Date: February 12th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  He Said She Said TV – Just a Thoguth


I think it would be a good idea to set up a C-SPAN type global TV network where world leaders can go on TV any time and tell the world the realities behind claims made about them by other nations. Let me put it another way: they can go on TV and tell the world the truth about the lies that the media of the world report.


Not that any leaders are honest people, but this may help stop a certain amount of propaganda. At this point any information from the horses mouth would be better than what we are getting from our criminal corporate media!  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Thousands of Army Humvees Lack Armor Upgrade - The Army is working to fill a shortfall in Iraq of thousands of advanced Humvee armor kits designed to reduce U.S. troop deaths from roadside bombs -- including a rising threat from particularly lethal weapons linked to Iran and known as "explosively formed penetrators" (EFP) -- that are now inflicting 70 percent of the American casualties in the country, according to U.S. military and civilian officials.
TVNL Comment: The
Washington Post had to throw in the unsubstantiated claim about the EFPs being from Iran. This is how the US corporate media acts as the propaganda tool of the ruling elite.

·  At least 90 killed on day marking Golden Mosque attack - More than 190 people were wounded in the bombings, sandwiched around a commemoration on the anniversary of the attack on Al-Askariya Mosque, also known as the Golden Mosque.

·  ABC And The IED's From Iran That Were Made In The UK - Well as I wrote at the time, it was discovered that the new, deadly IED's were using a British design that had been stupidly given to the IRA by British intelligence and then passed around various terror groups the IRA were allied with.

·  U.S. sending third carrier strike group to Gulf. - At least one former White House official contends that some Bush advisers secretly want an excuse to attack Iran.

·  U.S. launches artillery into Pakistan - The skirmishes are politically sensitive because Pakistan's government, regarded by the Bush administration as an important ally against Islamic extremists, has denied that it allows U.S. forces to strike inside its territory.

·  Victory Is Not an Option - The new National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq starkly delineates the gulf that separates President Bush's illusions from the realities of the war.

·  Cheney Pushing for Iran Attack, Report Says - Several senior members of the Bush administration are pushing for the United States to attack Iran, the British Guardian newspaper said in a report over the weekend.

·  Suicide bomber kills 30 near Tikrit - In other violence reported by police, gunmen killed eight new recruits for the police border forces on Saturday as they were returning to their homes near the border with Syria.

·  ‘US fabricating evidence against Iran’ - The United States is trying to fabricate Iran’s involvement in attacks on US troops in Iraq, Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations said in a radio interview aired on Friday.

·  US helicopter down north of Baghdad - residents - A U.S. Apache helicopter went down north of Baghdad on Sunday, local residents said, but the U.S. military said it was not aware of any such incident.

·  American Civilian Killed by U.S. Troops in Iraq - The U.S. military confirmed on Saturday that American forces at Camp Anaconda, the huge air base north of Baghdad, shot and killed a civilian contract truck driver.

·  New US commander says Iraq doomed if crackdown fails - "The stakes are very high," he said, after taking over command of America's 130,000 troops in the country from General George Casey.

·  From the Wonderful Folks Who Brought You Iraq - The same neocon ideologues behind the Iraq war have been using the same tactics—alliances with shady exiles, dubious intelligence on W.M.D.—to push for the bombing of Iran. As President Bush ups the pressure on Tehran, is he planning to double his Middle East bet?

·  DoD Report Appears to Confirm Downing Street Memo - A long-awaited report on the veracity of pre-war Iraq intelligence has found that a secretive policy shop exaggerated the Iraqi threat, providing the White House with cherry-picked information about links between Iraq and al Qaeda. The shop, operating out of the Pentagon, was set up by then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Its goal was to lay the groundwork for a pre-emptive military strike against Iraq.

·  TVNL REPLAY: THE LIE OF THE CENTURY - The Downing Street Memo is only the beginning of the proof we were all lied to.





··  Libby believes NBC News could clear him - Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, wants a federal judge to let his lawyers question Andrea Mitchell, NBC's foreign affairs correspondent, about when she learned that the wife of an outspoken Bush administration critic worked for the CIA.
TVNL Comment: Andrea Mitchell is the wife of Alan Greenspan, former head of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve is a private bank that is one of the central points of the shadow government. The central banks are the entities held by the real rulers of our world. Do some research about this and you will understand. You can see the movie Money Masters to start. We offer this in our donations section.

