Date: February 14th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Evil Oil Nations, or Evil Oil Companies?


I was watching a CNN piece on corn burning heating stoves (for your home.) A person being interviewed about owning one said something very interesting. Aside from the environmental and economic benefits of burning corn instead of oil the man said that he would rather have his money support American farmers than nations that do not like us very much.


I assume that this man is referring to the fact that many oil producing nations are not exactly American allies, like Iran.  Well, I have a question for this man and for all of you…are those evil nations any worse to Americans than American oil companies? What have oil companies done for us lately?


I see American oil companies choking the life out of our planet, funding junk science research for the purpose lying to us so that they can continue to kill the globe for profit, emptying our wallets and making damn sure no other cleaner cheaper energy technologies emerge. Oh, I forgot…they also require us to go to war so that their supplies do not fall into the hands of world leaders who may dare to use the profits for things like public health care, education and housing. You know those evil nations like Venezuela and Iraq (when Saddam was in charge!)  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   Uncle: Abducted U.S. soldier appears in new video - The uncle of an Iraqi-American U.S. soldier abducted last October in Baghdad identified his missing nephew Wednesday in a video posted on a militant Shiite Web site.

·  World Bank to provide $500m loan to Iraq - The Managing Director of the World Bank (WB) said that the international firm is willing to support the Iraqi government's efforts to restore economic activities in the war-torn country, Iraq Directory reported.
TVNL Comment: "Willing?" this is the goal of the international bankers; to keep every nation on earth in debt to them. This is their goal and it is how they control the world.

·  Pentagon Caught Red Handed in an attempt to Frame Iran: Iran Does Not Manufacture 81MM Mortar Shells - According to a report offered by the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, connected to the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the neocon Brookings Institute, the smallest mortar produced by Iran is the 107mm M-30.





·  Cheney National Security Adviser Describes Libby's 'Awful Memory' - Vice President Dick Cheney's national security adviser described his predecessor, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Tuesday as someone responsible for the nation's most sensitive intelligence but whose memory was notoriously spotty.





·  Chrysler to Announce Job Cuts, Plant Closings - The plan is expected to include the elimination of about 11,000 blue- and white-collar jobs along with the closing of one and possibly two assembly plants — in Delaware and Missouri — people with direct knowledge of the plan said this week.

·  US trade deficit breaks new high in 2006 - Sky-high oil prices and Americans' insatiable hunger for Chinese goods drove the US trade deficit to a record high of 763.6 billion dollars in 2006, the government said.



9/11 News :


·  Now It's Personal: Al Qaeda Calls Bush an Alcoholic Liar - On the tape, Zawahiri also condemns American Democrats "as one side of the same coin of tyranny, criminality and failure" for failing to challenge Bush policies as they said they would in the election.






·  House plunges into debate on Iraq war - House Republicans are pulling out all the stops to win over GOP colleagues who may be wavering on whether to publicly rebuke President Bush's decision to send more troops into Iraq.

·  Leaked Letter Reveals GOP Strategy: Talk About Anything But Escalation - If we let Democrats force us into a debate on the surge or the current situation in Iraq, we lose.





·  Conservatives lose latest Darwin battle in Kansas - Similar efforts to weaken the teaching of evolution in public schools have occurred throughout the United States including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Kentucky and Georgia.

·  State leaders propose new voting systems - The current systems use touch-screen voting machines. Edwards says Crist's plan would only allow touch-screen machines for early voting and visually impaired people. Everyone else would use paper ballots.

·  Foggo Indictment Expected; Dark Day for the CIA - If Foggo is indicted, it will represent a dark day for the CIA and is expected to lead to a full congressional investigation of how secret CIA contracts are awarded.





·   U.S. Agency Violated Law in Seed Case, Judge Rules - A federal judge ruled yesterday that the Agriculture Department violated the law by failing to adequately assess possible environmental impacts before approving Monsanto’s genetically engineered alfalfa.





·   Firms accused of bribing Saddam to be investigated by fraud office - The firms being targeted include the drug giants GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly. The international oil traders and UK bridge-builders Mabey and Johnson are also to be investigated.

·  India, China and Russia hold talks - On Wednesday the three countries are expected to discuss regional issues, such as terrorism, drug trafficking and the situation in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and North Korea.
TVNL Comment: Can you notice what nation is absent from these talks?

·  Spain's former government "illegally questioned Guantanamo inmates" - Spain's former conservative government illegally questioned about 20 inmates at the US prison camp in Guantanamo, Cuba in July 2002, the daily El Pais reported Tuesday.

·  British and US children, among worst off in industrialized world - The U.S. was last among the 21 nations for health and safety, while Britain was last in two categories _ family and peer relationships and behaviors and risks. The Netherlands topped the list, placing in the top 10 for all six categories studied.
TVNL Comment: But keep repeating how
America is the greatest nation in the world. It does not have to mean anything just as long as you keep repeating it.

·  Once the most beloved country in the world, the US is now the most hated - The American swagger has become bombast, the cocky GI a bully. But with luck the pendulum may be ready to swing back
TVNL Comment: Another wonderful Bush legacy.





·  More military recruits have criminal pasts - The Army and Marine Corps are letting in more recruits with criminal records, including some with felony convictions, reflecting the increased pressure of five years of war and its mounting casualties.
TVNL Comment: And some of them commit crimes against humanity once in the military. Support the convicts!





·   Evil Oil Nations, or Evil Oil Companies? - Well, I have a question for this man and for all of you…are those evil nations any worse to Americans than American oil companies?

·  U.S. financial aid to Israel supports apartheid, threatens world peace - The financial aid received from the U.S. allows Israel to purchase tanks, Apache helicopter gun ships, F-16 planes, machine guns and bullets all used to commit atrocities against a population that has no military, no rights, and no basic protections. Furthermore; U.S. funding allows continued building of illegal settlements on Palestinian land in violation of UN resolution 242.





·  US military tells Jack Bauer: Cut out the torture scenes ... or else! - The US military has appealed to the producers of 24 to tone down the torture scenes because of the impact they are having both on troops in the field and America's reputation abroad.










·  EU lawmakers accuse EU govts on secret CIA flights - EU lawmakers made the charge in a non-binding resolution concluding a year of investigations into allegations that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency secretly held terror suspects in Europe and flew some to states that practice torture.





·  Daughter of Supreme Court justice charged in DUI - A daughter of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was arrested Monday night in Wheaton and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and child endangerment, Wheaton Deputy Police Chief Thomas Meloni said.




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