Date: January 31st 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  So Where Are All Those Inventions and Cures?


Every year since I can remember there have been news stories about the discovery or invention of revolutionary new ways to cure specific diseases or amazing new vehicles or engines that ran on clean inexpensive fuels, or improved fuel efficiency exponentially. So what has happened to all of these modern marvels? Why can we see a news report about a new way to halt cancer cell growth or about a car engine that runs on water and then we never hear about it again?


Are we to believe that none of these revolutionary inventions work on a large scale? Are we to believe that a car that gets 250 miles per gallon can not be reproduced, by any manufacturer, in any nation in the world?


Who decides what level of technology we are allowed to have or purchase? There is some force in society that does not let these wonderful advances to see the light of day. It is not the inventors or discoverers, it is not the consumer. It is the small corporate cabal that maintains virtual complete control over your life. Until we recognize this and stop this we will never truly be free.   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  Investigators: Millions in Iraq Aid Wasted - The U.S. government wasted tens of millions of dollars in Iraq reconstruction aid, including scores of unaccounted-for weapons and a never-used camp for housing police trainers with an Olympic-size swimming pool, investigators say.

·  U.S. may have botched training of Iraqis - Training the police is as important to stabilizing Iraq as standing up an army there, but the United States has botched the job by assigning the wrong agencies to the task, two members of the Iraq Study Group say.

·  U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghan wars lack equipment: poll - A lack of armored vehicles, weapons and other equipment is hampering missions of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Pentagon's watchdog agency said in a survey released on Tuesday.

·  Bush 'spoiling for a fight' with Iran - US officials in Baghdad and Washington are expected to unveil a secret intelligence "dossier" this week detailing evidence of Iran's alleged complicity in attacks on American troops in Iraq. The move, uncomfortably echoing Downing Street's dossier debacle in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq invasion, is one more sign that the Bush administration is building a case for war.





·   Video: Columnist describes Cheney as 'paranoid, arrogant, frightened' - Boston Herald reporter Mike Barnicle, appearing on MSNBC's Imus in the Morning show, describes Dick Cheney as a "paranoid, arrogant, and now, thankfully, frightened Vice President of the United States."

·  The Unraveling of Dick Cheney - While Dick Cheney undoubtedly remains the most powerful vice president this nation has ever seen, it's becoming increasingly unclear whether anyone outside the White House believes a word he says.

·  Miller Testifies Libby Told Her About CIA's Plame - At her June 23 meeting with Libby, he seemed ``agitated and frustrated and angry,'' Miller said. He was concerned that the CIA was backpedaling on its pre-war reports on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq with a ``perverted war of leaks,'' Miller told the jury.





·  Shell defies US pressure and signs £5bn Iranian gas deal - Shell has signed an important deal to help Iran develop a major gas field, ignoring growing pressure from George Bush to isolate the country for being part of what he alleges is an "axis of evil".



9/11 News :


·   Olbermann Special Comment Fact Checking the President - Keith Olbermann takes a look at Bush's claims about thwarted terrorists plots and fact checks them.






·  "The Decider" and "The Hypocrite" - So what we have so far from Specter is just more words, words that are about as meaningful as when he promised Pennsylvanians in 2004 that he would oppose extreme conservative Supreme Court judges, and then signed off on Samuel Alit

·  Congress can stop Iraq war, experts tell lawmakers - "I think the constitutional scheme does give Congress broad authority to terminate a war," said Bradford Berenson, a Washington lawyer who was a White House associate counsel under Bush from 2001 to 2003.





· Jury says Seattle violated WTO protesters' rights - The mass arrest of World Trade Organization protesters in downtown Seattle seven years ago violated due-process rights but not freedom of speech, a federal jury decided today.

·  Touch-screen voting machines on the way out? - Gov. Charlie Crist wants to scrap the controversial touch-screen voting machines used in Broward, Palm Beach and 13 other counties and replace them with optical scanners that would count paper ballots, a South Florida congressman said Tuesday.

·  FBI turns to broad new wiretap method - The FBI appears to have adopted an invasive Internet surveillance technique that collects far more data on innocent Americans than previously has been disclosed.





·   The grim reality of e-waste burden - It is a clich of the science fiction genre to posit a future in which humanity has had to surrender the Earth's surface to the cast-off electric appliances and other rubbish that nature could no longer accommodate.

·  California may ban conventional lightbulbs by 2012 - A California lawmaker wants to make his state the first to ban incandescent lightbulbs as part of California's groundbreaking initiatives to reduce energy use and greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.

·  Panel Hears Climate 'Spin' Allegations - The hearing focused on allegations that the White House for years has micromanaged the government's climate programs and has closely controlled what scientists have been allowed to tell the public.





·  Blair's fundraiser arrested again - The top fundraiser for British Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labour Party was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, a police source said.





·  Ray gun makes targets feel as if they are on fire - The military's new weapon is a ray gun that shoots a beam that makes people feel as if they will catch fire.

·  Back from Iraq - and suddenly out on the streets - Social service agencies say the number of homeless vets is rising, in part because of high housing costs and gaps in pay.





·   So Where Are All Those Inventions and Cures? - Are we to believe that none of these revolutionary inventions work on a large scale? Are we to believe that a car that gets 250 miles per gallon can not be reproduced, by any manufacturer, in any nation in the world?





·  Jon Stewart Rips Apart FNC - You knew it was only a matter of time before The Daily Show weighed in on FOX's Obama smear and boy, was it a doozy.










·  US 'victory' against cult leader was 'massacre' - There are growing suspicions in Iraq that the official story of the battle outside Najaf between a messianic Iraqi cult and the Iraqi security forces supported by the US, in which 263 people were killed and 210 wounded, is a fabrication. The heavy casualties may be evidence of an unpremeditated massacre.

·  Chairman: Bush officials misled public on global warming - The Democratic chairman of a House panel examining the government's response to climate change said Tuesday there is evidence that senior Bush administration officials sought repeatedly "to mislead the public by injecting doubt into the science of global warming."

·  Torture works on 24, but not for real - You don’t protect the innocent by ‘breaking’ defenceless prisoners





·   What Happened on the Moon - This compelling video throws into serious doubt the authenticity of the Apollo missions and features information that challenges the declared abilities of NASA to successfully send a man to the Moon and return him safely to Earth.

·  The Saga Of the Lost Space Tapes - About 36 years after the tapes went into storage, NASA was suddenly eager to have them. There was just one problem: The tapes were nowhere to be found.




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