Date: February 9th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  IG Report on OSP – Old News to the Reality Based World


From Senator Carl Levin to the entire body of the criminal corporate media people are treating the new revelations being made about Iraq intelligence being manipulated by a special office set up by Donald Rumsfeld (PNAC), headed up by Douglas Feith (PNAC), are being treated as if this is new news! This is a fine example of how the American criminal corporate media create and maintain a false reality, separate and different than the world in which we actually live. It is also a fine example of how our official government lives and plays in this false reality.


The story went like this: The Bush administration, most specifically Donald Rumfeld and Dick Cheney, were not satisfied with the quality of Iraq related intelligence provided to them by the intelligence community. So these PNAC kingpins set up a PNAC subcommittee for the purpose of interpreting the intelligence and making the connections that the entire body of U.S. and foreign intelligence missed. In other words the cherry pickers went to work to pick and choose elements of reality that they can manipulate into a new reality.


The readers of TvNewsLIES live in the real world. TvNewsLIES readers, among others (those who read,, Mike Malloy fans, etc.) knew about these “new” revelations three years ago! While this news represents new information for many Americans, to me it represents a fine example of the false reality that has been maintained by the criminal corporate media!  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Police: U.S. airstrike kills eight Kurdish troops - A U.S. airstrike hit a Kurdish position in northern Iraq, killing at least eight Kurdish troops and wounding six, Iraqi officials said Friday.

·  Corruption, incompetence plague Iraqi forces, reporter finds - Despite improvements, the report concluded, Iraqi forces "will be hard pressed in the next 12-18 months to execute significantly increased security responsibilities, and particularly to operate independently against Shia militias with success."

·  Iraqi insurgents offer peace in return for US concessions - For the first time, one of Iraq's principal insurgent groups has set out the terms of a ceasefire that would allow American and British forces to leave the country they invaded almost four years ago.

·  Four Marines killed; Iraq official held - The deaths raised to at least 3,114 members of the U.S. military who have died since the Iraq war started in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.

·  Iran to Strike U.S. Interests if Attacked - If the United States were to attack Iran, the country would respond by striking U.S. interests all over the world, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Thursday.

·  Norquist: Bush’s Advisers Telling Him ‘Invade Iran. Then Everyone Will See How Smart We Are’ - In this month’s issue of Vanity Fair, Craig Unger writes that the same neoconservative advisers who advocated for the Iraq war are now recycling the same tactics to push for the bombing of Iran.

·  U.S. sent pallets of cash to Baghdad - The U.S. Federal Reserve sent record payouts of more than $4 billion in cash to Baghdad on giant pallets aboard military planes shortly before the United States gave control back to Iraqis, lawmakers said on Tuesday.





·   Report says Pentagon manipulated intel - A "very damning" report by the Defense Department's inspector general depicts a Pentagon that purposely manipulated intelligence in an effort to link Saddam Hussein to al-Qaida in the runup to the U.S. invasion of Iraq, says the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
TVNL Comment: Why is this news now? We knew about this three years ago!

·  Russert says he didn't give Libby agent's ID - Asked whether Libby told him about Wilson, Russert responded, "No."

·  Libby Testimony Points Directly to Bush, Cheney - The document, titled the National intelligence Estimate, was officially declassified on July 18, 2003. However Libby testified before the grand jury in March 2004 that he had received instructions from Cheney on July 8, 2003, to release portions of the report to Judith Miller.

·  Pentagon Inspector General to release investigation into secretive pre-war Iraq intelligence group - A Senate aide on the committee, while not commenting on particular questions regarding the IG's report, confirmed that a major focal point involves former Deputy Undersecretary for Defense Policy Douglas Feith – a keystone of the Administration's intelligence on Iraq and director of the notoriously secretive Pentagon Office of Special Plans from September 2002 to June 2003. Feith announced his resignation in January 2005, a week after the New Yorker's Seymour Hersh accused him of working with Israeli officials to select potential targets for a preemptive Iran strike.
TVNL Comment: Can you say PNAC? Can you say





·  Shrinking Pains at Kodak - The company said it would cut 3,000 more jobs this year, on top of the 25,000 to 27,000 it had already said would be gone by the end of 2007.

·  Bush's hometown sees business slowdown - The Washington professionals have their polls, their focus groups and their newspaper editorials. But Crawford, the 700-person town where President Bush's ranch is located, has its trinket stores, and they have fallen on hard times, in what some say reflects the president's sinking popularity over the war in Iraq and a daunting influx of anti-war protesters.



9/11 News :


·  Ground Zero EMT: We Were Told Building 7 Was to Be "Pulled" - A New Jersey EMT has gone public on how emergency workers were told that Building 7 was going to be "pulled," before a 20 second demolition countdown broadcast over radio preceded its collapse. The ground zero rescue worker also blows the whistle on how he witnessed multiple underground support columns of the WTC towers that had been severed before the buildings imploded.






·  Senator calls report 'devastating condemnation' of Office of Special Plans - Levin called the report "very damning" in a Friday AP review, saying it 'depicts a Pentagon that purposely manipulated intelligence in an effort to link Saddam Hussein to al-Qaeda in the runup to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.'

·  All 435 House Members Can See Iraq Intelligence -- and Talk on Iraq Next Week - To the surprise of the Bush administration, the House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously Wednesday night to allow all 435 House members to see the classified version of the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq sent to the White House last week. The report is classified in part because it contains information about sources and methods used in intelligence-gathering.

