Date: March 13th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  US Army General: Homosexuality Immoral. Killing 10s of Thousands of Human Beings Who Never Threatened Us…Just Fine. How Christian.


Just when I thought human beings could not get any stupider, I made the mistake of listening to the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff! I found myself listening to news reports and recordings of this high ranking military officer telling the world how  he “considers homosexuality to be immoral and the military should not condone it!” A man who chose as a career a vocation that put him in a position to implement or partake in the killing human beings on a massive scale is telling us that giving and receiving sexual pleasure with a consenting adult is immoral! In human history has there ever been a bigger hypocrisy?


Somebody wake me up! These past seven years can not be real! Please, somebody wake me up!


There seems to be no limit to hypocrisy in the current administration and there seems to be no limit to the lack of ability or willingness to make note of this hypocrisy by our criminal corporate media or our brainwashed fellow citizens!  When human beings are more accepting of war than they are of sex, perhaps we need to reconsider whether or not human beings are indeed the most advanced species on this planet, or just a virus that poses a danger to all others.     Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  War and Liquor a Perilous Mix for U.S. Troops - Alcohol, strictly forbidden by the American military in Iraq and Afghanistan, is involved in a growing number of crimes committed by troops deployed to those countries.

·  Former U-N inspector: Americans were 'witch hunters' in lead-up to war - He says the British government replaced question marks with exclamation marks when compiling a now-discredited report on Iraq's weapons programs.

·  Baghdad reeling from bomb attacks - The US military also reported the deaths of five more US troops in Iraq, three of them in action and two in non-combat incidents.

·  In New Tactic, Militants Burn Houses in Iraq - Sunni militants burned homes in a mixed city northeast of Baghdad on Saturday and Sunday, forcing dozens of families to flee and raising the specter of a new intimidation tactic in Iraq’s evolving civil war, Iraqi officials and witnesses said.





· Firings Had Genesis in White House - The White House suggested two years ago that the Justice Department fire all 93 U.S. attorneys, a proposal that eventually resulted in the dismissals of eight prosecutors last year, according to e-mails and internal documents that the administration will provide to Congress today.

·  Cleland to Cheney: “Where the hell were you in the Vietnam War?” - "Where the hell were you in the Vietnam War? If you had gone to Vietnam like the rest of us, maybe you would have learned something about war. You can't keep troops on the ground forever. You gotta have a mission. You gotta have a purpose."

·  Libby truly is not alone; liars fill Bush's team - 's too bad I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is likely to be the only Bush-Cheney confidant prosecuted for an aversion to the truth. There are plenty of unindicted liars walking the halls of the Bush White House.





·   Big Surge Expected In Offshore Outsourcing By Banks, Study Says - Offshore tech spending by banks will increase from the present 6% of the banking industry's $44 billion total annual IT budget to 30% by 2010, according to Deloitte.

·  Foreclosures May Hit 1.5 Million in U.S. Housing Bust - Hold on to your assets. The deepest housing decline in 16 years is about to get worse.

·  Money As Debt - Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it ... Alle » is being created.



9/11 News :


·  Video Iraq, 911, PNAC, Where do all the Roads Lead? - If they could lie about the War in Iraq and the Media would promote it and then help cover it up.

·  WTC7 The Smoking Gun of 9/11 - The controlled demolition of Building 7 of the WTC on 9/11






·  Congress Demands Rove Testimony on Attorney Firings - Congressional committees are now demanding the testimony of President Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove, in the burgeoning investigation into the reasons behind the unusual firings of eight U.S. attorneys last year.

·  Dems May Fight White House for Testimony - Rep. Henry A. Waxman, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, might ask White House officials to testify about their actions involving the CIA leak case, Democratic sources tell Politico.

·  Congress must finally hold public hearings on Sibel Edmonds’ case - Numerous promises have been made to the whistleblower by the Senate Judiciary Committee that her allegations would be exposed in public hearings. Those promises have rung hollow.

