Date: May 23rd 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: What Makes Black Ops Legal?

Hello police? I want to report a possible crime in the White House. Oh, it's out of your jurisdiction? Who can I call to report this? Nobody? Oh, this is America and there is no place to report crimes committed by the President.”

When a US president orders the CIA to interfere with the internal affairs of another nation, help fix foreign elections or instigate, support or conduct political coups by way of military takeovers or assassinations, is he breaking the law? Where is it written in our Constitution that a president can use our tax money to break international law or to mess with the political systems of other nations, including nations with democratic rule?

I wonder how the American people would feel about their nation if they understood the history of US involvement in international affairs. I wonder how they would feel if they knew that at one time the US covertly supported most of the people or nations that eventually end up being America's greatest enemies. From al Qaeda's roots as the CIA trained forces in Afghanistan (supported to defeat the Russians), to the Sha if Iran to the financial support of Hitler and his war machine (thank George W. Bush's grandfather for that one), America's conduct around the world, using our tax money, is responsible for some pretty bad things.

But the American people will never know what their nation actually does. The media work hand in hand with our leaders to create policy and decide what to tell the American people, if anything at all. If you need proof of this just look at the upcoming super secret Bilderberg meeting where world leaders meet with media owners to discuss issues like Iran. Media owners should not be meeting with policy makers, they should be reporting about policy makers. Here you have a long history of the media meeting in secret with leaders of the world to discuss global issues yet they do not report about these meetings. What do you think they are talking about? The media is there because they are in integral part of the establishment, they are not the journalists who are supposed to report to the people, not brain wash them.

So now we read about covert operations designed to destabilize Iran, and I ask...who asked me for my OK do spend my tax money this way. I think the funniest thing about America is that Americans believe that we live in a democracy. Yet when you ask Americans what part they play in this so called democracy all they say is that they vote. Well the few who vote say that. So once a year, or once every two to four years people go into a little booth and press some buttons or pop some chads from a punch card. That's it. That's the average American's total involvement in this so called democracy. And in the meantime our leaders do whatever the hell they want to anyone they feel like messing with.

Democracy? Give me a break. Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

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Nine U.S. warships enter Gulf for training
- Nine U.S. military ships, including two aircraft carriers, passed through the Straights of Hormuz on Wednesday, the largest number of U.S. military vessels to enter the Gulf since 2003, the U.S. military said.
TVNL Comment: And we are to believe that the nations of that region have no say over American warships practicing to kill the people of that region in their own waters.

Nine more US soldiers killed in Iraq - All nine of the soldiers and marines were killed on Tuesday in a series of incidents, some of them in an area where the troops were searching for three of their comrades who were captured 11 days ago.

Finnish Soldier, 3 Others Killed by Bomb - A bomb in northern Afghanistan killed a Finnish soldier and an Afghan civilian Wednesday, while a suicide attacker in the capital killed two people, including a policeman, officials said.

IRAQ: Where Nobody Is Accountable - It is the occupation forces, particularly the United States and Britain, that must be held accountable, many Iraqis say.

White House says bin Laden ordered Iraq plots - Osama bin Laden ordered al Qaeda's leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, to form a cell in 2005 to plot attacks outside of Iraq and make the United States his main target, a senior U.S. official said on Tuesday.

Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against Iran - The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert "black" operation to destabilize the Iranian government, current and former officials in the intelligence community tell the Blotter on
TVNL Comment: Which part of the Constitution allows a US President to break international law and destabelize other nations?

The Green Zone Is "The Most Dangerous Place In Iraq" Claims Iraqi Foreign Minister - In a revelation that will no doubt come as a surprise to millions of people living in the slums of Baghdad, the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, stated that the people most at risk of being killed in his country are living and working inside the Green Zone.

Car Bombing in Baghdad Market Kills 25 - A parked car bomb ripped through a crowded outdoor market Tuesday in southwestern Baghdad, killing 25 people despite a three-month-old security crackdown meant to reduce violence in the capital.

Bush administration quietly boosting troop levels in second 'surge' - When additional support troops are included in this second troop "surge," the total number of U.S. troops in Iraq could increase from 162,000 now to more than 200,000 — a record high number — by the end of the year.

Influx of Al Qaeda, money into Pakistan is seen - U.S. officials say the terrorist network's command base is increasingly being funded by cash coming out of Iraq.


