Date: May 24th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Elisabeth Hasselbeck: In a Room Without a View

I have got to hand it to the folks over at FOX News. These establishment cronies masquerading as journalists have convinced America that journalism and reality itself are fair and balanced. They have the American people believing that there is always two sides to every issue and that every issue discussed in a public forum must allow equal time and representation to both sides and that countering “opinions” merit equal consideration.

The truth is that reality is rarely balanced. If it is raining outside you can not report that it is not raining just for the sake of being fair and balanced. Practicing “balanced” coverage of reality in essence distorts reality. This is dangerous. It prevents the public from accurately assessing important issues. It is like having one friend tell you not to drink and drive. They tell you the very real facts about how alcohol impairs your vision, affects your reflexes and is responsible for the overwhelming majority of vehicular homicides. Then, just to be balanced you listen to another persons who tells you that it is OK to drive because you only had a few drinks and you only live a few blocks away and so on and so on. Then they cite statistics that show that driving fatalities are caused by many things, not only alcohol and because they found a source for this information that does not view deaths related to drinking and driving as real “homicides”, the numbers look different. That's balanced, but is it really the kind of balance that we need in this world? Do we really need an opinion that is clearly wrong and clearly dangerous just for the sake of having balance?

Following FOX News' pathetically unrealistic precedent the daytime talk show called the View decided that they had to “balance” the reality and common sense provided by Joy Behar Rosie O'Donnell with the idiocy and blind establishment parroting of Elisabeth Hasslebeck. Sometimes ignorance is dangerous. In the case of Ms. Hasslebeck ignorance is not only dangerous, but it is painfully embarrassing. I don't watch the program often, but I do tune in from time to time , mostly to hear a rare sound byte of reality on an establishment controlled broadcast. This reality usually comes from Joy Behar or Rosie O'Donnell about issues like 9/11, the Bush administration or Israel. On these rare occasions I have witnessed the most embarrassing example of a typical American citizen who is completely oblivious to the realities of the world; Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Personally I have not heard a single sentence uttered by this Republican talking point TIVO machine that I could not personally shred and expose as partial information, incomplete information, out of context information or a fabricated misrepresentation of known, officially acknowledged and in most cases undisputed reality.

Now before anyone thinks that I believe that the problem with Ms. Hasslebeck stems from the fact that she utters Republican talking points as opposed to uttering Democratic talking some homework. Research me. Read my writings. This is not about left vs. right. This about a little fairy tales known as American Democracy and the wonderful do no wrong history of the United States of America. Folks, official undisputed history paints a very different picture of the world than the establishment media does. I expose media deception as my profession. I do it full time. I can not explain this claim or back it up in one blog entry. I can however offer to debate anybody on this issue, on TV, with the establishment media big shots. So before anyone “discredits' this article, or my opinion, keep in mind that I would gladly be a guest on the View, 60 Minutes, FOX News, CNN, etc, and I would gladly show the world how these media criminals are the greatest threat to American freedom and democracy. In essence I can show Americans that the media is our enemy. I don't tell people this, I show people this. There is a difference. I offer to back up everything I say, in person, on TV. Even on the View.

Now back to the view. Consider the definition of “balance” in context to the meaning intended by FOX News or our current crop of establishment media criminals: “a state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces.” Taking that definition into account in order to provide balance to “reality”, “truth” or “facts” you would need something radically “unreal” or “baseless.” Enter Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Here you have the counter balance, if you will, to the legitimate fact base information provided to viewers of the television program “The View” by Joy Behar and Rosie O”Donnell. What about Barbara Walters you say? Well, Ms. Walters, just like a great many so called journalists and media personalities, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Like the other members of the media who are also part of this secretive organization, Ms. Walters does not inform her viewers about her association with the CFR and like the rest of the CFR members she is not allowed to discuss what goes on at the CFR. Keep in mind that a journalist is supposed to be a professional tattle tale. The Constitution protects journalists (the only profession protected by the Constitution) so that journalists can report back to the people what their elected officials are doing. They are not suppose to join secret organizations that are a very big, yet secretive part of our government apparatus, and then not tell the people what goes on. So to the question “what about Barbara Walters”, my answer is...I consider her the enemy. She probably knows much more about what has taken place than she has reported to her viewers and I am sure some of the things she has helped to keep secret or to play an active role in deceiving the public about would cause you to agree with my sentiments.

Reality has never been as unbalanced as it is now when it comes to the government of the United States. There is an endless list of disturbing “FACTS”, make that alarming facts related to the Bush administration when it comes to stolen elections, the events of 9/11, lying to start wars, eroding our rights, eliminating our freedom, human rights violations, weakening our nation, obliterating world opinion of our nation, etc. (Again...I offer to back up my claims on TV...but for now you can see the hundreds of pages of documented evidence on the web site.) We don't need balance. We need reality. We need to discuss exactly what takes place in the world. We don't need opinion, we need information. Providing us with this information is the Constitutional obligation of the press. The media should be informing us about what is happening, not exposing us to opinions or counter opinions about what is happening. Joy & Rosie provide us with information. Yes, I know that the information is delivered in an emotional politically charged wrapping, but they provide information none the less; a rarity for TV these days. Elisabeth repeats government talking points. That is not what the media is there for. The media is there to question government, not provide it with free advertising.

So I ask you we really need Elisabeth Hasselbeck “distorting the View” just for the sake of balance? Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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Taliban Commander: War Until West Leaves
- A man identified on tape as the Taliban's new top field commander warned Wednesday that new recruits were volunteering as suicide bombers and that fighters would continue their holy war until Western powers leave Afghanistan.

