Date: March 14th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Congress Just Now Discovered Gonzales’s Problems?


Am I nuts or was Alberto Gonzales the person who approved the legalities of the torture techniques used in Abu Grabe? Was it not Mr. Gonzales who decided that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to detainees? Why is he just now being asked to resign?     Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Roadside Bombs Kill Two US Soldiers In Baghdad - The US military said on Wednesday that two US soldiers were killed and four others wounded by roadside bomb attacks in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad on Tuesday.

·  Felicity Arbuthnot: Iran - Upping the Ante - Can the United States and British governments really be at it again? Can they really expect the public to believe a mirror image of their barrage of lies on Iraq, now applying to Iran? Well, it is all there. Iran is “sponsoring terrorism”. (Was that not Iraq, before the invasion, when there was no known link to terrorism.

·  Curveball, the Defector Whose Lies Led to War - The Iraqi defector known as Curveball, whose fabricated stories of "mobile biological weapons labs" helped lead the U.S. to war four years ago, is still being protected by the German intelligence service, an ABC News investigation has found.





· Fired attorneys say apologies are in order - "My question is, if he fired the guy who fired us, why is he standing by the dismissals?" McKay asked.

·  Excerpts From E-Mails on U.S. Attorneys - Excerpts from e-mails regarding the firings of eight federal prosecutors, signed off upon by the White House legislative, political and communications offices:

·  Historians Approve Sweeping Resolution Against Bush Policies Stemming From War - The American Historical Association’s membership has ratified a resolution that condemns what it describes as U.S. government violations of civil liberties “during the war in Iraq and the so-called war on terror.” The Bush administration, the resolution states, has violated “principles of free speech, open debate of foreign policy, and open access to government records in furthering the work of the historical profession.”

·  Alberto Gonzales's Role in the Plame Cover-Up - Everyone seems to have forgotten that then-White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales also presided over one of the more sordid aspects of the Plame scandal. When Gonzales first learned that the Justice Department had started an official investigation into the Plame leak, Gonzales waited twelve hours before putting the White House staff on notice that they had to preserve documents and electronic files. Which seemed than -- and seems now -- like an open invitation to "shredding and deleting," not to mention getting your story straight. In short, obstruction of justice.

·  Key figure in Justice Dept. to step down - D. Kyle Sampson, the chief of staff to Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales, is leaving the Justice Department in the first fallout from the department's bungled firing of U.S. attorneys last year, people familiar with the situation said Monday night.
TVNL Comment: "Bungled" firing? How about "corrupt" firing!





·   US mortgage crisis may lead to offshoring boom - Around 20 sub-prime lenders (companies that lend to risky borrowers at higher interest rates) in the United States have closed down, filed for bankruptcy or lost money.

·  U.S. economy leaving record numbers in severe poverty - The percentage of poor Americans who are living in severe poverty has reached a 32-year high, millions of working Americans are falling closer to the poverty line and the gulf between the nation's "haves" and "have-nots" continues to widen.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

·  Foreclosures May Hit 1.5 Million in U.S. Housing Bust - Hold on to your assets. The deepest housing decline in 16 years is about to get worse.



9/11 News :








·  Congress Just Now Discovered Gonzales’s Problems? - Am I nuts or was Alberto Gonzales the person who approved the legalities of the torture techniques used in Abu Grabe?

·  Republicans find it tough to back Gonzales over firings - E-mails indicate Congress unaware how involved the White House was

·  Democrats Work to Smooth Iraq Tension - Tempers flared on Iraq among Democrats on Tuesday as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fielded criticism from an anti-war congresswoman over liberals' concern that the party is not doing enough to end the war.

·  Pelosi hears boos at AIPAC - Members of the main pro-Israel lobbying group offered scattered boos to a statement by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) that the Iraq war has been a failure on several scores.
TVNL Comment: We have to destroy
Iraq for Israel! Doesn't she know that?





·    After 9/11, U.S. archivists pulled 1 million pages - More than 1 million pages of historical government documents — a stack taller than the U.S. Capitol — have been removed from public view since the September 2001 terror attacks, according to records obtained by The Associated Press. Some of the papers are more than a century old.

