Date: May 17th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: 27 Buildings on 104 Acres is NOT an Embassy; It's an Occupation.

Keeping track of the lies of the establishment media and the Bush administration is like trying to keep track of sand and dirt particles during a tornado. But once in a while a huge chuck hits you right in the face! Even still...the establishment media pretend it's not there.

We hear George W. Bush lie regularly about almost everything he says. But on the issue of Iraq we have heard many times how the Unites States will be leaving Iraq when the Iraqi's are able to stand on their own. OK...fine...but how does that explain the 104 acre so called embassy consisting of 27 buildings? Leaving a 104 acre city in Iraq does not exactly meet the description of “leaving!”

Here we have a long time coming, in your face clear and obvious piece of proof that George W. Bush lies when he talks about plans for Iraq, and the establishment media will not inform the public about this. Not one word of this is ever mentioned on TV. 104 ACRES!!! Holy cow...give me a break! Did we steal the land from the Iraqis for this or did OUR tax dollars pay for it? Either way it is another smoking gun exposing the many lies of George W. Bush! We are not leaving Iraq, no way, no how, even though George W. Bush says otherwise.

104 acres does not make an embassy. It makes a city, a base, occupied territory, but most of all in this case 104 acres serves as proof of another lie of George W. Bush and another lie to the American people by the media.

Seven years on I am trying to find one thing that George W. Bush has not lied about and I am trying to find one lie that the establishment media accurately described as intentional and willing deception by George W. Bush. Then again I am still trying to figure out where the tooth fairy lives. How silly of me to try and find the answers to these obvious issues! Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

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27 Buildings on 104 Acres is NOT an Embassy; It’s an Occupation.
- 104 acres does not make an embassy. It makes a city, a base, occupied territory, but most of all in this case 104 acres serves as proof of another lie of George W. Bush and another lie to the American people by the media.

A Very Bleak New Report on Iraq - Among its stark conclusions:

War-torn Iraq 'facing collapse' - Iraq faces the distinct possibility of collapse and fragmentation, UK foreign policy think tank Chatham House says.

Insurgents destroy US helicopter, damage nine in Iraq - Insurgents destroyed a US military helicopter and damaged nine others in a mortar attack on a US airfield north of Baghdad, a US defense official said Wednesday.

World's Biggest U.S. Embassy May Not Be Quite Big Enough - For all those who keep whining about how the government can't do anything right, we're happy to report that the massive New Embassy Compound in Baghdad, the biggest U.S. embassy on earth, is going to be completed pretty much as scheduled in August.

Iraqi forces' progress said exaggerated - "Some unclassified reporting ... has exaggerated this progress and Iraqi success to date," Anthony H. Cordesman, who holds the Arleigh A. Burke chair in strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank, said in a statement Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: This is a nice way of saying that the administration has been lying about the progress.

Loud explosions heard near Baghdad Green Zone - At least six powerful explosions rocked the Assassin's Gate area near Iraq's defence ministry and the US embassy, which are inside the walled district and a prime target for insurgent gunners.


All hail the king
- Bush has surrounded himself with loyalists, who fervently pledged their fealty, enforced the loyalty of others and sought to make loyal converts. Now Bush's long downfall is descending into a series of revenge tragedies in which the characters are helpless against the furies of their misplaced loyalties and betrayals.

Comey offers High Drama — and maybe High crimes? - Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey seems to have raised eyebrows throughout the political world with his Senate Judiciary Committee testimony yesterday. While the prosecutor purge was supposed to be the key topic of the hearing, Comey’s story about the 2004 reathorization of the NSA warrantless-search program turned out to be the big news.

Gonzales rebuked by law school classmates - Fifty-six former law school classmates of US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales have signed an open letter published Tuesday, rebuking Gonzales for his "failure to stand for the rule of law" and failure at doing "the tough job of providing independent counsel" and urging Gonzales "to restore respect for the rule of law."


Paid vacation? U.S. workers have no guarantees
- While the French get 30 days of paid leave and most other Europeans receive at least 20, the country with the world's biggest economy does not guarantee workers a single day, researchers said on Wednesday.

Details emerge on IRS plans to tax eBay auctions - The IRS has made no secret of the fact that it wants Internet auction companies like eBay to provide more information about high-volume sellers to the government in order to help close the "tax gap" between what Americans owe and what they pay. But now the official proposals are finally on the table, and Ars has had a look at the documents. Here's what you can expect if the changes go through.

9/11 News :

Former EPA Chief Refuses to Testify On Post-9/11 Air Quality
- Christine Todd Whitman, the former administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency, has refused to testify before a congressional subcommittee, regarding the government's handling of the air quality at the World Trade Center site following the 9/11 attacks.


