Date: February 15th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  How Much More Bush Can We Take?


Today alone our newsletter reports that the Bush administration’s unilateral and bullying tactics have encouraged Russia to opt out of a Reagan era arms treaty and have prompted Russia, China and India to align themselves to counter US domination of the world. We also read about a Bush official who purchased a million dollar home with a lobbyist for a company before allowing that company to delay a pollution clean up.  And to top it off we hear that the Bush administration has told the Bloomberg administration that they will not be prosecuting gun dealers who were caught selling arms to known gun trafficking; gun traffickers who sell guns to criminals and possibly to terrorists and insurgents!


This is one day’s news! One day! How much of this criminality can we take? Elections are obviously not the answer because real citizens who would want to stop these criminals can not get elected. They can not even get coverage during a campaign! We really have to think about a more serious approach to stopping these criminals! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   Now the Saudis tool up for war - Even the Bush administration will now admit, under its collective breath of course, that Iraq is in the throes of a full-blown civil war between armed groups of its Sunni and Shia Arab communities, triggered a year ago by the destruction of the al-Laskar mosque in Samara, a revered Shia shrine.

·  6 U.S. troops killed in separate incidents in Iraq - Four U.S. soldiers were killed and two others were wounded today during fighting northeast of Baghdad, the military said. Two other U.S. deaths were reported elsewhere.





·  Neoconservatives hate liberty as much as they love war - The idea that war opponents were committing treason by virtue of marching against the invasion of Iraq -- or that Senators who currently criticize the war should be treated as traitors -- is as repugnant to our political values and as radical and dangerous as anything which, say, the widely discredited Joe McCarthy ever urged. Yet the individuals who have argued, and continue to argue, for such un-American abridgements of basic liberties are not castigated or scorned at all, but instead continue to occupy perfectly respectable positions in what is deemed to be the mainstream.

·  Powell tried to push Iran talks in 2003 and was rebuffed, former official says - Former Bush National Security Council official also says Rice likely lied about not seeing document

·  Bush at Press Conference Today Contradicts Sunday's Briefing on Iranian Weapons - BUSH: We know they're there. We know they're provided by the Quds Force. We know the Quds Force is a part of the Iranian government. I don't think we need who picked up the phone and said to the Quds Force, "Go do this," but we know it's a vital part of the Iranian government.





·  Building products maker Masco reducing work force by 8,000 jobs - Masco Corp., one of the nation's largest producers of home improvement and building products, expects it will have slashed 8,000 jobs from its U.S. work force, or about 16 percent of the total, by the end of its first quarter, its top executive said Wednesday.

·  Exxon Chief Cautions Against Rapid Action to Cut Carbon Emissions - There is no significant alternative to oil in coming decades and Exxon will continue to make oil and natural gas its primary products, he said.

·  Greenspan says economic growth means working longer - Since population growth is dwindling, the implications of slower productivity include lower levels of economic growth in the next couple of decades, he said.
TVNL Comment: Greenspan, a criminal of historic proportions by virtue of his position in the criminal Federal Reserve, wants to enslave us to work harder to pay him and his people, the international banking crime family, more!



9/11 News :








·  12 Republicans Break Ranks on Iraq Resolution - A dozen Republicans arrived in the House chamber on Wednesday to set aside their party allegiances and lend their names to a resolution intended to rebuke President Bush for his Iraq policy.

·  Nadler from the Floor: “Enough already!” - Enough with the lies, and the deceit and the evasions! Enough with the useless bloodshed. We must protect our troops and ensure their safety while they are in Iraq





·  Ex-Justice official draws scrutiny - Nine months before agreeing to let ConocoPhillips delay a half-billion-dollar pollution cleanup, the government's top environmental prosecutor bought a $1 million vacation home with the company's top lobbyist.

·  Bush Administration Warns Bloomberg, But Leaves Lawbreaking Gun Dealers Alone - In a letter to Mayor Bloomberg's Criminal Justice Coordinator John Feinblatt dated February 6, 2007, the U.S. Justice Department's Michael A. Battle indicated that they would not be bringing criminal prosecutions against gun dealers videotaped selling guns to apparent gun traffickers and also warned New York City officials about "potential legal liabilities" in connection with the city's investigation.
TVNL Comment: The Bush administration is pro-illegal gun trafficking!

·  2 Ex-Enron Traders Get Probation - The crisis played a role in Pacific Gas & Electric Co.'s bankruptcy and will leave California consumers paying abnormally high electricity prices for years.
TVNL Comment: And all they got was probation? They should have gotten the death penalty for hurting so many people!

·  Memo: Stop teaching evolution - The second most powerful member of the Texas House has circulated a Georgia lawmaker's call for a broad assault on teaching of evolution.

·  Monster of a Case: New Wave of Corporate Indictments Expected - The plea deal comes as dozens of former CEOs and other corporate officials face possible indictment as the Department of Justice presses its investigation of the backdating of billions of dollars of stock options.










·  Giants meet to counter US power - India, China and Russia account for 40 per cent of the world’s population, a fifth of its economy and more than half of its nuclear warheads. Now they appear to be forming a partnership to challenge the US-dominated world order that has prevailed since the end of the Cold War.

·  Russia May Exit 1987 Arms Treaty - He said the decision would depend on the United States' actions with its proposed missile defense system, parts of which Washington is seeking to deploy in Poland and the Czech Republic.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy. Have we had enough YET?





·  Soldiers Back From War Fight Different Battle - Soldiers who were paralyzed, suffered brain damage and lost limbs owe the government enlistment bonus money. They must pay the money back because they didn’t fulfill their tour of duty.





·   How Much More Bush Can We Take? - How much of this criminality can we take? Elections are obviously not the answer because real citizens who would want to stop these criminals can not get elected. They can not even get coverage during a campaign! We really have to think about a more serious approach to stopping these criminals!





·  The New York Times' pathetic plea for help: Stop us, before we start a war again - As someone who's been in newspapers for more than a quarter-century, the hardest thing for me to explain to non-journalists is the so-called "Chinese wall" between news reporters and the editorial page.

·  Radio Station Cries 'Enough' -- Won't Quote From Certain News Stories Relying on Unnamed Officials - The news director of the public radio station in Santa Fe, New Mexico, has directed his staff to "ignore national stories quoting unnamed sources." He also called on other news outlets to join this policy.















·  Ex-Congressman Exposes Self On Beach - McDade, a Republican, served in the House from 1963 to 1999. - He was indicted in 1992 on charges he accepted gifts from defense companies for helping them win lucrative contracts.
TVNL Comment: Another right wing family values criminal pervert!

·  Death certificates on abortions proposed - Legislation introduced in Tennessee would require death certificates for aborted fetuses, which likely would create public records identifying women who have abortions.
TVNL Comment: Why not have a wake every time a women menstruates?




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