·  Pelosi Reveals Who's Who On Global Warming Panel - The best-kept secret on the Hill -- the full membership of the new committee on global warming -- is no longer secret. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has announced the 15 members of the committee, formally known as the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.





·    Report says TXU manipulated Texas power market - TXU Corp. manipulated the Texas electric market in 2005, costing consumers $70 million and giving the utility $20 million in extra profits, according to an outside expert whose report was released by state regulators today.

·  AG: Perry's HPV order exceeded his authority - Gov. Rick Perry exceeded his authority in ordering middle-school girls receive a new vaccine against cervical cancer, Attorney General Greg Abbott has told lawmakers.

·  Feds, AT&T urge against wiretap trial - The federal government is urging an appeals court to dismiss a lawsuit challenging President Bush's domestic eavesdropping program, warning that disclosure of such activities could compromise national security.

·  US grapples with homeless problem - Twenty people were killed in the 142 violent crimes against homeless people, the group found. A separate US government study claiming to be the most comprehensive ever found that 704,000 Americans were without shelter for at least one night between February and April 2005.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

·  Justice Official 'Horrified' Phone Call Was Seen as Threat - But then a former U.S. attorney told Congress that Elston had warned him and other fired prosecutors to stay quiet or risk retaliation from the Justice Department.

·  A police state on skid row - THE LOS ANGELES Police Department has a message for skid row residents: The 4th Amendment doesn't apply here.

·  Citizens Who Lack Papers Lose Medicaid - A new federal rule intended to keep illegal immigrants from receiving Medicaid has instead shut out tens of thousands of United States citizens who have had difficulty complying with requirements to show birth certificates and other documents proving their citizenship, state officials say.

·  Government Sites Aren't FOIA-Friendly - A review of 149 federal agencies found that only 1 in 5 posts on its Web site all the records required and that even fewer -- 6 percent -- tell people how to request what does not appear there.

·  New York town defies U.S. on Hispanic voting rights - The U.S. Justice Department told the village of Port Chester to rewrite its election laws because they have denied Hispanics a seat in the local government, and the all-white board is fighting back.

·  Flood Plain Construction Rules Relaxed - The Bush administration will allow some construction of homes, shops, schools, prisons, hospitals and other buildings in flood plains without formal environmental reviews, despite the lessons of Hurricane Katrina.

·  White House lists cuts to pay for more troops - President Bush wants to pay for his plan to send 8,200 more U.S. troops to Iraq and Afghanistan by cutting money for agriculture, education and other programs, budget records show.

·  The Real War - On American Democracy - For example, Americans wonder why the Bush administration seems so intent on crippling local, state, and federal governments by starving them of funds and creating huge federal debt that our children will have to repay.





·   Peru's alarming water truth - Estimates by a team of Peruvian and international scientists say that Peru and Bolivia, which together account for more than 90% of the world's tropical glaciers, have lost about a third of the surface area of their glaciers between the 1970s and 2006.

·  Let's call the coal thing off - Coal supplies nearly half the electricity in the U.S. and is responsible for more greenhouse-gas emissions than any other electricity source. Is it too late to kick the habit?

·  Cars that make hybrids look like gas guzzlers Plug-in versions can go 100 miles on a gallon of gasoline - Compared with the Prius' fuel efficiency of 50 mpg, plug-in hybrids use half as much gasoline by running more on cleaner, cheaper, domestic electricity. If owners forget to plug in overnight, it's no big deal -- the car runs like a regular hybrid.

·  Electricity from the sea - The moving air powers a turbine, which generates electricity.





·  Bush runs into opposition in Guatemala - Deportation is a sore issue in Guatemala, and Bush's host bluntly told him: "The Guatemalan people would have preferred a more clear and positive response — no more deportations."

·  Israel recalls 'naked ambassador' - Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador after he was found drunk and naked apart from bondage gear.