·  Corps placed faulty pumps in New Orleans - MWI is owned by J. David Eller and his sons. Eller was once a business partner of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in a venture called Bush-El that marketed MWI pumps.

·  Company Warned of Touch-Screen Voting System Defect, But Sarasota Declined to Fix Machines or Caution Voters - ES&S Urged State, Local Officials to Take Corrective Measures Three Months Prior to Contested Jennings/Buchanan Race Last November

·  Paulson pledges change to bolster competitiveness of U.S. financial markets - Many of the executives have urged the rollback of laws passed in the wake of the Enron and WorldCom scandals, sought an overhaul of the regulatory system, and asked for limits to liability for government and shareholder lawsuits.





·   Emission Caps unlikely without Bush help - The White House has long opposed such emission caps, even with provisions that allow industry to reduce the cost, arguing arbitrary limits could harm economic growth.

·  Al Gore's Carbon Solution Won't Stop Climate Change - These days, everyone thinks that carbon trading is the solution to our climate crisis -- from Congress members to Al Gore to the folks organizing the Oscars. Here's why they are wrong and what we can do instead.

·  White House seeks to cut geothermal research funds - The move has angered scientists who say there is enough hot water underground to meet all U.S. electricity needs without greenhouse gas emissions.
TVNL Comment: It is time to storm the White House yet? They are clearly doing everything in their power to harm us!





·  Blair faces major revolt over nuclear weapons - British Prime Minister Tony Blair could face one of the biggest rebellions by his Labour Party in a decade in power on Wednesday when parliament votes whether to renew Britain's nuclear arsenal.

·  US looks at plan to oust Musharraf - THE US has indicated for the first time that it might be willing to back plans by elite echelons of the military in Islamabad to oust Pervez Musharraf from power, as the Pakistani President was beset by major new difficulties over his attempts to sack the country's chief justice.

·  Bush leaves Latin America empty-handed - The US president was due to head home with no substantive deals or immediate evidence that the public relations offensive had salvaged Washington's reputation in the five countries he visited.





·  Top general: Remarks on gays were 'personal moral views' - The top U.S. military officer, Gen. Peter Pace, said Tuesday he should have focused more on military policy and less on his own opinion when he told a newspaper homosexual acts are immoral.





·    Cheney's Murder-Death-Kill Talk - For goodness sakes. Cheney's speeches need a warning label: "**WARNING** The Vice President of the United States gives speeches peppered with violent vocabulary that may give you and your children nightmares for days."

·  Tragedy and Comedy in Postmodern Education - It is difficult, if not nigh impossible to promote greater public knowledge via news gathering in a population which has all too many diversionary and at times fraudulent outlets at their disposal.

·  Justice or Just Us? - When did We the People ever vote to be ruled? Controlled? Herded? Has this nation come full circle, only to be ruled by another King George?

·  Sibel Edmonds: Help me put Perle and Feith in jail - Sibel promises that Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Dennis Hastert, and Marc Grossman (and others) will be thrown in jail, for treason, if we can persuade Henry Waxman to hold hearings into her case.

·  Propaganda and the Politics of Perception - Adolf Hitler realized the power of propaganda to mould and shape public opinion. Hitler wrote a highly informed essay on the powers of propaganda in his political autobiography, Mein Kampf.





·  Reporting becomes more dangerous - The bloodiest country for reporters is Iraq, where 93 journalists have been killed since the war began, according to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists.

·  Dan Rather: Journalism has 'lost its guts' - "I do not exclude myself from this criticism... By and large, so many journalists--there are notable exceptions--have adopted the go-along-to-get-along (attitude)," he said.





·   Shortage of cancer doctors in coming years - The study predicted a shortfall of 2,550 to 4,080 oncologists by 2020. The overall U.S. population and, most significantly, the proportion of older people are growing, along with the number of people who have survived a bout with cancer, the researchers noted.





·  When They Came for the Homosexuals… - I spent two years reporting and writing “American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America.” At the numerous gatherings I attended around the country, one of the driving forces and most effective mobilizing agents was the issue of sexuality.









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