Date: April 18th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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SPECIAL NOTE: TONIGHT I will be introducing Jim Fetzer, the co-founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth at his presentation at the Vox Pop cafe in Brooklyn, New York. Jim Fetzer is an expert on the JFK assassination and the events of 9/11. You can find the details on this and future events at Vox Pop on their web site here: You can contact Vox Pop for details: 718 940 2084 (I will be at Vox Pop by 8 PM, so if you see me say hello! I'll be wearing a TvNewsLIES shirt!)

TVNL Editor's Comments: So When are Bush's & Cheney's Trials and What Will Their Penalties for Genocide Be?

If I “thought” that a man who lived overseas posed a threat to my family, and I took a plane over to his nation, and I killed him, and as a result his family was left homeless and threatened by violence sparked by the killing of that man...and it turns out that I made a “mistake” in thinking he was a threat...would I be arrested? Would I be extradited? Would I be put on trial for murder? Would I have to pay restitutions? Would you think that at the very least I would have my passport and gun taken away from me so I would not do it again? Well the answers to all those questions are yes!

Then why isn't George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, most of the US Congress and just about every member of the US establishment media under arrest and awaiting trial? At the very least they should be relieved of their duties, or I should say responsibilities.

Let's for a minute pretend that the invasion of Iraq was a good natured mistake (I know...just work with me here). Well this tragic “mistake” (I can't believe I am saying that...when everyone knows that this was planned way before the self inflicted, Iraq war starting permission slip known as 9/11 took place, also known as PNAC's new Pearl Harbor), has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, including American military personnel. It has also resulted in the creation of 4 million Iraqi refugees! What should the penalty for such actions be? What charges should be brought? Several hundred thousand counts of voluntary manslaughter? Make that man woman and child slaughter! Well? Where are the cops? Where is the justice system? Where is the justice?

Do you know what the term is for a world leader who uses military actions to create a refugee situation? The term is “evil despot”, or “tyrant”, or “war criminal” or “terrorist” or “maniac”, or “genocidal maniac”, or “mass murderer!” Do you know what term the criminal US establishment media uses to describe such a person? They use the term “Commander in Chief!” They use the term “U.S. Administration. They use the term “Congress.”

Well, as long as the establishment media remains in place the majority of the American people will never learn the correct terminology. But for the readers of this newsletter...when you hear the term “Commander in Chief” from now on...maybe you'll make the connection. Think about it. - Jesse –Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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Iraq dean, professor killed
- Gunmen killed the dean of the Political Science College and a professor at Mosul University's College of Arts on Monday, authorities said, topping a series of violent incidents.
TVNL Comment: Do you want to bet this news item gets less American press coverage that this other item:

So When are Bush’s & Cheney’s Trials and What Will Their Penalties for Genocide Be? - Do you know what the term is for a world leader who uses military actions to create a refugee situation?

UN calls on the West to help four million displaced Iraqis - The flood of refugees has put a huge and growing burden on neighbouring nations, especially Syria and Jordan, which in consequence are making it more and more difficult for Iraqis to enter their countries.

17 Decomposing Bodies Found In Ramadi - The three-day total, after several weeks of much smaller numbers, was 67.


Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
- But Kucinich shouldn't hold his breath on getting anywhere with his impeachment plan. "We'll see a Kucinich Administration before we'll see a Cheney impeachment," quipped one Democratic aide.
TVNL Comment: And the Democrat who had that remark should be impeached as well!


High Court Sides With Banks on Mortgage Rules
- The states had argued that their role was lawful and necessary to protect consumers from predatory lending practices and other potential violations.

Workers who missed lunch breaks entitled to back pay, court says - California employees who are forced to work through their lunch breaks scored a major legal victory Monday when the state Supreme Court ruled that they are entitled to back wages of an hour a day for as long as three years.

9/11 News :



Rice Resists Testimony to House Panel on Niger Claim - Waxman said in a March 12 letter that the panel still did not understand how the claim on uranium made it into the State of the Union address or what Rice, then Bush's national security adviser, knew about it.

White House asked Sessions for 'friendly' questioning - According to e-mails released by the Justice Department last week, the White House reached out to Sessions in January to encourage "friendly" questions at a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sessions agreed, according to the e-mails, and the Justice Department later sent him talking points and a biographical "narrative" on the nominee, Tim Griffin, a former aide to Bush political strategist Karl Rove.

McCloskey leaves Republican Party - Lifelong Republican, Marine veteran and former congressman Pete McCloskey has left the GOP and registered with the Democratic Party.


Guards Go on Strike at Nuclear Weapons Plant - More than 500 security guards at the nation's only nuclear weapons assembly plant walked off the job just after midnight yesterday to protest what they said is a steep deterioration in job and retirement security since the government changed fitness standards for weapons-plant guards in response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Soros attacks US pro-Israel lobby - The financier and philanthropist George Soros has entered the debate about US policy on Israel, accusing the Bush administration of adopting a hopeless strategy towards the Palestinians partly because of the influence wielded in Washington by a pro-Israel lobby.

A Woman Wrongly Convicted and a U.S. Attorney Who Kept His Job - Opponents of Gov. Jim Doyle of Wisconsin spent $4 million on ads last year trying to link the Democratic incumbent to a state employee who was sent to jail on corruption charges. The effort failed, and Mr. Doyle was re-elected — and now the state employee has been found to have been wrongly convicted. The entire affair is raising serious questions about why a United States attorney put an innocent woman in jail.

