Date: March 26th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans

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TVNL Editor's Comments: The Right Wing: Brutal Murdering Tyrants

I have a question for my friends who consider themselves “family values Conservatives and Republicans”: why is it that throughout American history in every situation where America “supports” foreign regimes or supports (or takes an active role in) regime change the beneficiaries of our support turn out to be brutal murderers and our support usually helps them murder or torture so called leftists? Henry Kissinger, one of America's most nefarious figures, is currently wanted around the world for war crimes related to his support for, enabling of or masterminding atrocities across the globe. Now he is wanted in connection of Operation Condor, where the US backed what was in reality a brutal genocide of leftists in South America.

For those who don't know what leftists are or what left wing/liberal politics is basically the political position that stands for things like social justice, civil rights, secular government and the right of the people to benefit from their nation's resources. Our media has been on a long mission to demonize liberals yet they forget to explain what liberalism or left wing politics is all about. They also forget to inform the public that throughout history decent law abiding leftists around the world have fallen victim to American supported brutality and genocide for no other reason than the fact that they stood to defend their freedom, assets and natural resources from financial elitist capitalists, mainly from the US and the UK.

Why is it that you never hear about liberals or leftists brutalizing innocents? Why are brutalizing and genocide always methods used against leftists? What does that tell you about the values of the left versus the values of the right? Christians, who so often align themselves with the right might want to start asking themselves this question and they may also want to once and for all look up the definition of liberalism for they just may find that they themselves are liberal, for the most part. You see liberalism has nothing to do with abortion or homosexuality; although Ann Coulter (who coincidently looks like a transvestite male) and Sean Hannity (who could not be an active homosexual if he wanted to because no self respecting homosexual would give him the time of day), might have you believe otherwise. I have a feeling that if every American was forced to read the definition of the word “liberal” we would have a lot of confused people out there. And I have a feeling a lot of those confused people would feel angry, betrayed and stupid for not doing their homework sooner.

I have experimented with this before. Read about my confrontation with Bush supporters at the huge protest at the RNC convention in NY: . I have done this sort of thing dozens of times...and I am right about this (no pun intended). Try it for yourself some time.

Unfortunately the stupid idealist liberals keep trying to achieve justice by using fair and legal means against an opponent who does not play by any rules, has no conscience and thinks not twice about brutally eliminating anything that stands between them and complete domination of all around them. Justice will never catch up to the brutes unless you fight their fire with fire. You can not defeat unjust politicians using in the voting booth when those politicians don't play fair with the electoral system. You can not conduct investigations using corrupt investigative bodies like the US Congress or the US Judiciary and you can not educate the people when the media is under the control of the enemy. There comes a time that you have to fight dirty. There comes a time that you have to use the same tactics as the enemy. There comes a time where you have to stop fooling yourself into thinking the righteous will emerge victorious. The truth is that you will get kicked in the nuts before the bell rings and there is no ref around to disqualify your opponent; you're all alone in the ring with Mike Tyson, and his gloves are off, his teeth are sharp and he's in his prime. He owns the judges, the referees, the photographers and ringside doctor; and you are still trying to play by the rules. Who is the ass?

History will look back at our generation as the generation that should have started a revolution. History will show that all the signs were there yet the weak naive leftists stupidly kept playing by the rules even though they could see that the system was rigged. And history will teach many of those on the right that in most ways they were more liberal than they every knew and that they were unwittingly supporting their own enemy; yet they never stopped to find out what liberalism was and they never bothered to look close enough at their leaders to see that the the terms “Republican”, “Conservative”, “Democracy” and “freedom” were code speak for “Machiavellian”, “Fascists”, “capitalism” and “tyrannical rule”!

Sure these faux leaders want freedom, freedom from rules and regulations that would prevent them from owning and controlling everything on the planet. They don't even really try to keep this secret, it is just that people don't want to open their eyes and accept what is happening. The sooner people realize what is going on the better chance history has carry our story. But unless the good people of our nation actually do something more than march down a street carrying signs and wearing tee-shirts and hats, history won't be telling our story because the people who control history, control everything and visa versa! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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  • U.S. Envoy Says He Talked With Iraq Rebels - LINK - The senior American envoy in Iraq, Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, held talks last year with men he believed represented major insurgent groups in a drive to bring militant Sunni Arabs into politics.
    TVNL Comment: First off here is another thing that the Bush administration lied about and second off the Bush administration and the media have been accusing the Democrats and the anti-war people of emboldening the enemy...what do they call this?

