Date: February 19th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  A Shameful Presidents’ Day


Excuse me for getting personal today, but I can not imagine being more ashamed of my country than I am now. I wake each day in a state of confusion, not sure if I am having a nightmare or actually awake. Today is Presidents’ Day and George W. Bush is serving as the President of the United States. How could this possibly be?


For my entire life I have heard about how great America is. I have never been more aware of how wrong that claim is. We have as our president a borderline retarded individual who is as qualified to be president as a house plant. We are under the complete control of the military, energy and pharmaceutical industrial complex and we are being led to our demise as George. W. Bush acts as the chairman of the board!


I know middle America is uncomfortable with intellectuals, mostly because middle America is partly comprised of people with little intellectual ability, but holy cow…George W. Bush…PRESIDENT? How long can this horror continue? How long can America fool itself? Isn’t it time to say that it was a mistake to think being a simple man who you would like to have a beer with does not qualify a person to be a global leader?


People who condemn critics of George W. Bush should consider this: Instead of condemning people who speak negatively about a president start condemning people who demean the office of the president; people like George W. Bush!  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  The extraordinary photo that reveals just how little MPs knew about the Iraq war - Rather than being told by the Prime Minister that the country was at war, they had been roused from their beds by policemen or phoned by journalists with news of the first American strikes.

·  Insurgents attack Kandahar convoy - Insurgents have launched their heaviest attack to date on the southern Afghan city of Kandahar, targeting a Canadian army convoy.

·  Iraq: The Hidden Story - It's a gut-wrenching 49 minutes, but worth your time. Americans, these actions are being done in our name. This is our legacy.

·  Attack on U.S. base in Iraq kills 2 GIs, injures 17 - Insurgents launched an attack on a U.S. combat post on Monday, sending in a suicide bomber and clashing with American troops, the military and residents said. Two U.S. soldiers were killed and 17 wounded, the military said.

·  Veterans of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan predict failure in Iraq - Eighteen years after the Soviet army pulled out of Afghanistan in a humiliating defeat that hastened the collapse of an empire, many soldiers who fought there believe they're seeing history repeat itself.

·  Iraq blasts kill 63, send grim message - Instead, it was the Iraqi commanders of the security sweep feeling the sting.





·  Neocons Revive Cold War Group - The new group, announced at a Capitol Hill press conference Tuesday, said its "single mission" will be to "advocate policies intended to win the war on global terrorism – terrorism carried out by radical Islamists opposed to freedom and democracy."

·  Once George Bush has got hold of a bad idea he just can't let it go - When reality confronts his plans he does not alter them but instead alters his understanding of reality.

·  Why Did Rove Receive A Copy Of A Secret Iranian Proposal For Negotiations In 2003? - Inter Press Service reports that, in early May 2003, Karl Rove received a copy of a secret Iranian proposal for negotiations with the United States from former Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) — who is now serving 30 months in prison for his role in a corruption scandal.





·  UNTIL YOU CHANGE HOW MONEY WORKS, YOU CHANGE NOTHING, Another CarolynBaker.Org Exclusive, By Carolyn Baker - If we attentively read United States history, we learn that particularly in recent times, financial systems, not presidents, dictate policy and that “Chief Executives” are themselves at the mercy of those systems--before, during, and after their term of office.



9/11 News :


·   Debunking the BBC's 9-11 Conspiracy Files - The aim of this article is to address the inaccurate rebuttals offered by the BBC, as well as to analyse the propaganda techniques and reiterate the questions that the BBC failed to address.

·  BBC vs 9/11 Truth: The Smear Continues - The BBC purports to explain the events of 9/11 by asking and answering 10 questions, and I will deal with each of them, briefly or otherwise, below. But first let's talk about why this approach -- the attempted "debunking" of selected "conspiracy theories" -- is an unsatisfactory approach to the problem.






·  Senate Democrats promise `relentless' flood of anti-war legislation - After Republicans blocked a Senate debate for a second time, Democrats said Saturday they'll drop efforts to pass a non-binding resolution opposing President Bush's troop buildup in Iraq and instead will offer a flurry of anti-war legislation "just like in the days of Vietnam."

·  McCain: Roe v. Wade should be overturned - Republican presidential candidate John McCain (news, bio, voting record), looking to improve his standing with the party's conservative voters, said Sunday the court decision that legalized abortion should be overturned.

·  US Senators to arrive in israel for indoctrination” - Excuse me??? Their only 'obligation' is to the people (not the corporations) of the United States of America. And if they don't like it - on behalf of their constituents, I accept their resignation.





·  Making Martial Law Easier - A disturbing recent phenomenon in Washington is that laws that strike to the heart of American democracy have been passed in the dead of night.

