Date: March 9th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  FBI: Abuse of Power – What a Surprise


The FBI has been “under-reporting” the details and extent of their use of the Patriot Act. “Under-reported?” What the fill-in-your-own-explicative does that mean? How many ways is our media going to come up with to avoid using the word “lie?”


Note to the criminal corporate media: the FBI has been LYING about their use of the Patriot Act. The word is “lying!” Oh man, this is beyond stupid!      Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Iraqi anti-corruption head says graft worse than in Saddam's time - Independent observers in Baghdad report that it is very difficult to find an official who will discharge a public service without a bribe.

·  No military solution to Iraq, U.S. general says - The new commander of U.S. troops in Iraq has warned that military force alone will not be enough to quell the country's violent insurgency.

·  Push for new government in Iraq begins - The secular former prime minister and U.S. favorite Ayad Allawi is leading a new push to replace the Shiite-led administration of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki with a broad-based government that would focus on restoring order.

·  The Iraq That George Built - Bush and Cheney have more than decimated Iraq. That is, in a country of 26 million people, Bush and Cheney have killed directly, caused the deaths indirectly, or caused the evacuation, of over four million people. That is, over 15% of the population has been cut up, root and branch, from the nation.





·  Gonzales Yields On Hiring Interim U.S. Attorneys - The concessions represent a turnaround by the White House and the Justice Department, which have argued for three months that Gonzales must have unfettered power to appoint interim federal prosecutors and have resisted disclosing details about the firings.





·  Pfizer inks IT outsourcing deal in China - Pfizer is consolidating all its IT helpdesk operations in the Asia-Pacific to a central site in China under a new outsourcing arrangement with Hewlett-Packard.



9/11 News :








·  Hinchey Statement On Libby Guilty Verdicts: Calls For Investigation To Now Pursue Possible Criminal Charges Against Vice President Cheney - "This administration is the most corrupt and incompetent administration in U.S. history. The security of the American people has been jeopardized by the falsification of intelligence that led to the invasion of Iraq as well as the outing of a CIA agent's identity. Justice must be served to all those who put our country at risk. Either Special Counsel Fitzgerald or another prosecutor must continue to pursue the truth. The American people deserve to have the cloud hanging over Vice President Cheney and other administration officials lifted once and for all so we can find out the truth."

·  Lawmakers' offices being "occupied" by anti-war protesters - Anti-war protesters are targeting the home and Washington offices of members of Congress for small demonstrations.

·  Valerie Plame to Testify - Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., has announced that Valerie Plame Wilson will testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Friday, March 16th.





·    Violent Crime in Cities Shows Sharp Surge - Violent crime rose by double-digit percentages in cities across the country over the last two years, reversing the declines of the mid-to-late 1990s, according to a new report by a prominent national law enforcement association.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

·  Report Says FBI Violated Patriot Act Guidelines - The FBI repeatedly failed to follow the strict guidelines of the Patriot Act when its agents took advantage of a new provision allowing the FBI to obtain phone and financial records without a court order, according to a report to be made public Friday by the Justice Department's Inspector General.

·  The United States' Nuclear Hypocrisy - The contradictions between what the administration is demanding of Tehran and other powers, and the nuclear capabilities it is pursuing for its own arsenal, are provocative and dangerous.

·  Nuclear Weapons Lab Backs Down - The controversial and secretive Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab detonates in the open air about 200 radioactive "dirty bombs" a year creating deadly and radioactive uranium gas in the heavily populated San Francisco Bay and Monterey Bay Areas of California. About 10 million people live and work within the large metropolitan areas.





·  EU agrees on carbon dioxide cuts - European Union leaders at a climate change summit in Brussels have agreed to slash carbon dioxide emissions by 20% from 1990 levels by the year 2020.





·  Brazil police clash with protesters demonstrating against Bush visit - Riot police fired tear gas at protesters after more than 6,000 people held a largely peaceful march, sending hundreds of demonstrators fleeing and ducking into businesses to avoid the gas.















·  Louisiana Papers Become 4th and 5th This Week to Drop Ann Coulter - The Times had previously considered dropping Coulter last year after the author/Universal Press columnist made nasty remarks about 9/11 widows.

·  CBS fires Katie Couric's top producer - CBS News on Thursday fired the executive producer of Katie Couric's struggling "CBS Evening News" broadcast and appointed former CNN and MSNBC president Rick Kaplan to the job.










·  Palestinian water projects held up by US sanctions - These are the human faces of the toll exacted by US sanctions following the rise to power of the militant Islamic Hamas group.





·  Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit - "That a person like (Bush), with the persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States, with the wars he has provoked, is going to walk in our sacred lands, is an offense for the Mayan people and their culture," Juan Tiney, the director of a Mayan nongovernmental organization with close ties to Mayan religious and political leaders, said Thursday.

·  Gingrich had affair during Clinton probe - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich acknowledged he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.
TVNL Comment: This is so typical. Anything Republicans do is just OK.




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