Date: May 16th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Oh Government....Please Protect Me From Those Threatening Vitamins!

While he Bush administration makes sure that we have the freedom to breath in more pollutants every day, and while they allow environmental polluters to comply with voluntary regulations the FDA is getting ready to protect Americans from all of those dangerous nutrients that we need to live! That's right...vitamins are about to be outlawed!

Do a little research and you will find that there is a world wide effort, backed by big pharma, to keep nutrients out of the hands of citizens. This is outrageous!

The FDA, an institution that has made an art form out of approving drugs with more dangerous side effects than a drunk driver, is about to protect you from vitamin C! Ladies and gentlemen...these people must be stopped! I ask you to do a little research on this. The issue is bigger than one or two recent articles on may indicate!

It becomes more apparent every day that government has become the enemy of the people. It is going to be interesting to see how far we citizens let this go. Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!


9 mortar rounds hit Baghdad's Green Zone
- Also Wednesday, a parked car bomb exploded near a market in a Shiite enclave northeast of Baghdad, killing at least 32 people and wounding 50, police said.

Bush picks Gen. Lute as "war czar" for Iraq - Lute has been director of operations of the Pentagon's Joint Staff. He will report directly to the president and will work closely with Bush's national security adviser, Stephen Hadley.

U.S. scrambles to keep Kirkuk from igniting - When a bomb goes off here, Lt. Col. Michael Browder's job is to make it seem like the attack never happened.

U.S. Embassy employees fearful over Green Zone attacks - U.S. Embassy employees in Iraq are growing increasingly angry over what they say are inadequate security precautions in the heavily fortified Green Zone, where recent mortar and rocket attacks have claimed the lives of six people, including two U.S. citizens.

Death squad activity up 40 percent in a month - As the White House stood firm in its commitment to a troop surge in the Iraq war, statistics released this week show a key indicator of progress in Iraq trending in the wrong direction.


Bush Pick Gets Extra Payment From Old Job
- A senior lobbyist at the National Association of Manufacturers nominated by President Bush to lead the Consumer Product Safety Commission will receive a $150,000 departing payment from the association when he takes his new government job, which involves enforcing consumer laws against members of the association.

President Intervened in Dispute Over Eavesdropping - Mr. Bush quelled the revolt over the program’s legality by allowing it to continue without Justice Department approval, also directing department officials to take the necessary steps to bring it into compliance with the law, according to Congressional testimony by the former deputy attorney general, James B. Comey.

The hospital room showdown - Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey tells the tale of a remarkable attempt by the White House to bully John Ashcroft in his hospital bed.

Perle Turns on Bush in Harsh Terms - The Bush administration is beginning to appease rather than confront America's enemies, a former chairman of the Defense Policy Board and leading neoconservative thinker said yesterday, describing the president as "a failure" who is proving powerless to impose his views on his administration.
TVNL Comment: Pearl is a PNAC member who created much of the Bush policies placing Israel's needs over ours.


115 California Consumer Groups Call Upon Home Mortgage Lenders to Halt Accelerating Foreclosures Caused by Predatory Loans
- One hundred fifteen community and consumer organizations led by the California Reinvestment Coalition (CRC) today called upon six leading mortgage lenders to stem the statewide tide of home foreclosures resulting from predatory loans. The lenders are being asked to declare a temporary moratorium and direct homeowners to financial solutions that will allow them to keep their homes.

9/11 News :

Update: Silverstein Family Were All "Running Late" On 9/11
- Amazing coincidences spared all three Silversteins from harm

Ground Zero Illnesses Clouding Giuliani’s Legacy - Anyone who watched Rudolph W. Giuliani preside over ground zero in the days after 9/11 glimpsed elements of his strength: decisiveness, determination, self-confidence.

New Footage Re-Ignites BBC Building 7 Controversy - More 9/11 archive footage has been unearthed of BBC correspondent Jane Standley, this time from the evening of September 11, in which her audio cuts out again - for the second time that day - when she begins to discuss Building 7.

Claim: Silverstein Warned Not To Come To Work On 9/11 - 9/11 truth activist says security guards spilled beans, while one gets fired for calling in a false bomb threat to frame demonstrators




Worm attacked voter database in notorious Florida district - Machine in hotly contested FL-13 lain low on first day of election by Slammer

House votes to put 'under God' in Texas pledge - House lawmakers voted 124-5 to put the words "under God" in the Texas pledge of allegiance recited by thousands of school children every day. The change mirrors the national pledge, which has included "under God" since 1954.
TVNL Comment: How screwed up is this nation. Official acceptance of mythology.


