Date: March 17th 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  The Pathetic Women of MSNBC


I tuned in to MSNBC six times over the past two days. One time I tuned in to see what Keith Olbermann was serving up. Keith is always good for at least a few minutes of information that you won’t find in too many other corporate media broadcasts. The other five times I tuned in were part of my daily monitoring of the criminals who control information on the airways.


OK…so about MSNBC…of the five other times I tuned in to MSNBC I found the same thing: women gossiping about Anna Nicole Smith. I watched as a variety of pathetic so called journalists kept serious inquisitive expressions on their faces as they played journalist and dug deeply into the Anna Nicole Smith tabloid story.


I am sorry if this comes across as sexists, but the truth is every time I watch MSNBC, especially during the day, there are female news readers discussing issues that can only be described as tabloid gossip. There are usually expert guests and panel discussions as these women ask very smart questions and make very astute observations about very trivial topics. It seems like the only time these women have any brain function is when there are issues that invoke images barefoot and pregnant middle American housewives whose intellectual participation in life is limited to watching soap operas and reading grocery store celebrity tabloid magazines.


In my opinion MSNBC is insulting the women around the world who have fought for equality. Presenting the female journalist as one who is neither capable of analyzing nor interested in discussing serious issues while at the same time obesses over trivial celebrity gossip is yet another reason to consider the corporate criminal media as America’s greatest enemy.    Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel. 


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·  U.S. Troop Buildup in Iraq Approaches 30,000 - The Pentagon is sending an additional Army brigade of 2,600 troops to Iraq, raising the number of soldiers approved for President George W. Bush's security plan to nearly 30,000, a senior defense official said on Friday.

·  'Friendly fire' killing unlawful - In delivering his narrative verdict, Mr Walker said: "The attack on the convoy amounted to an assault. "It was unlawful because there was no lawful reason for it and in that respect it was criminal."

·  General Requests More Troops - The request has not yet been made public, according to the report, which quoted one official as saying the extra troops, to be backed by dozens of transport helicopters and powerful gunships, were needed to assist those on the ground now and those expected in Iraq shortly.

·  No military bases for US if it attacks Iran: Kasuri - Pakistan will not provide military bases to the United States if it launches attacks on Iran, Pakistan Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri said. He said an attack on Iran will leave a negative impact on the politics and economics of not only Pakistan but the entire region.

·  Attacks in Iraq hit all-time high - "Although most attacks continue to be directed against coalition forces, Iraqi civilians suffer the vast majority of the casualties,'' the report said.





·  Four years on, war costs Bush at home and abroad - Four years after he began the Iraq war, a diminished President George W. Bush has sacrificed much of his domestic agenda and eroded U.S. credibility abroad in pursuit of the sort of nation-building he once scorned, analysts say.

·  Accounts of Prosecutors' Dismissals Keep Shifting - More than two weeks after a New Mexico U.S. attorney alleged he was fired for not prosecuting Democrats, the White House and the Justice Department are still struggling to explain the roles of President Bush, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and other key officials in the dismissals of eight federal prosecutors last year.

·  Waxman Demands White House Explanation for Lack of Investigation into CIA Leak Case - In a statement sent to The BRAD BLOG, Waxman's office explains that a letter just sent to White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten, asks for an explanation as to why the White House "did not follow the investigative steps prescribed by Executive Order 12958," as signed in March 2003. The order requires the White House to "'take appropriate and prompt corrective action' whenever there is a release of classified information," according to the statement. (Waxman's letter is posted in full at the end of the article.)

·  Gonzalesgate: The Emails Tell The Story - Using the recently-disclosed internal White House/DoJ emails, Keith connects the dots and produces a cohesive narrative that shows how intimately involved the White House was in the politically-motivated purge of insufficiently loyal and partisan USAs.

·  At Hearing, Plame Rebukes Bush Administration - In sworn testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Plame described publicly for the first time the circumstances that brought her to the attention of senior Bush administration officials and the effect that the leak of her CIA employment and identity had on her.

·  CIA LEAK HEARING STUNNER: WHITE HOUSE SECURITY DIRECTOR ADMITS 'NO INVESTIGATION INTO LEAK' BY HIS OFFICE James Knodell, Und - James Knodell, Under Intense Questioning, Can't Explain Why There Was Never an Investigation by White House

·  After Libby, All Roads Lead to Feith - I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was just a liar and a hatchet man for Vice President Cheney in the White House. Douglas Feith was inside the Pentagon. Lying to cover up the reason for the war is one thing; responsibility for the disastrous occupation policies is another.

·  Foes and former friends want Cheney put out to pasture - But he's not only still standing, he's still mouthing off as though nothing's wrong.It's an incredibly scary performance, and it is not in the best interests of President George W. Bush nor the United States.

·  A Story Unravels - "PREPARE TO Withstand Political Upheaval," the attorney general's now-ousted chief of staff wrote in an e-mail to the White House as the administration prepared to fire a number of U.S. attorneys last year.





·   Suffering from dementia? Over 80? Need a mortgage? No problem - Aggressive selling has plunged millions of badly-off Americans into financial disaster

·  U.S. trade deficit a record 6.5% of economy - For the first time, country also fails to record surplus in investment income



9/11 News :


· Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Official Legend of 9/11 is a Fabricated Setup - Nevertheless, it is a safe bet that in the meantime, the authorities will continue to weave ever more complex and murky tapestries around the personalities of these operatives, employing the mercenary talents of writers like Gerald Posner to add to the crumbling sediment of "facts."






