Date: March 10th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Free Alternative to Microsoft Office


Many of us “computer geeks” have been complaining about Microsoft’s utter domination of the desktop computer world for years. We realize that there are better operating systems (Linux, MacOS & even OS/2 in the old days), better software solutions and more choices for consumers. But, the truth is Microsoft pretty much dominates the market.


Well while I was setting up a client’s Vista laptop I discovered two things; Vista is not ready for prime time and Microsoft Office is very expensive! After spending about $1800 on a new laptop my client was forced to buy the upgrade to MS office. He was going to have to shell out a few hundred bucks more just so he can write simple letters and read simple spreadsheets.


So I looked into Sun’s open source free office package and I’ll tell you, it is pretty impressive. It installed cleanly, had all the productivity applications and is FREE! Keeping in line with the theme of my website, informing people about information that is not common knowledge for one reason or another, I thought I would use today’s newsletter to let people know that there is indeed an alternative to MS office…and it’ FREE!


To my Mac Friends…yes, there is a Mac version as well as a Linux version.


You can download the package or order a CD on the web site here:  . I was not asked by anybody at this site to write about this. I just happen to be a 20 year computer professional who is asked about things like this all the time…and finally I found a solution to a common issue that can save a lot of people a lot of money!


So before you go and violate copy right licensing by getting bootlegged or cracked versions of MS software…try Open Office. See, there are good people doing good things out there. You just have to know where to find them!      Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  AP: 'Surge' Gets Bigger -- A True Escalation? - President Bush's troop buildup in Baghdad apparently will be bigger and more costly - and perhaps last longer - than it seemed when he unveiled the plan in January as the centerpiece of a new Iraq strategy.
TVNL Comment: Gee, what a surprise.

·  US troops kill Iraqi father and two daughters - US forces opened fire on an unarmed Iraqi family's car and killed a father and his two young daughters, the man's wife told AFP on Saturday.
TVNL Comment: How sweet. It is a wonder that those people don't appeciate us.

·  Iraq urges neighbours to halt terror as bombs kill 35 - The embattled premier demanded that Iraq not become a battlefield for a proxy war between regional powers -- an implicit reference to the rivalry between Shiite Iran and Iraq's Sunni Arab neighbours.
TVNL Comment: Well who decided to fight this war there instead of here?

·  Saddam trial judge seeks asylum in Britain - The information we have is that the judge sought asylum for reasons including that he fears for his own life and the lives of family members





·  Impeach Clinton but Pardon Libby? - David Shuster reports for Hardball on the politics & possibility of a Libby pardon, and Lindsay Graham's 1998-2006 flip-flop on the importance of the rule of law.





·  Fed warned of foreclosure crisis as loan growth slows - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and other policymakers were warned that rising mortgage foreclosures are likely to get worse, as the central bank on Thursday reported the slowest pace of loan growth in four years.

·  Postal Service aims to save with independent carriers - Looking to cut costs nationwide, the Postal Service will now award contracts to nonpostal employees for deliveries in large new housing tracts, usually located on the fringes of cities.

·  Gas prices may approach all-time high within days - Our prices have gone up 20 cents in the last two days," said Jerry Cummings of Rotten Robbie, whose stations are selling self-serve regular for around $3.05 a gallon. "Right now, we should be at $3.29."
TVNL Comment: If profits are at record highs why do they need to raise prices? This is another Bush legacy.

·  I.R.S. Letting Tax Lawyers Write Rules - The Internal Revenue Service is asking tax lawyers and accountants who create tax shelters and exploit loopholes to take the lead in writing some of its new tax rules.

·  U.S. Heating Bills Up, But Fed Help Down - What's happened is that the number of people requiring energy-bill assistance has grown at the same time that Congress and the White House have cut funding by nearly $1 billion from last year.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.



9/11 News :


·  Legal Scholars Question 9/11 - Many highly-qualified legal scholars believe that the horrible attacks of September 1, 2001, may intentionally have been allowed to happen or even been actively aided and abetted by elements within the United States government. This is important, since attorneys are good at assessing the strength of competing pieces of evidence, and since lawyers are the ones who will ultimately file any 9/11 prosecutions.

·  What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks? - A second former CIA counterterrorism officer who closely followed the case, but who spoke on condition of anonymity, told me that investigators were pursuing two theories. "One story was that [the Israelis] appeared at Liberty State Park very quickly after the first plane hit. The other was that they were at the park location already". Either way, investigators wanted to know exactly what the men were expecting when they got there.