·  Voters' hunger for change threatens Republican dream of eternal power - Republican strategists fear that an increasingly anti-Bush and war-weary American public could deny the party the White House in 2008, frustrating the grand design of the party's political mastermind Karl Rove for a permanent majority.

·  Gun-toting Texans aim for 'shoot thy neighbour' law - But now, Republican legislators in Texas - spiritual home of the six-shooter and a John Wayne-style frontier spirit - wants to enshrine the principle into law.

·  NM Senate Rules Committee Passes Bush-Cheney Impeachment Resolution - I find it appalling that every Republican member of the Committee refused to attend and listen to what our citizens have to say about what may well be the most important issues of our era -- the Iraq occupation and the refusal of the President and Vice President to obey the law.





·   Climate change: scientists warn it may be too late to save the ice caps - Such melting would raise sea levels by four to six metres, the scientists say. It would cause "major changes in coastline and inundation of low-lying areas" and require "costly and challenging" efforts to move millions of people and infrastructure from vulnerable areas.





·  Tax on 'peace and quiet' revealed - The tax on "nice neighbourhoods" is being planned as part of the council tax revaluation, with proposals expected within weeks.

·  Morales: `Job is to take care of poor' - In an exclusive interview, Bolivian President Evo Morales spoke of his focus on the poor, his admiration for Fidel Castro and also signaled respect for private investment.

·  Iran alleges U.S. involvement in deaths of 11 Revolutionary Guards - Bullet cartridges bearing a U.S. insignia and English lettering were among the weaponry seized last week from Sunni militants suspected of killing 11 members of Shiite-dominated Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards, Iranian officials said Sunday.

·  Labour will force everyone to give fingerprints at ID card interview centres - Ministers plan to force all adults to travel miles at their own expense to fingerprint scanning units so their details can go onto an identity card database. From 2009, everyone will have to attend one of 69 "interview centres", whose locations are revealed today for the first time.
TVNL Comment: Did you read "1984?" Better late than never, I suppose.

·  Weapons used in attack in southeastern Iran come from U.S.: report - Explosive devices and arsenals used in a terrorist attack in the southeastern Iranian city of Zahedan on Wednesday came from the United States, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Saturday.

·  Israeli Police Chief Resigns in Scandal - The resignation of Moshe Karadi was the latest in a series of public scandals and controversies involving Israel's top leadership - including rape allegations against the president and questions over the prime minister's role in a bank sale.





·  737 U.S. Military Bases = Global Empire - With more than 2,500,000 U.S. personnel serving across the planet and military bases spread across each continent, it's time to face up to the fact that our American democracy has spawned a global empire.

·  Guardsmen serving in war zones await late pay - More than one-fifth of 500 Connecticut National Guard soldiers of the 102nd Infantry serving in war zones are owed thousands of dollars in incentive pay that is months overdue.





·   Corporate Globalization Kills - And even when the consequences are literally life or death, companies are eager to utilize the World Trade Organization for their limitless hunger for profits.





·  Rupert Murdoch is the Virus Devouring the Soul of Western Democracy - Thanks to Rupert Murdoch's propaganda media, these so-called leaders no longer have to concern themselves with the people...Murdoch's media empowers them with just enough legitimacy and political cover to make them almost relevant.

·  Fox Opens Competition With CNBC With Jab - News Corp. chief Rupert Murdoch says the new Fox Business Channel will be ''more business-friendly'' than rival CNBC, making that point on the day he announced his network would launch at the end of the year.

·  Frank Rich Hits Claims on Iranian Weapons in Iraq -- Which His Own Paper Hyped - Five days ago, The New York Times' editorial page suggested that claims of Iran supply weapons killing American troops were being overplayed. On Sunday, columnist Frank Rich makes the same charge.





·  Lead-laden lunchboxes OK'd by government - In 2005, when government scientists tested 60 soft, vinyl lunchboxes, they found that one in five contained amounts of lead that medical experts consider unsafe -- and several had more than 10 times hazardous levels. But that's not what they told the public.





·  Human rights abuse rife in Saudi Arabia, watchdog says - Saudi Arabia's human rights conduct came under withering criticism by a New York-based rights watchdog, which documented unfair trials, detention of children and oppression of women and foreign laborers.
TVNL Comment: The good friends of the Bush family!

·  The Unwanted Refugees Of The Iraq War Palestinian-Born Iraqis Lived Well Under Saddam, Now Many Are Homeless, And Politically Untouchable - But homeless Palestinians are a political problem in the Arab world, and Jordan is the only country to ever offer them citizenship. Jordan's policy now is that it will not accept another Palestinian refugee on its soil.





·  Secret Societies - Major Media Articles on Secret Societies of the Power Elite




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