Date: February 13th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Are You Trading With China?


Poke around your house today. Pick up a few items, especially toys and electronics. Take a look and see hoe many “Made in China” labels you find. Then ask yourself if you remember dealing directly with the Chinese government when you acquired those items.


The Bush administration wants you to believe that items made in Iran came directly from the Iranian government. While the weapons in question may very well have been supplied by the Iranian government identifying their point of origin does not indicate in any way the path that they took to their destination.


I also find it interesting that Iran marks their weapons in English and not in Arabic. Let’s not forget to use logic on our way to our deductions and let’s remember to think for ourselves. OK?  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Italy foils 'arms for Iraq plot' - They say the group involved had connections in Malta, Russia, Libya and China and some of those arrested were wealthy businessmen working in exports.
TVNL Comment: So are we sending aircraft carriers to China, Russia,
Malta & Libya?

·  Iran and the Nameless Briefers - How little this administration has learned from its failures is a constant source of amazement. It seems the bigger the failure, the less it learns.

·  Bush's Friends, The Saudis - In the last few days we've been subject to a p.r. campaign by the administration and their allies in the media focused on supposed Iranian funding of the Shiite faction in the Iraqi civil war. But at the same time, Saudi Arabia is funding the Sunni side. Once again, Saudi Arabia gets a pass

·  Joint Chiefs chairman sees no evidence of meddling by Iran's regime - A day after the U.S. military charged Iran's government with shipping powerful explosive devices to Shiite Muslim fighters in Iraq to use against American troops, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday that he hasn't seen any intelligence to support the claim.





·  Wolfowitz Emerges as Key Figure in Intel Manipulation - Taken as a whole, the involvement of Wolfowitz in a full-scale effort to undermine the credibility of an Iraq War critic, and his hands-on role in knowingly providing the White House with the sort of dubious intelligence that came under scrutiny by people like Wilson, shows how widespread the issues surrounding manipulated intelligence truly were, and how crucial it became for senior members of the Bush administration to discredit anyone who threatened to expose their ruse.

·  For the Cheneys, Going to War with Iran is a Family Affair - Take one of Cheney's daughters, for example. Elizabeth Cheney's husband was appointed general counsel for the Homeland Security Department (where he blatantly hindered and stalled multiple government investigations). But Elizabeth herself is far more connected to political favoritism and neoconservatism within the government. And it might just help the Cheney back-office effort to lead us into war with Iran.

·  Audio of Armitage Outing Plame - The audiotape of Richard Armitage leaking the identity of Valerie Plame to Bob Woodward was released today and Wolfie has the goods.








9/11 News :


·  Response: Don't believe the official 'conspiracy' theory - We have to ask who stood to gain the most from the appalling events of 9/11, says Tim Sparke

·  Millions in federal loans post-9/11 given to local businesses - But why did the federal government use your tax money to guarantee loans for Houston businesses after the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington?






·  Senator Dodd to introduce 'Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007'; Bans torture, restores habeas corpus - The bill will overturn parts of the "Military Commissions Act," signed into law last October, which suspends habeas corpus for "alien enemy combatants."

·  Burton sorry about missing votes for golf - U.S. Rep. Dan Burton this morning apologized for missing 19 votes to play in a golf tournament in January.





·  White House slams carpooling, new road fees better - Carpooling won't do much to reduce U.S. highway congestion in urban areas, and a better solution would be to build new highways and charge drivers fees to use them, the White House said on Monday.

·  FBI criticized over 320 missing weapons, laptops - The FBI had more than 300 weapons and laptops lost or stolen in just under four years, and some of the computers contained sensitive or classified information, the U.S. Justice Department inspector general said on Monday in a highly critical report.
TVNL Comment: Feel safer? Another Bush legacy.










·   Guinea leader declares emergency - Guinea's President Lansana Conte has declared a "state of siege" and told the army to restore public order, after three days of violent protests.

·  N. Korea agrees to nuclear disarmament - North Korea agreed Tuesday after arduous talks to shut down its main nuclear reactor and eventually dismantle its atomic weapons program, just four months after the communist state shocked the world by testing a nuclear bomb.

·  OAS Chief Seeks Dialogue With Cuba - The head of the Organization of American States said Monday he is open to a dialogue with Cuba, which was expelled from the body more than 40 years ago.

·  Explosions near US base in Japan; no reports of injuries or damage - Japanese police were investigating a suspected guerrilla attack on the U.S. Army after two small explosions outside a military base south of Tokyo, police said Tuesday.





·  Veterans face consecutive budget cuts - The Bush administration plans to cut funding for veterans' health care two years from now — even as badly wounded troops returning from Iraq could overwhelm the system.















·  Research Supports Medicinal Marijuana - AIDS patients suffering from debilitating nerve pain got as much or more relief by smoking marijuana as they would typically get from prescription drugs -- and with fewer side effects -- according to a study conducted under rigorously controlled conditions with government-grown pot.





·  I want to die: It's my human right - A terminally-ill woman of 30 launched a landmark legal battle yesterday to force doctors to let her die.





·  Larry Franklin was with Ledeen! Connect the dots - The OSP's Larry Franklin was with Ledeen when they brought the Niger forgeries to Washington. Yes the same Larry Franklin who got busted spying for AIPAC.




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