Date: March 11th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Call Your Congressperson; Or Stay Home and Pick Your Nose. Same Difference!


When you are attempting to do something that is useless or impossible does it really matter what method you use? If you are trying to throw a rock and have it land on the moon, what is the difference if you pick up a rock and hurl it towards the sky with all your might, or you just stay home and eat a Twinkie? Do you really think that hurling that rock is going to have a different outcome? Do you think eating the Twinkie gives you less of a chance of having your rock land on the moon than throwing it? Let me teach you some math my friends…zero chances means zero chances, no matter what the scenario.


Every single day I get e-mail from organizations that tell me to “call your Congressperson,” or “say no to” one thing or another. What’s the point of doing this? Here is what I tell people…if you chose a method of change that has absolutely no chance of succeeding, save your energy. Do something else. I usually tell people to stay home and try to teach their dog how to play chess. But not everyone has a dog. So for people with out dogs, try picking your nose. Set up some good lighting, get a magnifying mirror, grab your nose hair trimmer and get to picking and grooming! Maybe then you will actually look foolish. After all when you are doing something foolish, like trying to get your Congressperson to represent you, you should look foolish. So I say…pick your nose. You’ll get the same result but you will look the part!


This advice goes double for the people who hop on busses from all over the country to “voice their opinion” to their leaders. (I was one of those bus hopper, but I know better now!)  I have news for you people, we live in the most technologically advanced era of communication in history. We have phones, faxes, mail, email, blogs, youtube, megaphones, cell phones, text messaging, blimps, skywriting airplanes, sandwich boards, chalk and sidewalks, graffiti, etc. If you have to get on a bus with tens of thousands of fellow citizens just to tell your representative to represent you…the purpose of the trip should be to forcefully remove these people from office and replace them with someone who will uphold their Constitutional obligation to represent you!


If you want a Congress person to listen to you…join AIPAC or one of the other share holders of the fully owned co-op known as Congress. If you want to take your country back from these people make some real plans to do so. Don’t keep asking those criminals to listen to you. Asking your Congressman to represent you is like reporting police brutality to the cop that is beating you with a nightstick! Insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results. Stop using the same useless approach to achieve change. Take back your government, or stay home and pick your nose!       Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here: 


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·  Twin bombings hit Iraqi capital - The latest violence comes a day after Baghdad hosted a conference on security, attended by world powers including the US, Syria and Iran.

·  'Smart' rebels outstrip US - Top American generals make shock admission as Iraq leader pleads with neighbouring countries to seal off their borders

·  Another Grim Week in Iraq - On Sunday in Basra, British troops stormed an Iraqi intelligence office and found about 30 prisoners, some of them tortured. Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki was outraged — not at the torture, but at the raid that halted it. Soon British troops will be leaving Basra, leaving Mr. Maliki and his security forces free to do as they please.

·  Scandal of treatment for wounded Iraq veterans - A shocking picture of neglect and the appalling treatment of wounded British troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan emerged last night in a remarkable series of letters from soldiers' families obtained by The Observer.

·  Bush approves 4,400 more troops for Iraq - US military commanders in Iraq have said in recent days that the number of additional US troops needed to carry out Bush's security plan for Iraq could approach 30,000, taking into account units needed to support the 21,500 extra combat troops. The United States now has some 140,000 troops in the country.





·  Legal expert: President Bush may have ordered torture of terror suspects - "The administration has been almost pathological in trying to find ways to keep these people from ever seeing a real judge or a real lawyer," John Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, told the Associated Press, "and the reasons are obvious."

·  CPAC, Part Deux - This latest film is called "CPAC Part Deux: Conflicted Conservatives in Crisis."

·  Rove was asked to fire U.S. attorney - Weh's account calls into question the Justice Department's stance that the recent decision to fire eight U.S. attorneys, including Iglesias, was made without the White House weighing in.

·  CIA Leak Case Moves on to Civil Court - Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney, White House political adviser Karl Rove and former State Department Deputy Secretary Richard Armitage are named in the case.





·   Halliburton Will Move HQ to Dubai - Lesar's announcement appears to signal one of the highest-profile moves by a U.S. corporate leader to Dubai, an Arab boomtown where free-market capitalism has been paired with some of the world's most liberal tax, investment and residency laws.

·  Crisis Looms in Market for Mortgages - Fewer lenders means many potential homebuyers will find it more difficult to get credit, while hundreds of thousands of homes will go up for sale as borrowers default, further swamping a stalled market.



9/11 News :


·  Leading Conservatives: 9/11 Cover-Up - Well, let's see what leading conservatives have to say:

·  No more Stonewalling from the BBC re WTC 7 - Sign the Petition

·  Israeli Spying and 9/11 - Israel and 9/11: The disappearing story that's too hot to handle






·  Call Your Congressperson; Or Stay Home and Pick Your Nose. Same Difference! - If you want a Congress person to listen to you…join AIPAC or one of the other share holders of the fully owned co-op known as Congress. - Asking your Congressman to represent you is like reporting police brutality to the cop that is beating you with a nightstick!

·  Hillary Clinton's Hawkish Record - Should Hillary Clinton become the Democratic presidential nominee, we can expect to find little differences between her and her Republican rival. Except for long shots Rep. Dennis Kucinich and former Sen. Mike Gravel, none of the Democratic candidates have taken consistent positions supporting peace, human rights and international law.





