Date: March 20th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments:  What I Learned From Watching CNN Today


Please keep in mind that CNN claims to be a news organization. They actually claim to be a national news organization. So when I tell you what I learned on CNN today, please try to figure out exactly how any of the information that CNN presented to us falls under the categories of either news, journalism or national news.


Here are some things that I learned: (They all relate to the missing boy scout who has been receiving national news coverage for some reason.)


1. The missing boy loved to play basketball.

2. The missing boy was on a non-competitive basketball team that ensured playing time for all ream members.

3. The missing boy was a Weblo Scout for two of the three years that he has been a Boy Scout

4. The missing boy likes to read

5. The missing boy’s father might give him $5 if he returns to them

6. The missing boy like Scouts because he it allowed him to hang out with the guys


I learned this thanks to the live coverage of the ridicules and useless news conference where so called news reporters were searching deeply for questions to ask during the conference that would appear to be important to anyone outside of the immediate family. It was to say the least embarrassing and to say the most pathetic journalism.


I wonder how ALL the news agencies decided that this particular missing child case is national news. This is another perfect example of how information in our country is controlled and coordinated at a single source. Imagine that every single national TV news organization is focusing on this case when there are as many as 2000 missing children reported each day. So out of 800,000 or so annual missing children cases ALL of the news agencies seem to pick the same cases to bring to the nation’s attention. Is this an example of controlled single source news content decision making? You bet it is!


Out of the 2000 missing children cases reported each day every single TV news network chooses to cover the same cases at the same time. What are the odds of that being a coincidence? Your news is being controlled and this is yet another perfect example of it!  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Gunmen Kidnap and Kill Iraqi Mayor - The mayor of a small Shiite village south of Baghdad was kidnapped on his way to work Monday, and his bullet-riddled body was later found dumped along a highway, police and morgue officials said.

·  Iraqis see hope drain away - Four years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, Iraqis describe daily lives that have been torn apart by spiraling violence and a faltering economy. The bursts of optimism reported in a 2004 public-opinion survey taken a year after the invasion and another in 2005 before landmark legislative elections have nearly vanished.

·  Few Iraqis trust U.S. forces four years on - Four in five Iraqis have little or no confidence in U.S.-led forces and most think their presence is making security worse, but despite that only about a third want them to leave now, a poll showed on Monday.

·  Suicide attack on US embassy convoy in Kabul - A suicide attacker drove an explosives-filled car into a US embassy convoy in the Afghan capital Kabul Monday, wounding some embassy staff and at least one child, officials said.

·  Sectarian killing in Iraq has stopped: Maliki - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki insisted sectarian killing had come to an end in his country, blaming ongoing daily violence on Al-Qaeda in a television interview Monday.
TVNL Comment: As Bushco's propaganda goes.

·  Most Iraqis support attacks on British - A majority of Iraqis support insurgent attacks on American and British troops, but almost two-thirds simultaneously believe the US-led coalition shouldn’t pull out in the near future, a BBC poll has found.

·  From Shock & Awe to the 'surge' without end - Four years ago this Tuesday, George Bush began his ill-fated Iraq campaign. Today's news that the US is sending an extra battalion to Baghdad will push troop levels to 160,000 - 10,000 more than at the time of the invasion

·  7 U.S. troops die in Iraq violence - The U.S. military on Sunday announced the deaths of seven more troops in Iraq, including four killed by a roadside bomb while patrolling western Baghdad — the latest American casualties in a monthlong security crackdown in the capital.

·  The Ides of March 2003 - Here is a chronology of some of the high and low points in the days leading up to the national train wreck whose anniversary we mourn this week [with occasional “where are they now” updates].

·  Happy Anniversary Free Iraq! - The bloodletting goes on as America continues to cling to Iraq’s throat like the bulldog named ‘Cherokee’ in Jack London’s ‘White fang’.





·  Was Carol Lam Targeting The White House Prior To Her Firing? - To recap, the White House awarded a one-month, $140,000 contract to an individual who never held a federal contract. Two weeks after he got paid, that same contractor used a cashier’s check for exactly that amount to buy a boat for a now-imprisoned congressman at a price that the congressman had pre-negotiated.

