Date: March 21st 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Testifying Behind Closed Doors, Not Under Oath with No Notes or Recordings: Sound Familiar?


As a human being, putting all politics aside, what is your gut reaction to an individual or group of individuals who only agree to take part in an investigation if their testimony is hidden from the public, not under oath and unrecorded in any way including by stenography? If you have human blood flowing to a human brain, and that brain has not been atrophied by extensive participation if discussions, watching too much FOX News or listening to too much Sean Hannity, you probably feel that the person or people setting those conditions pretty much have something to hide. You would be correct.


As we watch the US Attorney firing scandal unfold and we watch the standoff between the Bush administration and Congress over who will testify and under what conditions they will do so, I want you to remember back to the 9/11 Commission hearings. You remember the 9/11 Commission; they are the people who neglected to mention in their report that WTC7’s destruction took place on that day. They are also the guys who did not report about the multiple war games taking place in the northeast corridor that day. Anyway, my point is that I want you to recall the conditions set by George W. Bush for his participation in that most important investigation. Bush would only testify if his testimony was private, limited to one hour, not under oath, not recorded in any way shape or form, omitted all 9/11 Commission members except the co-chairman and Dick Cheney would have to be by Bush’s side.


So for those of you who draw the obvious conclusions about the real reason that Bush is setting these tell tale conditions for Rove and company during the attorney general scandal investigation, you may want to apply the same obvious conclusions to Bush’s behavior regarding the 9/11 investigation!        Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  Despairing and disregarded - the daily quest to get out of Baghdad - Hundred of thousands of Iraqis have packed and set off to try to join the diaspora in Jordan, Syria, and beyond

·  Breakdown At The Iraq Lie Factory - Either they knew or didn't know, and what matters is, is that they're there. What's worse, that the government knew or that the government didn't know? … What’s worse, them ordering it and it happening, or them not ordering it and it happening?





·  The U.S. Attorney document gap - “In DOJ documents that were publicly posted by the House Judiciary Committee, there is a gap from mid-November to early December in e-mails and other memos, which was a critical period as the White House and Justice Department reviewed, then approved, which U.S. attorneys would be fired while also developing a political and communications strategy for countering any fallout from the firings.”

·  A Government That Can’t Remember Anything - During his weekly commentary Sunday on Face the Nation, Bob Scheiffer wondered aloud why this government can't seem to remember anything whenever a scandal arises — other than they have nothing to do with it.

·  BBC: Do you support calls for President Bush's impeachment? - Do you support those who call for President Bush's impeachment? Would impeachment distract the country from the job of government? Or are those calling for it simply unable to accept that America voted to re-elect President Bush?
TVNL Comment:
America voted to re-elect Bush? How does losing one election outright and stealing another via election fraud electing or re-electing Bush?

·  Sensing Shift in Bush Policy, Another Hawk Leaves - But last month Mr. Joseph quietly left the State Department, where he was under secretary for arms control and international security, telling colleagues that, as a matter of principle, he simply could not abide the new agreement with North Korea that the Bush administration struck in February.

·  Fantasyland and a President Devoid of Reality - In Bush-land, when you fire a hand-picked set of US attorneys because they are exploring charges against your party, that is good government, but when the Congress chooses to want to get to the bottom of the truth, they are “playing politics.”

·  Crime Blotter: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - We are faced with the almost certain fact that the two highest law enforcement officials of the United States are criminals.





·  Home Sweet Hoax - the Myth of ‘Home Ownership’ - If you rent, you'll discover that for most Americans, the dream of 'home ownership' is nothing but a cruel, unmitigated hoax.

·  Consumer Confidence Plunges Amid Rising Gas Prices - With the downturn in economic indicators and higher fill-up costs, the percentage of all Americans saying the nation's economy is in "excellent" or "good" shape is down to 42 percent, the lowest it has been since October; last week it was 47 percent.

·  Liberty Dollar Group Seeks Permanent Injunction against US Government - The Liberty Dollar group maintains it is protecting the right of every American to use or barter any "money" they may voluntarily agree to utilize.



9/11 News :


·   Testifying Behind Closed Doors, Not Under Oath with No Notes or Recordings: Sound Familiar? - So for those of you who draw the obvious conclusions about the real reason that Bush is setting these tell tale conditions for Rove and company during the attorney general scandal investigation, you may want to apply the same obvious conclusions to Bush’s behavior regarding the 9/11 investigation!






·  Dems turn to Bush-style budget tricks - Democrats are using the same tricks as President Bush in their rival plan to balance the federal budget by 2012: ignoring long-term costs of the war in Iraq and the need to fix a tax law that threatens unsuspecting middle-class families.

·  FBI Violations May Number 3,000, Official Says - The Justice Department's inspector general told a committee of angry House members yesterday that the FBI may have violated the law or government policies as many as 3,000 times since 2003 as agents secretly collected the telephone, bank and credit card records of U.S. citizens and foreign nationals residing here.





·   Are We Experiencing the Last Days of Constitutional Rule? - What explains Bush-Cheney invulnerability to accountability? Perhaps the answer is that Bush has desensitized us. Like kids desensitized to violence by violent video games and movies and pornography addicts desensitized to sex, we have become desensitized by the avalanche of Bush-Cheney crimes, lies, and disdain for Congress, courts, and public opinion.

·  America The Beautiful? - And once upon a time, in a land called America, the people would come in from the farms, their mountain cabins, farms, and mill towns with their young ones to joy in the closeness of community on warm sultry summer nights. The American dream was never about grand mansions, designer wear, exotic vacations, health clubs, silicone implants, Viagra love affairs, fortress malls, boutiques, forever war, the prison industry, or slave labor junk stores. It was about a man being able to make a living for his family.





·   Flowers, animals signal spring arrived long ago - Spring officially starts on Wednesday at 0007 GMT when the sun passes north over the celestial equator but scientists say the biological clocks of animals and plants are running ahead of time, perhaps upset by global warming.





· US looks to sell arms in Gulf to try to contain Iran - The State Department and the Pentagon are quietly seeking congressional approval for significant new military sales to US allies in the Persian Gulf region.




















·  Artery walls take a decade to heal - "Smoking a single cigarette, passive or second-hand smoking and chronic smoking all lead to stiffer arteries, which in turn increase resistance in the blood vessels and, therefore, increase the work that the heart must do," said Noor Ahmed Jatoi, lead author of the study published in Hypertension, the Journal of the American Heart Association.

·  Doctors’ Ties to Drug Makers Are Put on Close View - The Minnesota records begin in 1997. From then through 2005, drug makers paid more than 5,500 doctors, nurses and other health care workers in the state at least $57 million. Another $40 million went to clinics, research centers and other organizations.










·   Monopoly Men - Federal Reserve Fraud




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