Date: April 12th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: MSNBC Cans Imus, But Ann Coulter Keeps on Ticking

How do you feel today? Did you get your daily dose of hatred and bigotry? If not you can always to a web search for some good old vile Ann Coulter quotes!

You see the media, civil rights leaders and the general public don't have any problems with racism, just as long as it is not directed at African Americans or Jews. Everyone else is pretty much free game. You don't believe me? Don't take my word for it, do a web search for Ann Coulter Quotes. She's not alone in her spewing of hatred but she sure has a lengthy dossier when it comes to compiling some of the most vile and hateful commentary ever uttered on radio, TV and in published print media. Yet this little vile vixen is a welcomed guest on virtually every major network. Why?

I live in New York. I have lived here almost all of my life. I can tell you one thing, if you want to listen to racist remarks about black people, just go to where black youths gather. Get on a subway at around the time school lets out. Believe me you will get an earful. You will have all the “niggas”, “beeatches” (the new bitch), and “hoes” you need to get you through your day.

My thoughts on Imus and his stupid remarks is just that...he made stupid remarks. What was he thinking. They were jokes that were not funny. They were insults that really did not apply. So what was the point of his comments? You may want to ask his buddy Sid Rosenberg, who has a long track record of such remarks. Only when Sid says these things he says them from the heart!

By the way, if the African American community wants to stop hearing white people use derogatory words about them, perhaps they might want to stop creating them! All white people have to do in order to learn how to demean black people, especially black women is listen to hip hop or hang out with NBA stars! And just in case you are thinking this...I am not going to apologize for saying it because it is true. To me the word "ho" was used by Santa Clause or it was a gardening tool; that was until the hip hop community adapted it for their use. It seems like every few months a new vile term is introduced to the English language for use by the "gangsta" generation. It makes me sick. I hate the word "nigga" as much as I hate the word "nigger!" Having the black community create and embrace a term that is so close to the the word "nigger" is outrageous! It is the verbal equivalent of Jews if they started wearing clothes that had an emblem on them that almost resembled a swastika? If you are going to embrace pseudo racists terminology for your own use then don't complain when others join in. People who welcome into their culture derogatory terminology that is specifically directed at their own race should not complain when others join the party!

SO anyway, if you want to go on a racist rant just make sure you target Arabs, Islamic people, Christians, homosexuals, or pretty much any foreigner other than Israelis. At least you won't lose your job in broadcasting. Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

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4 Years On, the Gap Between Iraq Policy and Practice Is Wide
- Four years after the fall of Baghdad, the White House is once again struggling to solve an old problem: Who is in charge of carrying out policy in Iraq?

Explosion at Iraq parliament cafe - An explosion has hit a cafeteria at the Iraqi parliament, killing at least one person and injuring several others, witnesses have said.

Could a Google Search Have Helped Prevent the War in Iraq? - The 'Smoking Gun' Letter, Citing a Deal to Sell Uranium to Saddam Hussein, Was Obvious Forgery, Says a New Book
TVNL Comment: Are these people nuts? This was declared openly by the head of the IEAA at the UN minutes prior to Powell making his presentation of lies! I was watching it and when I head it said I said to myself that it's over. There can not be an invasion now. But the media ignored it because they were selling the war!

Red Cross warns of 'ever-worsening' crisis for Iraqi civilians - The ICRC urged all those involved in the conflict, both state and non-state actors, to urgently respect international humanitarian law and not target civilians.
TVNL Comment: Civilians? I thought they were called collaterals!


White House: E-mails on firings may have been killed
- Some White House staff wrote e-mail messages about official business on Republican Party accounts, and some may have been wrongly deleted, the administration said Wednesday in a disclosure tied to the inquiry into the firing of eight U.S. attorneys.
TVNL Comment: Golly gee...oops!



9/11 News :

New Victim's Family Supports Search For 9/11 Truth
- A new 9/11 victim's family have gone public on their doubts about the official story and have firmly placed their support behind the efforts of the 9/11 Truth Movement to search for the truth of what really happened on September 11, belying a common slur on behalf of the establishment press that questioning the government's version of the attacks is somehow insulting to the victims.