The President won't fire him -- but YOU can
- Our leaders. What a joke.

Former Rove aide pleads the Fifth on White House contacts with convicted lobbyist Abramoff - "The subjects this morning that she will be unable to testify to...are the subjects of the relationship between Jack Abramoff and his associates and White House officials, including Ms. Ralston, and the subject of the use by White House officials of political e-mail accounts at the RNC," Ralston's lawyer, Bradford Berenson said, during the May 10 deposition. "She has material, useful information about both of those subjects."

Goodling in tears over attorney firings - "'All I ever wanted to do was serve this president and this administration and this department,'" Goodling said during a March 8 conversation, according to Associate Deputy Attorney General David Margolis.

More on Gonzales’s National Security Violations - Law professors David Luban and Marty Lederman discuss the ethics and legality of Gonzales’s conduct



9/11 News :

Too Incompetent to Carry Out 9/11?
- Not so fast. Are Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld really that incompetent?

Bush Outsources the Task of Catching bin Laden - NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reports on how the Bush administration pays the Pakistani government $1 billion a year to hunt down Osama bin Laden, and demands zero accountability as to how that money is spent.
TVNL Comment: Gee, why do you think that is?

"I Helped The U.S. Army Plan The 9/11 Attacks" - In 1976 Congress commissioned a plan to determine how terrorists could attack the World Trade Center under the guise of an "airport security" study. The theoretical (at the time) plan specified how the towers might be felled using commercial aircraft hijacked with nothing more than "box cutters." The exercise, run by the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency, made use of specialists in C-Baterry 2/81st Field Artillery, U.S. Army stationed in Strassburg, Germany. I was one such specialist, I participated in these events was and then went on to work for Army Intelligence and the Department of Defense.

Regarding false flag operations - When you want to stage a false-flag operation, do you need a vast conspiracy? - No.


Republican environmental critic blocks honors for Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring - A Republican Senator known for his criticism of various environmental causes is single-handedly holding up two bills in the US Senate that would honor the life of Rachel Carson, author of the well-known book Silent Spring

Congress seeks missing billions in Iraq - Members of Congress dem­anded on Tuesday that the Bush administration explain how billions of dollars of US taxpayers’ money had gone missing in Iraq in what they called a disastrous effort to rebuild the country.

Goodling fails to turn over documents subpoenaed by House committee - Former top Justice Department aide Monica Goodling was chided by the House Judiciary Committee for failing to turn over documents that had been subpoenaed as part of the investigation into the firing of 8 US Attorneys. Goodling is set to testify before the Committee on Wednesday.

Withdrawal timetable dropped from war spending bill - Congressional Democrats plan to send to President Bush a war-spending bill without a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, two Democratic leadership aides tell CNN.


Changes Spurred Buying, Abuses - In February 2005, an auditor at the General Services Administration presented evidence to agency leaders that one of the government's top technology contractors was overcharging taxpayers.

Big Oil buys Sacramento - Gasoline prices are stuck well above last year's record highs and about 50 cents above the national average. Yet state politicians are not saying or doing a thing, except for raking in political cash from the oil companies and flying around the world on their dime. - Schwarzenegger collected a $100,000 check May 1 from Chevron, the West's largest refiner.

Bomb Plot Thwarted at Falwell's Funeral - The student, 19-year-old Mark D. Uhl of Amissville, Va., reportedly told authorities that he was making the bombs to stop protesters from disrupting the funeral service. The devices were made of a combination of gasoline and detergent, a law enforcement official told ABC News
TVNL Comment: The Christian Taliban back in the news!

Republicans in Texas try to cram through discriminatory voter legislation, force senator to come to work against doctors orders - It's just a new incarnation of the segregationist, confederate poll tax to intimidate minority voters from going to the polls and so I nominate Dewhurst and the 19 human and civil rights- and human-rights denying segregationist, Confederate Texas Republicans for WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD.

What Are Cheney and Addington Hiding About NSA Spying on Americans? - Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey's Senate testimony on May 15—that the entire leadership of the Justice Department was prepared to resign over their disagreement with the White House, particularly with Dick Cheney and his lawyer David Addington—around the NSA domestic surveillance program, raises the question once again: Is the NSA spying program much bigger than has ever been admitted?


