Date: February 20th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  So You Still Think Major Government Conspiracies Don’t Exist?


Yesterday new footage of JFK was released to the public. This footage is yet another indication that the US government was most likely involved in the assassination. This film shows, as does many others, a Secret Service agent riding on the back of JFK’s limo and it shows two motorcycle police escorts riding along side the car, just behind JFK. Other films clearly show the head of the Secret Service calling back the agent just as the car was turning into the plaza where the fatal shots were fired. One of the agents called back shrugged his arms in disbelief three times when he was told to leave JFK’s car and retreat to the next car in the convoy. The rest of us should be shrugging our arms in disbelief that this happened.


Has this action by the head of the Secret Service ever been explained to the public? Is there an explanation that would account for this action?


Ten years after the Warren Commission issued the official white wash report, Congress held a new investigation into the assassination and they determined that there was at least one other shooter and that there was indeed a conspiracy to kill JFK yet the official story remains the same. Hello! Is anyone paying attention!


Between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq we have conspiracies with a million times more evidence than we had regarding the JFK assassination, and people continue to disbelieve that conspiracies of this magnitude can take place. They took place, they take place and they are taking place. It is up to you to make sure we recognize this clear and obvious fact!  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Scores choke in poison gas attack - A cloud of deadly toxic gas engulfed an Iraqi town Tuesday, killing six people and leaving dozens of others choking on fumes after a tanker carrying chlorine exploded outside a restaurant.
TVNL Comment: CNN does not seem to notice that the
US saturated Iraq, and the rest of the region via dust could, with toxic gas in the form of depleted uranium.

·  US 'Iran attack plans' revealed - US contingency plans for air strikes on Iran extend beyond nuclear sites and include most of the country's military infrastructure, the BBC has learned.

·  The project - President Bush wanted the 'right' people in charge of the reconstruction of Iraq. Unfortunately for the country, that meant loyalty to the president rather than expertise - including a 24-year-old estate agent put in charge of the stock exchange

·  Five US troops die in Iraq raids - Five US soldiers have been killed in two attacks in Iraq on a day that violence claimed more than 25 lives across the country.

·  Mission imperial - While Iraqis struggled in the chaos of Baghdad after the invasion, the Americans sent to rebuild the nation led a cocooned existence in the centre of the capital - complete with booze, hot dogs and luxury villas.





·  A Man of Mystery - Richard Hohlt is the heavy hitter you've never heard of.

·  Jesselyn Radack Was the Justice Department Official Who Knew Too Much - The Bush administration likes to say they're fighting the "war on terror" there, so we don't have to fight it here. The reality, as Jesselyn Radack makes clear, is that they actually are conducting a war of terror against American citizens here.








9/11 News :


·   U.S. Army General Says Flight 77 Did Not Hit Pentagon - A U.S. Army General has gone on record that he believes it was not American Airlines Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon.

·  The Bush Administration's 9/11 Story is a Conspiracy Theory - The story that the Bush Administration wants the world to believe about 9/11, namely that it was planned and orchestrated entirely by Osama bin Laden from the Bat Cave, is the most ridiculous conspiracy theory on the Internet. ... (more)






·  McCain: Rumsfeld is one of the worst defense secretaries - Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Monday the war in Iraq has been mismanaged for years and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will be remembered as one of the worst in history.





·  Big Brother is watching you!! - Your email and conversation is monitored.





·   Cheap solar power poised to undercut oil and gas by half - In a decade, the cost may have fallen so dramatically that solar cells could undercut oil, gas, coal and nuclear power by up to half.





·  Russian general warns Poland, Czech Republic over U.S. missile defense system - In a statement reflecting the growing distrust between Moscow and the West, a top Russian general on Monday warned that Poland and the Czech Republic risk being targeted by Russian missiles if they agree to host U.S. missile defense bases.

·  Pakistan dismisses "absurd" Qaeda report - Pakistan has dismissed as "absurd" US claims that Al-Qaeda has established compounds in a remote tribal area to train small groups of operatives for possible attacks on the West.

·  Three Salvadoran congressmen killed in Guatemala - Assailants killed three Salvadoran congressmen, including the son of a civil-war era death squad chief, and left their charred bodies blazing on a Guatemalan back road, authorities said on Tuesday.

·  Newly discovered film unveiled of Kennedy motorcade just before assassination - Also visible is Secret Service agent Clint Hill riding on the back of the car.
TVNL Comment: Why was the Secret Service agent ordered away from the car just as it entered
Dealy Plaza?

·  Missiles could reach Europe if Kremlin wanted: general - President Vladimir Putin has described Washington's plans to deploy elements of its Missile Defense System in the two central European states as a threat to Russia's national security which would damage the strategic balance of forces on the continent.





·  Hospital Investigates Former Aid Chief - But while he was being paid to provide this vital service to patients, outpatients and their relations, Wagner was also seeking funders and soliciting donations for his own new charity, based in Texas, according to documents and interviews with current and former staff members.





·   So You Still Think Major Government Conspiracies Don’t Exist? - Between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq we have conspiracies with a million times more evidence than we had regarding the JFK assassination, and people continue to disbelieve that conspiracies of this magnitude can take place.

·  Mr. President, You're no George Washington. And Iraq is no American Revolution. Get over Yourself and Take a History Lesson! - George Washington and George Bush could hardly be further apart.

·  A Shameful Presidents’ Day - People who condemn critics of George W. Bush should consider this: Instead of condemning people who speak negatively about a president start condemning people who demean the office of the president; people like George W. Bush!










·  The Abraham Cherrix cancer story the media won't print: - Harry Hoxsey's cancer cures and the US government campaign to destroy them

·  How Healing Becomes A Crime. alt. cancer cure - What is apparent is that cancer continues to be one of humankind's more dreaded diseases, and that political and economic forces dominate research and development.

·  U.S. Beliefs in Pseudoscience Worry Experts - A panel of researchers expressed concern that people are giving increasing credence to pseudoscience such as the visits of space aliens, lucky numbers and horoscopes.










·  JFK security call off - Various angles and clips of security detail being called off, to stand down and not run along side the prez's motorcade. Who could authorise this?

·  Spooks, Hoods & The Hidden Elite - It provides the strongest evidence ever, directly from an insider, for the plot to kill the 35th president of the United States of America ... and take over his Government.

·  New JFK Video - Moments Before Assasination - Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, assigned to protect Jackie Kennedy, can be seen riding on the left rear bumper.
TVNL Comment: You can clearly see a secret service agent riding on the car and two motorcycle police riding along side the car. This was taken 90 seconds before the shots rang out. Who ordered the police back and the agent away from the car? This was a clear conspiracy with the full cooperation from JFK's security team.




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