Cheney assures early Iraq pullout won't be allowed - US Vice President Dick Cheney has assured political allies that an early withdrawal of US forces from Iraq would not be allowed, despite efforts by Congress to impose a deadline on US combat operations there.

  • Ministers finally admit full scale of war casualties - Figures for casualties before 2006 are to be published for the first time next week by the Ministry of Defence. The MoD has been wary of issuing the figures, in spite of attempts by campaigners using Freedom of Information legislation to find out the casualty rate.

47 die in insurgent attacks in Baghdad - Police station bombing largest in strikes against security crackdown

  • U.S. soldiers shooting Iraqi civilians - VIDEO


  • GSA Chief Is Accused of Playing Politic - Witnesses have told congressional investigators that the chief of the General Services Administration and a deputy in Karl Rove's political affairs office at the White House joined in a videoconference earlier this year with top GSA political appointees, who discussed ways to help Republican candidates.

Bill Maher: “Traitors don’t get to question my patriotism!” - Last night Bill Maher took on those who question our patriotism but are the ones who really act un-American and unpatriotic.

  • Gonzales Met With Top Aides On Firings - Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales met with senior aides on Nov. 27 to review a plan to fire a group of U.S. attorneys, according to documents released last night, a disclosure that contradicts Gonzales's previous statement that he was not involved in "any discussions" about the dismissals.

Top Justice spokesperson's advice to White House: US Attorney firings won't be 'national story' -Nearly three weeks before seven US attorneys were asked to submit their resignations, the top spokesperson for the Department of Justice expressed little concern and told a senior White House official that the firings probably wouldn't even become a "national story."

  • Don't expect the truth from Karl Rove - Bush's top political aide has built his career on diverting and deceiving; he'd do the same under oath.

Documents show Gonzales approved firings - The documents indicated that the hour-long morning discussion, held in the attorney general's conference room, was the only time Gonzales met with top aides who decided which prosecutors to fire and how to do it.

  • Fewer pledge allegiance to the GOP - Public allegiance to the Republican Party has plunged during George W. Bush's presidency, as attitudes have edged away from some of the conservative values that fueled GOP political victories, a major survey has found.


  • Citigroup may cut 15,000 jobs - The reported job cuts would affect about 5% of Citigroup's 327,000-person workforce, the newspaper said, citing persons familiar with the matter. Some jobs could go through attrition, the newspaper said.

In US Midwest, young farmers priced out of land - Real estate prices in cities may be falling, but in Midwestern farm country, land values are going through the roof. Fueled by heavy ethanol demand, which has pushed up corn prices, land that sold for $4,500 an acre a year ago might go for about $6,000 an acre today.

  • Credit counselors overwhelmed by U.S. mortgage crisis - "Oh Lord, there is no way we can keep up with these calls," said Kaye Britton, a foreclosure counselor at the downtown nonprofit group that promotes home ownership to minority Americans, among others.
    TVNL Comment: But the media keep telling us how great the economy is!

9/11 News :

  • The First Fifteen Minutes of September 11th - Within three hours of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Robin Hordon knew it was an inside job. He had been an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) for eleven years before Reagan fired him and hundreds of his colleagues after they went on strike in the eighties. Having handled in-flight emergencies and two actual hijackings in his career, he is well qualified to comment on what NORAD should have been able to achieve in its response to the near simultaneous hijacking of four domestic passenger carriers on the morning of September 11th, 2001.

The Canadian Action Party calls the official 9/11 story physically impossible - The justification for Canada's draconian anti terrorism laws is the official story of 9-11 - that the US was attacked by Islamic terrorists led by Osama Bin Laden. The problem with this justification is that the official story of what happened on 9-11 is physically impossible as a highly qualified team of Canadian, American and international scientists, engineers and investigators demonstrate at their website physics911.

