Date: March 27th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans

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NOTE: March 26th, 2007 – Today's newsletter has been formatted using OpenOffice Writer/Web. I had been using Microsoft Word up until now. You may notice some formatting changes. Please allow me several days to correct any formatting mistakes that I find myself. By March 30th you can write to me if you have formatting problems or suggestions. Thank you. Jesse

TVNL Editor's Comments: Chavez's Communism Vs. Bush's Fascism

CNN is focusing on the actions of Hugo Chavez asking if he is paving the way towards communism. You communism; it's one of those things that we are taught is bad yet we are never taught what it really is and why it is bad. You liberalism.

Well CNN is framing the argument this way; they are saying that Chavez is like a modern day Robinhood, taking land from the rich and providing land for the poor. Well let me ask Wolf Blitzer and company this...why didn't you to a piece on the new eminent domain laws that permit rich people to take land away from poorer people and why didn't you ask if that was paving the way towards fascism? Why didn't you do an in depth report on capitalism and the wonderful things it has done for the people of the world. Oh, maybe it is because the overwhelming majority of people around the world have been victims or exploits of capitalism while only about 5% of the population really truly benefits from it.

Capitalism is like the game of Monopoly; wealth consolidates until everyone looses except for the one who ends up with everything! If that's the alternative to communism...count me in. Don't get me wrong, I think capitalism is a good thing. Regulated capitalism is a good thing that is; unregulated capitalism is fascism and that's what George W. Bush means by freedom, free trade and open markets. It means freedom from regulation for people with money to use that money to take your money away! Well Wolf & CNN; when is that report going to air? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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Making a Killing: America's Private Army and the Business of War - With the job being so risky, what would attract so many to private companies? Well, Blackwater has been known to pay its employees $365,000 per year, compared to the $36,000 an average US soldier makes. No wonder so many former military personnel are signing up with a private employer instead of re-enlisting.

Nothing but Fascists - The war on Iraq was not carried out on the basis of mere strategic interests. No strategies or interests could explain the level of death and destruction that Iraq had undergone ever since the Gulf War in 1991. If one were to assume that the US led invasion in 2003 is a continuation of that war, then Iraq could be said to have suffered more horrors than any country had, including the countries that were involved the WWII.


Gonzales Aide to Invoke Fifth Amendment - Monica Goodling, a senior Justice Department official involved in the firings of federal prosecutors, will refuse to answer questions at upcoming Senate hearings, citing Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination, her lawyer said Monday.
TVNL Comment: How sweet.


Oil producers told by IMF: Adjust to higher prices - Oil producing countries in the Middle East and central Asia should adjust their economic policies to better suit a world in which oil prices will remain high, the International Monetary Fund said Thursday. In a report on the economic outlook for the Middle East and central Asia, the IMF said oil producers have saved two-thirds.
TVNL Comment: How's that for free markets?

9/11 News :

Neocons in Cheney's Office Fund al Qaeda-Tied Groups ... and No One Cares? - Seymour Hersh's recent report that Iran-Contra veterans working out of Dick Cheney's office are using stolen funds from Iraq to arm al Qaeda-tied groups and foment a larger Sunni-Shia war is a very big deal.


Committee Directs RNC to Preserve White House Emails - Citing evidence that senior White House officials are using RNC and other political email accounts to avoid leaving a record of official communications, Chairman Waxman directs the Republican National Committee and the Bush-Cheney ’04 Campaign to preserve the emails of White House officials and to meet with Committee staff to explain how the accounts are managed and what steps are being taken to protect the emails from destruction and tampering.



Ordinary Customers Flagged as Terrorists - Private businesses such as rental and mortgage companies and car dealers are checking the names of customers against a list of suspected terrorists and drug traffickers made publicly available by the Treasury Department, sometimes denying services to ordinary people whose names are similar to those on the list.

U.S. Can't Account for 600,000 Fugitives - Teams assigned to make sure foreigners ordered out of the United States actually leave are grappling with a backlog of more than 600,000 cases and can't accurately account for the fugitives' whereabouts, the government reported Monday.

Reagan Budget Head Stockman Is Charged With Fraud - David A. Stockman, a chief architect of President Ronald Reagan's economic revolution turned Wall Street money man, was indicted Monday on charges of conspiracy, securities fraud and obstruction of justice.

Cities set limits on serving food to homeless people - Cities are cracking down on charities that feed the homeless, adopting rules that restrict food giveaways to certain locations, require charities to get permits or limit the number of free meals they can provide.
TVNL Comment: What a beautiful country we live in!

Aged, Frail and Denied Care by Their Insurers - A review of more than 400 of the thousands of grievances and lawsuits filed in recent years shows elderly policyholders confronting unnecessary delays and overwhelming bureaucracies. In California alone, nearly one in every four long-term-care claims was denied in 2005, according to the state.

Florida: City to Seize Homes Over a $5 Parking Ticket - The city council in Brooksville, Florida voted this week to advance a proposal granting city officials the authority to place liens and foreclose on the homes of motorists accused of failing to pay a single $5 parking ticket. Non-homeowners face having their vehicles seized if accused of not paying three parking offenses.
TVNL Comment: And this is not fascism?

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico - President Eisenhower cut off this illegal traffic. He did it quickly and decisively with only 1,075 United States Border Patrol agents - less than one-tenth of today's force. The operation is still highly praised among veterans of the Border Patrol.





Venezuela's Chavez announces plans for 'collective property' under shift toward socialism - Vowing to undermine capitalism's continued influence in Venezuela during his television and radio program "Hello President," Chavez said state-financed cooperatives would operate under a new concept in which workers would share profits.



Tillmans Want Congressional Probe of Coverup - Pat Tillman's family firmly rejected the Defense Department's findings Monday in the former NFL star's friendly-fire death, calling for congressional investigations into what they see as broad malfeasance and coverup.

Army Revises Upward Number of Desertions in ’06 - A total of 3,196 active-duty soldiers deserted the Army last year, or 853 more than previously reported, according to revised figures from the Army.

More Veterans Calling The Streets Home - One in three homeless Americans is a veteran.
TVNL Comment: There is no term that can accuratley describe how despicable that fact is.



Chavez’s Communism Vs. Bush’s Fascism - Regulated capitalism is a good thing that is; unregulated capitalism is fascism and that’s what George W. Bush means by freedom, free trade and open markets. It means freedom from regulation for people with money to use that money to take your money away! Well Wolf & CNN; when is that report going to air?



Snow's growth found to be cancerous - White House spokesman Tony Snow's suspicious growth in his abdomen has been found to be cancerous, according to the White House.



18,000 deaths blamed on lack of insurance - More than 18,000 adults in the USA die each year because they are uninsured and can't get proper health care, researchers report in a landmark study released Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: The American health care system: 6 times more deadly to Americans than SIX 9/11 events each year!



The Politics of Naming: Genocide, Civil War, Insurgency? - The similarities between Iraq and Darfur are remarkable. The estimate of the number of civilians killed over the past three years is roughly similar.





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