Date: March 22nd 2007 Presents
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TVNL Editor's Comments:  Would a White House Official Lie? Gee, I Wonder?


While we have heard many a pundit describe the Bush administration insiders as Machiavelli types, we never hear the pundits describe what that means. I did a great deal of research on the people of the administration, their core neoconservative principles, their mentors and their histories. I also explained Machiavelli principles. Let me highlight one of those principles and then point you to my fully researched article; just for your reference:


Point: “A ruler can cheat and lie and do all sorts of things but should at all time maintain the outside appearance of adherence to human rights and caring for people.”


Please feel free to learn about the people who are currently occupy the White House:


Any Questions?  Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,




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·  U.N. head shaken by Baghdad attack - Two mortar rounds were fired at the Green Zone, an Interior Ministry official said. The Associated Press reported that small chips of debris fell from the ceiling.

·  Saddam Has the Last Laugh - Yep, you did it, George—mission impossible accomplished. Unbelievably, four years of a bungled occupation have managed to make Saddam Hussein’s tyranny look good in comparison with “liberated Iraq.”

·  Report: Iraq diaspora is ‘humanitarian crisis’ - Millions have fled the country, others only their region — help is hard to find

·  Truck bomb blast collapses main Baghdad highway - Iraqi police detonated a huge truck bomb near the Finance Ministry in Baghdad on Wednesday in a controlled explosion that collapsed part of the main highway linking the north and south of the capital.

·  The War of Words - Instead, let’s loudly insist that this very undignified mess be called what it is, an invasion of a sovereign nation that has led to our occupation of that nation. - We invaded Iraq, and we now occupy Iraq. This is not a war, it is an invasion and occupation.

·  Bombings triple in Afghanistan in 2006 - Bomb attacks in Afghanistan rose three-fold between 2005 and 2006, figures released by the government on Monday showed.

·  Liberal Kingpins Help Bush War Agenda - While the media obsesses about the sideshow of the attorney firings "scandal," preparations for a war with Iran and the continued feeding of U.S. troops into the Iraq meat grinder continues with the utter and total complicity of kingpin Democrats and their phony advocacy groups.

·  Turkish army enters Northern Iraq - The Turkish army units have entered the Nothern Iraq, planning a large-scale operation against PKK gorillas, an Iraqi internet website related to head of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Jalal Talabani reported Thursday.
TVNL Comment: We are not sure about the source of this information and we have not verified this.





·  What Bush is hiding - In the U.S. attorney scandal, Alberto Gonzales gave orders, but he also took them -- from Karl Rove, who plotted to turn the federal criminal justice system into the Republican Holy Office of the Inquisition.

·  Prosecutor Says Bush Appointees Interfered With Tobacco Case - The leader of the Justice Department team that prosecuted a landmark lawsuit against tobacco companies said yesterday that Bush administration political appointees repeatedly ordered her to take steps that weakened the government's racketeering case.

·  Fired U.S. Attorneys led the Nation in Convictions. No Wonder the Bush Administration was Worried! - Every day, the explanations for the firings of the eight U.S. attorneys are becoming less about competence and more about corruption. Some new statistics show that the prosecutors were in fact leading the nation in output:

·  Attorney-gate: The SAFE DC scandal! - These scandals are "safe" to play politics with because while individual players may win or lose, the system as a whole is kept safe.





·  Halliburton opens manufacturing center in Mexico - The grand opening of the facility is expected to take place in May 2007. When operations at the center reach full capacity, the 9,290-square-meter facility will initially create 50 new direct jobs and additional associated supplier jobs.
TVNL Comment: How's that for patriotic loyalty? Take our money, cheat our troops and taxpayers, and then go find cheap labor in other countries! Thank you Mr. Cheney!



9/11 News :


·  Bloomberg Seeks U.S. Aid for Treatment of 9/11 Illnesses - Testifying at a Senate hearing on Wednesday, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg pleaded for at least $150 million in annual federal aid to monitor and treat thousands of people who became ill after being exposed to dust and debris at ground zero.

·  Police Harass 9/11 Truthers Outside ABC Studios - A New York Post reporter was also outside the studios attempting to talk to O'Donnell after she reportedly mentioned 9/11 truth again on her show today. It remains to be seen whether the statement is edited out of the episode which is set to air tomorrow, but sources inside The View expect that to be the case.






·  Feinstein Resigns - SEN. Dianne Feinstein has resigned from the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee. As previously and extensively reviewed in these pages, Feinstein was chairperson and ranking member of MILCON for six years, during which time she had a conflict of interest due to her husband Richard C. Blum's ownership of two major defense contractors, who were awarded billions of dollars for military construction projects approved by Feinstein.

·  House panel defies Bush, votes for subpoenas - The House Judiciary subcommittee vote was to authorize subpoenas. It does not mean that subpoenas will be issued; only that they could be if the four White House officials Democrats want to question do not voluntarily testify under oath.





