Date: April 17th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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SPECIAL NOTE: I will be introducing Jim Fetzer, the co-founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth at his presentation at the Vox Pop cafe in Brooklyn, New York tomorrow night. Jim Fetzer is an expert on the JFK assassination and the events of 9/11. You can find the details on this and future events at Vox Pop on their web site here: You can contact Vox Pop for details: 718 940 2084 (I will be at Vox Pop by 8 PM, so if you see me say hello! I'll be wearing a TvNewsLIES shirt!)

TVNL Editor's Comments: The Controversy about Controversy

Let me give you a little tip. When a controversial issue is raised for discussion and someone attempts to quash the issue your enemy has just revealed him or herself. Regardless if the topic is 9/11 or where your spouse was last night, if a person refuses to address an issue based on the notion that it is “too absurd to even discuss”, you have just identified someone with something to hide. Sometimes they have something to hide from you and sometimes they are hiding something from themselves; but either way you have identified someone who does not want certain information brought out.

Many of the Americans who are going to continue their criticism of me and my writing by trashing this commentary agree with me on this even though they don't know it. You see this falls under the “I have nothing to hide” principle. You know, the same principle that has been adopted by the Americans who support secret wire tapping, loss if privacy and government snooping. You critics. These people say that all this is OK because if you have nothing to hide you should not mind if your government violates your privacy. Yet these same people want to stop all discussions related to 9/11, Israel, Zionism, government conspiracies, the Holocaust etc. Why? What are they afraid of? What do they have to hide and what do they have to lose by discussing things? Are they unwilling to teach others where they are wrong or are they afraid of learning something for themselves?

You see the more controversial the issue the more we should be discussing it. Dialog is only way to clear up controversy. When you discuss an issue one of three things are going to happen. 1. The person with the controversial view is going to learn something. 2. The person with the counter view is going to learn something. 3. The parties will agree to disagree but they will better understand the respective positions.

During the last scene in the movie The Godfather, Al Pacino's character, Don Michael Corleone, is asked by his wife Kay, played by Diane Keaton, if he had his brother-in-law murdered. The Don refused to answer the question based on a simple principle of privacy. His principle: “Don't ask me about my business!” That's it. That was his reason for not answering. And all who were watching the movie knew exactly why the Don made it his business not to talk about his business. And you know what, there are a lot of people out there who refuse to talk about their business, be it 9/11, Israel, etc., based on a similar principle, so to speak. So when you hear someone say that they won't talk about something because you are making an absurd insinuation, that person, even though they may not know it, may just be standing for the same principles that the Don did. So may I suggest to all, don't “be like Mike” (Corleone)! Listen, speak and resolve. Leaving an issue to fester is what causes problems, discussing issues should pose no threat to people who have “nothing to hide!” Think about it. - Jesse –Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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U.S. troop deaths up 21 percent in Iraq -
Civilian deaths down in Baghdad but up elsewhere since start of security operation

Seven U.S. Service Members Dead in Iraq Attacks - Seven American service members were killed and six others were wounded in five attacks in Iraq, the U.S. military announced today.

Ambush kills 13 Iraqi servicemen - At least 13 Iraqi soldiers have been killed in an ambush in the northern city of Mosul, police say.

Five U.S. soldiers killed in attacks in Iraq -Around 60 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq this month, putting April on course to be one of the deadliest for U.S. forces in many months.
TVNL Comment: Progress.


Conservatives to Bush: Fire Gonzales
- In what could prove an embarrassing new setback for embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on the eve of his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, a group of influential conservatives and longtime Bush supporters has written a letter to the White House to call for his resignation.

Secretary of State Rice may face subpoena threat Wednesday - Depending on the State Department's response to a request for information prior to a Wednesday meeting, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice could face a subpoena from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Sandbagged Novation LLC Prosecution - After Alberto Gonzales became Attorney General on February 3, 2005, the investigation of Novation was suppressed even though insider Novation executives came forward to the US Department of Justice with evidence of laundering hospital funds through the publicly traded electronic hospital supply marketplace Neoforma, Inc. that was then controlled by Novation, Volunteer Hospital Association (VHA), and University Health System Consortium (UHC) and is now owned by the electronic hospital supply marketplace GHX, LLC.

Alberto Gonzales hearing postponed… - The Senate Judiciary Committee has postponed its Tuesday hearing with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales because of the Virginia Tech shootings.


Citigroup to move 9500 jobs to "lower cost locations"
- Under Citigroup's new restructuring plans 17,000 workers will be impacted, with 1600 of those jobs being slashed in New York City.

9/11 News :



House to begin probe into Fla. election - A House task force will take the first steps Tuesday in an investigation of a Florida congressional election decided by 369 votes amid complaints that voting machines failed to count thousands of electronic ballots.

Army to slow repairs as Congress weighs funds - The U.S. Army will defer spending and slow repair work on any equipment not needed for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan due to Congress' failure to approve $100 billion in extra war funding, the largest branch of the armed forces said on Monday.