·  Bush is dreaming and won't wake up - The president's persistence in the face of reality represents a disturbing state of mind

·  Impeach the two of them - What could Cheney possibly be convicted of? Here's a thing: He used intelligence created -- and I use the word created as it is defined -- by Rumsfeld's top policy aide to convince America and the Congress that there was a connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.

·  Inquiry on Intelligence Gaps May Reach to White House - The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said Friday that he would ask current and former White House aides to testify about a report by the Pentagon’s inspector general that criticizes the Pentagon for compiling “alternative intelligence” that made the case for invading Iraq.

·  White House Red-Faced Over Rove Immigration Remark - White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove explained the Bush Administration's guest worker program and immigration policy at a luncheon Thursday by saying, "I don't want my 17-year-old son to have to pick tomatoes or make beds in Las Vegas."

·  Ex-Rice Aide: Memory Lapse on Iran "Really Quite Curious" - Leverett says he finds it "really quite curious" that Secretary Rice is pleading a memory lapse on an Iranian offer shortly after the Iraq war to, among other things, recognize Israel.





·  Squandering billions in Iraq while U.S. suffers - Our minds boggled last week at U.S. government estimates that President George W. Bush’s so-called “war on terror” (including Afghanistan and Iraq) will cost at least $690 billion US by next year. That’s more than the total cost of World War I, Korea, or Vietnam, and second only to World War II’s $2 trillion.
TVNL Comment: Some of our minds were not boggled because we were not informed about this financial disclosure by our criminal corporate media!

·  Carlyle Makes A Killing With Defense Sale - We all know that making a handsome profit is the raison d'etre of private equity firms, but some seem to take the pursuit to a whole other level. The Carlyle Group raked in an 800% return on its investment on Friday when it sewed up the sale of its 10.3% stake in QinetiQ Group, the British defense research company, said to be the inspiration behind doddering gadget maven Q in the James Bond films.
TVNL Comment: Defense, or offense? War profiteers; nothing more, nothing less.

·  Ohio food stamp use increases by 71 percent since 2000 - The Department of Job and Family Services says that in Franklin County -- home to the state capital of Columbus -- food stamp use has more than doubled. It's more than tripled in central Ohio's Union County, home to Marysville.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.



9/11 News :


·  Intelligence on Bin Laden whereabouts has gone 'cold': US general - Eikenberry, who was commander in Afghanistan for 21 months, declined to say whether the search for bin Laden's right-hand man, Ayman al-Zawahiri, had also gone cold.

·  How the key 9/11 myths were implanted - How was it that these stories - based on no fact, no research and no inquirry - appeared in full blown form so quickly on US news networks and then became part of the core myths of what happened on 9/11? Were these stories prepared in advance?

·  An explosion of disbelief - fresh doubts over 9/11 - Why were no military aircraft scrambled in time to head off the attacks? Was the collapse of the Twin Towers caused by a careful use of explosives? How could a rookie pilot - as one of the terrorists was - fly a Boeing 757 aircraft so precisely into the Pentagon? And who made millions of dollars by accurately betting that shares in United and American Airlines, owners of the four doomed aircraft, were going to fall on 9/11 as they duly did?

·  Wolfowitz Warns of 'Surprise like Pearl Harbor' Months Before 9/11 Attacks - Video posted recently on Live Leak shows now World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz delivering a June 2001 West Point commencement speech wherein he focused on surprise attacks-- making heavy reference to Pearl Harbor.
TVNL Comment: Wolfowitz is a PNAC member.

·  More Ground Zero Heroes On The Record: Building 7 Was Deliberately Brought Down - Testimony of multiple rescue personnel that they were told Building 7 was going to be imploded means FEMA, NIST, Silverstein Properties and federal government all lied, revelations demand immediate grand jury inquiry into insurance fraud, vindicates call for new independent 9/11 investigation






·  GOP Rep. warns Bush if border patrol agents die in prison 'there's going to be some kind of impeachment talk' - Several Republican lawmakers have sharply criticized the imprisonment of two border agents who were convicted of shooting a Mexican drug smuggler in the back and attempting to cover it up.

·  Congress Finds Ways to Avoid Lobbyist Limits - Lobbyists say that the rules might even increase the volume of contributions flowing to Congress from K Street, where many lobbying firms have their offices.

·  Evasive Maneuvers - How the Justice Department is teaching other agencies to sidestep congressional investigations.