·  Justice Department documents released - The e-mails detail conversations about attorneys targeted for dismissal. There are no e-mails from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who reportedly does not use e-mail, though the Justice Department says messages show some indication that Gonzales’ former chief of staff, D. Kyle Sampson, kept the attorney general apprised.

·  Paralysis Sets In as DOJ Faces Crisis - The Justice Department is expected to release more than 400 pages of E-mails and documents by close of business today to comply with a demand from Democrats in Congress over the growing crisis regarding the firing of eight U.S. attorneys last year. The crisis has engulfed the department and threatens to cut short Attorney General Alberto Gonzales's tenure.

·  White House seeking replacement for Gonzales - The White House has begun actively seeking a replacement for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, reports Politico.

·  It Wasn’t Just a Bad Idea. It May Have Been Against the Law. - The Bush administration has done a terrible job of explaining its decision to fire eight United States attorneys. Story after story has proved to be untrue: that the prosecutors who were fired were poor performers; that the White House was not involved in the purge. But the administration has been strangely successful in pushing its message that the scandal is at worst a political misdeed, not a criminal matter.

·  U.S. attorney's firing may be connected to CIA corruption probe - Justice Department officials originally told Congress that the U.S. attorneys had been dismissed for poor performance. But since it's become known that most of the attorneys received positive job evaluations.

·  Gonzales apologizes to prosecutors - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales apologized to the nation's 93 U.S. attorneys in a conference call Friday as he tried to hold on to his job amid the scandal over the firings of eight federal prosecutors.

·  Inside America's powerful Israel lobby - AIPAC's three-day summit included fiery evangelical oratory, adoration for Dick Cheney -- and new plans for going after Iran.

·  Bush's Shadow Army - Jeremy Scahill reports on the Bush Administration's growing dependence on private security forces such as Blackwater USA and efforts in Congress to rein them in.





·   Houses cheaper than cars in Detroit - As Detroit reels from job losses in the U.S. auto industry, the depressed city has emerged as a boomtown in one area: foreclosed property.



9/11 News :


·   Rosie O'Donnell Goes Public On 9/11 - After going public this week with her skepticism over the official story of 9/11, Rosie O'Donnell has continued to address the issue in a Q&A with her readers on her website.

·  Russia Watched 9/11 In Real Time On Satellite - He (Gen. Ivashov) was the chief of armed forces in Russia on 9/11. He says the Russian forces were watching North America because of the large military exercises being carried out by the US that day, so they saw in real time by satellite what was happening on that day. - It seems that it is common knowledge in these circles that Russian satellites photographed a ship-launched craft (seems to have been a drone type plane rather than a missle) that ended up impacting the Pentagon on Sept 11, 2001, and that, for various reasons this information has been withheld from the public.











·   Ohio Asks Election Board Members to Quit - All four election board members for Cuyahoga County, troubled by recount rigging charges and voting machine problems, have been told to resign or face being fired, a state official said Monday.

·  Study finds one-third in D.C. illiterate - About one-third of the people living in the national's capital are functionally illiterate, compared with about one-fifth nationally, according to a report on the District of Columbia.

·  Postal rates to go up May 14, forever stamp approved - The cost of mailing a letter will go up on May 14, but you'll be able to lock in that price – no matter how rates rise in the future – by buying the new “forever” stamp.

·  Homeowners drop insurance after Katrina - Facing soaring premiums or feeling shortchanged by their insurers, a growing number of homeowners and businesses in Louisiana and Mississippi are "going bare," or dropping their coverage altogether, insurance agents and consumer advocates say. Many more are drastically reducing their coverage.

·  The significance of the FBI's law-breaking - In essence, the FBI and our nation's telecommunications companies have secretly created a framework whereby the FBI can obtain -- instantaneously and without limits -- any information it asks for.

·  Passport requests flood State Department - Overwhelmed by unprecedented demand, the State Department is warning would-be travelers to brace for lengthy delays in getting U.S. passports, even when they pay a hefty fee to speed their applications.