·  Valerie Plame, the Spy Who's Ready to Speak for Herself - Years of Silence Will End Today With Capitol Hill Testimony

·  Sen. Pryor: Attorney general lied to Senate - Arkansas Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor bluntly accused Attorney General Alberto Gonzales of lying to the Senate about replacing federal prosecutors with interim appointees and joined calls for Gonzales' resignation Thursday.
TVNL Comment: It is about time someone used the L word about this administration!





·   White House Opposes D.C. Vote - The White House declared its opposition yesterday to a bill that would give the District its first full seat in the House of Representatives, saying it is unconstitutional, and a key Senate supporter said such concerns could kill the measure.
TVNL Comment: Why is it that this White House cares about the Constitution only when it comes to denying rights?

·  Wilson Students Forced to Remove Peace Window Paintings - After painting the word "Peace" in the windows of many classrooms at Wilson High School with permission of the teachers, students have been told that they must remove their display.

·  Election workers sentenced for rigging '04 recount - A judge suspicious of more corruption pressed two former election board workers to tell what they know and then sentenced them Tuesday to the maximum 18 months in prison for rigging the 2004 presidential election recount to make their job easier.





·   Collapse of Arctic sea ice 'has reached tipping-point' - A catastrophic collapse of the Arctic sea ice could lead to radical climate changes in the northern hemisphere according to scientists who warn that the rapid melting is at a "tipping point" beyond which it may not recover.

·  U.S. Odd Man Out in Climate Consensus - Developing countries cite the U.S. position as a reason for their refusal to commit to reduction targets.

·  What drives biofuel Bush? - The (dirty) secret of the new ethanol craze is that it is, once again, a Bush family business.





·  Russia to Take Military Steps on U.S. Missile Shield - ``Expansion of that kind into the area which is absolutely right next to our borders is increasing the military potential in that area,'' Losyukov said in an interview at the Foreign Ministry in Moscow yesterday. ``Russia cannot but react to that increase.'' He didn't specify what measures Russia would take.

·  Bill would punish investors who help Cuba drill for oil - Sen. Mel Martinez introduced a bill on Wednesday that would punish foreign companies and investors who help Cuba drill for oil and natural gas near the shores of Key West.





·  Military Support for GOP Is in Free Fall - One has to infer the Iraq war is taking its toll on Republican supremacy not only at the voting booth but also among the good and honorable folks actually doing the fighting.

·  VA nurse fails to visit patients, lists dead patient as 'stable' - "It was poor charting. It wasn't as bad as it seems, though I know that sounds crazy," he said. "The feedback on her was very positive. We had over 1,700 employees, and somebody will drop the ball."





·    What the heck is Sibel Edmonds' Case about? And why should I care? - Sibel Edmonds' case is about the intersection of illegal arms trafficking, heroin trafficking, money laundering, terrorist activities and the corruption of many "highly-recognizable, highly-known names" in and around the US government. Sibel says that the people involved will go straight to prison if we can get hearings into her case. Richard Perle, in prison. Douglas Feith, in prison. Dennis Hastert, in prison. Marc Grossman, in prison.





·  The Pathetic Women of MSNBC - I am sorry if this comes across as sexists, but the truth is every time I watch MSNBC, especially during the day, there are female news readers discussing issues that can only be described as tabloid gossip.

·  'Countdown' a leap for TV news' Susan Zirinsky - CBS' hybrid online project blends fact with drama to engage viewers.

·  Pakistani riot police storm TV channel's office - Pakistani riot police stormed a private television channel's offices and tear-gassed employees after its editors refused to stop broadcasting pictures of protests in Islamabad over moves to sack the country's top judge.





·  Richardson to legalize medical marijuana - The legislation would create a program under which some patients — with a doctor's recommendation — could use marijuana provided by the state health department. Lawmakers approved the bill Wednesday. The governor is expected to sign it in the next few weeks.

·  Smallpox shot infects soldier's toddler son - Doctors also said the boy appears to have passed the infection to his mother, who has a much milder case of the virus in the smallpox vaccine, which is also called vaccinia.





·  Senators pay heed to prisoner abuse case - Two senators who watched Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confess to planning the Sept. 11 attacks and other plots said Friday that his allegations of mistreatment by U.S. captors should be taken seriously.

·  Humiliation and Child Abuse at Israeli Checkpoints - Israeli officials have been regularly strip-searching children for decades, some of them American citizens.

·  From Sex Workers to Restaurant Workers, the Global Slave Trade Is Growing - A thriving commerce in human beings is taking place behind the facade of most major cities and towns in the U.S. and worldwide. Activists are pushing back, but they need reinforcements.





·  Christians Gather in D.C. to Protest War - ''A lot of the rhetoric that we hear coming from Christians has been dominated by the religious right and has been strong advocacy for the war,'' Pattison said. ''That's just not the way I read my Gospel.''

·  Bush cousin is cleared in officer's death - A federal appeals court judge who is a cousin of President Bush has been cleared of criminal wrongdoing in an accident that killed a New Haven police officer in October.

·  Israeli admits beating rabbi for attending Holocaust conference in Iran - An anti-Zionist rabbi who attended a conference in Iran that questioned the Holocaust said Wednesday he was beaten while in Poland by Jews furious at him for his actions.




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