bob Hope look like Lenny Bruce. It's sad that we've reached this point" with comedy as political expression.

·  The Rats Are Jumping Ship from Iraq - How can we expect the media and politicians to be a watchdog if its leading analysts and news framers face no public sanctions when they disrespect the truth or give credence to fringe ideologies?





·  Proposal would cut cancer institute budget again - President Bush has proposed cutting the institute's budget for the second consecutive year.
TVNL Comment: Who poses the greatest threat to American lives? Who has done everything in his power to make your life more at risk? Can you say "George W. Bush?"

·  Green tea extract helps fight cancer, researchers find - Green tea extract may help fight bladder cancer by snarling up tiny “skeletons” within cells, which cancer cells use to move around, according to researchers.

·  Chlorine in the bathwater is linked to cancer - Low levels of chlorine in tap water used for bathing can almost double the risk of bladder cancer, a study claims.





·  Video of bus driver abused in Egyptian jail puts face on torture - Human-rights workers say that applying electric shocks to genitals, beating and hanging people in uncomfortable positions are common practice in the jails and police stations of Egypt, a key U.S. ally.

·  Troops kill peace activist’s daughter - Israeli troops confronting protesters killed the 10-year old daughter of a Palestinian peace activist.





·  An atomic threat made in America - How the U.S. spread bomb-grade fuel worldwide — and failed to get it back. First of two parts.

·  As Bush's War Strategy Shifts to Iran, Christian Zionists Gear Up for the Apocalypse - As George W. Bush sets his sights on Iran, even Republicans are wondering how to constitutionally contain the trigger-happy king. But for an influential group of Christian fundamentalists -- White House allies that garner not only feel-good meetings with the President's liaisons to the "faith-based" community but also serious discussions with Bush's national security staff -- an attack on Iran is just what God ordered.
TVNL Comment: How sweet.

·  UFO spotted over Iran - The glowing object was spotted Wednesday, two days after a similar object, described as having a yellow ray and a red center, was sighted at the same time of day, the Fars News Agency reported Friday.
TVNL Comment: Don't be surprised if this was a
US military spying device.




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