·  Democratic voters growing impatient with Congress - Having banked on the promise that Democrats would force a change of course in Iraq if they won control of Congress, some of the people who helped the Democrats get there are growing impatient.
TVNL Comment: No impeachment, no serious action on all the lies and crimes that have taken place. Nothing. We do not have a real representative government; just a show.

·  Speaker, Republicans clash in global warming hearing GOP member insists Pelosi take questions about her plans - In a highly unusual move for a speaker, the San Francisco Democrat appeared as a witness before the House Science and Technology Committee along with scientists who co-wrote the new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, which warns of dire consequences if the world does not rein in greenhouse gases.





·  Bush budget shortchanges Great Lakes, critics say - Funding in the proposed budget amounts to "treading water, when what's needed is a full-scale rescue," said Jeff Skelding, director of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition.

·  Bush budget slashes Indian health care, education funding - Behind the modest funding increases in President George Bush's proposed 2008 budget for American Indian programs lie glaring cuts in funding for health care for those who live off the reservation and educational opportunities for Indian children who attend public schools.

·  Paraplegic allegedly 'dumped' on skid row - A paraplegic man wearing a soiled hospital gown and a broken colostomy bag was found crawling in a gutter in skid row in Los Angeles on Thursday after allegedly being dumped in the street by a Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center van, police said.
TVNL Comment: Capitalism at its purest.

·  Gonzales' sacking of US Attorneys like a 'coup d'etat' - Joe Conason highlights the removal from office of Carol Lam, Bud Cummings, and John McKay, U.S. Attorneys in San Diego, Little Rock, and Seattle respectively, whose prosecutions ran against the partisan interests of the Bush White House. These acts, Conason writes, suggest that "the White House and the Justice Department have been exposed in a secretive attempt to expand executive power for partisan purposes."





·   E.U. Considers Broad New Penalties in Pollution Disasters - If enacted, the proposal would create some of the most comprehensive environmental penalties in the world.

·  Bush budget would cut money for scenic wild lands - A program that protects more than a million acres of trails, wilderness and historic sites in the West would see another cut under President Bush's proposed 2008 budget.

·  Vegetarian is the New Prius - The livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global." It turns out that raising animals for food is a primary cause of land degradation, air pollution, water shortage, water pollution, loss of biodiversity, and not least of all, global warming.





·   Washington sources: Israel in race for more aid - Israel seeks to secure a further $500 million military aid before President Bush leaves office.

·  Cheney to snub Japan defense minister for calling Iraq war 'mistake' - U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney plans to spurn meetings with Japan's defense minister next week in protest over his having called the American-led Iraq war a "mistake," a news report said Monday.

·  Bolivia's Morales nationalizes smelter - He stressed that Bolivia must not only control its rich mineral resources but also the refinement of raw ore into valuable metals.
TVNL Comment: Once a nation decides that the resources of the land do not belong to private profiteers it becomes a target of the fascist global bankers. War will follow.

·  Israel urges international rejection of Palestinian unity deal - THE Israeli Government is lobbying the world not to lift the financial and diplomatic blockade of the occupied territories following last week's unity deal between the two main Palestinians faction.

·  Putin Blasts U.S. for Its Use of Force - Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted the United States Saturday for the "almost uncontained" use of force in the world, and for encouraging other countries to acquire nuclear weapons.

·  Iran says talks could end nuclear row - Iran insisted on Saturday a dispute with the West over its nuclear programme could be resolved by negotiation as its chief nuclear negotiator arrived in Germany for meetings with European officials.

·  Hundreds protest U.S. jets in Japan - The demonstration was held outside the gate of Kadena Air Base, one of the largest U.S. airfields in the Pacific, on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa.





·  535,000 on lost VA drive - Personal information on 535,000 people could be on a portable computer hard drive missing from the Birmingham Veterans Administration Medical Center, a Department of Veterans Affairs investigation says.
TVNL Comment: Personal information on 535,000 people could be on a portable computer hard drive missing from the
Birmingham Veterans Administration Medical Center, a Department of Veterans Affairs investigation says.

·  US Military Leaders Give Details of New Africa Command - The U.S. military released more details Friday about its plans for a new Africa Command center or AFRICOM. The center is going to coordinate U.S. military activities for almost all of the African continent.