  • Canadian Professor disputes official representation on 9/11 - There is evidence of a great deal of coordination in the events of 9/11 -- the absence of air defence, the numerous simulations taking place on the day, and so on. Again, this can't be explained by outside agents, in my view. Someone inside was pretty firmly in control.

The 9/11 Lie is in Critical Condition - In short, the evidence that we have been shamelessly lied to regarding the events of 9/11 is irrefutable.


  • Why did the Tom DeLay investigation stop? Or, there is more than one way to skin a US attorney - In the fall of 2005 dominos were falling fast in the Jack Abramoff investigation. And they were falling in one very clear direction, closer and closer to Tom DeLay.

The AIPAC Girl, Nancy Pelosi Leaves Iran War In Bush/Cheney Hands - If George W. Bush launches a pre-emptive war on Iran, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will bear full moral responsibility for that war. For it was Pelosi who quietly agreed to strip out of the $100 billion funding bill for Iraq a provision that would have required President Bush to seek congressional approval before launching any new war on Iran.

  • Some see impeachment as option - GOP Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a frequent critic of the war, stopped short of calling for Bush's impeachment. But he made clear that some lawmakers viewed that as an option should Bush choose to push ahead despite public sentiment against the war.



  • Task Force Formed to Investigate Florida 13th Election - Nearly five months after Florida Republican Vern Buchanan narrowly defeated Democrat Christine Jennings in the state’s 13th District, a congressional committee has organized a task force to investigate the controversial election.

N.Y. Police Spied Broadly Before G.O.P. Convention - For at least a year before the 2004 Republican National Convention, teams of undercover New York City police officers traveled to cities across the country, Canada and Europe to conduct covert observations of people who planned to protest at the convention, according to police records and interviews.

  • FL-13: NEW UNDISCLOSED LETTER OF AGREEMENT FROM ES&S TO STATE UNEARTHED! - Terms of 'Independent' State Run Audit, Source Code Review Dictated by Voting Machine Company to Florida State Election Director Prior to Tests of Failed Touch-Screen Voting Systems from Contested Jennings/Buchanan Election!

Explosive New Vote Fraud Developments Continue To Rock Ohio and Florida - Breaking news in vote fraud cases in both Ohio and Florida are feeding a firestorm of controversy that is likely to continue escalating, with major implications for the 2008 election and the future of e-voting machines.

  • DHS has plan for new HQ in lunatic asylum - The $3 billion move will begin in 2011, according to a plan prepared by the DHS, once a new building is ready in the grounds of the former mental hospital, St. Elizabeth's.
    TVNL Comment: That means they can leave everything in place!

Ex-Interior deputy pleads guilty in Abramoff probe - Former Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles pleaded guilty Friday to obstruction of justice in a Senate committee's investigation, becoming the highest-ranking Bush administration official convicted in the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal.

  • Billionaire opens mansions to homeless - Kawamoto, one of Japan's richest men, said he plans to open eight of his 22 Kahala homes to needy Hawaiian families. They will be able to stay in the homes for up to 10 years, he said. He also gave each family 10 $100 bills to help them move in.
    TVNL Comment: Any Bush family members want to try doing this? Can you say...FAT CHANCE?


  • Are GM Crops Killing Bees? - A mysterious decimation of bee populations has German beekeepers worried, while a similar phenomenon in the United States is gradually assuming catastrophic proportions. The consequences for agriculture and the economy could be enormous.



  • Armenian PM dies of heart attack - Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan of Armenia has died of a heart attack at the age of 55, officials in the Caucasus former Soviet republic say.

Argentina tells US ‘butt out’ - Argentina yesterday urged the US "not to meddle" in its domestic affairs after Washington complained about the Argentine government’s having allowed Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez to head an anti-Bush rally earlier this month when US President George W. Bush was visiting Uruguay.

  • Egypt rips Rice's constitution comments - "It is unimaginable that someone would speak about and judge an Egyptian internal political process before it even starts," Aboul Gheit said.

U.S. blasts Argentina for Chávez rally - At a trade meeting, a top State Department official scolded Argentina for hosting the Venezuelan president's anti-Bush rally.