Social Security Agreement with Mexico Released After 3-1/2 Year Freedom of Information Act Battle - The agreement between the U.S. and Mexico was signed in June 2004, and is awaiting President Bush's signature. Once President Bush approves the agreement, which would be done without Congressional vote, either House of Congress would have 60 days to disapprove the agreement by voting to reject it.

Contractor says was told to hire Wolfowitz friend - The Pentagon ordered a U.S. contractor to hire a World Bank employee and girlfriend of then-Pentagon No. 2 Paul Wolfowitz in 2003 for work related to Iraq, the contractor said on Tuesday.


Warning is sounded on ethanol use - Ethanol, widely touted as a greenhouse-gas-cutting fuel, would have serious health effects if heavily used in cars, producing more ground-level ozone than gasoline, particularly in the Los Angeles Basin, according to a Stanford University study out today.

Calif. Reaffirms Moratorium on New Nuclear Power Plants - California gets about 20 percent of its energy from coal-burning power plants, which contribute to global warming.


Brazil Shootouts Kill at Least 20 Dead
- The deaths are the latest in an upsurge of killing that has made Rio de Janeiro one of Brazil's most violence-plagued cities with an annual homicide rate of around 50 per 100,000 residents. Most of the killings have occurred in the city's more than 600 shantytowns, controlled primarily by heavily armed drug gangs.

US mulls upping military aid to Israel - The US is considering whether to increase military aid to Israel as compensation for a US arms deal with Saudi Arabia, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told correspondents in Jordan yesterday. Jordan was the first stop of a Middle East tour.

Ecuador Votes for Revolutionary Change - Ecuadorean President Raphael Correa took office January 15 promising his people progressive, revolutionary social and economic change unlike anything this country of mostly impoverished people ever had before under its right wing only governments beholden solely to capital interests.

Japanese Mayor Shot Dead - The mayor of the Japanese city of Nagasaki, a prominent anti-nuclear activist, was shot by a yakuza gangster on Tuesday, and news reports said he later died of his wounds.

Israel: Immigrants duped into buying uninhabitable homes at exorbitant prices - Despite the large number of cases over the past several years in which Ethiopian immigrants have used their government housing rights to purchase substandard housing under questionable selling practices in Ashdod, Lod, Rehovot and Haifa, neither the Housing Ministry nor the Immigrant Absorption Ministry has taken action until recently


Stressed army makes U.S. vulnerable: retired general - The disastrous state of the U.S. military is putting the country in strategic peril, a retired U.S. general said on the eve of a showdown between President George W. Bush and Democrats over paying for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Charges dropped against Marine in Haditha killings - Charges have been dropped against one of the eight U.S. Marines accused in the killing of 24 Iraqi civilians in the town of Haditha and he has been granted immunity for his testimony, the Marine Corps said on Tuesday.

Iraq war veteran holds hostage, wants treatment - Pritchard said one of the conditions of the man's surrender was that he receive treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, from which the man believed he was suffering because of his service in Iraq.

An army popping at the seams - Two events of the past week illustrated the increasing stresses and strains on the US military as it tries to sustain both its "surge" in Iraq and its overall military presence in Iraq.




Afghan govt raids TV station over news clip-broadcaster - Afghanistan's attorney-general, accused by critics of regularly breaking the law, has raided Tolo television, one of the country's most popular stations, over a news broadcast, Tolo said on Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: How's that for democracy made in America? Another attorney general that breaks the law!

British journos boycott Israel - Britain's National Union of Journalists has voted to boycott Israeli goods in protest against last year's "savage, pre-planned attack" on Lebanon and the "slaughter of civilians" in Gaza. It compared the situation to apartheid in South Africa, and called for Britain and the UN to impose sanctions on Israel.


New aspartame data to be presented at Mount Sinai School of Medicine - These data demonstrated for the first time that aspartame is a carcinogenic agent, inducing various types of malignant tumors in rats, even at dose levels currently considered acceptable for humans.

Bill Would Require Labels on Cloned Food - If passed, the requirement could be more stringent than federal rules. The Food and Drug Administration is poised to give final approval to meat and milk from cloned animals without any special labeling, though a bill introduced in Congress would require it.

Deamonte Driver is Dead and You Can Thank Bill Kristol - William Kristol, one of the most influential Republicans in the country, sent out a memo in 1993 on the forthcoming health care proposal. What he said was "that congressional Republicans should work to "kill" -- not amend -- the Clinton plan because it presents a real danger to the Republican future: Its passage will give the Democrats a lock on the crucial middle-class vote and revive the reputation of the party." (via) Think about that. He said that Republicans should kill -- sight unseen, I should emphasize -- the bill. Not because he was opposed to what he said -- he hadn't seen it; he didn't know what it said. But because it would give Democrats an advantage.


Cambodian police chief's US visit condemned - A US-based human rights group Tuesday condemned Washington's decision to host Cambodian police chief Hok Lundy for counter-terrorism talks, saying he is implicated in numerous crimes.


Kay Griggs - Audio Interview - An interview with respected Military wife: Kay Griggs. The truth behind the scenes of The Pentagon, CIA and senior levels of Law Enforcement and the U.S.Government.

The USS Liberty Case: The Israel Who Attacked Us Then is Destroying Us Now - In short, Israel deliberately attacked the USS Liberty, knowing full well who and what it was. 34 dead Americans and 171 wounded was the result. - Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara deliberately ordered the American naval fighters scrambled to help the Liberty, launched from the USS America and the USS Saratoga, to stand down.

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