·   NEW CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION LAUNCHED INTO ELECTION IMPROPRIETIES IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH - A special prosecutor has now been appointed to look into the early printing of absentee ballot and early voting election results prior to Election Day in 2006. As well, the investigators will be looking into a network cable which was left plugged into a tabulator computer overnight, allowing for unauthorized access all night long.

·  New fire boat sinks before going on its first run - The city’s $385,000, state-of-the-art fire boat sank Wednesday, still tied up at a dock and without ever being put to use.

·  N.H. Dems want fresh look at phone-jamming - State Democrats want Congress to investigate whether politics delayed prosecution of a Republican phone-jamming plot in New Hampshire until after the 2004 presidential election.





·   AL GORE: Global Warming Testimony before Congress 3.21.07 - VIDEO





· Argentina Bars US Transport During Bush Tour - Argentina barred U.S. C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft from landing or overflying during a Latin American tour by President Bush.
TVNL Comment: No terrorists allowed!

·  Russia Denies US Stories on Iran Ultimatum - In the United Nations on Tuesday, Russia denied US newspaper accounts of a supposed ultimatum by Moscow to Iran to give up producing enriched uranium as demanded by the Security Council

·  Soldiers' corpses dragged through Mogadishu - Masked gunmen dragged slain soldiers through the streets of Somalia's capital Wednesday, then set the bodies on fire as jeering crowds threw rocks and kicked the dead after a fierce battle in a neighborhood loyal to Islamic insurgents.

·  Derry's airport 'first to ban CIA flights' - The City Of Derry Airport is expected to be the first in Europe to officially ban controversial CIA flights transporting terror suspects to secret prisons, it emerged today.





·  Pentagon Preps Mind Fields - The U.S. military is working on computers than can scan your mind and adapt to what you're thinking.

·  Many military veterans' health clinics beset with mold, leaky roofs - The investigation, ordered two weeks ago by VA Secretary Jim Nicholson, is the first topdown review of the facilities conducted since the disclosure of squalid conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, the U.S. Army's flagship hospital.

·  Soldier pleads to role in rape, murders - A Fort Campbell soldier pleaded guilty Wednesday to being an accessory to the rape and murder of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the slaying of her family.





·   Would a White House Official Lie? Gee, I Wonder? - I did a great deal of research on the people of the administration, their core neoconservative principles, their mentors and their histories. I also explained Machiavelli principles. Let me highlight one of those principles and then point you to my fully researched article; just for your reference:

·  Why I Was Fired - WITH this week’s release of more than 3,000 Justice Department e-mail messages about the dismissal of eight federal prosecutors, it seems clear that politics played a role in the ousters.

·  What People Really Need - Mr. Bush’s proposal was a formula for hiding the truth, and for protecting the president and his staff from a legitimate inquiry by Congress. Mr. Bush’s idea of openness involved sending White House officials to Congress to answer questions in private, without taking any oath, making a transcript or allowing any follow-up appearances. The people, in other words, would be kept in the dark.





·   Rough Start in '07: 5 Newspaper Companies Report Slides - Declining newsprint prices had both a positive and negative effect on results.

·  The Media's Castration During the Bush Presidency - If the press wanted to do its job it has plenty to work with, chiefly: (1) the failure of the Iraq war and the deception it was built on; (2) the colossal distraction of Iraq on the war against Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and terrorism worldwide; (3) unprecedented criminal behavior by the president, his cabinet and several GOP leaders (CIA leak, illegal wiretappings, US attorney firings, etc).

·  Fox's "Business" Anchors Try to Scare Their Audience: The Alberto Gonzales "Witch Hunt" Could Cause a Stock Market "Sell Off" -  Neil Cavuto, Fox's "money guy" (his words) is at times, as regular readers of this site know, very adept at creating the illusion that his show is about "business news" while simultaneously beating the propaganda drums for the Bush administration.





·  Acids in Popular Sodas Erode Tooth Enamel - Root beer could be the safest soft drink for your teeth, new research suggests, but many other popular diet and sugared sodas are nearly as corrosive to dental enamel as battery acid.
TVNL Comment: Do you have any baby teeth saved? Drop one in a glass of Coke and leave it there overnight. See what happens;-)





·  Red Cross says detainees reported abuse - The CIA‘s detention methods were designed to soften detainees and make them more likely to talk during interrogation. Human rights organizations say the CIA‘s extreme conditions of detention and the coercive questioning techniques constitute torture.

·  Time to try Iraq war leaders-Spanish judge Garzon - The judge who tried to jail Chile's former dictator Augusto Pinochet said on Tuesday it was time to hold U.S. President George W. Bush and his allies to account for waging war in Iraq.





·  Denver to D.C. Walk for Truth - Watch as they and an independent documentary crew are harassed and asked for their papers 6 times in 10 days by police officers while committing no crime.

·  TVNL REPLAY: JFK II: The Bush Connection -  A thorough, documented, criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy.

·  Watergate plotter may have a last tale - Two of E. Howard Hunt's sons say he knew of rogue CIA agents' plan to kill President Kennedy in 1963.
TVNL Comment: Hunt was a CIA associate of George H.W. Bush.




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