The entire government has failed us on Iraq - For the president, and the majority leaders and candidates and rank-and-file Congressmen and Senators of either party—there is only blame for this shameful, and bi-partisan, betrayal

Opium: Iraq''s deadly new export - Farmers in southern Iraq have started to grow opium poppies in their fields for the first time, sparking fears that Iraq might become a serious drugs producer along the lines of Afghanistan, it was revealed here Wednesday.


Bush Threatens Veto of Gas Gouging Bill
- President Bush is likely to veto legislation that would create hefty fines and criminal penalties for gasoline price-gouging, the White House said Wednesday.

Rove rewrites the Constitution - About 40 years ago a group of wealthy right-wingers started to think that if they played their cards right, they could take over this country. They did.

Former Rove aide pleads the Fifth on White House contacts with convicted lobbyist Abramoff - Susan Ralston, the former executive assistant to top White House adviser Karl Rove, invoked her rights against self-incrimination while she was being asked to answer questions by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the Committee's Chairman, Rep. Henry Waxman, announced in a memo Tuesday.



9/11 News :

Claims of 9/11 conspiracy have suspect running scared
- What I saw (at 9/11) leads me to the terrible conclusion that there was foreknowledge of what was going to happen - the precautions that were taken to save certain things that the authorities there considered irreplaceable or invaluable.

Former NYC Emergency Coordinator Contradicts Giuliani’s 9/11 “Leadership” Story - Rudy Giuliani's most appealing quality with the right-wingers is the so-called "strong on terror" image that sprouted up out of his "leadership" on 9/11. So when Jerome Hauer, Rudy's former emergency management director, speaks out and demolishes that myth, we should all take note.

9/11: The elephant that will not leave - But the doors of truth, once guarded by ridicule, have slowly parted to reveal reasonable, rational lingering questions that cannot be dismissed by scoffing.


Monica Goodling Admits She “Crossed the Line” - Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA) presses Monica Goodling about taking of political considerations into account, and gets her to admit that she "crossed the line" of the law.


GSA chief violated Hatch Act, report says - Contracting official allegedly asked ‘how can we help our candidates?’

The Goods on Goodling and the Keys to the Kingdom - The Bush-Cheney operatives sent hundreds of thousands of letters marked "Do not forward" to voters' homes. Letters returned ("caged") were used as evidence to block these voters' right to cast a ballot on grounds they were registered at phony addresses. Who were the evil fakers? Homeless men, students on vacation and --- you got to love this --- American soldiers. Oh yeah: most of them are Black voters.

The FBI May Have the Inside Scoop on You - Think surveillance is for terrorists? Think again. Under the terms of the Patriot Act, a ton of your personal and financial information may already be in the FBI's database.

MasterCard security breach bad news for some - MasterCard is warning its member banks about a rash of thefts from the bank accounts of card holders, some here in Central Indiana.




US missile shield could launch a new arms race: Putin
- Russian President Vladimir Putin said today that he feared a US plan to build a missile defence system in eastern Europe could launch a new arms race.
TVNL Comment: Another PNAC mission accomplished. A fortune for the war profiteers.

Iran most active in countering terror - A recent statement issued by the UN Security Council (UNSC) says Iran is the most active country in countering terrorism.

TOP US-ISRAELI NEOCON BEHIND PALESTINIAN UNREST. - Elliot Abrams, a long-standing neoconservative, well-known Greater Israel Zionist and currently Deputy National Security Advisor, is reportedly behind not only the current violence between Hamas and Fatah, particularly the fighting in the Gaza, but also the violence in Lebanon.

IAEA Report Contradicts Major Media Narrative On Iran - What the report details and conversations with arms control experts confirm is that the Iranians have made no major breakthroughs like that claimed by David E. Sanger of the New York Times. Furthermore, his story of May 15 was, as one expert put it, "misleading and sensationalized."


Congress members seek hearing over discharged gay linguists; - Lawmakers who say the military has kicked out 58 Arabic language experts because they were gay want the Pentagon to explain how it can afford to let the valuable specialists go.
TVNL Comment: They let them go because this wonderful Christian nation puts hatred and bigotry over everything else.


Unmasking of the Authoritarians - Thanks in large measure to an overwhelming propaganda campaign by the neocon controlled corporatist media, an onslaught of manipulation upon the American populace has resulted in the acceptance of authoritarian tendencies in a large segment of the citizenry.


Publisher Murdoch gets nipped by his own paper - Murdoch's efforts to win over the Bancrofts may have suffered a blow when the Post, long a favorite in his media empire, ran a lengthy Page Six gossip column outlining a list of allegations lodged against the newspaper by a former contributor, Ian Spiegelman, who was fired three years ago.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: In a Room Without a View - Following FOX News’ pathetically unrealistic precedent the daytime talk show called the View decided that they had to “balance” the reality and common sense provided by Rosie O’Donnell with the idiocy and blind establishment parroting of Elisabeth Hasslebeck.




Amnesty condemns Israeli strikes - Israeli troops killed more than 650 Palestinians, including 120 children, last year, a threefold increase on 2005, the human rights group Amnesty International said yesterday.

Politics of fear - The human rights watchdog blasted the United States, saying Washington lost its moral authority. It also criticized Latin America for violence against women.

'Israel committed war crimes' - Human rights group’s annual report slams Israel’s activity in the territories, says settlers, soldiers committed ‘serious human rights abuses’; report also says Jewish state committed war crimes during Second Lebanon War

Police put 100,000 innocent children on DNA database - The number of innocent children placed on the Government's vast DNA database for life has quadrupled in the past year to more than 100,000, it has emerged.

U.N. barred from Texas detention center - U.N. Special Rapporteur Jorge Bustamante is conducting a fact-finding mission to examine the status of migrants' rights in the United States, but U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prohibited him from making a scheduled stop at a family detention center in Taylor, Texas, the ACLU reported on Friday.



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