·  Thousands march to Pentagon to protest Iraq war - Thousands of anti-war demonstrators, some carrying yellow and black signs reading "U.S. out of Iraq now!" marched toward the Pentagon on Saturday, one of a number of protests held or planned around the country and the world.





·   Bush appointees 'watered down greenhouse science' - The Bush administration has moved to exercise direct control over environmental agencies by installing political appointees including Philip Cooney, a former oil industry lobbyist, as chief of staff of the Council on Environmental Quality, and a 23-year-old college drop-out who was made a public affairs officer at Nasa after working on Mr Bush's re-election campaign. Mr Cooney told the committee yesterday: "My sole loyalty was to the president and advancing the policies of his administration."

·  Many major rivers in danger of drying out - Many major rivers in the world are at risk of drying out because of climate change and dam construction, which could affect fresh water supplies and marine life, the global nature protection body WWF said on Tuesday.

·  Official defends editing climate papers - House Democrats said the 181 changes made in three climate reports reflected a consistent attempt to emphasize the uncertainties surrounding the science of climate change and undercut the broad conclusions that man-made emissions are warming the earth.

·  Right Wing foundation-funded anti-environmental think tank grabbing a wider audience for 'free market environmentalism' - PERC's basic construct, that the free market can do a better job protecting the environment than the government, is an idea that was once considered ridiculous by environmentalists when it first surfaced several decades ago. Now, according to Truckee Today's Sloan, it is being "embraced by many environmental groups."





·  Blair did secret deal with Saudis - BRITISH Prime Minister Tony Blair struck a secret deal with the king of Saudi Arabia, assuring him there would be no criminal charges against anyone implicated in bribery in Britain's biggest arms deal.

·  Israel declares Lebanon conflict a war - Israel formally declared last year's fighting with Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas a war on Monday, but it is searching for a name for the 34-day conflict.

·  Maker: Israeli 'Drones' Fly Over Iraq - Pilotless planes small enough for a single soldier to carry and operate are gathering intelligence for U.S.-led forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Israeli manufacturer said Monday.

·  US Displeased over German Hunt for CIA Agents - The US is not happy about Germany going international with its hunt for the CIA agents responsible for kidnapping Khaled el-Masri. American diplomats vented their anger in meetings with German government officials.





·  GI gets 10 years in prison for 3 Iraqi deaths - Along with the three counts of negligent homicide, he was convicted of obstruction of justice for lying to investigators, conspiracy for trying to conceal the crime and failure to obey a general order.

·  Survey: More reserve officers saying no to deploying - Only about one-fifth of 10,000 veteran officers in the Army's Individual Ready Reserve say they're willing to be deployed overseas, an Army survey shows. It suggests souring attitudes within the military toward U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

·  Major New Problems At Walter Reed - Burst steam pipes near electrical cables, rats, mold, and holes in floors and walls -- all of that extends far beyond the well-publicized problems at the notorious Building 18.

·  Horrors of the War on Terror Make US Soldiers Go Insane - A new study published by the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that mental health disorders or psychosocial ills have hit a third of the US soldiers that have returned from Afghanistan or Iraq.

·  Several large US military projects under fire - The Pentagon is facing mounting criticism over the awarding of several large contracts because of deficiencies and irregularities in the procurement of new age military machines.





·    Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq? - The president's family has set an appallingly bad example for wartime sacrifice.

·  Hubris and Obscenity:Imperial Ambitions on Naked Display - Not as single Congressional official – or the reporter – ever asked the simple question: Why? Why must we be prepared to invade or intervene in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Venezuela, Colombia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Pakistan at the drop of a hat, with at least an Army brigade's worth of troops backed up by air and naval power? In what way does the maintenance and expansion of a military establishment that has, as Chalmers Johnson notes, some "737 bases in more than 130 countries around the world" and the capacity for assaulting every other nation on earth advance the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of the American people?

·  The Envy of Stalin - Tyrants have always collected as much information as possible on their civilians (or serfs or slaves). The more information they have the easier it is to exert control. The control comes in many forms - from the elimination of dissidents to appeasement politics - but in all cases the more information available the more predictable the response. - So how much information does your government keep on you?