·  VA system ill-equipped to treat mental anguish of war - But an investigation by McClatchy Newspapers has found that even by its own measures, the VA isn't prepared to give returning veterans the care that could best help them overcome destructive, and sometimes fatal, mental health ailments.





·   Behold the Rise of Energy-Based Fascism - Unlike Islamo-fascism, Energo-fascism will, in time, affect nearly every person on the planet.

·  Criminals Control the Executive Branch - There is something deadly wrong with a society and a political system that permits a regime capable of such insane and criminal "leadership" to remain in power. By the time Hitler launched World War II, the German Reichstag had no power to prevent him. But we have not yet reached that point in the United States.





·  5 Grammys mark Dixie Chicks' comeback - The Dixie Chicks completed a defiant comeback on Sunday night, capturing five Grammy awards after being shunned by the country music establishment over the group's anti-Bush comments leading up to the Iraq invasion.

·  Cronkite Warns Drive for Media Profits Poses Threat to Democracy - No longer could journalists count on their employers to provide the necessary resources, he said, "to expose truths that powerful politicians and special interests often did not want exposed."

·  'Wash Post' Joins 'NYT' in Trumpeting 'Anonymous' Claims on Iran Weapons - "We deserve better from the US government. We deserve better from the western news media."

·  The NY Times returns to pre-Iraq-war "journalism" - It seemed as though the media was treating the war-inflaming claims of Bush officials against Iran much more skeptically, refusing to simply pass along accusations without first conducting an investigation to determine if those claims were true. - But today, The New York Times does precisely the opposite...

·  Defense bigs ask '24' to cool it on torture - The grossly graphic torture scenes in Fox's highly rated series "24" are encouraging abuses in Iraq, a brigadier general and three top military and FBI interrogators claim.

·  'NYT' Reporter Who Got Iraqi WMDs Wrong, Now Covers Iran Claims - What is the source of this volatile information? Nothing less than “civilian and military officials from a broad range of government agencies.”

·  The Guide: How Dick Cheney uses “Meet the Press” to control the message - I wanted us to see how these manipulations were put into play on Meet the Press, the show that the OVP thought was the perfect place to "control the message."

·  Weapons of Mass Distraction, Again - While Keith Obermann blames the Republicans for seeking distractions (like carping about Nancy Pelosi's desire to fly nonstop) from their effort to block the Iraq war debate, his own MSNBC, joined by CNN, spent hours this afternoon on the sadly premature death of a notorious quasi-celebrity (name supplied on request), bumping the first feed of Hardball and its coverage of the Scooter Libby trial. News network, heal thyself.





·  Medicaid cuts could affect students - "This would transfer the burden onto local school districts and local taxpayers," Kusler said.
TVNL Comment: In other words...this is a tax INCREASE!

·  The Real Story About What's Happening In Texas - This is an important health freedom update from Mike Adams. If you believe in your health freedom, and you believe that forced vaccinations of children have gone too far, then you need to know the real story about what's happening in Texas right now.





·  Appeals Court Backs Detainee - A federal appeals court in Washington ruled yesterday that a U.S. citizen in U.S. military custody in Iraq has the right to challenge his detention in a federal court.

·  An Iraq Interrogator's Nightmare - Despite my best efforts, I cannot ignore the mistakes I made at the interrogation facility in Fallujah. I failed to disobey a meritless order, I failed to protect a prisoner in my custody, and I failed to uphold the standards of human decency. Instead, I intimidated, degraded and humiliated a man who could not defend himself. I compromised my values. I will never forgive myself.

·  Worldwide events mark ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’ - “Calling the occupation apartheid isn’t an overstatement, it’s an understatement,” Zahalka told Ynet, “The Israeli occupation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are worse than apartheid.”





·   ‘I was scared. Who would believe the Israeli president raped me?' - The president vigorously protests his innocence of her allegations, saying that years had gone by before she made them and vowing to fight until his last breath to clear his name. Nevertheless, he is facing indictments not only for rape but also for charges of sexual misconduct against three other women.

·  Bodybuilder says Robertson threatened to kill him and his family - According to a complaint Busch filed with the Norfolk police, Robertson entered a room in the courthouse Wednesday afternoon to be questioned for a deposition - an out-of-court form of testimony - and told Busch: "I am going to kill you and your family."

·  Biblical creation museum founder not amused by Bill Maher visit - The $25 million facility, due to open in the spring, tells visitors that the earth is just a few thousand years old and that Adam and Eve lived among the dinosaurs.




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