Children 'bad for planet' - HAVING large families should be frowned upon as an environmental misdemeanour in the same way as frequent long-haul flights, driving a big car and failing to reuse plastic bags, says a report to be published today by a green think tank.
TVNL Comment: The planet can not support an ever increasing human population.

Our oceans are turning into plastic...are we? - A vast swath of the Pacific, twice the size of Texas, is full of a plastic stew that is entering the food chain. Scientists say these toxins are causing obesity, infertility...and worse.


UN troops 'traded gold for guns'
- Pakistani UN peacekeeping troops have traded in gold and sold weapons to Congolese militia groups they were meant to disarm, the BBC has learnt.

Why the US Government Is Hated All Over the World - The United States is the most hated country on the planet, followed by, to the extent that there is a distinction, Israel. So far as I know, there are no other contenders.

Hersh: Bush administration arranged support for militants attacking Lebanon - A key element of this policy shift was an agreement among Vice President Dick Cheney, Deputy National Security Advisor Elliot Abrams, and Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi national security adviser, whereby the Saudis would covertly fund the Sunni Fatah al-Islam in Lebanon as a counterweight to the Shia Hezbollah.


War stretches nation's ammo supply - Ammunition shipments to local gun shops and police departments are being delayed for months because the Army has more than tripled its demand for small caliber ammunition.


What Makes Black Ops Legal? - “Hello police? I want to report a possible crime in the White House. Oh, it’s out of your jurisdiction? Who can I call to report this? Nobody? Oh, this is America and there is no place to report crimes committed by the President.”

The Holt bill is a poison pill - Mark Crispin Miller on election reform.

The Dixie Chicks Were Right - When the Dixie Chicks spoke out, my son and the sons of my friends were still alive.


10 Disturbing Trends in Subliminal Advertising - Subliminal advertising has gone mainstream - fake news, mind control scripts, propaganda and stealth voicemail are in wide use by corporations, government bodies and industry groups.

Where have all the viewers gone? - In TV's worst spring in recent memory, a startling number of Americans drifted away from television the past two months: More than 2.5 million fewer people were watching ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox than at the same time last year, statistics show.
TVNL Comment: Bravo America!

Spinning the News from Iraq: Most People Believe the President and Republicans Make Things Sound Better Than They Are - The public has become deeply skeptical of all the major sources of news about events in Iraq. Most people see them as either making the news sound better than it is, or making it sound worse than it is. Only minorities (mostly small minorities) believe that any of the six sources covered in this Harris Poll "get the balance about right".

Separation fence guards shoot at journalists - Five reporters covering anti-fence demonstration near West Bank settlement fired at with live ammunition by Defense Ministry security guards

Gossip Columnist Acknowledges Page Six Payola - Richard Johnson, editor of Page Six and one of the most powerful gossip columnists in the media world, has admitted in today's New York Post to accepting a cash payment from New York restaurateur Nello Balan. Balan has been regularly mentioned in Page Six, the famed and widely read gossip page of the Post.


Number 10 hiding blood scandal facts - More than 1,700 patients died and many more are now terminally ill as a result of one of the biggest medical disasters of recent times, when haemophiliacs were given infected blood clotting products during the late Seventies and early Eighties. The products came from American prisoners who were allowed to sell their blood even though there were fears about the risks of contamination.

Monkey dead from bubonic plague in Denver - A Denver Zoo monkey has died of bubonic plague, apparently after eating a squirrel stricken with the disease, Colorado health and zoo officials said on Monday.


US fires on hospital for fun, baby nearly killed - BBC’s Mark Urban inside Sadr City. Interesting to see in one the clips that the US occupation forces shoot at the hospital just for fun, nearly killing a baby in an incubator.


Odd Aerial "Drone"? Photographed Again Over Capitola, California - As a journalist, I would like to learn if our military has some kind of black project for ion electrostatic propulsion drones.

Bilderberg To Be Held In Istanbul - The annual Bilderberg Meeting, which gathers high level officials from the world business, politics and media circles, will be held in Istanbul this year.

Sex Crimes and Vatican - How sweet.

Ralph & the Rabbi: a thinner Reed? - International Fellowship of Christians and Jews scrubbed co-founder Ralph Reed's name from its website after giving Reed's Century Strategies more than $800,000 in contracts

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