·    Texas AG office didn't pursue abuse case - A state assistant attorney general received a report a year ago that graphically detailed the sexual abuse of inmates at a youth prison but declined to pursue the case because of jurisdictional concerns, according to e-mails obtained Friday by The Associated Press.

·  Gonzales, Mueller admit FBI broke law - The nation's top two law enforcement officials acknowledged Friday the FBI broke the law to secretly pry out personal information about Americans. They apologized and vowed to prevent further illegal intrusions.

·  Container Holding Uranium Found At Pawn Shop - Store Owner Says He Purchased Radioactive Item 20 Years Ago

·  Firefighters Claim Giuliani Ignored Needs After 9/11 - The International Association of Fire Fighters union said it wants its 260,000 U.S. members to know the ``real story'' of the former New York mayor, contending that Giuliani sought to curtail search-and-recovery efforts at the World Trade Center site after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, that claimed the lives of 2,752 people, including 343 union fire fighters.





·  America Speaks Out About Chemtrails - My biggest confusion with the chemtrail phenomenon is how I felt that so few people were aware of what was happening in the skies above our heads, but with the last article on the subject, my email box has been overflowing.





·  Chirac warns US on missile base plan - Jacques Chirac bowed out of what might be his last European Union summit by warning that US plans to install missile defence bases in Europe could split the continent and provoke a fresh cold war.

·  Bush's unpromising Brazil visit - Thanks to an unwise policy on ethanol, the president isn't likely to get very far on his trip to Latin America.





·  U.S. military: Censorship was justified - The U.S. military asserted that an American soldier was justified in erasing journalists' footage of the aftermath of a suicide bombing and shooting in Afghanistan last week, saying publication could have compromised a military investigation and led to false public conclusions.

·  Pentagon struggles to find fresh troops - Military leaders are struggling to choose Army units to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan longer or go there earlier than planned, but five years of war have made fresh troops harder to find.





·  Free Alternative to Microsoft Office - See, there are good people doing good things out there. You just have to know where to find them!

·  How Much More Harm Can Bush Do? - The media have done a good job for the government of keeping the blood and gore out of the living room.

·  Dump the Democrats and Unite! - Progressive Democrats did gain strength, however conservative pro-war Blue Dog and DLC patrons gained the most seats in last election cycle. Virtually all ran on pro-war platforms -- guaranteeing that they would continue to support Bush’s efforts to eradicate terrorism by terrorizing Iraqis and Afghanis instead.





·  Machiavelli at work in the Mainstream Media - Want to understand how the media is misused to assassinate the character of good men, while at the same time advancing the agenda of a small elite group of criminals intent on keeping us as ignorant as possible? All you need do is watch the television with a critical eye - bear in mind that it is a propaganda device and your entertainment is NOT its primary purpose.

·  Fox is Not News - The fight for truth is a long one, and this is an important step along the way.
TVNL Comment: Why single out Fox?

·  Roger Ailes rails liberals - Video
TVNL Comment: A so called "news man" with not a single shred of dignity. Are these jokes appropriate for a man in charge of a news network?

·  Fox News CEO warns against debate boycotts - Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards dropped out of an August debate planned by the Nevada Democratic Party, in part because it was being hosted by Fox News channel.





·   Cocktail of additives found in child medicines - Only some of the medicines displayed warnings of additives' possible side effects.





·  US refuses to name men at Guantanamo Bay court - The Pentagon has refused to reveal which of its 14 "high-value" detainees were being examined by military lawyers in closed proceedings in Guantanamo Bay.

·  Tape of Padilla interrogation is missing - A videotape showing Pentagon officials' final interrogation of al-Qaida suspect Jose Padilla is missing, raising questions about whether federal prosecutors have lost other recordings and evidence in the case.

·  Video: Interview with child taken as human shield in Nablus - On 28 February 2007, during the Israeli invasion of Nablus, the IOF kidnapped 11-year-old Jihan Tahdush from her home in the Old City of Nablus. She was used as a human shield while Israeli forces conducted door-to-door searches in the Old City.





· Americans get an 'F' in religion - Stephen Prothero, chairman of the religion department at Boston University, isn't laughing. Americans' deep ignorance of world religions — their own, their neighbors' or the combatants in Iraq, Darfur or Kashmir — is dangerous, he says.




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