The Hippies Were Right! - Green homes? Organic food? Nature is good? Time to give the ol' tie-dyers some respect

Scientists urge half of Canada forest be protected - The scientists say Canada's Boreal Forest, stretching from the Alaskan border and running north of the plains all the way to Newfoundland on the Atlantic, is one of largest intact forest-and-wetland ecosystems remaining on earth.


Report: Israel Soldiers Hurt In Secret Anthrax Experiment
- Some 800 Israeli soldiers from have participated in the program since 1999. They were sworn to secrecy, and forbidden to tell even their families about the program even after they began displaying serious medical symptoms.

Angry Wolfowitz in four-letter tirade - An angry and bitter Paul Wolfowitz poured abuse and threatened retaliations on senior World Bank staff if his orders for pay rises and promotions for his partner were revealed, according to new details published last night.

Wolfowitz 'broke World Bank laws' - A panel of executives at the World Bank says its President Paul Wolfowitz broke bank rules in awarding a substantial pay rise to his girlfriend.


Sole US officer charged over Abu Ghraib to face trial - The only US military officer charged with tormenting prisoners at Baghdad's infamous Abu Ghraib jail will stand trial in August, a judge ruled Tuesday, amid claims that the government itself is getting off scot-free.

The Ban on Milblogging - "It's awfully hard for me to sit there and say you have to come down on these bloggers, when they themselves, especially the senior staff at the Pentagon, are leaking more information than every other source combined."

Airman Guilty of Assaulting Teen Girls - An airman was sentenced to four years in confinement after being found guilty of sex charges involving underage girls, Edwards Air Force Base officials said Friday.

U.S. Army faces shortage of junior officers-memo - The U.S. Army, stretched thin by wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, has only half of the senior captains it needs and will offer money and other incentives to keep those officers, according to a memo obtained by Reuters on Monday.


Inciting a New Cold War: Hypocritical U.S. Views about Russia's Democracy - These same Russians now view the emerging American outcry about Russia's backsliding from democracy as nothing more than the resurfacing of a Cold War mindset that many Americans in both political parties have never abandoned.


Near U.S. Media Blackout of Afghan Parliament - This diary would have been titled "Total U.S. Media Blackout of Afghan Parliament", except that I can find one paragraph in the New York Times, half-way through a three-page story; and I can find one sentence in a story from "All Headline News" out of Las Vegas.

A Nod to Journalistic Integrity Is Seen in an Editor’s Return - Last week, the International Data Group removed the chief executive of its largest-circulation computer magazine, PC World, and reinstated its top editor, who had quit days earlier over the executive’s decision to not run an article critical of an advertiser.


FDA acquiring new powers to suppress alternative health - Regulatory trickery: The FDA's strategy for outlawing supplements

Report: U.S. health care expensive, inefficient - America ranks last among six countries on key measures, group finds

M&S joins race to ban artificial additives from their food - Marks & Spenscer has become the latest store chain to announce it will remove artificial colours and flavours from 99 per cent of its food products by the end of the year.

NEXIUM - A Staggering Number of Side Effects - Endoscopic findings that were reported as adverse events include: duodenitis, esophagitis, esophageal stricture, esophageal ulceration, esophageal varices, gastric ulcer, gastritis, hernia, benign polyps or nodules, Barrett's esophagus, and mucosal discoloration.

People who feel wronged can really take it to heart - A study finds that those who think they've been treated unfairly are more likely to have coronary problems.




Multimillionaire Bush's wealth eclipsed by Cheney - Cheney reported assets valued at $21 million to around $100 million. Cheney gained much of his wealth from his former role heading oil service firm Halliburton Co..

Jerry Falwell dies at age 73 - I have another idea — I’ll document Jerry Falwell’s professional life and let his record speak for itself.

JFK Conspirator Wanted Every Kennedy Dead - E. Howard Hunt wanted to "finish the job" by killing Senator Ted Kennedy, greeted news of RFK's assassination with satisfaction

Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch - They are too busy partying down in Georgetown, Argentina and god-knows-where-else to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.

Hitchens vs. Hannity on Religion and God - Christopher Hitchens, author of the new book God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, debates Sean Hannity on the existence of God.

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