·  Karl Rove Must Go to Prison - Karl Rove must go to the jail, the pokey, the big house, if you will. No not country-club Republican, I-ripped-off-your-grandma-with-junk-bonds prison where he can join the Dartmouth or Princeton rowing squad and walk by a state-of-the-art outdoor weight-lifting facility his two-seats-on-Southwest ass would never even think about using.

·  "Revolution is the Solution" - Shaken to its very core by the ravages of Military Keynesianism, neoliberal economic policies, crony capitalism, corporatism, corruption, and wanton disregard for the Constitution, international law, and standards of human decency, our Constitutional Republic is hanging by a very slender thread.

·  FINALLY! CNN Airs the Truth! - If you thought The Donald had some harsh words for Rosie O'Donnell, wait 'til you hear what he had to say about the Bush administration.

·  Bill Maher on Sacrifice - Bill sardonically shattered the "liberal" notion that President Bush hasn't asked us to sacrifice anything for the GWOT.





·  What I Learned From Watching CNN Today - This is another perfect example of how information in our country is controlled and coordinated at a single source.

·  Another damning admission from the New York Times: whitewashing Iraq war - Moreover, it has consistently worked to conceal the extent of the carnage that this war has inflicted upon the Iraqi people, virtually ignoring the rigorous epidemiological study conducted last year by Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, concluding that 655,000 Iraqis—if not more—had probably died as a result of the US war of aggression.

·  Marking 4th Anniversary of War: 'Wash Post' Accepts Some Blame - Today, however, an editorial on what has gone wrong there also goes out of its way to admit failure on the part of the Post.

·  Media Reviews Plame's Wardrobe -- But Not White House Coverup - Barely a word about this appeared in the media yesterday. The Washington Post, however, found space for a full review of Plame’s fashion sense and a Dana Milbank column in the form of a movie script (tweaking the sale of her story to the movies).

·  Permission to Speak Freely? - "The company that sends out our newsletter,, has placed our newsletter on hold for what they describe as "administrators approval". I have emailed them repeatedly asking for an explanation and they have refused to respond."





·  NIH chief: Stem cell ban hobbles science - Lifting the ban on taxpayer funding of research on new stem cells from fertilized embryos would better serve both science and the nation, the chief of the National Institutes of Health told lawmakers Monday.

·  VeriChip Passes Significant Milestone: Over 500 Hospitals Have Now Agreed to Adopt VeriMed Patient Identification System - The VeriMed Patient Identification System, which consists of a hand-held radio frequency identification (RFID) scanner, an implantable RFID microchip, and a secure patient database, is being used to help rapidly identify and provide access to important health information on participating patients.





·  Time to try Iraq war leaders-Spanish judge Garzon - The judge who tried to jail Chile's former dictator Augusto Pinochet said on Tuesday it was time to hold U.S. President George W. Bush and his allies to account for waging war in Iraq.

·  Mounting Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq -  The lives of few on earth have been improved by America, and those are mainly the already obscenely rich (the "haves and the have-mores", in the words of the vulgar Bush). And the United States, that wonderful country, is now regarded round the world as an aggressive barbaric empire whose soldiers and pilots kill at will.

·  Blair, Bush could face probe at The Hague - The US has refused to accept the court's jurisdiction and is unlikely to hand over any of its citizens to face trial. However, Britain has signed up and the Government has indicated its willingness to tackle accusations of war crimes against a number of British soldiers.





·   Brazilian Pentecostal leaders caught in a scandal - The Brazilian authorities, who have charged the couple with money laundering and fraud, are seeking their extradition.

·  IF YOU SUPPORT WHAT DAVID ICKE IS TRYING TO DO, VIRTUALLY ALONE, AND YOU WANT HIS BOOKS AND WORK TO CONTINUE TO BE AVAILABLE, THEN PLEASE READ THIS ... - For the last year David Icke and his family have been trying to regain control of his books and works and keep them in circulation in the face of actions by an American called Royal Adams in Missouri.




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