Date: April 9th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: American English as Taught to Me by the Corporate Media

I can't spell worth a dime but I always thought I had a pretty strong command of the English language. It turns out that I have been wrong all along.

Language in general must be a problem with me, even foreign languages. Even when several of my high school teachers tried to hard to teach me Spanish it just did not work. I could show you my report card but it's classified. My brain just would not accept any new grammatical rules. You see the problem with Spanish was that I could not learn two separate versions of the same language; one for men and one for women. Lo vs. la, hablo vs. habla, I could not deal with it. Call me an idiot; I won't argue the point. Or in this case call me el idioto or whatever the correct Spanish term may be.

So who would have thought that all these years later I have indeed learned two versions of the English language; one for Americans and several of our close parters in crime so to speak ( and I speak that quite literally), and one for the people who are not as good as Americans (like Democrats). For instance I never realized that in a time of conflict America, and when I say America I mean Israel and the UK as well, “detains prisoners”; where on the other hand those less than American other bad nations “kidnap hostages!”

You see my English language skills have been influenced by my mother, who taught English and science in the New York City school system for about 40 years. But it took the corporate media really learn me good! Here are a few definitions that I was not aware of until the corporate media learned me really goodly about these here words and stuff:

  • Liberal: It does not really mean anything, it's just a bad name for people who don't like to launch wars on nations that are not threatening us and don't like to arbitrarily kill things.

  • Communist: Some sort of fag. I learned that one from Ann Coulter.

  • Lie : This describes any information that results in a negative image for a sitting Republican politician or any information that has been omitted by the 9/11 Commission.

  • Misspoken, factually incorrect, did not provide an accurate picture, distorted, overstretched the truth, overstated, understated, meant to say, misleading verbiage etc: These are terms to describe when a Republican tells a lie to the country or when the American government tells a lie about a less than American nation.

  • Enemy: Any nation who has a leader that decides that the citizens of his or her country should benefit from the nations natural resources and assets, like Venezuela.

  • Flip Flop: When Democrats change their position.

  • Altar course, adjust strategy, reassess the situation, adapt to win, reversed position, had a change of heart, tried a new approach: These terms are used to describe Republicans changing their minds or flip-flopping.

Anyway, I can go on all day. I have to go on with my day but I am a little on edge right now. You know when you are trying to remember something and you can not...and it just annoys the heck out of you? Well that is happening to me right now. You see I am trying to think of another word for hypocrisy, but I simply can not. Think about it! - Jesse – Editor,

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Huge turnout for anti-US rally
- Hundreds of thousands of supporters of the radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr took to the streets of two Shia holy cities in Iraq today and protested against "US occupiers".

4 Years After Hussein's Fall, Regret in Iraq - "Now, we regret that Saddam Hussein is gone, no matter how much we hated him."
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy: Making Saddam look like a hero!

Field rations are falling short in fueling troops - After interviewing more than 150 medics, officers and troops on the ground, Moore concluded that the portable rations called "meals ready to eat" (MREs) - long derided by troops, but valued by the Pentagon for their indestructibility - were not doing the job, causing the soldiers to shed pounds that they very much needed.

Iraqi details 'shocking' U.S. missteps - In a rueful reflection on what might have been, an Iraqi government insider details in 500 pages the U.S. occupation's "shocking" mismanagement of his country — a performance so bad, he writes, that by 2007 Iraqis had "turned their backs on their would-be liberators."

10 U.S. troops die in Iraq; 6 on Sunday - Among the 10 U.S. deaths announced Sunday were three soldiers killed by a roadside bomb while patrolling south of Baghdad; one killed in an attack south of the capital; and two who died of combat wounds sustained north of the capital, in Diyala and Salahuddin provinces. On Saturday, the military said, four U.S. soldiers were killed in an explosion near their vehicle in Diyala.

Bomb kills 6 Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan - A roadside bomb killed six soldiers and injured two others in an armoured vehicle west of Kandahar City on Sunday, resulting in the worst single-day loss of life for Canadian Forces in Afghanistan, military officials said.

