Date: May 7th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Queen Elizabeth, a Symbol of Inhumanity

It baffles me that people are still enamored by royalty. Keeping the public thirst for Princess Dianna information was an industry! Queen Elizabeth's visit to the US is considered a major event! What the heck does anyone care about these people of privilege for?

Royalty is a load of crap! It signifies nothing but a class system where some people are better than others simply because of their bloodline! Sorry, but I don't buy it! Let me remind my fellow humans that at the other end of the social spectrum lie drones, slaves, meant to serve queens and royal families! The entire concept is vile to me. It makes me sick to watch a nation, my nation, treat with respect a royal family of a nation that we went to war with in order to get away from royal rule!

I know I am going to get hammered because of today's commentary, but I just had to get this off of my chest. It has been bothering me for years and I just wanted to say it. I despise the concept of bloodline royalty and I am quite disturbed that my position on this is not more popular.

So next time you rush to read about a prince or princess, take a look in the mirror and understand that you are accepting your place as a drone! Think about it! - Jesse –Editor,

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2 Car Bombings in Iraq Kill 25
- Two car bombs exploded near a police checkpoint just north of Ramadi today, killing 25, including six police officers, and wounding 51 others, according to Col. Iaria Yusuf, the Iraqi security supervisor in the Anbar province.

For Iraqi Soldiers, A Medical Morass - Lack of Facilities Leaves Wounded To Seek Own Care

Sunni politician blasts Iraqi government - The leader of parliament's largest Sunni Arab bloc complained Sunday that Sunni members of the Shiite-led government were marginalized and given no real authority, charging that an 11-week-old U.S.-backed security push in Baghdad was victimizing the city's Sunni residents.

Afghan soldier kills 2 U.S. troops - An Afghan soldier shot and killed two U.S. soldiers and wounded two more outside a top-security prison near Kabul Sunday, a U.S. military spokesman said.

12 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq attacks - Roadside bombings proved deadly for U.S. forces on Sunday. One in Diyala province killed six Task Force Lightning soldiers and a journalist accompanying them. Three soldiers were killed in separate roadside bombings — two others on Sunday and one on Friday, the military said.

White House searches for war czar - Now that the White House is searching for a "war czar," it begs the question of who has been coordinating U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan the past four years.

Fighting fund: The US$564 billion war for profit - Total proposed US military spending for 2008 is larger than military spending by all of the other nations in the world combined.

Leaked video of US troops in Iraq - This is a leaked video of US troops in Iraq. They're tired of the war, America is tired of the war, and the so is the rest of the world. We can't say we agree with what these soldiers are saying, we think it's very sad that this is their attitude toward these Iraqi kids...but this is a reflection of their frustration with their own situations ~ when will this bloody war finally just be over???


Missouri attorney a focus in firings
- Bradley Schlozman moved aggressively where Graves had not, announcing felony indictments of four workers for a liberal activist group on voter registration fraud charges less than a week before the 2006 election.


U.S. refiners set for big profits as pump prices soar
- U.S. refiners' glittering profits are expected to jump this year as robust demand growth from motorists and recurring snags at aging plants push fuel prices near record territory, analysts said.

150,000 U.S. layoffs for IBM? - This is according to my many friends at Big Blue, who believe they are about to undergo the biggest restructuring of IBM since the Gerstner days, only this time for all the wrong reasons.

9/11 News :

Psychiatrists and Psychologists: Government's 9/11 Story is Crazy
- As all these sane and generally educated people, including many experts in various area, raise objections to the government's fairy tale the mainstream media looks more and more ridiculous and corrupted by not (ever) reporting even a single word of it. It becomes more and more obvious that the big corporate news networks are heavily involved and complicit in covering up the truth about 911.




Whistle-Blower On Student Aid Is Vindicated - When Jon Oberg, a Department of Education researcher, warned in 2003 that student lending companies were improperly collecting hundreds of millions in federal subsidies and suggested how to correct the problem, his supervisor told him to work on something else.

U.S. Frees International Terrorist - Following the mass slaughter on the Virginia Tech campus, the U.S. government quietly released a convicted terrorist and mass murderer.

DOJ Busts Author of Cracking the Code - The Department of Justice has announced that it has obtained a permanent injunction against Peter Eric Hendrickson, author of Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America:


Famous Caymans coral reefs dying, scientists say - To coral reef-driven tourism industries like those of the Cayman Islands, there could be a greater cost in ignoring climate change than fighting it.

INCREDIBLE TORNADO VIDEO!! May 4, 2007 - Ellis Co., OK - storm chasers Reed Timmer and Joel Taylor shot this INSANE video of a violent tornado from within 50 yards!!! We had to back up at the last second, and my cell phone fell out on the road and was taken away by the tornado!!


Wolfowitz aide resigns from World Bank
- One of two key aides to World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz resigned on Monday, saying he could no longer effectively help advance the mission of the institution under the current leadership crisis.

A bloody legacy: Blair's disastrous war in Iraq has made Britain a more dangerous place - One enduring legacy of the Blair era will be the massive increase in surveillance and diminution of civil liberties.

Colombia Finds 211 Bodies in Mass Graves - Forensic teams have unearthed 211 bodies buried in dozens of mass graves near a single town in southern Colombia in the past 10 months, a legacy of fierce fighting in this coca-rich land.

Chavez Aims to Meet Left's Energy Needs - President Hugo Chavez said Saturday that Venezuela is ready to become the sole energy supplier to Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Haiti, presenting the countries with his most generous offer yet of oil-funded diplomacy in the region.