LETTER: Senators Ask Gonzales If He'd Like to Revise Previous Testimony on Wiretap Program in Light of Contradicting Comey Testimony - The Senators sent the following letter today to Gonzales, reminding him of the apparent huge contradictions in his testimony as compared to Comey's, and to ask him for a "prompt response to the following question: In light of Mr. Comey’s testimony yesterday, do you stand by your 2006 Senate and House testimony, or do you wish to revise it?"

Leahy threatens White House with subpoenas - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Wednesday sent a strongly worded letter to President Bush’s counsel Fred Fielding and threatened to issue subpoenas if the White House continues to “stonewall” an investigation into its involvement in the firing of several U.S. attorneys.


Top US officials nearly resigned over spy program - Top US Justice Department officials threatened to resign three years ago over a domestic eavesdropping program until President George W. Bush intervened to defuse the revolt, according to a former deputy attorney general.

Commerce Inspector General Broke Whistle-Blower Law, Report Finds - The Commerce Department's inspector general, who is supposed to look into complaints of wrongdoing by government officials, committed "egregious violations" of the federal law that protects whistle-blowers by retaliating against two subordinates, a government investigation has concluded.

White House Censors Internal Civil Liberties Watchdog Board - Last night Keith interviewed Lanny Davis, the only Democratic member of the president’s civil liberties watchdog board, who recently resigned after the Bush administration made “substantial” edits to the board’s annual report to Congress.


BP's oil spill in Alaska blamed on cost-cutting - BP's ceaseless efforts to promote itself as an environmentally responsible energy producer took a serious blow yesterday after a US congressional committee said "a mountain of evidence" showed the company's cost-cutting on maintenance had led to a large oil spill in Alaska. The US government said it was "highly likely" to fine BP over the leaks.


Mexico asks U.S. to help stop arms flow
- Mexican authorities are facing gunfire from increasingly well-armed traffickers and officials say the vast majority of the weapons are smuggled from the United States.




The 59-Year Catastrophe - Yes, there were Palestinians there. But, they were not prepared for the attacks on their civilian life by the Zionist terrorist groups ­ the Haganah, the Irgun and the Stern Gang ­ the highly organised and illicitly-armed Zionist insurgents who had infiltrated Palestinian society during the British Mandate period. They attacked without warning and without mercy ­ both the English who controlled Palestine and the Palestinians.


DC-Based XM Radio Faces Deluge of Cancellations After Opie & Anthony Suspension - Most subscribers signed up for Washington’s XM satellite radio service because they thought certain content rules would be more lax than those placed by the FCC on terrestrial radio stations.

Jon Stewart Grills Tim Russert on Rove and Gonzo - Timmeh was on "The Daily Show" last night and got grilled by Jon Stewart about how Karl Rove, Alberto Gonzales and the rest of the liars can get away with their blatant lies and the coziness of the Washington press corps.

SHAME ON YOU DAILY KOS - As for Daily Kos' investment in progressive and liberal issues like civil and human rights, the word is that Kos the owner doesn't care one way or another about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, even though it is a core issue in American foreign policy. That's an interesting prospective when a Left Wing Democrat does not care about human rights issues.


Chromium in drinking water causes cancer: U.S. agency - A type of chromium highlighted in the film "Erin Brockovich" causes cancer in lab animals when they drink it in water, and it could be harmful to people, the U.S. National Institutes of Health said on Wednesday.

FDA food safety plan got cold reception: WSJ - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration came up with a plan earlier this year for tough regulations on handling fresh produce but its parent agency gave the proposal a cold reception, the Wall Street Journal reported on its Web site on Wednesday.

US health system ranks last compared to other countries: studies - The US health care system ranks last among other major rich countries for quality, access and efficiency, according to two studies released Tuesday by a health care think tank.


170 New Yorkers' Gay Marriages Upheld - The marriages of more than 170 gay couples from New York who wed in Massachusetts before last July are valid because New York had not yet explicitly banned same-sex marriages, a Massachusetts judge ruled.

Palestinians abandon 1,000 Hebron homes under IDF, settler pressure - A report by two major Israeli civil rights organizations that was issued Sunday indicates that Palestinians abandoned more than 1,000 homes and at least 1,829 businesses in the center of Hebron due to pressure by the Israel Defense Forces, the police and Jewish settlers. Many of those referred to fled during the second intifada, beginning in September 2000.
TVNL Comment: The US media, in a conspiratorial manner, ignores this type of story and anyone who tries to discuss it is labeled an anti-Semite.


Hitchens slams Falwell’s life - HITCHENS: The empty life of this ugly little charlatan proves only one thing: that you can get away with the most extraordinary offenses to morality and to truth in this country if you will just get yourself called Reverend.

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