Date: March 15th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  American Values: Count Me Out!


The country that I call home has decided that a mother of two who is suffering from scoliosis, a brain tumor, chronic nausea and other ailments, can face federal criminal drug charges if the takes her doctor's advice, and eats or smokes marijuana every couple of hours to ease her pain and bolster her appetite. Are there really many Americans, other than say Dick Cheney who is a sociopath, who feel that this woman or anyone who can have their suffering eased by marijuana should not be allowed to do so?


If you are trying to make sense of this, the answer is two fold. The first part of this cruel idiocy is that the US judicial system and law enforcement system are the corporate profit (and private banker/Federal Reserve) enforcement squad. They are like Mafia “collectors.” You see if a plant can be used to help you then you won’t be forced to buy criminally expensive pharmaceuticals. This means you will cut into the profits of big corporations and we all know that corporate profits are the only thing that matters. As a matter of fact if you drink a tea, and it helps you feel better or eliminates a problem, and you tell people about this, and then you sell the tea, you can be brought up on charges by the FDA.


The other truth to the situation is that the US government can never legalize pot because they are in the illegal drug trade and legalizing pot would cut into their profits. This was exposed over twenty years ago and it was really brought to light during the Iran Contra scandal. The US has to fund black ops. Black ops are illegal. The people who conduct black ops do so without Constitutional authority and therefore do not get funded through legal measures. There is no black op budget line in our national budget. Where do you think this money comes from? Does Congress approve funding for overthrowing democratically elected leaders around the world? Someone does and the money has to come from somewhere. Do some research about this and you will be surprised by what you find. Actually many of you will not be surprised.


In the mean time all I can say is that I hope the people who decided that this poor woman can not use marijuana to help ease her suffering go on a hunting/drinking trip with Dick Cheney. After all if anyone deserves to get shot in the face with a shotgun at close range it is a person who would deny a suffering person relief!   Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·   City Council considers role in Rumsfeld war crimes case - The Berkeley City Council was in the spotlight Tuesday night as it grappled with whether to become the first U.S. government entity to support the prosecution of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other Bush administration officials for war crimes.

·  Pentagon Issues Dire Look At End of '06 in Iraq - The Pentagon yesterday released its bleakest assessment of Iraq yet, reporting record levels of violence and hardening sectarian divisions in the last quarter of 2006 as rival Sunni and Shiite militias waged campaigns of "sectarian cleansing" that forced as many as 9,000 civilians to flee the country each month.





·   Patrick Fitzgerald Chosen As U.S. Attorney Over Rove Pressure - Former Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-IL) revealed yesterday that Karl Rove pressured him in 2001 to choose a U.S. Attorney who he believed would be lenient in probing state corruption, the Chicago Tribune reports.

·  Daily Show: Is Cheney Losing His Clout? - In the wake of the Libby verdict, political pundits across the spectum are wondering if Cheney's clout is diminishing. Last night Jon ran through the lowpoints of Dick's reign as Veep and puts the question to rest.

·  Biden to Bush: “You’re leading us off a cliff. Stop!” - Clearly having had enough of Republican colleagues putting their blind loyalty to George W. Bush ahead of American opinion and the lives of our troops, Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) gave a powerful speech on the Senate floor Wednesday in which he ripped the GOP for their failure to lead and fulfill their duties to our country.





·   Did Goldman Get the Call from the Plunge Protection Team? - Is Goldman Sachs planning to eat off the carcass of the foreclosed, or just following orders to put out a little spin?



9/11 News :


·  Firefighters Urge "Peeling Of Giuliani's 9/11 Onion" - Mr Zack went on to explain exactly why the firefighters hold Giuliani in such low esteem:

·  Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role - "I was responsible for the 9/11 Operation, from A to Z," Mohammed, speaking through a personal representative, said, according to the transcript of the hearing on Saturday at the U.S. military prison camp in Cuba released by the Pentagon.
TVNL Comment: One more year in Gitmo and he would have confessed to killing JFK too!

·  Questions Abound About "9/11 Hoax" - The question why a "9/11 truther" would choose to act as an imposter for somebody else and deliberately bring negative attention to themselves and others is puzzling. Though this story is now confirmed to be a hoax, the reasons behind it remain suspect.






·  Feinstein: Lam Fired Over Cunningham Prosecution - Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Wednesday she believes the ouster of San Diego U.S. Attorney Carol Lam was connected to Lam's prosecution of former Republican congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham, even though the Bush administration has denied it.

·  Dozens in GOP Turn Against Bush's Prized 'No Child' Act - More than 50 GOP members of the House and Senate -- including the House's second-ranking Republican -- will introduce legislation today that could severely undercut President Bush's signature domestic achievement, the No Child Left Behind Act, by allowing states to opt out of its testing mandates.

·  Leahy says he will subpoena Rove - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, said Wednesday that he will subpoena Karl Rove to appear before his panel regarding the Bush administration's firing of eight U.S. attorneys, if the White House deputy chief of staff does not do so voluntarily.

·  House Committee Chairmen Say Probe of Fired U.S. Attorneys Should Include Abramoff Case - Two House committee chairmen called today for the congressional probe into the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys to be widened to include the case of an acting U.S. Attorney demoted in 2002 after he began investigating the now-convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his dealings with Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI).