Holt wants answers from FBI on anthrax - Nearly six years after letters laced with anthrax spooked a nation freshly worried about terrorist attacks, a federal lawmaker and postal workers gathered Tuesday to call for the FBI to explain the progress of its investigation and why the case has never been solved.

Republican who probed Clinton White House hits at Democrats for House investigations - A Republican congressman who issued a large number of subpoenas for Clinton administration officials in the 1990s has joined fellow Republicans in criticizing Oversight Committee Chairman Henry Waxman for alleged overuse of subpoena authority, according to a story in today's edition of Roll Call.


FBI Gets Six Years for FOIA Request - So perhaps it should be no surprise that the FBI has just told a federal court that it will need until 2013 to process a request for information from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy organization. The group sued the Justice Department last fall under FOIA for records that detail how the FBI protects privacy while collecting hundreds of millions of personal records in its Investigative Data Warehouse, a database used for counterterrorism purposes.

Presidential Candidate: U.S. In Danger of Dictatorship - Congressman Ron Paul warns elite believe they own us and are "always prepared" to take our liberties

Ohio county voting head steps down - The Republican chairman of the embattled Cuyahoga County elections board resigned Wednesday, days before he was to face a removal hearing.

Florida Legislature Forces University To Idolize Jeb Bush - Over the faculty’s opposition, the school will now have “to erect ‘suitable markers‘ noting the college’s new name and include the revised name in all university documents, including catalogues and brochures.” The lawmakers acknowledge they “came up with the idea as an answer” to the faculty’s denial of Bush’s honorary degree.

Government lawyers' membership in GOP group seen as inappropriate - While government employees are permitted to be members of political organizations, the prominent listings on the Republican National Lawyers Association's Web site strike some current and former Justice Department lawyers as inappropriate, especially given that several members of the group work in the Justice Department's voting section, criminal division or as assistant U.S. attorneys.
TVNL Comment: The Bush/fox guarding the hen house administration.






THE DEATH OF PAT TILLMAN - New questions raised over timing of Army's disclosure of friendly-fire killing New questions about Abizaid's role in delayed disclosure

West Point grads exit service at high rate - Recent graduates of the US Military Academy at West Point are choosing to leave active duty at the highest rate in more than three decades, a sign to many military specialists that repeated tours in Iraq are prematurely driving out some of the Army's top young officers.

Black enlistments drop as war in Iraq goes on - Two years ago, we reported here that Army recruiting of black youth had fallen by 40 percent from 2000 through early 2005. The new DMDC data show the ripple effect of that decline. The most likely cause is deep disapproval of the Iraq war among black communities across the country.

House to Probe Military on Tillman, Lynch - A U.S. House committee announced Tuesday it would hold hearings on misleading military statements that followed the friendly fire death of Pat Tillman in Afghanistan and the rescue of Pfc. Jessica Lynch in Iraq .




The C.B.C. Stands By Fox - Despite the fact that the three top contenders (at this point) for the Democratic nomination say they won’t take part in a September debate in Detroit sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute and Fox News, the C.B.C. released a statement tonight announcing that it stands by its plan.

Media seeks public access in upcoming AIPAC lobbyists’ trial - News organizations filed documents in federal court Monday opposing a government request to close portions of an upcoming trial of two former pro-Israel lobbyists accused of violating the Espionage Act.




Probe: Marines used excessive force - Another official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said the initial military investigation concluded that there was a "reasonable suspicion" that the Marines violated the rules for the use of deadly force, and that crimes, possibly including homicide, may have been committed in the aftermath of the convoy being struck by a car bomb.


Pope Says Evolution Can't Be Proven - Benedict XVI, in his first extended reflections on evolution published as pope, says that Darwin's theory cannot be finally proven and that science has unnecessarily narrowed humanity's view of creation.
TVNL Comment: This is coming from someone whose entire purpose can't be proven! The existence of a god can be proven? What a crock!

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