Four U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq - military - Four American soldiers were killed by an explosion near their vehicle in Diyala province north of Baghdad, the U.S. military said on Sunday.


GOP-issued laptops now a White House headache
- Democrats say a private e-mail system was used in violation of federal rules.



9/11 News :





Unprovoked beatings of homeless soaring - A 2006 report by the National Coalition for the Homeless found 142 attacks last year against homeless people, 20 of which resulted in death — a 65 percent increase from 2005, when 86 were violently assaulted, including 13 homicides.
TVNL Comment: This is the Ann Coulter America that we now live in.




Pakistan prepares for onslaught - MORE than 8000 troop reinforcements were on their way to Pakistan's crucial border with Afghanistan last night amid reports that President Pervez Musharraf, bowing to concerted pressured from the US and NATO, is mobilising for a major onslaught against al-Qa'ida and other militants based in the area.

Millions to rebel’ over ID cards - The government is predicting that some 15m people will revolt against Tony Blair’s controversial ID card scheme by refusing to produce the new cards or provide personal data on demand.


Army suspends recruiter for anti-gay e-mail rants - "You are definitely unqualified, now take you gay self someplace else we do not tolerate gay people like you in any part of the military," wrote the recruiter, Sgt. Marcia Ramode, in angry capital letters in an early e-mail.

U.S. Army prosecutions of desertion rise sharply - U.S. Army prosecutions of desertion and other unauthorized absences have risen sharply in the past four years, resulting in thousands more negative discharges and prison time for junior soldiers and combat-tested veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, military records show.


American English as Taught to Me by the Corporate Media - For instance I never realized that in a time of conflict America, and when I say America I mean Israel and the UK as well, “detains prisoners”; where on the other hand those less than American other bad nations “kidnap hostages!”

The True Story of Free Speech in America - “A man with no face stares at me … pleads for help, but I’m afraid to move. He begins to cry. It s a pitiful sound, and it sickens me. He screams, but as I awaken, I realize the screams are mine.”


Obstructed View - The relentless violence in Iraq has seriously compromised coverage of arguably the most important story in the world today. Certain facets of the conflict remain exasperatingly elusive or, at best, thinly reported.

Kristol: Proper Response To Iran’s Kidnapping Of Soldiers Would Have Been Military Strikes - Fox News pundit Bill Kristol has been an unceasing proponent of war with Iran. In the past year, Kristol has repeatedly beat the war drums, stating for example that Bush “could easily build support” for an Iran attack “at the beginning of 2008.” He has also said: “I think we could be in a military confrontation with Iran much sooner than people expect.”
TVNL Comment: Don't mention that Kristol is the chairman of PNAC! You know...the new Pearl Harbor/ 9/11 / total all out war PNAC!

Joe Klein Gets Spanked by His Readers on Impeachment - Joe Klein's column got within an inch of impeachment, so Klein was forced to address it directly.


Medical care at TYC falls short - A Dallas Morning News review of nearly 2,000 TYC medical mistreatment allegations and investigations since 2005 shows youths often must wait weeks or months for X-rays, prescriptions and referrals to specialists at the University of Texas Medical Branch or the Texas Tech Health Science Center. Those two health care providers manage all but psychiatric care, which TYC outsources to local doctors.

Drug Companies Switching Tactics To Sell More Cholesterol Drugs - Heavyweights such as Merck, Roche, Eli Lilly and Pfizer as well as lesser pharmaceuticals have stepped into the ring to fight to be first to develop drugs that increase “good” HDL rather than to decrease “bad” LDL. None have made it to market because they are not only not so “good” but actually quite “bad”.


Court to women: Want a get? Waive your damages suit - As such, they are vulnerable to extortion by their husbands: for the sake of the desired get they surrender any claims to alimony and property.
TVNL Comment: Sound like an Islamic issue? Take a closer look!


Aaron Russo: The Architecture of the Prison Planet - Aaron Russo joins Alex Jones for a fascinating sit-down in depth video interview on a plethora of important subjects.

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