Olmert and cronies unimpressed by protest, vow to ignore calls to quit - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's associates downplayed the massive rally Thursday night in Tel Aviv, calling it "irrelevant."
TVNL Comment: Sure because in Israel, the great "democracy" that we hear about all the time as being the only democracy in the middle east, it does not matter what the people think. The people's views are "irrelevant!" How's that for democracy? Just like here in the US!!!

The biggest poll debacle in the history of British democracy sees up to one in ten votes thrown out - SCOTLAND'S status as a modern democracy was dealt a grievous blow yesterday by a scandal in which up to one in ten votes in the Holyrood election were thrown in the bin uncounted.

Anti-U.S. Uproar Sweeps Italy - The U.S. government has proposed to make Vicenza, Italy, the largest US military site in Europe, but the people of Vicenza, and all of Italy, have sworn it will never happen.


The Army’s Abuse of Its Own Extends Far Beyond Walter Reed - “At the military’s upper levels, abuse is widely believed to be not only desirable but absolutely necessary to have a disciplined, effective military and keep everyone in line,” a former Army enlisted man, Tim Moriarty, wrote to me. “Instilling in someone the ‘fear of God’ (or rather, the fear of the Army) is the first thing one encounters when joining the Army. It’s a lesson drilled down deep into the psyche, and it’s meant to last for life, or at least the duration of one’s enlistment.”

Deployed Troops Battle for Child Custody - A federal law called the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is meant to protect them by staying civil court actions and administrative proceedings during military activation. They can't be evicted. Creditors can't seize their property. Civilian health benefits, if suspended during deployment, must be reinstated. - And yet service members' children can be - and are being - taken from them after they are deployed.

Experts contradict Pentagon on anti-RPG tests - Last September, NBC News first reported on a fierce debate within the Pentagon over Trophy, an Israeli-made weapons system, that literally shoots down rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and even more deadly anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs).
TVNL Comment: Why haven't we let our troops protect themselves with this? Because it's not about supporting the's about supporting the bankrolls of the war profiteers!

4 Kan. Soldiers, Reserve Cop Arrested - Four soldiers and a reserve police officer were arrested Sunday on suspicion of looting cigarettes and alcohol from a store in this tornado-ravaged town, state officials said.

Army to be trained on new Internet rules - The Army’s new operational security regulation requires soldiers, Army civilians and contractors to consult with their immediate supervisor and OPSEC officer for a review before using information in a public forum. “This includes, but it not limited to letters, resumes, articles for publication, electronic mail, Web site postings, discussion in Internet information forums, discussion in Internet message boards or other forms of dissemination or documentation,” according to the regulation.
TVNL Comment: How is that for freedom! Who hates our freedom more than our own leaders?

Discharged gay sailor is called back to active duty - “However, because I was gay, the Navy discharged me and recouped my 13k sign-on bonus. Nine months later, the Navy recalled me to active duty. Did I accept despite everything that happened? Of course I did, and I would do it again. Because I love the Navy and I love my country. And despite Pace’s opinion, my shipmates support me.”
TVNL Comment: Military to homosexuals: Attention all faggots...we are desparate, please help us now even though we don't consider you to be human beings.

Blackwater: Shadow Army - The Nation's Jeremy Scahill describes the rise of Blackwater USA, the world's most powerful mercenary army.


Queen Elizabeth, a Symbol of Inhumanity - Royalty is a load of crap! It signifies nothing but a class system where some people are better than others simply because of their bloodline! Sorry, but I don’t buy it! Let me remind my fellow humans that at the other end of the social spectrum lie drones, slaves, meant to serve queens and royal families!

Maher Slams Conservatives Who Poison the National Debate - Bill Maher blasts conservatives who dismiss everything French as if it's somehow now "the ultimate argument winner" (see: "Kerry looks French" or Bill O'Reilly's boycott), then goes off on how conservative social issues tarnish the political process.


Editorial Demands for U.S. Pullout in Iraq Grow - The editorial pages of many American newspapers have long been harshly critical of the conduct of the war in Iraq, but very few major papers have ever called for a U.S. withdrawal any time soon.

Major Dow Jones shareholder opposes News Corp. bid - Ottaway's statement, published on The Wall Street Journal's Web site on Sunday, said the sale to News Corp. and its chief executive, Rupert Murdoch, would damage Dow Jones' reputation for accurate, fair, objective and reliable business news reporting.

Kansas City Paper Hatchets McClatchy Story on Missouri GOP 'Voter Fraud' Scam to Make it GOP Friendly - LINK - Yet Another Mind-Blowing Mainstream Media Embarrassment...

Yellow Journalism: We plant. You decide. - News media and journalists should not be protecting the government, pushing government policies, or failing to scrutinize dubious or unverifiable "intelligence" sources.

Author drafts a novel case against Bush - You are a grand juror deciding whether to indict President George W. Bush and his closest aides. You wade through legalese, listen to testimony from FBI special agents, and try to decide if the leader of the free world committed conspiracy to defraud the United States by going to war with Iraq under false pretenses.

You are a Mind Control subject -During World War I, Lippman and Bernays were hired by then President, Woodrow Wilson to participate in the Creel Commission, the mission of which was to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war and encourage censorship of the American press.




Iraqis jail many innocents, U.S. says - U.S. officers here say they are increasingly troubled by the high number of innocent Iraqis being detained and held — in some cases for many months — by the Iraqi army.

Israeli security accused of torture - Two Israeli human rights groups claim the country's security service uses torture in interrogating Palestinian prisoners, violating a 1999 court ruling outlawing such practices.



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