·    Feds tried to cut aid - Federal officials secretly schemed to limit payouts for sick and dying nuclear weapons workers, including thousands from the Rocky Flats plant outside Denver, newly released documents show.

·  AVI RUBIN: 'After Four Years of Study, I Now Believe that a DRE (touch-screen) with a VVPAT (paper-trail) is Not a Reasonable Voting System' - E-Voting expert, Johns Hopkins computer science and security professor, Avi Rubin, once again stated for the record, this time in his testimony before a House subcommittee hearing on "Ensuring the Integrity of Elections", that Direct Recording Electronic (DRE, usually touch-screen) voting systems --- with or without a paper trail --- are "not reasonable" for use in a democracy.

·  Violent Crime in Cities Shows Sharp Surge - Violent crime rose by double-digit percentages in cities across the country over the last two years, reversing the declines of the mid-to-late 1990s, according to a new report by a prominent national law enforcement association.

·  The Patriots - The United States is in trouble. We're in danger of becoming a fascist dictatorship where big government and big business combine to rule, and where the people are considered just a source of labor.





·  New climate report: More bad news - The harmful effects of global warming on daily life are already showing up, and within a couple of decades hundreds of millions of people won't have enough water, top scientists will say next month at a meeting in Belgium. - At the same time, tens of millions of others will be flooded out of their homes each year as the Earth reels from rising temperatures and sea levels, according to portions of a draft of an international scientific report obtained by The Associated Press.

·  Two years to change EU light bulbs - ORDINARY light bulbs are to be banned across the European Union within two years in the fight against climate change. - Environmentalists said the change would save the public up to £5.4 billion a year in fuel bills and also about 20 million tonnes of carbon emissions every year.





·  Germany's Schroeder slams U.S. missile shield plans - U.S. plans to build a high-tech missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic are dangerous and absurd, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said on Sunday.

·  Blair is called to account over abandoned troops - British soldiers returning from war are suffering unprecedented levels of mental health problems amid claims that the long-standing "military covenant" guaranteeing them proper care is in tatters.

·  U.S. acknowledges Colombia operation - On the eve of a visit by President Bush, the U.S. Embassy confirmed Saturday that American and Colombian soldiers had conducted a joint operation in the southern stronghold of leftist rebels who are holding three U.S. military contractors.

·  Ahmadinejad wants to attend U.N. meeting - "The president of Islamic Republic of Iran intends to attend a U.N Security Council meeting to be held on Iran's nuclear case in order to defend the rights of the Iranian nation in exploiting peaceful nuclear energy," state TV quoted Iranian government spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham as saying.

·  Don't like ID cards? Hand over your passport - Anybody who objects to their personal details going on the new "Big Brother" ID cards database will be banned from having a passport.
TVNL Comment: You are witnessing the final solution! Hello totalitarianism!





·  Why I fled George Bush's war - What happened to make a patriotic, gung-ho soldier desert the U.S. army, and turn against the war in Iraq.

·  General Eaton: “Republican Congress worst thing that’s happened to US Army and Marine Corps” - He blames Donald Rumsfeld for the majority of the failures in Iraq (including the current problems at Walter Reed), thanks God for the new Democratic majority and lays down some truth:

·  Man pleads guilty in Walter Reed scheme - According to the plea agreement, from June 1999 to March 2002, Krachyna and an unnamed accomplice conspired to give kickbacks to a civilian contract specialist employed by the Army Medical Command. The unnamed official was responsible for procurement for the medical center.

·  Privatized Walter Reed Workforce Gets Scrutiny - Last year, IAP won a $120 million contract to maintain and operate Walter Reed facilities. The decision reversed a 2004 finding by the Army that it would be more cost-effective to keep the work in-house.

·  VA hospital deaths spark call for review - U.S. Rep. Mel Watt called Friday for a review of "suspicious deaths" at the Charlotte area's main veterans' hospital after learning of a federal report that concluded some surgical care was "marginal at best."





When Losers Talk About Victory and Supporting the Troops - When the mainstream media give these losers a voice, the mainstream media are playing partisan politics.





·  Editors Who Are Keeping Coulter's Column Explain Why - E&P called some newspapers to find out why they've opted to continue publishing her in the wake of Coulter's March 2 "faggot" reference about former Sen. John Edwards (and her previous incendiary comments).

·  Fox Attacks - Enough is enough. It's time to send a clear message to Fox News and their allies that their right-wing talking points and temper tantrums won't go unchallenged anymore - when it comes to what Democrats should do in the Democratic primary, we'll decide - no matter what they report:










·  Italy protesters back gay rights - Thousands of protesters have streamed into a piazza in central Rome to show their support for government proposals to grant rights to gay couples.





·   Karl Rove Addresses Students At Bill Clinton's SCHOOL OF PUBLIC SERVICE - In the heat of Hillary Clinton's fiercely contested Presidential campaign, Karl Rove, the master of malfeasance, was Thursday's Cspan televised speaker at the CLINTON School.

·  Evangelicals battle over agenda, environment - Global warming and other causes stray too far from battles on abortion, gay rights and similar 'great moral issues,' some leaders say.




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