Bush Acknowledges Congress's Right To Weigh In on War - Democratic lawmakers and liberal scholars have taken issue with the White House assertion that Congress does not have the constitutional authority to "micromanage" the war, and they seem to have an unlikely ally: President Bush.


$2.8M Katrina Verdict Against Allstate - Allstate Insurance Co. must pay a Louisiana man who lost his home to Hurricane Katrina more than $2.8 million in damages and penalties, a federal jury decided Monday in a case that hinged largely on whether it was wind or storm surge that wiped out his house.

GOP Lawyers Say Bush can Eject Dissenters from Events, Even if They Don't do Anything - In other words, George Bush's right to freedom of speech guarantees him the right to restrict yours.

Bush administration pushes for expansion and deepening of police state - The George W. Bush administration seized the White House in 2000 by way of an openly stolen election, then cemented its criminal power into place with the unprecedented 9/11 mass murder, and its two resulting abominations: the fabricated “war on terrorism” (the pretext for endless global war), and the USAPATRIOT Act (the full-scale destruction of the Constitution, and the militarization of the US homeland).


Home Depot to Display an Environmental Label - The initiative — which is expected to include 6,000 products by 2009, representing 12 percent of the chain’s sales — would become the largest green labeling program in American retailing and could persuade competitors to speed up their own plans.
TVNL Comment: Smart business move.

Pay Monsanto or Starve - The central issue here, is this ability for a company to patent life. A small genetic change to an organism can enable an organisation to seek intellectual copyright, and charge technology fees and other costs for its use. With life forms, unlike a widget on a conveyor belt, the ‘product’ is self perpetuating (unless that ‘feature’ has been removed by the company - a whole other problem on its own). This effectively means, if unchecked, organisations that megalomaniacally tinker with the building blocks of life (seeds, or otherwise), can take control of everything that makes this planet tick.


Crisis creeps towards catastrophe as village after village is wiped out
- First eyewitness accounts reveal ethnic cleansing spreading from Sudan
TVNL Comment: No Bush liberation here!


US marine to be tried - A US marine accused of "voluntary homicide" in the death of an Italian secret service agent is set to go on trial in absentia in a Rome court.


The Controversy about Controversy - You see the more controversial the issue the more we should be discussing it. Dialog is only way to clear up controversy.

Bush Embraces the Culture of Death - From his record-setting pace for executions in Texas to 9/11 to Iraq to Katrina to the worst mass shooting in American history at Virginia Tech, Bush is a man who embraces the culture of death.

Please God, deliver us from the banality of evil - I do not hesitate one second to state clearly and unmistakably: I belong to the American resistance movement which fights against American imperialism, just as the resistance movement fought against Hitler. - ---Paul Robeson

Robert Fisk: Fear and loathing on an American campus - To ask the "Why" question made me a Nazi.


Quayle family sells Ind. newspaper - "Our family has been associated with The Herald-Press since the early 1930s," he said. "It has meant and will always mean a great deal to all of us. These are challenging days for this business, though, and we believe now is the time to turn The Herald-Press over to an organization that will build on the foundations of responsibility, integrity and service that have been established here."
TVNL Comment: Political families owning news media. Another fox watching the hen house situation in America.

Drudge Promotes Imus Pravda Hoax - In what seems to be a deliberate ploy to link disgraced talk show host Don Imus with Rosie O'Donnell and the 9/11 Truth Movement, Matt Drudge is promulgating a now confirmed hoax which suggested that Imus was fired because he was about to expose secrets about the 9/11 attacks.

'Deletion' of Images in Afghanistan: Attempt to Cover Up Civilian Killings? - A freelance photographer working for The AP and a cameraman working for AP Television News said then a U.S. soldier deleted their photos and video showing a four-wheel drive vehicle in which three people were shot to death about 100 yards from the suicide bombing. The AP lodged a protest with the American military.

All of the media's lies are connected - We cannot trust the media to tell us the truth, which means that we cannot trust what the media will tell us about the latest shootings at Virginia Tech. The sad fact of the matter is, we cannot trust the media period.

S&S TOUCH-SCREEN VOTING SYSTEMS FOUND VULNERABLE TO 'SERIOUS' VIRAL VOTE-FLIPPING ATTACK; U.S. ELECTION ASSISTANCE COMMISSION REFUSES TO ISSUE WARNING - Scientific Report Finds 'Serious Security Vulnerability' Similar to 'Princeton Diebold Virus Hack' in Widely Used iVotronic System, Allowing a Single Person to Change Election Results Across Entire County Without Detection

Bill Moyers Journal: Buying the War | Excerpt | PBS - How the administration marketed the war to the American people has been well covered, but critical questions remain: How and why did the press buy it, and what does it say about the role of journalists in helping the public sort out fact from propaganda?


Death By Medicine - Do We Have A Choice? - It's official. The leading cause of death in America is not heart disease, not cancer -- but medicine itself!




CIA recruiting at Virginia Tech - "Blacksburg, VA November 13, 2005 - A coalition of concerned graduate students and campus organizations at Virginia Tech are this Thursday staging a 'teach in' to protest CIA recruitment on campus. Planned events also include the protest of a 'career information' session to be held by the CIA later that evening.

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