·  Berlusconi and Mills stand trial for alleged bribe - Berlusconi is accused of paying Mills, the estranged husband of British Culture, Media and Sports Secretary Tessa Jowell, $600,000 for withholding details of his media empire during testimony in two court cases in 1997.

·  Wolfowitz under fire at World Bank - According to insiders, Wolfowitz is under attack for lacking strategic vision and for devoting too much energy to his flagship campaign to drive out corruption in Bank-funded projects.

·  Bush greeted by pomp and protesters - A red-carpet official welcome and rioting protesters greeted President George Bush on Sunday as he stopped briefly to renew U.S. support for this strong but drug and violence-plagued U.S. ally.





·  Army faces O-4, O-5 shortage - The Army, forced by five years of war to expand its ranks, faces a critical shortage in midlevel officers, interviews and military records show.

·  Thousands of veterans return with mental illness - Nearly a third of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who received care from Veterans Affairs between 2001 and 2005 were diagnosed with mental health or psychosocial ills, a study published Monday has concluded.
TVNL Comment: That is what war does to people. Is this a surprise?

·  Gen. Pace Calls Homosexuality Immoral - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday he considers homosexuality to be immoral and the military should not condone it by allowing gay soldiers to serve openly, the Chicago Tribune reported.

·  We're in a Downward Spiral' - The report, which focuses on the Guard, warns of a looming crisis and calls for wholesale changes in the way the force is managed.

·  Army Surgeon General Resigns - The scandal over conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center has ended the career of another top Army official.

·  Walter Reed. Halliburton. Privatization. - Who was forced to take the blame for the whole thing? Not Cheney. Not Swindle. The Army.

·  For War’s Gravely Injured, Challenge to Find Car - From the beginning, they said, the government should have joined forces with civilian rehabilitation centers instead of trying to ramp up its limited brain-injury treatment program alone during a time of war.

·  The Army is ordering injured troops to go to Iraq - At Fort Benning, soldiers who were classified as medically unfit to fight are now being sent to war. Is this an isolated incident or a trend?





·  US Army General: Homosexuality Immoral. Killing 10s of Thousands of Human Beings Who Never Threatened Us…Just Fine. How Christian. - When human beings are more accepting of war than they are of sex, perhaps we need to reconsider whether or not human beings are indeed the most advanced species on this planet, or just a virus that poses a danger to all others.

·  So why haven't we invaded India? - We appear to accept double standards when it suits us and don't give a damn about ethics, justice and morality.





·  Fox News at Its Finest. - Some clues as to why the Nevada Democratic Caucus pulled out of Fox “News’s” proposed coverage of the Democratic Presidential debate:

·  Columnist Hails 'Surge' In Iraq -- Paper Does Not Disclose His Brother Was One of its Architects - The Washington Post published an opinion piece on Sunday hailing the success of the "surge" of U.S. troops in Iraq and harshly criticizing reporters for not doing the same, or at least covering alleged major advances in that country. It failed to disclose, however, that the author of the column, Robert Kagan, is the brother of the man who has been called an architect of the "surge" idea.





·   FDA Unveils Voluntary Food Safety Rules - The government has new rules for preventing food poisoning in fresh-cut produce, but companies don't have to follow them.
TVNL Comment: Voluntary rule is an oxymoron. You can either have a rule or a voluntary guideline. There is no such thing as a voluntary rule.





·  British judge says headquarters okayed Iraq abuse - A judge said on Monday the reason he had ordered charges dropped against the most senior British officer to be tried for prisoner abuse in Iraq was because headquarters had approved some of the abuses.

·  It's Israel that incites hate - I spent three months in Palestine and Israel. I have been a witness to injustice that rarely makes it to mainstream news in the U.S.





·   Belafonte Unleashed - Singer Harry Belafonte elaborates on his reference to Condi Rice as a 'house slave' and explains why Bush is more of a tyrant than Castro.




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