·  House passes 3 open government bills - Open-government bills sped to House passage today as Democrats pushed to make the president and his executive branch more forthcoming about their actions. The White House struck back with veto threats.





·    Dying woman loses marijuana appeal - A woman whose doctor says marijuana is the only medicine keeping her alive can face federal prosecution on drug charges, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: Welcome to the inhumane vile country called the
United States of America.

·  The North American Union ID: The Database - The new ID cards come with a gigantic database that keeps track of all your personal information and biometric data. How secure are these databases? Lets first look at how well the government currently protects your data.

·  Is America Headed for a Depression? - Traders are nervous, with the upshot being a swing to cash and gold. Why gold?

·  'America's Mayor' Notably Absent from Firefighters Forum - But when firefighters from every congressional district in the country met in Washington this week to flex their collective muscle, a bipartisan collection of White House hopefuls quickly assembled to impress the 280,000-member bloc whose endorsement results in priceless political capital, except for one — Rudy Giuliani.

·  Kerik Turns Down Federal Plea Deal - Federal prosecutors offered Kerik a deal where he would plead guilty to tax fraud and illegal eavesdropping conspiracy charges, sources familiar with the negotiations say.

·  McCoy indicted on extortion charge - The Democrat, who has represented part of Des Moines' south and west sides since 1996, said he has done nothing illegal.










·  Maoist rebels kill 50 police in India - Maoist rebels in central India have killed 50 policemen in one of their worst ever attacks in decades of insurgency, officials said Thursday.

·  U.S. Treasury Secretary to visit Guatemala, Peru next week - U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson will travel to Latin America next week to discuss economic situations in the region, the Treasury said in a statement on Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: Why is the
US Treasury Secretary involved with other nations?

·  Judge Rules Against Sudan in Bombing - A federal judge ruled Wednesday that the Sudanese government caused the terrorist bombing of the USS Cole and will be liable for paying damages to the families of the 17 sailors killed in the attack.

·  Former Pakistan Intel Chief: US puts Pressure on Pakistan to Support a US Led Attack on Iran - Former ISI Chief, Gen (retd) Hameed Gul has said that the Untied States is paving the way to use Pakistan's territory for its expected attack on Iran in order to shift the blame of its failure in Afghanistan to Pakistan.

·  UN to open permanent probe on Israel - The United Nation's Human Rights Council is expected to place Israel under permanent investigation for its "violations" of international law in the territories - until such time as it withdraws to the pre-1967 border - according to Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.





·  VA hospital turned away suicidal vet, family says - The family says it was told the social worker who screens PTSD patients was too busy to see him. When Schulze called back the next day, his stepmom says she listened as he told the social worker he felt suicidal. The hospital then responded by telling him he was Number 26 on the waiting list for one of 12 PTSD patient beds.

·  War-wounded ‘overwhelming’ army healthcare system - There are only 30 physical evaluation staff to process disability claims for the 32,000 US casualties of the two wars and almost every medical holding facility for returning veterans lacks qualified staff.

·  The last thing we need - The new US command for Africa will militarise the continent and inflame a string of regional conflicts





·    American Values: Count Me Out! - In the mean time all I can say is that I hope the people who decided that this poor woman can not use marijuana to help ease her suffering go on a hunting/drinking trip with Dick Cheney. After all if anyone deserves to get shot in the face with a shotgun at close range it is a person who would deny a suffering person relief!





·  Debunking the NYT's Sloppy Hit Piece on Gore - This may be the worst, sloppiest, most dishonest piece of reporting I've ever seen in the NYT.

·  Matt Drudge rules their world...and spreads a Big Lie on Iraq - What is the role of Kuwait and the military command in Baghdad, seemingly in concert with Matt Drudge, in spreading this disinformation? This has all the earmarks of deliberate psy-ops to influence the American political debate, which is not only illegal but also unconscionable.

·  Editorial Pages Call for Axing Attorney General - The New York Times got the editorial ball rolling on Monday, calling for the firing of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales due largely, if not completely, to the burgeoning scandal involving the forced departure of eight U.S. attorneys. Now the notion has spread across the country.





·  Kennedy Antibiotic Bill Meets 'Resistance' from Big Pharma - "These precious drugs aren't even used to treat sick animals. They are used to fatten pigs and speed the growth of chickens. The result of this rampant overuse is clear: meat contaminated with drug-resistant bacteria sits on supermarket shelves all over America."

·  Chemicals May Play Role in Rise in Obesity - The chemicals under scrutiny are used in products from marine paints and pesticides to food and beverage containers.

·  9 Million Children Lack Insurance, Study Says - The group said the figures underscores concern that low-income parents are experiencing a dramatic erosion in employee benefits.
TVNL Comment: Another "dramatic" Bush legacy!





·  Soldier Testifies Killings Were Planned - A staff sergeant gave soldiers the option of taking part in the shooting of three Iraqi detainees before the killings took place, a soldier testified Wednesday.





·  Liberal Zionists denounce AIPAC - "The new approach aligns AIPAC more closely with neoconservatives, placing it in sharp opposition both to the Bush administration and the Israeli government."

·  Rep. Stark applauded for atheist outlook - The American Humanist Association applauded Rep. Pete Stark for publicly acknowledging he does not believe in a supreme being. The declaration, it said, makes him the highest-ranking elected official - and first congressman - to proclaim to be an atheist.




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