  • The Tillman Case Reaches a Climax: 'They Blew Up Their Poster Boy' - On Monday, the official report on the 2004 killing in Afghanistan, and coverup, involving former NFL star Pat Tillman will finally be released. Here's why it all matters.

The miltary regs forbid Bush using our troops as political props - The wearing of the uniform by members of the Armed Forces (including retired members and members of Reserve components) is prohibited under any of the following circumstances...

  • Coast Guard's Purchasing Raises Conflict-of-Interest Flags - Four of the seven top U.S. Coast Guard officers who retired since 1998 took positions with private firms involved in the Coast Guard's troubled $24 billion fleet replacement program, an effort that government investigators have criticized for putting contractors' interests ahead of taxpayers'.

How Specialist Town Lost His Benefits - A six-month investigation has uncovered multiple cases in which soldiers wounded in Iraq are suspiciously diagnosed as having a personality disorder, then prevented from collecting benefits.
TVNL Comment: The military does not support the troops; why should we support the military?

  • New Finding in Pat Tillman's Death - CBS News has learned that an investigation by the Pentagon inspector-general into the "friendly fire" death of San Jose's own football-star-turned-soldier, Pat Tillman, will blame nine officers, including four generals, for failing to follow regulations and using poor judgment in a series of missteps that kept the truth of how he died from his family for more than a month.
    TVNL Comment: Here is a perfect example of how our military heroes, our government and our media all lie to us, but if we (the reality based community) dare to point this out we are treated like anti-American crazy people! We are almost always correct when we accuse the government of lying and Americans would better off if they understand that!



  • The Right Wing: Brutal Murdering Tyrants - History will look back at our generation as the generation that should have started a revolution. History will show that all the signs were there yet the weak naive leftists stupidly kept playing by the rules even though they could see that the system was rigged.

"Eisenhower's Warning" - A genuine American candidate for president speaks.

  • Why Does The Times Recognize Israel's 'Right to Exist'? - For that matter, why should the Palestinians recognize an Israel that refuses to accept international law, submit to U.N. resolutions or readmit the Palestinians wrongfully expelled from their homes in 1948 and barred from returning ever since? - If none of these questions are easy to answer, why are such demands being made of the Palestinians? And why is nothing demanded of Israel in turn?



  • Senator Mike Gravel Censored - Sen. Mike Gravel, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, addressed big media's attempts to censor his campaign.

Relatives suspect state in death of journalist in Mexico - The brother of a journalist slain in Oaxaca said Friday that he believes state officials were likely involved in the death and asked federal investigators here to take over the case.

  • Hannity, Coulter "don't believe" that Tillman liked Noam Chomsky, opposed Iraq war; Tillman's mother disagrees - However, the Chronicle article, which focused on the military's alleged efforts to conceal facts about Tillman's death, quoted Tillman's mother, Mary Tillman, directly:



  • Leading Psychiatrist Admits Normal Children Are Diagnosed With Mental Disorders - Statement Adds to Controversy over Drugs Prescribed for Questionable Psychiatric Diagnoses

Blue Cross fined $1M; dropped policies - State regulators fined California's largest health insurance provider $1 million for violating state law, saying an investigation found that the company systematically dropped policyholders after they became sick or pregnant.



  • Kissinger's extradition to Uruguay sought over Operation Condor - The Latin American dictatorships of the time "were mere executors" of a "plan of extermination" hatched in the United States by a group led by Kissinger, said attorney Gustavo Salle, who represents the family of Bernardo Arnone.



  • The War Against Cold Fusion - If viable, cold fusion ... all » offers the possibility of limitless cheap energy. Some have suggested that the quashing of cold fusion projects in the late '80s was due to certain agencies not wishing to undermine the position of U.S. energy corporations.

Tony Benn Beats Bolton To A Pulp - VIDEO

  • Jeb Bush denied honor at U. of Florida - Some faculty expressed concern about Bush's record in higher education.

Conservatives quit board over DeLay appointment - Four board members of the American Conservative Union, one of the oldest and best established voices of the conservative movement, resigned recently when DeLay was brought onto the board.

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