·  Rep. Ackerman Warns of Terrorist 'Platoon of Lesbians' - The tongue-in-cheek description was a roundabout way for the Democrat to say he believed the State Department might be able to save a few bucks by hiring some of the military linguists fired under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy instead of hiring and training new linguists.

·  Senator to propose surveillance of illegal images - A forthcoming bill in the U.S. Senate lays the groundwork for a national database of illegal images that Internet service providers would use to automatically flag and report suspicious content to police.
TVNL Comment: Can you say "Big Brother?".





·  Katrina victims sue U.S. over failed floodwalls - The lawsuit, which seeks class-action status and unspecified damages, says the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a permit in 1984 allowing the canal to be dredged to improve drainage in low-lying areas despite warnings it would make floodwalls along the canal less stable.

·  Former U.S. attorney says he was ordered to resign - Former U.S. Attorney John McKay told The Associated Press on Wednesday that his resignation this month was ordered by the Bush administration, which gave him no explanation for the firing.
TVNL Comment: Can you say "dictatorship" yet?

·  Wal-Mart faces historic sex bias case - The biggest sexual discrimination case in U.S. history advanced against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. on Tuesday when a top court ruled that more than a million women could join a suit charging bias in pay and promotions.

·  Watchdogs say Homeland Security office has delayed probes - Two of the government's top investigators told lawmakers Tuesday that the Homeland Security Department has delayed and complicated their investigations, specifically because of problems they have had with the department's office of general counsel, which is run by Vice President Dick Cheney's son-in-law.





·   Chemical Contrails - Millions of people have seen them; jet aircraft vapor trails lingering in the sky. Are these just regular "contrails," the carbon and water vapor exhaust from commercial planes, or are they potentially toxic "chemical trails"?
TVNL Comment: On TV

·  Branson launches $25m climate bid - Millions of pounds are on offer for the person who comes up with the best way of removing significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.





·   U.S., NKorea signed nuclear memo - The United States and North Korea signed a memorandum during talks last month by which Pyongyang would begin closing a nuclear reactor while the U.S. starts providing energy assistance, a major Japanese newspaper reported Thursday.

·  Few Veteran Diplomats Accept Mission to Iraq - While the diplomats and Foreign Service employees of the State Department have always been expected to staff “hardship” postings, those jobs have not usually required that they wear flak jackets with their pinstriped suits.





·  Army Says It Will Withhold $19.6 Million From Halliburton, Citing Potential Contract Breach - The Army announced during a House oversight committee hearing on Wednesday that it would withhold $19.6 million from the Halliburton Company after recently discovering that the contractor had hired the company Blackwater USA to provide armed security guards in Iraq, a potential breach of its government contract.

·  Veterans Group Speaks Out on War - appears to be the most active group trying to influence the debate about the president's plan to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq.

·  Watada Court-Martial Ends in Mistrial - In a stunning defeat for military prosecutors, Lt. Col. John Head, the military judge presiding over Watada's court-martial, said he had no choice but to declare a mistrial because military prosecutors and Watada's defense attorney could not reach an agreement regarding the characterization of a stipulation agreement Watada signed before the start of his court-martial.

·  Officials Indict 5 in Iraq Contract Scam - Three Army Reserve officers and a U.S. contractor were indicted Wednesday as part of a bid-rigging scam that steered millions of dollars of Iraq reconstruction projects to a contractor in exchange for cash, luxury cars, jewelry and other pricey goods.










·  IG Report on OSP – Old News to the Reality Based World - While this news represents new information for many Americans, to me it represents a fine example of the false reality that has been maintained by the criminal corporate media!

·  US journalist in record jail term - A reporter in California has now passed the mark for the longest jail time served in US history for failing to hand over source material.

·  Suggestion: Make Tribune pay for Goldberg's bad prediction - "Not only does Tribune syndicate Goldberg's column, it was Tribune's Los Angeles Times that added the analytically-impaired Goldberg to its columnist roster in November 2005 -- at the same time it fired renowned columnist Robert Scheer, whose Iraq analysis had been breathtakingly accurate."





· Autism rate in U.S. higher than thought - Also, the study does not answer whether autism is increasing — a controversial topic, driven in part by the contention by some parents and advocates that autism is linked to a vaccine preservative.

·  Values Play Into Treatment Recommendations, Study Finds - Many doctors believe they have the right not to tell patients about treatments that they object to on moral or religious grounds and to refuse to refer patients elsewhere for the care, according to the first study to examine physicians' views on such situations.





·  Israel 'misused' US-made cluster bombs - The investigation, summed up in a preliminary State Department report sent to Congress today, drew an immediate call from human rights activists for a cutoff of cluster munitions sales to the Jewish state.

·  British film crew threatened by drunken settler in Hebron - Tel Rumeida is a small Palestinian neighborhood deep in the West Bank city of Hebron. Palestinian families from whom these settlers occupied lands, live directly next to these settlers and are often virtual prisoners in their homes, subject to the settlers' violent attacks and destruction of property.





·    Audio clip on JFK Jr. flight released - Budd then says: "Actually, Kennedy Jr.'s on board. He's uh, they want to know, uh, where he is."
TVNL Comment: Interesting that they wanted to know this.

·  Bush's uncle tangled in options probe: SEC - President George W. Bush's uncle, William H.T. "Bucky" Bush, was part of a group of outside directors at a defense contractor who realized about $6 million in unauthorized pay from an options backdating scheme, according to U.S. securities investigators.




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